White communist scum

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Blue-eyed white man Valery Blochin personally shot tens of thousand of other whites for Stalin, including half the Polish officers murdered in the Katyn forest. In the 1950s he drank himself to death.

A comrade wrote me:

Communist bastards in black, crime-ridden Chicongo riot against Christopher Columbus statue – almost all of them young white idiots.

What great bravery they display, huh?

Throwing stuff at cops who’ve been ordered not to fight back. Of course, none of these young white libtards would dare to walk on Chicongo’s west or south sides at night, because they would get robbed, assaulted, or raped (if female) by the black pets they claim to be protecting:

Chicago: Gross and Extreme Riots Against Christopher Columbus Statue

Here’s a better view of these young white fools:

These people are nothing but race traitors, and they deserve a traitor’s fate, despite their white skin. There’s no excuse for this type of shit – none.





  1. Didn’t Hitler appeal to the Communinsts of his day and convert them? The blood always offers hope, I believe. The blood can convert tace-traitors to a racialist view all by itself. Therefore the blood offers hope. Let us be gentle with these people, therefore, for their blood can set them right.

    • Some, yes. I knew one.

      But anyone attracted to communism, which is openly about the dictatorship of the proletariat ( = dictatorship of the communist party), abolishing private property, and ending all religion has a very grave moral defect. They want to kill you. They want to torture and kill.

      The person I knew who came from a communist family and who had come to appreciate Hitler nevertheless was always reading Freemasonic books, watching “The Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart (a Freemasonic opera) and reading a book about magick from Eliphas Levi.

      (IMO, Mozart was murdered by his fellow Masons. Some say his opera revealed too much, others that he, a famous Mason, was having serious doubts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_and_Freemasonry )

      My experience with people has been that if a person is drawn to an openly screwy or dangerous ideology, there is something seriously wrong with them.

      Recently, someone who is a fervent flat-earther wanted to sub-rent a room from me for a month, and I said no. Same would go for a Christian-Identity type (whites are the true Israelites, and we must genocide all non-white races), or someone who is into Creativity (an atheistic racial-hate movement and faux religion which also dangerously and delusionally advocates the genocide of all non-whites).

      A person can, of course, look into these ideas, or even dabble in them for a while, and then sensibly gravitate away from them. But if they are committed to these notions, there is something wrong with them.

      The same goes for jews. Martin Luther examined the JQ in depth and concluded: We have no more dangerous enemy than a jew who is seriously committed to his judaism.

      Actually, many jews are NOT committed to judaism. But they are irrelevant. It is the one who ARE who are a mortal danger.

      My father was respected for his good advice and the multi-million-dollar business he and his partner built up.

      He always said to me:

      “Be very careful whom you get involved with. If a person who is ‘trouble’ gets involved with you, and then learns all about you, and who your friends are, they can turn on you one day and become a very dangerous enemy.”

      I learned the hard way how right he was.

      In the Third Reich, we kept a very, very close eye on all the former communists. Many were rounded up and put in concentration camps in 1933. Eventually, most were released, and by 1939 there were only about 10,000 inmates. During the war, they were drafted and sent to the Eastern Front, where many of them at least were shocked to see the lousy working conditions of the Russian working class — dire poverty, dingy, grim buildings, and lousy housing — under their beloved Stalin. A few learned their lesson then, and smartened up. But still we watched them like hawks. A communist is not a kindly liberal, not a peace-and-love hippie. His true motive is find an ideology that lets him do what he lusts to do:

      — torture and kill people.

  2. Years ago, in the 90s, Pastor Thom Robb of the Knights of the KKK gave a speech in Wheaton, IL, where I was living; and the Communists showed up. One of them had a wire contraption with a handle at each end, the purpose of which was to choke a person. To my shame I was afraid to applaud Robb lest the mob could see I was on his side. I should have thought of that experience when I made my earlier post. Yes, the Communists really are bad news.

    On the other hand, I have known Marxism in myself. I was introduced to it when I was a University student majoring in Philosophy. This world-view, Marxism, had a grip on me for a few years, until I discovered anti-Semitism. Something I can say is that the grip of Communism has no deep roots in the soul. It was easy for me to break loose from it. Of course, I had the advantage of having studied Philosophy and being acquainted with the world of ideas, so breaking loose from the grip of Marxism was easier for me than for most. Still, the grip did not have deep roots.

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