Trump, you MUST suppress Antifa, BLM, statue destruction and anarchy NOW — but only in this way, or else you are through!

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The creepy, corrupt, demented Biden makes sense only as a place-holder — for Michelle Obama!

The Maidan 2014 massacres by Ukrainian-Israeli ansd Georgian mercenary snipers were what turned a peaceful and justified protest against corruption by the (pro-Russian) Vanukovich government into a violent revolution that moved Ukraine firmly away from Russia — and into the “western” (US/NATO/EU/jewish) orbit — with a jew president, a chocolate billionaire; a jew prime minister; and a jew mayor of the capital, Kiev (a jew whose qualification was as a professional boxer!).

After the first jew president Poroshenko (whose father had done prison time under the Soviets for swindles), then the next (and current) president has also been a jew, whose qualification for office was that he was a stand-up comedian!

You cannot make this stuff up…. Astounding especially in a very antisemitic country, a Ukraine still haunted by the Holodomor, the deliberate starvation of millions of innocent Ukrainians by Soviet jewish commissars.

RT ran a great documentary on how mysterious forces began massacring the peaceful demonstrators, with an interview of Vanukovich. Striking is that Vanukovich had already agreed to step down over genuine corruption issues, and to hold new elections for his successor.

There was no need whatsoever to overthrow him! Putin (and others) had told him he had to go!

What chutzpah also for the U.S. jewsmedia to accuse Russia of interference in the 2016 election when the jews directly overthrew, with blood and massacres, the democratically elected government of Ukraine themselves just two years before!

Footage of snipers shooting demonstrators:

Ukrainian Interior Ministry ( has released new footage of riot police snipers in Kiev shooting at Euromaidan protesters on February 20. According to Ukraine’s security chief, more than 100 people were gunned down by the Berkut riot police on that day. A spokesman for Ukraine’s general prosecutor said 12 members of the disbanded ‘Berkut’ force have now been detained on suspicion of shooting peaceful participants in the protests.

BBC Newsnight
574K subscribers
A day of bloodshed on Kiev’s main square, nearly a year ago, marked the end of a winter of protest against the government of president Viktor Yanukovych, who soon afterwards fled the country. More than 50 protesters and three policemen died. But how did the shooting begin? Protest organisers have always denied any involvement – but one man told the BBC a different story. Gabriel Gatehouse reports.

Russia Insight
809K subscribers

Italian Film Blows Lid on False Flag Snipers in Ukraine 2014 Coup Georgian Mercenaries Admit False Flag Mass Shooting of “Heavenly Hundred” Protesters in Kiev

President Trump, Tucker Carlson is right.

You must indeed suppress Antifa and BLM, and the statue destruction. BUT FIRST you must announce that you have had reports that federal troops have been infiltrated by the Deep State, and so any snipers sniping, or other massacres, such as bombs going off — as in the jarring, seemingly prophetic dream about which one of my readers told me — will be THEIR fault!

This shocking announcement — the Deep State wanting to kill Americans to take down Trump — will prevent them from doing these massacres which the anti-Trump media want to happen, to film and to hype 24/7 so as to overthrow the Donald — and bring in Biden-Michelle O, AND THE END OF THE WHITE RACE!

And THIS BOLD MOVE will make Trump the hero of law and order and of defending the American people!



…..See also — Ominous call for federal troops to rescue Seattle residents

Consider this call in the video below in view of the two warnings I GOT THAT THE JEWS WILL INFILTRATE THEIR MEN INTO ANY FEDERAL TROOPS.


Then President Pence loses to the Biden-Michelle Obama duo in November:

False flag to end Trump presidency imminent? Two very different sources predict massacre of protesters (to trigger impeachment?)


… a comrade sent this (.

Seattle blacks and white leftists curse at cops responding to a black shooting homicide in the CHOP zone (two videos – second one is longer):

Black communist scumbag with megaphone references the French Revolution and talks about using guillotines to behead people opposed to their “revolution”:

Anglin predict that the police will be abolished nationwide, especially if the Demoncrats win in November, and will be replaced with armed antifa “social workers.” He advises getting out of the cities:


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