(((Ghislaine)) has VIP video blackmail

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Epstein friend, pervert Bill Clinton, leads “daughter” Chelsea, who looks nothing like him but does resemble the late Webster Hubbell, down the aisle as Ghislaine Maxwell looks on.


A comrade wrote:

When the Epstein death in a prison was national news, Scott Creighton, a liberal blogger, opined that Epstein did not die, but that his death had been faked.

Anyone can lie still on a gurney there and act dead.


Might this not be the plan in Maxwell’s case? If she were officially dead she would be able to live freely, especially in Israel.

Drone footage taken AFTER Epstein’s “arrest,” taken over tiny Little Saint James Island, which Epstein owned, as this man resembling Epstein looks up at the drone:


  1. One of the main objectives of Epstein’s faked death was that it prevented him from being sued. He was worth roughly one billion dollars.

    • Could be, though just as women lie about their age, men lie about their wealth.

      Wiki has paragraphs on both Trump and Epstein suggesting they were/are worth just a piddly $500 million. 😉

  2. I think the primary objective was to kill the news story of a Mossad operation that was controlling our politicians and business leaders by blackmail.

    If Epstein’s young females who were employed in this Mossad blackmail operation were suing him, one after another, this would have kept this news story alive [for months or years].

    Epstein’s fake death prevented these lawsuits and killed the news story.

    As for the $1 billion number regarding Epstein’s wealth, that was Scott Creighton’estimate, based on Epstein’s will, which was written while he was in prison shortly before his supposed death.

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