Area/strategic/carpet bombing of WWII Germany — the grim truth

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A B-24 American bomber goes down in flames from German flak. The US Army Air Corps bombing Germany suffered 88,000 killed and 41,000 taken prisoner.  And 55,573 British RAF bomber crewmen were killed out of a total of 125,000 aircrew, thus a horrific 44.4 percent death rate. A further 8,403 were wounded in action and 9,838 became prisoners of war. Thus almost 60% of RAF comber crewmen became casualties while killing other white people who were trying to stop bolshevism. 

Area bombing

Politicians lie; good men die 

by former soldier Carl Mason, UK

The 6’3″ Mason was once a bodyguard for then BNP chairman Nick Griffin

Before WWII started, strategists predicted fleets of bombers would kill millions by bombing enemy towns and cities. People, so the thinking went, would demand that their governments surrender or face civil unrest by hordes of terrified citizens.

The bomber would supposedly also always get through.

Other strategists predicted, to the contrary, that fighter planes would shoot down said bombers before they could kill millions.

Werner Mölders shot down 101 Allied planes 

Hans-Joachim Marseille: 158 Allied aircraft destroyed, mostly British

Fighting with the Afrika Korps under Rommel, his plane was the Messerschmitt-Bf-109, which through the end of the war was equal to any Allied fighter

People talk about WWII and claim:

“Well, they [the Germans] started it,” and how

“They deserved it,”

or their position is

“At least it ended the war faster.”

The real truth about the real results of area bombing is different to what we were told by Hollywood or the approved history books.

This article isn’t an attack on the RAF bomber boys, who were sent out to their deaths night after night.

It highlights, however, that both commanders and crews knew that area bombing didn’t work, yet they carried on with false policies causing mass murder of civilians.

Let’s start by exposing the lies about the Luftwaffe laying waste the Polish capital of Warsaw and killing civilians.

One, they bombed military targets in Warsaw, such as barracks and marshalling yards [ = fan-shaped network of tracks and switches where railroad cars are sorted and made up into trains for their respective destinations.] Warsaw was destroyed by street fighting, not bombs, and the Germans, no slouches, lost over 200 tanks in the street of Warsaw. The Polish capital, surrounded, had refused pointlessly to surrender.

It was the German propaganda ministry that then told the world’s media, after their victory, on a guided tour of Warsaw: “See what happens to your cities if you don’t surrender.” But it was mainly street fighting that did this.

*** JdN But even Wikipedia admits the bombing was legitimate under the rules of war

Under the international rules regarding aerial warfare in 1939, Warsaw was considered a legitimate military target as the city was on the front line during the fighting and it was heavily defended by the Polish army.[2]

The Poles were mad to knowingly take on both the Third Reich and the gigantic USSR of Joseph Stalin — but they did.


The next propaganda myth still being used today is the bombing of Rotterdam, “killing 14,000 Dutch in an act of Nazi butchery. ”

Again, same thing:  the Dutch had refused to surrender the city. It was full of troops and became a target.

The Luftwaffe bombed artillery positions, barracks, and a park where Dutch tanks were forming up.

Yes, some Luftwaffe units didn’t see the recall signals due to burning oil storage tanks, set alight by ground fighting.

Roughly 750 Dutch civilians died in Rotterdam [JdN: while the RAF killed 60,000 in Hamburg] due to breathing in acrid smoke from the burning oil storage tanks.

Were any Germans put on trial after the war for these acts of “mass murder”? No, because our own bomber chiefs killed far, far more civilians.

Yet how many people today still believe the yarn that the Luftwaffe “blitz” was all about killing civilians and knocking down houses in British towns in order to soften Britain up for “Operation “Seelöwe” [“Sea Lion”]!

Actually, the Luftwaffe sensibly attacked British docks, warehouses, railways, government buildings, aircraft plants, naval bases and war production centres.

We, the British, were the ones who, by a trick, got the Luftwaffe to bomb the civilian, residential area of Coventry. On Churchill’s orders, the Luftwaffe’s X-Gerāt [ = “Device X”] bombing beam (early radar), which was pointing toward the legitimate target, the war-production area of Coventry, was bent by two whole miles, ensuring the German bombs would miss those areas and instead fall on the residences, thus saving the war production there.

This ruthless move also gave Britain the excuse to bomb German towns and cities — and at a time when RAF Bomber Command was really the only way Britain could strike back. Britain’s professor Soli Zuckerman was doing research on bombed British cities, and advocated that incendiaries (which start fires more than explode) would do more damage than explosives would.

RAF Bomber Command also switched to night bombing to avoid horrendous daylight casualties.

The German 88-millimeter anti-aircraft gun, called “flak” (here on a summer day in Normandy) 


As RAF bombers flew off at night to attack German factories, they were lucky to get a bomb within five miles of a target for the first two years of the war.

One RAF bomber crew set off one night to bomb a German airfield succeeded instead in flying up the Thames —  and bombed an RAF base instead, doing at least no damage to the RAF base. This earned the pilot, an officer named Warren, a a new name, “von Warren.” 😉

In any case, RAF crews, by flying these night missions, did very little damage. It sometimes cost more to mount the raid than the damage done. More RAF crew were dying than the enemy they were meant to be bombing.

The answer to all this was “area bombing” [JdN: which violated conventions signed by both the UK and the US forbidding the targeting of civilians].

The aims were

(1) bomb a town or city to destroy its war factories

(2) kill the workers making the equipment, which also included their families. Men, women and children were now “legitimate” targets.

Vast amounts of money were spent training crews, and building up the heavy bomber fleets conceived to find and flatten German urban areas.

This area bombing, however actually helped the Germans, as it forced them to streamline their war production. The best German war production month was in Year Four of the Allied bombing, in the month of September 1944! (The Germans’ problem by then was getting their products by truck and train out to the front line from the factories.)

The fire bombing of Lübeck was typical of the Allied mindset then, ordered not for its war production but because it was easy to find.


Hamburg was bombed in five RAF/ USAAC [US Army Air Corps] raids killing about 60,000 civilians, who died in the incendiary firestorm. The temperature was hot enough to melt glass, and cars in the street. Bricks turned to powder. The flames moved quicker than people could run; they slipped into the melted tarmac and were cooked alive.

It was that hot —  people’s clothes burst into flames as they ran. The heat blinded them as well by searing their eyes and burning the insides of their lungs until they sank into the molten tarmac.

Or the 200 MPH winds hurled women and children into the flames. Adults couldn’t hold onto the railings in those winds and wafted in horror into the miles of fire.

RAF aiming points were located in the residential areas of Hamburg. The USAAC bombed the docks and ship building area….or were ordered to dump their bombs anywhere in Hamburg.

The Hamburg raid, called “Operation Gomorrah,” did rattle the Germans.

Enemy prisoners were also used to look for bodies and clear the streets.

But the industrial area was repaired in a matter of weeks and months, so little war production was lost. German workers who fled soon returned to work, even in roofless factories. Shops, cinemas, bars, post offices, the zoo, theatres, offices, police stations  etc were indeed destroyed, yet vital war production,often moved underground, was virtually untouched.


The lack of meaningful damage was reported clearly back to London via foreign war correspondents, diplomatic staff, and Red Cross officials. However, the Allies kept up their bombing policies, knowing full well it was having very little effect for the effort put in.

The heavy bombers went after chemical production, engines, oil, boats, ships, and ball bearings. Airplane production, steel and tanks were of course especially targeted, but with little results against the German war machine, apart from forcing the Germans to hold back fighters and anti-aircraft guns for their home defence.

To demonstrate how the bombing policy was misused, here are two examples. The Transport Plan required that French, Belgian, and Dutch rail networks be bombed prior to D-DAY to hamper German reinforcements from getting to the front. The Allies bombed marshalling yards, engine repair facilities, and rail junctions, all located in towns. About 12,000 civilians were killed. The French Resistance radioed to London that the French people preferred the Germans, as they were killing less people than the Allies!

Caen, Normandy

In September 1944 the German town of Darmstadt was bombed by over 200 RAF Lancaster heavy bombers.

In 53 minutes over 12,000 civilians were killed in the firestorm, mainly women and children. Darmstadt actually had very little war industry; that is why it had not been bombed for four years. But their cities were shrouded by fog, and something had to be bombed just for the sake of it. Unlucky for Darmstadt.

Darmstadt in 1900



Dresden was also destroyed for nothing, yet on a bigger scale.

Churchill tried to distance himself from the deaths of 150,000 civilians (or was it 500,000? no one knows because the city was full of unregistered German refugees from the east) who had been killed in the fire storm for no military value.

The RAF aiming points were in the centre of towns and cities where shops and housing are located. The industry is located around the edges of urban targets. The USAAC was also guilty of area bombing on many instances.

But it was all for a good cause.





  1. Good article and nice Dutch detail which is correct !! A very good book is “Europa im Bombenkrieg 1939-1945”, written by Maximilian Czesany. A standard work (740 pages) on strategic bombing in WWII in 17 European countries in all its aspects. Don’t know if it’s still available; bought it in 1998.

  2. Father Coughlin was a prophet of his time. My family was heavily involved in his movement. The streets of the Irish South Side were empty during his radio broadcasts. Who know how much longer this link will remain available:

    • Great man with passion and a striking voice and style.

      How sickening especially for the Irish-Americans to be made to cross the ocean twice as soldiers, in 1917-18 and again in 1941-45, to fight and die for England! (for Jew-England)

      It was for German-Americans equally nauseating, but they were literally off to kill their own cousins.

      I drove past Father Coughlin’s church in Royal Oak, outside of Detroit, one day when working for Willis Carto.

      When the Church shut him down and he obeyed, I am sure he felt like Lindbergh and Henry Ford after Pearl Harbor, sad, yes, but thinking:

      “Oh well, I tried. I warned them!”

  3. My father tried all kinds of herbal concoctions to create temporary maladies which might get him rejected by the draft board. One of these involved caffeine and aspirin to try to create an arrhythmia.

    His younger brother got drafted a few years later than him. He warned my uncle “Don’t volunteer for nothing”. This advice saved his life when they were looking for volunteers to go to a “wonderful tropical paradise” called Bikini Atoll. I’m sure you’re familiar with that abuse of our servicemen.

  4. This was a family educated by Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, Elizabeth Dilling and Charles Lindbergh. They weren’t inclined to fight ANY theatre of war for the international kosher banksters.

    • Very good!

      Well, the Kennedys took the tack of “we’re in it– let’s win it.” And they were thinking of their political futures… So Joe Jr and John, to avoid being labeled “shirkers,” went off to that accursed war. Joe was killed (IMO murdered), and John almost was killed, too, when his PT boat was sunk in shark-filled waters.

      I know how many Americans felt sick to their stomach at waging war on Germany.

      I ran a blog on an American soldier at a German POW camp in Arizona who got in hot water for letting Germans escape in order to try to reach Mexico.

      He got, I think, five years in Leavenworth.

      How frustrating that we went off to war despite a Life magazine poll two weeks before Pearl Harbor saying 82% were against it. The Japs played right into FDR’s trap.

  5. The Japanese had just had a 70 year streak of victories against some of the greatest empires on earth. Like Lee at Gettysburg, defeat was unimaginable.

  6. For decades, I have pained over the catastrophe that was WW2. “What if Hitler had done this, what if Hitler had done that”. I have recently come to the rational and logical conclusion that Germany was doomed from the very beginning. It all had nothing to do with Hitler himself.

    The Czar and the Kaiser really screwed things up for us all.

    • The Kaiser was certainly undiplomatic, blunt, insecure and hyper-Prussian, but he was the least guilty of all the fools in office back then (for the sin of building a huge navy to rival England’s, exporting “Made in Germany” products that beat Britain’s, and seeking colonies in Africa that Britain coveted.)

      Kaiser Bill sought by all means to avoid the war:

      And he appealed very earnestly in December 1916 for all sides to simply go home from the battlefield and end the war.

      Germany’s approach toward peace negotiations took a new turn in late 1916. On 12 December, declaring that the Central Powers “have given proof of their indestructible strength in winning considerable successes at war,” Germany and its allies publicly called for peace negotiations with their enemies, stating no specific conditions or demands.

      “I never wanted it”


      Here are some really crazy people:

      1) Woodrow Wilson got us into WWI — 97,000 killed — because the top jew lawyer Samuel Untermyer, had in his possession for $250K the president’s erotic, adulterous, x-rated sex letters he had written to his mistress. Well, the jews wanted Germany to be defeated so its ally, Turkey, would be defeated, all so the jews would get Palestine, which worked when Turkey fell apart. But it is just staggering to imagine how  a man can be so narcissistic that over blackmail he sent 97,000 of his countrymen to their deaths just to stay in office

      2) Italy entered the war to get South Tyrol, which was 90% German, yet the Allies were for “self-determination of all peoples”!

      3) France, similarly, entered the war to get Alsace and Lorraine, which were 90% German, yet, again, the Allies were supposedly fighting for “self-determination of all peoples”!

      4) With the well-funded Marxists seeking to overthrow him, having already assassinated his grandfather, the tsar, who was married to a German princess, started a pointless pan-Slavic war with Germany, the greatest military power on earth, thereby declaring war on his own cousin!

      When the war, predictably, went sour, he was overthrown and then he and all his family were murdered.

      5) The King of England did not lift one finger to save his first cousin, and ally, the tsar.

      George V and Nicholas II

      Instead, the royals confiscated the Russian gold and jewels kept in Scotland.

      The world is literally a madhouse, my friend, and it has been for millennia. Every one of these leaders was highly educated.

      And insane.

      And the insanest thing of all as they did not declare war together on their real foe, the obnoxious, hated, bullying, threatening, common and overt enemy, the jews.

  7. Funny how 2 jewish academics carried out the research for the RAF and the USAAC as to the type of bomb loads to carry to destroy German and Japanese urban areas on how to kill civilians.

    The RAF’s professor Solly Zuckerman toured bombed British cities to get data. For his efforts he was made an honorary Group Captain …. killing civilians without getting shot at himself, whilst sending others to do his work for him.
    The other jewish academic for the USAAC was Erich Mendelsohn, who built replica German and Japanese towns, then bombed them to ascertain the bomb mix to kill the most civilians.
    Solly Zuckerman was a South African Jew.
    Erich Mendelsohn was a German jew.
    Funny how Wikipedia omits to mention their WW2 research, only how brilliant they were for mankind…..

  8. Carl Mason reminds me of John de Nugent and of Jim Rizoli, clear words without embellishments, fact based.

    Margaret Huffstickler’s interview with Jim Rizoli,[1] within the first 12 minutes, also addresses that the British initially bombed the German Reich, for 3 months, and did not stop. Hitler had the greatest appreciation for British culture, unfortunately he underestimated the absolute viciousness of the (((British))) Rulers, all his peace offers were in vain.

    A note on flak (anti-aircraft gun): Americans consider didactics as art, in all fields there are traditionally great textbooks and films, so also for the human annihilation bomber crews, there is an impressive classic film from 1944, with drawn animations etc., whereby one understands the flak functioning:

    “Flak (1944)”

    On the energetic aspect: there is a pact, a trade between the background powers and the satanic powers: Church witch burnings = life energy and suffering energy for the satanic powers (reward for the churches/the Vatican : fortune and land of the executed). Ritual abuse and murder = transfer of energy, in return physical rewards (career goals, political goals).[3] And so it is said to have been with the human extermination bombings. Countless people and animals were annihilated, including many children. They are satanic sacrificial rituals, besides the goal of destroying the white peoples, it was also about summoning released life energy, for the satanic entities.



    [2] Comment in:

    “Beobachter: The Practical Aspect: Energy Transfer Transaction and Consideration
    June 28, 2022 at 3:02 pm
    It has already been described and documented by numerous sources, nevertheless, as a reminder, these rituals have a very practical background, they are business transactions.

    We were taught that there would be no negative entities, that there would be no magic, demons, etc.. But just as there are cooperative beneficial energies and entities, there are also negatively oriented ones. The latter are said to have separated themselves from the divine energy source, making them dependent on the supply of foreign energies, on the life energies of others.

    Thus, there are not only players and opponents in the learning system and life forms that feed on suffering energy. It is also not only about adrenaline-blood cocktails etc. (= drug intoxication).
    Beyond that business is to be transacted e.g. of the following kind: Climbing the career ladder or political influence (specific political goal), in return for the equivalent of so and so much life energy ( i. e. so and so many … for sacrifice). This means that the negative entities in the background take care that certain levels are opened and obstacles are removed from the way, provided that they are “paid” accordingly for it.

    If now such “business transactions” are made impossible, then also certain questionable practical political influencing factors are no longer present.

    Here there are 100% practically oriented “business transactions” which have a quite practically oriented background, even if an extremely sad one.

    This is also true of the Union (USA) wars of human extermination against the Southern peoples, as well as the Allied wars of human annihilation against the German peoples and against the French civilian population; these, too, were satanic human sacrifice rituals.[1][2][3]

    [1] “Bombing of Germany during World War II”,
    [2] “Bombing of France during World War II”,
    [3] “Bombenterror der Alliierten”,

    Qualitativ hochwertiger Artikel von Carl Mason.

    Carl Mason erinnert mich an John de Nugent und an Jim Rizoli, klare Worte ohne Beschönigungen, faktenbasiert.

    In Margaret Huffstickler’s Interview mit Jim Rizoli,[1] innerhalb der ersten 12 Minuten, wird auch angesprochen, daß die Briten initial das Deutsche Reich bombardierten, 3 Monate lang, und nicht aufhörten. Hitler hegte größte Wertschätzung für die britische Kultur, leider unterschätzte er die absolute Bösartigkeit der (((britischen))) Herrscher, all seine Friedensangebote waren vergebens.

    Eine Anmerkung zur Flak (Flugabwehrkanone): Die Amerikaner erachten Didaktik als Kunst, in allen Bereichen gibt es traditionell großartige Lehrbücher und Filme, so auch für die Menschenvernichtungs-Bomber-Crews, es gibt da einen beeindruckenden Filmklassiker aus dem Jahre 1944, mit gezeichneten Animationen etc., wodurch man die Flak-Funktionsweise versteht:

    “Flak (1944)”

    Zum energetischen Aspekt: Es gibt einen Pakt, einen Handel zwischen den Hintergrundmächten und den satanischen Mächten: Kirchen-Hexenverbrennungen = Lebensenergie und Leidenergie für die satanischen Mächte (Belohnung für die Kirchen/den Vatikan : Vermögen und Land der Hingerichteten). Ritueller Mißbrauch und Mord = Energietransfer, dafür physische Gegenleistungen (Karriere-Ziele, Politische Ziele).[3] Und so soll es auch bei den Menschenvernichtungsbombardements gewesen sein. Unzählige Menschen und Tiere wurden vernichtet, auch viele Kinder. Es sind satanische Opferrituale, neben dem Ziel, die weißen Völker zu vernichten, ging es auch hier um die Beschwörung von freigewordener Lebensenergie, für die satanischen Entitäten.



    [2] Kommentar aus

    “Beobachter: The Practical Aspect: Energy Transfer Transaction and Consideration
    June 28, 2022 at 3:02 pm
    It has already been described and documented by numerous sources, nevertheless, as a reminder, these rituals have a very practical background, they are business transactions.
    We were taught that there would be no negative entities, that there would be no magic, demons, etc.. But just as there are cooperative beneficial energies and entities, there are also negatively oriented ones. The latter are said to have separated themselves from the divine energy source, making them dependent on the supply of foreign energies, on the life energies of others.
    Thus, there are not only players and opponents in the learning system and life forms that feed on suffering energy. It is also not only about adrenaline-blood cocktails etc. (= drug intoxication).
    Beyond that business is to be transacted e.g. of the following kind: Climbing the career ladder or political influence (specific political goal), in return for the equivalent of so and so much life energy ( i. e. so and so many … for sacrifice). This means that the negative entities in the background take care that certain levels are opened and obstacles are removed from the way, provided that they are “paid” accordingly for it.
    If now such “business transactions” are made impossible, then also certain questionable practical political influencing factors are no longer present.
    Here there are 100% practically oriented “business transactions” which have a quite practically oriented background, even if an extremely sad one.
    This is also true of the Union (USA) wars of human extermination against the Southern peoples, as well as the Allied wars of human annihilation against the German peoples and against the French civilian population; these, too, were satanic human sacrifice rituals.[1][2][3]
    [1] “Bombing of Germany during World War II”,
    [2] “Bombing of France during World War II”,
    [3] “Bombenterror der Alliierten”,

    In German:
    Beobachter: Der praktische Aspekt: Energietransfer-Transaktion und Gegenleistung
    Es wurde schon von zahlreichen Quellen beschrieben und dokumentiert, trotzdem zur Erinnerung nochmal: Diese Rituale haben einen ganz praktischen Hintergrund, es sind geschäftliche Transaktionen.
    Uns wurde gelehrt, daß es keine negativen Entitäten gäbe, daß es keine Magie, Dämonen etc. geben würde. Aber so, wie es kooperative förderliche Energien und Entitäten gibt, so gibt es auch negativ orientierte. Die letzteren sollen sich von der göttlichen Energiequelle separiert haben, wodurch sie auf die Zufuhr von Fremdenergien angewiesen sein sollen, auf die Lebensenergien anderer.
    Es soll also nicht nur Spieler und Gegenspieler im Lernsystem geben sowie Lebensformen, die sich von Leidenergie ernähren. Es geht auch nicht nur um Adrenalin-Blut-Cocktails etc. (= Drogenrausch).
    Darüberhinaus sollen Geschäfte z.B. der folgenden Art abgewickelt werden: Aufstieg auf der Karriereleiter oder politische Einflußnahme (spezifisches politisches Ziel), im Gegenzug für das Äquivalent an so und so viel Lebensenergie (sprich: so und so viele … für die Opferung). Das heißt, daß die negativen Entitäten im Hintergrund dafür sorgen, daß gewisse Ebenen geöffnet und Hindernisse aus dem Weg geräumt werden, vorausgesetzt, daß sie dafür entsprechend “bezahlt” werden.
    Wenn nun solche “Geschäfte” verunmöglicht werden, dann sind auch bestimmte fragwürdige praktische politische Einflußfaktoren nicht mehr vorhanden.
    Es liegen hier 100% praktisch-orientierte “Geschäfts-Transaktionen” vor, die einen ganz praktisch orientierten Hintergrund haben, wenn auch einen äußerst traurigen.
    Das trifft auch auf die Menschenvernichtungskriege der Union (USA) gegen die Südstaaten-Völker zu sowie auf die Menschenvernichtungskriege der Alliierten gegen die deutschen Völker und gegen die französische Zivilbevölkerung, auch das waren satanische Menschenopferungsrituale.[1][2][3]
    [1] “Bombing of Germany during World War II”,
    [2] “Bombing of France during World War II”,
    [3] “Bombenterror der Alliierten”,

  9. Ganz neuer Beitrag von MMnews TV über die von der Bundesregierung herbeigeführte Energiekrise in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – gibt es demzufolge hierzulande noch dieses Jahr Aufstände wie in Sri Lanka?

    Deutschland am Abgrund: Ohne Strom und Heizung

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