Spiritual reading — no slacking off; Eckhart interviews German chemist on quantum truths

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I spent a month at a Marine base surrounded by cactuses, Twenty-Nine Palms, California. These are very sturdy plants/trees. A young Marine who bunked below me at the barracks drove off the road one night, hit a cactus, and died. I was shocked when his bunk (his “rack” in Navy-Marine parlance) was found empty the next morning. Lesson: At any moment, whatever our age, we could suddenly meet our Maker.… and see, via the life-review video which the angels urge us to watch, exactly what we did with our goals that we volunteered to set for ourselves before our last incarnation.

August 3

Try to be impeccable today in your care of yourself, body and soul. It is not a day to slack off, to be sloppy or to indulge yourself when you know it is better not to.

Pay attention to cues, to the messages that come through emotion or your physical being, and call upon your highest abilities to be present and to be in your heart.

Focus on loving yourself and others as best you are able, particularly in your actions and words. The concrete and tangible gestures of love and attention you make today will go deep. Do not stint.

This is enough for today. Stay aware and act from your highest place all day. You will be glad you did.
Many blessings to you, dear ones. — E. West



……Eckhart Tolle lets a German chemist explain how explosive quantum physics really is

I support Tolle for $20 a month for things like this:

This German chemist (a professor at the University of Arkansas) may be a bit of a nerd, as is Eckhart 😉 , but he is pretty humorous too.

And he makes excellent points, such as asking why high school students NEVER are taught anything about the revolutionary discoveries of physics since 1900!

Of course, neither of these two Germans dares say the truth: It is because the Jews want us to be atheists. To believe there is no god, no afterlife, no soul, and just physical matter and this one often-miserable life are all there is.

Quantum physics, however, proves that this is a dastardly myth.

So our pupils and students are to learn nothing about it.

The jew says:

Fear death, look out for number-one, and accumulate material things.

Be a good goy slave.

So I strongly urge you to watch this video.


…….Thanks go out to generous Amazon gift-card donors

Several comrades have sent me Amazon gift cards (thank you to them!), and so recently I was able to purchase from Amazon this book:

It was interesting to see how my thinking has stayed the same or evolved since then. What has changed is the determination to start a religion. What has not is a loathing of semitic, racially foreign, religious nonsense. Only what can be proved, and is truthful and factual, can be our doctrine!

Do you know how my sacred book begins?

In the beginning was the deed!

Not “the word.” Talk-talk-talk, whine-whine-whine….analyze the jews. Let’s READ and complain about what they did to us today.

This mindset must END!

Anyway, using this book, I was able to add a new meme to my previous one of Hitler on reincarnation:

Previously —  Hitler floating past a church on King’s Lake (der Königssee) in Bavaria

New meme:

in French (et je répondrai bientôt à un donateur français au sujet de la “révolution française” qui fut une révolution contre les Français)

in German


…..News about my work

Now I see a pattern — people say they will be caretakers for Margi (who, btw, is doing better daily 🙂 ), and I mean a paid position — and then reasons (good or weak) come why they must cancel.

After 43 years in this cause of fighting jewry I see a non-coincidence.  😉

So Margi and I worked out a new plan:

She sleeps in until 10 am, giving me five hours daily of uninterrupted time to work on my book and religion. I get up for  this new arrangement at 4 am.

It has been staggering to me how much care a Stage III-cancer-recovering person needs in terms of oxygen tanks, walkers, mobility, bathing, dressing, feedings, meds, doctor appointments, driving around, and more tasks. The jew makes us sick and then our lives are consumed by mere survival. But now this ends.

And then,. by continuing to be her caretaker, also I can guarantee her first-rate care from me.

And no liberal or other brainwashed person will be coming into the house, and perhaps even going onto the FBI payroll for $400 a month as an agent/informant/saboteur/slanderer.

As I have often written, as Aryans we must innovate our way out of our problems. Every day, in every way, we must refine our tactics, change our strategies, and rethink old assumptions.

Never are we satisfied to keep on doing the same old thing!

We are here to change!




Especially important blogs



…..Recent donations

With my website, which costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, you get info you can find nowhere else.

What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian), has lived in Europe, had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions, had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem to create a NEW SYNTHESIS TO PUSH OUR CAUSE OUT OF ITS DOLDRUMS TOWARD VICTORY?


–1 August 2020 50 euros and a letter from M in France

–17 July 2020 $70 in cash and a note from B in New Jersey

–14 July 2020 129 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–11 July 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from F in Arizona

–11 July 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–10 July 2020 50 euros and an incisive note from M in France


–10 July 2020 320 euros, a heartfelt note and photos from E in Italy

–9 July 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from K in Oregon

–8 July 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from  J in Nevada

–6 July 2020 expensive supplements for Margi from J in Cicero, Illinois


–3 July 2020 $50 in cash and nice birthday card from fellow former Marine P in Florida


–29 June 2020 US$60 via PayPal from D in Australia

–29 June 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany



  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    It is excellent that you also have animal friends, because they give a lot of strength, just by their presence. They have an excellent sensitivity, and know when we human people especially need their closeness and support.

    The photo of Margi with the cat is touching; whether you are sleeping, dozing, resting or reading a book, there is nothing more relaxing than having a cat or dog lying next to you.

    As for the choice of the rising time: “Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund” [ = “the morning hours have gold in their mouth”], is an old German folk saying. The air is clean and fresh, and there is peace and quiet. 🙂

    According to the Seth material it is also an excellent time to communicate with your personal guardian angel or inner self if you manage to get up at 04:00 am or generally before sunrise.

    The hours before sunrise are said to be especially well suited for communication with your Inner Self.

    You can divide your current concern into numbered sections and sub-sections, depending on its complexity, if it contains partial aspects or partial questions that all need to be clarified. At the very end, one can summarize everything into a concretely designated concern or into a numbered and defined question that refers to the other sections.

    Such a text can be internalized at any time of day and read out like a letter or a video letter. When you read it out loud, you are supposed to give additional energy to such a message. Then, in the early hours of the morning before sunrise, one can instruct one’s inner self to respond to the named request, instruct it to take care of it and respond as soon as possible. It is enough to refer to the summarizing question, because the overall components of the request or the concrete definition have already been internalized before, so that the inner self knows what it is about or knows where to look.

    In the Seth Material of Jane Roberts it is written that there are rhythms. On some days the communication channel to the inner self (or, classically, to the personal guardian angel) is said to be completely open so that the messages reach the other side most directly (and vice versa). For this reason, one should use every day if possible to present one’s concern, because otherwise it can happen that one misses an excellent moment of communication.

    Much strength and success!

    End of my sermon. 🙂


    German Version:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    Es ist ausgezeichnet, daß Sie auch tierische Freunde haben, denn diese geben viel Kraft, alleine durch ihre Anwesenheit; sie haben ein ausgezeichnetes Gespür und wissen, wann Menschen besonders ihre Nähe und Unterstützung brauchen. Das Foto mit der Katze ist berührend; ob man nun schläft, döst, sich ausruht oder ein Buch liest, es gibt nichts entspannenderes, als dabei eine Katze oder einen Hund neben sich liegen zu haben.

    Zur Wahl der Aufstehzeit: „Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund“, lautet eine alte deutsche Volksweisheit; die Luft ist gereinigt und frisch und es herrscht Ruhe. Laut dem Seth-Material ist es auch eine hervorragende Zeit für die Kommunikation mit seinem persönlichen Schutzengel/innerem Selbst, wenn man es schafft, um 04:00 Uhr bzw. generell vor Sonnenaufgang aufzustehen. Die Stunden vor Sonnenaufgang sollen besonders gut geeignet sein für die Kommunikation mit seinem Inneren Selbst.

    Man kann sein jeweils aktuelles Anliegen in numerierte Abschnitte und Unterabschnitte einteilen, je nach Komplexität, wenn es Teilaspekte bzw. Teilfragen enthält, die alle geklärt werden müssen. Ganz zum Schluß kann man dann alles in ein konkret bezeichnetes Anliegen bzw. in einer ebenfalls numerierten und definierten, sich auf die andern Abschnitte bezugnehmenden Frage zusammenfassen.

    Solch einen Text kann man sich zu jeder beliebigen Tageszeit verinnerlichen und wie einen Brief oder wie einen Videobrief vorlesen. Wenn man es vorliest, soll solch einer Nachricht zusätzliche Energie verliehen werden.

    Dann, in den frühen Morgenstunden vor Sonnenaufgang, kann man sein Inneres Selbst anweisen, auf das benannte Anliegen zu antworten, es dazu anweisen, daß es sich diesem annimmt und baldmöglichst darauf antwortet. Hierbei reicht es, sich auf die zusammenfassende Frage zu berufen, denn die Gesamtbestandteile des Anliegens bzw. die konkreten Definition hat man sich ja bereits zuvor verinnerlicht, so daß das innere Selbst weiß, um was es geht bzw. weiß, wo es nachschauen muß.

    Im Seth-Material von Jane Roberts steht, daß es Rhythmen geben soll. An manchen Tagen soll der Kommunikationskanal zum inneren Selbst bzw. klassisch zum persönlichen Schutzengel vollkommen offen sein, so daß die Nachrichten direktest die andere Seite erreichen (und umgekehrt). Daher solle man möglichst jeden Tag dazu nutzen, um sein Anliegen vorzutragen, weil es sonst vorkommen kann, daß man sich einen ausgezeichneten Kommunikationsmoment entgehen läßt.

    Viel Kraft und Erfolg!

    Ende meiner Predigt. 🙂

    • Thank you very much.

      Margi’s cat Princess belonged to her parents, and accompanied them both on their final days, as did Margi, their daughter. She is a very friendly but considerate cat, and never just jumps up on your lap. She approaches carefully, meows, and looks at you, then comes even closer. If I should verbally welcome her, then only does she nestle down for a purr and stroking, and does little head bumps and nose rubs. 🙂

      She has what all spiritual beings have, a sense of respect. 🙂

      Thank you so much, sincerely, for the Seth advice.

      Her angel must have been a systematic German before ascending. 😉

      I will try it. Seems very reasonable.

      Thanks again. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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