Bolshevik Lives Splatter

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A comrade wrote:

Hi John,

I hope your travels are going well and that you and Margie are doing ok

Another Amazon gift card to you here in appreciation for your great work and all the added richness and spiritual contemplation your work and mission instigate. [gift-card number]

I share with you here the best summary and explanation of Bolshevism that I’ve come across here from a 1920 book (less than 5 min read).

When I read this, it made me realize Europe’s fight against Bolshevism was no joke. It’s a shame USA and Britain aided and abetted them.


“Europe and the entire world are faced with a new peril—Bolshevism. The menace of Bolshevism is simply incalculable.

Bolshevism is a peril in some ways unprecedented in the world’s history. It is not merely a war against a social system, not merely a war against our civilization; it is a war of the hand against the brain.

For the first time since man was man, there is a definite schism between the hand and the head. Every principle which mankind has thus far evolved: community of interest, the solidarity of civilization and culture, the dignity of labor, of muscle, of brawn, dominated and illumined by intellect and spirit—all these Bolshevism howls down and tramples in the mud.

Bolshevism’s cardinal tenets—the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the destruction of the “classes” by social war—are of truly hideous import.

The “classes,” as conceived by Bolshevism, are very numerous. They comprise not merely the “idle rich,” but also the whole of the upper and middle social strata, the landowning country folk, the skilled working men; in short, all except those who work with their untutored hands, plus the elect few who philosophize for those who work with their untutored hands.

The effect of such ideas, if successful, not only on our civilization, but also on the very fibre of the race, can be imagined.

The death or degradation of nearly all persons displaying constructive ability, and the tyranny of the ignorant and anti-social elements, would be the most gigantic triumph of dysgenics ever seen.

Beside it the ill effects of war would pale into insignificance. Civilization would wither like a plant stricken by blight, while the race, summarily drained of its good blood, would sink like lead into the depths of degenerate barbarism.

This is precisely what is occurring in Russia today. Bolshevism has ruled Russia less than three years—and Russia is ruined. She ekes out a bare existence on the remains of past accumulations, on the surviving scraps of her material and spiritual capital.

Everywhere are hunger, cold, disease, terror, physical and moral death. The “proletariat” is making its “clean sweep.” The “classes” are being systematically eliminated by execution, massacre, and starvation.

The racial impoverishment is simply incalculable. Meanwhile Lenine, surrounded by his Chinese executioners, sits behind the Kremlin walls, a modern Jenghiz Khan plotting the plunder of a world.

Lenine’s Chinese “braves” are merely symptomatic of the intrigues which Bolshevism is carrying on throughout the non-white world. Bolshevism is, in fact, as anti-racial as it is anti-social.

To the Bolshevik mind, with its furious hatred of constructive ability and its fanatical determination to enforce levelling, proletarian equality, the very existence of superior biological values is a crime.

Bolshevism has vowed th proletarianization of the world, beginning with the white peoples.

To this end it not only foments social revolution within the white world itself, but it also seeks to enlist the colored races in its grand assault on civilization.

The rulers of Soviet Russia are well aware of the profound ferment now going on in colored lands. They watch this ferment with the same terrible glee that they watched the Great War and the fiasco of Versailles—and they plot to turn it to the same profit.

Accordingly, in every quarter of the globe, in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the United States, Bolshevik agitators whisper in the ears of discontented colored men their gospel of hatred and revenge.

Every nationalist aspiration, every political grievance, every social discrimination, is fuel for Bolshevism’s hellish incitement to racial as well as to class war.

And this Bolshevik propaganda has not been in vain. Its results already show in the most diverse quarters, and they are ominous for the future. China, Japan, Afghanistan, India, Java, Persia, Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and the “black belts” of our own United States: here is a partial list of the lands where the Bolshevik leaven in color is clearly at work.

Bolshevism thus reveals itself as the arch-enemy of civilization and the race. Bolshevism is the renegade, the traitor within the gates, who would betray the citadel, degrade the very fibre of our being, and ultimately hurl a rebarbarized, racially impoverished world into the most debased and hopeless of mongrelizations.

Therefore, Bolshevism must be crushed out with iron heels, no matter what the cost.

If this means more war, let it mean more war.

We know only too well war’s dreadful toll, particularly on racial values.

But what war-losses could compare with the losses inflicted by the living death of Bolshevism? There are some things worse than war, and Bolshevism stands foremost among those dread alternatives.”

Kaliningrad, Soviet Union

was once Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany….


  1. The Jew has made a mistake in America, in my opinion. He needed another 20 years to reduce the White man to a smaller minority and, very importantly, to take away his guns. But the development of anti-Semitism in America, where it had never existed before, has caused a panic in him. And because of this panic he has accelerated his takeover of the country in an unreasonable way. What could not have been safely done until 20 years in the future is happening now, today. That is what the virus fear and the masks are about, I believe. The Jew is in a state of fear because of anti-Semitism in the USA where it has not existed previously. And his fear is w panic. But, as I say, he needed another 20 years to make the White man a smaller minority and to disarm him of his guns before he could have safely done this. Panic amidst the Jewish community has caused a major mistake on their part, I submit.

    • I agree. He should have completed his total censorship of the Internet first.

      But the situation is grave. Whites are aging, and Boomsday approaching — when the 70 million white baby boomers die out. Then America falls to just 20% white, 80% black and brown.

      Plus, if Trump loses, the First and Second Amendments will be gone within a year!!!!!

      • An John,
        ja es Bolschewismus durch die Hintertür es ist auch der große Kampf zwischen gut und böse. Es ist ein Jahrtausend alter Kampf gegen das Christentum (Die Söhne Adams) die weiße Rasse und sie hassen uns wie die Pest. Daher kommt der Hass, der Neid und die Missgunst, sie uns schon von innen heraus mit ihrem Samen zerstört. Seht euch nur die Mischpoke an wie Angela Merkel, Claudia Rot, Joschka Fischer, die Rotschilds, Rockenfäller, Henry Kissinger, Georg Soros u.s.w. Die mit dem schiefen Hüftgelenken und den Hakennasen. Und vor allem das Papsttum in jener zeit wurde der Jesuitenorden gegründet, der grausamste, skrupelloseste und mächtigste Verfechter des Papsttums. Seine Mitglieder mussten sich von irdischen Bindungen und menschlichen Interessen trennen, natürliche Neigungen abtöten und Vernunft und Gewissen zum Schweigen bringen. Sie kannten keine Regeln und keine Bedingungen außer denen ihres Ordens und auch keine andere Pflicht als die Erweiterung seiner Macht.

        Wir Leben hier in Babylonischer Gefangenschaft mit ihrem Babylonischen Schuldgeld-System und Rom/Jude ist nicht anderes als der verlängerte Arm Babylons. Wir haben auch deren Heidnischen Rituale angenommen wie den Osterhasen, Weihnachtsmann, Hellowien. Ja es waren Sonnenanbeter Opfergott Baal, Ja unserer ganzes Leben ist eine Lüge sie haben ein Geistiges Gefängnis erschaffen, wir leben in einer Illusion, das muss man mal erst erkennen, ja wir müssen neu lernen und die aufgespielten Programme (Konditionierung ablegen. Wir selbst sind Schöpfer und dass sollten wir niemals erfahren. Ja sie haben aus uns Affen gemacht und jetzt werden wir wieder Schöpfer, in uns ist der Gottes Du musst es nur erkennen. Wir holen jetzt unsere UNIVERSELLEN und UNVERHANDELBAREN Rechte zurück. Benutze keine §, keine Wörter aus der Matrix, konsultiere keinen Anwalt es ist die Matrix, mache keine Schuldzuweisungen denn Aktion ist gleich Reaktion. Es ist das Gesetz des Allerhöchsten “Gott” und gegen den kommt keiner an. Auch nicht die Widersacher des Allerhöchsten, “Gott”, Die Schöpfung, die kosmische Ordnung. Der lebendige Gott ist die kosmische Ordnung, das Gesetz der Natur und die RICHTET uns Menschen und nicht die vorgefertigten Schriftsätze (UCC Handelsrecht) der Wideresacher Gottes. Der Vatikan ist die Synagoge Satans, der Papst er nennt sich Stellvertreter Gottes, was für ein Müll, er ist der Chef vom USS Handelsrecht, es ist Kanonisches Recht er ist der Chef unsere Richter, Staatsanwälte, Polizisten eben alle die vorgeben hoheitliche Rechte auszuüben. Zudem ist er Menschen/Seelenhändler und wir alle haben unsere Kinder mittels Geburtsurkunde die Seele an ihm verkauft. Unter Täuschung im Rechtsverkehr, haben Dich die im Verborgenen wirkenden, selbsternannten Herren der Welt, zu ihrem Eigentum gemacht. Du bist ihr Sklave, der mit seinem unbegrenzten Wert für alles haftet; die Politiker sin ihre im DIENST stehenden, erfüllenden Marionetten! Du bist nicht mehr Mann, Weib oder Kind, sondern per Vertrag eine Fiktion=Sache=PERSON!- über diese Obligation wirst Du täglich Deiner Rechte, Deiner Ansprüche und deines Eigentums beraubt!
        alle sogenannten STAATEN, sind nicht souveräne Lizenz-Gebiete; Erfüllu8ngsgehilfen der verborgenen Verbrecher hinter den Kulissen.

        Es ist ein Jahrtausensend altes Spiel, sie haben hier auf der Erde Religionen (Götzendiener) eingeführt ums zu verführen. Und all die Geheimgesellschaften hat man auch erschaffen, ja man hat sie alle betrogen, belogen und gegeneinander ausgespielt um sich auf den sitz des Allerhöchsten zusetzen damit sie alleine die Welt Regieren können. Den Titel, der Herr Doktor/Professor den hat man auch erfunden um uns als Sklave zu halten.

        Also Freiheit und volle Souveränität der einzelnen Völker, das muss man sich holen.

        Benutze den Geist Gottes das ist unser Schwert!!! Schließe einen Bund mit dem Allerhöchsten “Gott”- Urschöpfer und sein Ebenbild Christus Immanuel

        PS: Liebe kann man nicht befehlen, ebenso wie die Liebe zur Wahrheit

        Gruß: Gerd aus dem Haus der Stüber in liebe, Liebe und nochmals Liebe

        E-Mail Telf. 06359949600 oder H. 01758565315 Deutschland

        • sorry tippe hier im 2 Fingersystem, wir sind oben Im Text ein paar Fehler unterlaufen.
          den Osterhasen
          Sonnenanbeter den Opfergott Baal
          Geistiges Gefängnis erschaffen
          Ja sie haben aus uns Affen gemacht
          RICHTET uns Menschen und nicht die Schriftsätze
          Polizisten und eben alle die vorgeben
          den Sitz des Allerhöchsten zu setzen und alleine die Welt
          Freiheit und volle Souveränität der einzelnen Völker, das muss man sich hohlen

  2. Hi Mr. de Nugent
    I always read your blog but never comment. This is an exceptionally good piece of information to add to what we see happening now. A curse keeps on giving. I also agree with Kendra’s comment. Thank you for keeping us informed. Thank you for your faithfulness toward your dear Margi. And thank you for the small percent of REvised true history for those still seeking Truth. May it keep us. We need good leaders like you.

  3. Also I want to leave a few links for those in need of more information:
    The Masonic Agenda against the Church
    Mexico during the Cristero War – I (For those of us who has never heard of the Bolsheviks who came in control in Mexico in the year 1917 (the same year as in Russia). A movie was made about it:
    For Greater Glory

  4. I like to visit this site to acquire interesting new perspectives on history. John de Nugent’s discourse on the Norman invasion of England was an eye-opener for me.

    I see those pictures of Konigsberg, which I have never visited, but merely heard about.

    This is just an anecdote, not a historical discourse.

    In a past life I had my own veterinary practice in the South of England. In came a couple, an English doctor and his wife with their dog. I got the problem sorted, and then inquired of the wife where she came from. She’d done most of the talking in a light German accent that, with time, became unusually familiar. I’d heard people talk like this before…..but where?

    I had to ask.

    Oh, a place you’ve never heard of, called Kōnigsberg.

    Suddenly the past came flooding back….the Scottish-German club in Glasgow, run by a Prussian lady( No mere woman to me, but a lady) from Kōnigsberg.

    I told her I’d heard a lot about Kōnigsberg.

    Tears came into her eyes. With quivering lips….she struggled to get the words out….

    “In all my forty years in England, you are the first person I have met that knows anything about my home-town, Königsberg. I will bring you a book of photographs of Kōnigsberg and the surrounding area.”

    Despite being all in black and white, I was absolutely thunderstruck at the beauty of the beaches, waterways, towns and Königsberg itself. What a place it was.

    What have we, not just the Germans and Prussians, lost?

    Contrast brutalist ‘Kaliningrad’ with cosy, comfortable Königsberg.

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