Spiritual reading — turn your back inwardly on old ways

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July 18

This is a great moment to turn a corner. All that has been offered to you in the last two weeks has been in preparation for this opportunity. There is an opening for you to turn your back on old ways of being that you have been trying to shake, working to disengage from for years.

This is not by any means the only chance you have, but it is a valuable one. We urge you to use it if you can. It is as if the door is open and in this moment you may stop knocking, may stop waiting, may stop preparing yourself for the time when you must act.

But that moment is here now, and you are ready to act if you will.

What should you do? Obviously, that depends entirely on the specifics of your own journey. You will know if you give some time to the question. And we hope you will. We should note that the direction today supports clearing and letting go, rather than the acquisition of new attributes. Today is a day to bid farewell to some of the balls and chains that you have been courageously dragging behind you for so long.

So you can see that it could be a day of realizing great and unexpected freedoms. It could be a day of joyous out-flying from the cages you have allowed to remain around your souls. It could be a day of radically shifting perspective as you drop something or things that have contained and defined you for as long as you can recall.

The experience of change may be immediate if you do realize your intent to let go of some aspect of yourself that you no longer need.

Or it may be more subtle, taking days or even, in some cases weeks, to make itself manifest. In point of fact, you needn’t concern yourself with the outward signs, but rather content yourself with doing the inner work. Do your letting go today, and the results will follow.

How to do it? Each of you has practices that have proved helpful and feel comfortable. It doesn’t matter the means. What does matter is that you are very clear on what it is that you have had enough of, what in yourself wearies you to the point of tears, what you feel you can no longer carry forward, no matter what.

Once you know deeply and truly what that is, the letting go will unfold on its own. Your job is to find that which imprisons you now, that which perhaps strengthened and emboldened you in the past but which has come to sap your energies or keep you small. That which you are maybe most frustrated by and yet fear to live without. You find that, dear ones, and today it will be lifted without any further struggle.

Blessings of all sorts we shower on you. We love you and we are honored to watch you evolve, to watch your great courage and spirit and heart. — E. West



……Mein Krampf

Yes, this means “My Cramp” in German. 😉

As much as I love the Germans, with a passion, great diplomats and charmers they are not.

My mother Constance told me once (and remember, her mother, my grandmother, was secretly PRO-Hitler) …..that she had heard portions of a Hitler speech at the Reichstag on NBC Radio…



… and she had asked her mother: “Why is that man so angry?”

She told me: “His voice really scared me!”

Partly it was the bombastic speaking style, with the arms also gyrating away, of all the politicians back then. (Think of Roosevelt’s ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself” speech.)

And partly it was just the raucous sound of the German language. Margi (who loves German, speaks German, is of German ancestry, and loves especially national socialism) told me of a young Japanese violinist at the Aspen (Colorado) Music Festival who was smitten with her.

They were discussing their travels, and he said: “I hate the sound of German. If I want to say ‘I love you,” — “Ich liebe dich — it sounds like “‘I’m going to throw a rock at you!” 😉

Me at my most raucous, though it all was totally true…..

Then you have the sometimes very harsh Hitlerian message — prepare to fight to the death! — which I chose to deliver in the form of stern, implacable warnings. (Again, it all was true.)

For some Germans, this style was fine, because Germans are indeed the Spartans of the white race, the natural soldier segment of our folk.



But for others, like my own mother as a little girl, the sound of Hitler orating and the scalding fire of his denunciations scared her witless.

What worked then on the Germans (and not even on all of them) did not work on Americans, not then and not now.

In the interlife, after the tunnel of light….



….we are sat down and made to watch a video of our life, and what went well and what went badly.

How much better, however, if we were to review our life now, and with loving self-honesty!

As the spiritual reading above says, first we can just inwardly reject the old ways, seeing how they hurt us and others. Allow gradually all desire to repeat the past to die inside us, and let the new slowly begin to flow.

Believe me, I wish that after Stalingrad I had done that, and reached out to the Slavs in general and to the Russians in particular. The greatest act of courage and love is to reject  your own ego and humbly say: “I was wrong.”

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

The Slavs hate the jews, and they could have all been our allies, had we come as liberators, and reliable friends whose word is their bond.

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