Spiritual reading — let the negative pass through you like a sieve; visiting the old me: Table Talk

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August 10

A widening of your being will help you sort your way right now. By this we mean that the more space you can create within yourself, between the very molecules that comprise you, the easier it will be. As you open and open and allow yourself to encompass the spaciousness, you make the requisite room for all sorts of stuff that is not really relevant, to pass through you without snagging upon this or that bit of what you tend to consider ‘yourself.’

The third-density world we are in is unraveling. [JdN: There are higher ones: five, seven and nine]. It won’t fall completely to pieces, it won’t cease to exist, but the order and the laws which have heretofore governed it are old and brittle and in many cases, will snap or crumble. It will seem to many as if the world is coming apart.

This viewpoint, whether attached to economics, morality, or the most obvious of survival needs, will tend to multiply itself and give fear the upper hand. Which will in turn give fear no end of pleasure. And let us be clear: the challenges you face on a material level are, planet-wide, great and growing bigger. It is not as if one can simply create space between the molecules of your being and suddenly find food on the table.

However, if you are to survive, and by that we mean the survival of your entire self, not simply the physical form, then your radicalization must continue. There is no room in current times for petty emotion or considerations. There really is no room for the traditional values that have preserved the species at other times. Family first? My child is most dear to me? These are instincts that arose from biological platforms. And for millions of years, what you call Darwinism has crawled along, creating what now exists, biologically, on the earth.

As you can no doubt see, brilliant though this structure has shown itself to be in various ways, it is reaching its conclusion. The highly evolved human of a certain sort has reached its zenith and is nearing free fall as the phantom edifices it created collapse. And it is bringing much of the rest of the biological world down with it. In this time, you are being asked to step out of the biological framework and into one of spirit. Really step into it.

You are being asked to live as if you were indeed spirit first, form second.

Throughout history, there have been those who have managed this feat—not at all easy within the denseness of the material plane—and some have been remembered, as saints, wise people, shamans, prophets. Most have lived and held the light of the divine for all around them, but remained in deliberate obscurity. Our point, though, is that you do have some examples upon which to draw. Can you imagine, dear ones, what the world might be like if everyone met it with the love and generosity and faith of a Saint Francis?

You needn’t become a saint, but you would do well to raise your awareness about those things that do indeed tend to snag you, that hold you back from the fullness of your true light and being. There may be quite a few external triggers in the near future and everything that you can do to allow archaic concerns to float on by without reaction or action will help you stay focused on what is important now.

When you hit a place of frustration or rage or hurt or impotence or sadness, open around it. Just make space for it. Try not to engage it, try not to analyze it, try not to unfold it –all of which simply serve to anchor it in your being today and to reinforce the places in you that want so desperately (and instinctively) to cling to what is now obsolete.

Just make space. Breathe. Don’t judge.

Anything you can do to approach each day (and night) with spaciousness will facilitate this movement through, rather than struggle with.

We want you to know that what you are being asked to do, in terms of transforming the foundations of what it means to be human, has been done before and it is possible. There will be moments when you will find yourself facing a dilemma: take the old road or a new one? And the old road makes so much more sense. It might seem almost insane not to take it.

And yet, remember that it is the endless walking of old roads that has created our current reality. Reality that can no longer be sustained.

In fact, the true insanity lies in doing that which has brought you to this point of no return.

We bow to your courage and willingness to lead, each in your own way. We send you all our love and many blessings. — E. West



…..Visiting the old me: Table Talk

In German:


Btw, I read Veronica Clark’s book claiming Table Talk is a fraud. (She calls herself here “Weronika Kuzniar.” Her book is entitled “Hitler’s” Table Talk Fraud.)

She is out to show Hitler was not a racist, not anti-Christian, and was just a super-nice guy. 😉

Wellllllll, he WAS a “racist” 😉 , he WAS anti-Christian (but NOT at all anti-Jesus), and he was not nice to his sworn enemies, nor to Russians.

She is right that Picker, Heim and others did not sit there and write down notes as he spoke.

They wrote them down from memory a day later.

But she is wrong that they distort Hitler’s views. And why would the Swiss François Genoud do that, a devoted national socialist?

Besides, the viewpoints expressed here coincided with Mein Kampf and with Hitlerian remarks which others, also loyal national socialists, themselves wrote down. During a 25-year political career, Hitler spoke with many, many people who were on our wavelength. And what he said to them matched what we read here.

“The highly evolved human of a certain sort has reached its zenith” — how true of AH.  In the 1941-42 conversations we see a genius who had been brilliantly successful about almost everything until the invasion of Russia, a war of conquest, not liberation, and then everything began to go wrong:

— the Russians fought the Germans to the death like lions

Actually a screenshot of a famous episode of “The Sopranos” with a wounded Russian hit man who stubbornly refuses to die 

— the coldest winter in 100 years ( -30 F) struck, ending the Wehrmacht’s advance as trucks, tanks, rifles and cannons refused to budge

Russians go winter swimming

— the US, with its massive population of largely germanic-keltic blood, its incredible industrial strength and innovative spirit, entered the war and also sent a flood of supplies by ship convoys to England and to Murmansk, Russia

Stalin, boosting Russian national pride, had every product — cans of Spam, tanks, jeeps, fighter planes — with anything labeled in English or displaying “Made in America” spray-painted over in black so Russians would not know they were turning the tide with the help of capitalist-American goods. Roosevelt sent 600,000 American vehicles to Russia, plus fuel, much of it via Murmansk.

Red Army planes escort a British Royal Navy convoy to Murmansk 

As I wrote a few days back, thanks to various generous comrades who have sent me Amazon gift card numbers, I was able to buy Table Talk, a record of Hitler’s conversations after working hours,which were taken down by memory by a Colonel Picker of the Luftwaffe and then a certain Heinrich Heim.

I had read it all in the 1980s, and it was weird how it seemed both so familiar to me, of course, and yet also somewhat or even very disappointing.

The Russian-bashing in 1941 was egregious, and went on and on how the Russians were “brutes,” “stupid,” and, after the German victory, they would not even be taught any more how to read….. just work for Germany.

This is not Allied propaganda, but instead it was Reich German practice in the East, and this is reflected repeatedly and consistently in Hitler’s own words in Table Talk, which continues the line of thinking in Mein Kampf.

28 July 1941 [seen in the upper left column below]:

This space in Russia [all of European Russia, up to and even 300 km east of the Urals] must always be dominated by Germans.

The highest peak of the Urals is Mount Manaraga

Nothing would be a worse mistake on our part than to seek to educate the masses there. It is to our interest that the people should know just enough to recognize the road signs.


Many German soldiers came to like the Ukrainians and Russians, especially the children (and pretty girls) 

Russian girls today in Vladivostok

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

25 Sept. 1941:

No organized Russian state must be allowed to exist west of that line [east of the Urals]. They are brutes, and neither Bolshevism nor Tsarism make any difference. They are brutes in a state of nature.  

This harsh and negative anti-Russian attitude (which, in my “defense,” many other Germans had as well, and not just the Germans felt this way, but other nations too, both back then and now also) gradually changed into respect in Table Talk.

Why? The Russians fought the Germans off with both incredible bravery but also by using excellent weaponry which they had developed themselves — tanks, trucks, planes, artillery and uniforms that were perfectly suited to the Russian mud in the spring and fall, and of course also to the extreme cold and snow of the Russian winter (not to mention the blistering hot summers caused by a continental climate….)

In other words, once Stalin stopped talking about the accursed Bolshevism and began talking about “Mother Russia,” Slavic heroism kicked in — and big-time.

Russian fatalism: “We all must die, but as I go down, I will take five enemy bastards with me.” 

It struck me how many of my ideas from back then (whether acted on or just entertained in conversation at the table at the Berghof or elsewhere)…

…”miraculously” resurfaced, that is, “came” to me again in this life. For example:



What is missing from all this often brilliant talk is any attempt to address the big questions of life.

Fundamentals such as race are addressed, and the jews, and the folk community.

But not do we have a soul, what happens when we die, and why are we here?

Focused as he was on improving life for the masses, Hitler said (11 Nov. 1941):

I know nothing of the afterlife, and I have the honesty to admit it. Other people do know more about it than I do, and I am incapable of proving they are mistaken.

25 January 1942

My discernment tells me that an end must be put to the reign of [Jewish and Judeo-Christian] lies. It likewise tells me that the moment is not yet opportune.

And so he made this fateful statement….

6 January 1942

Let [the English] settle that [Jewish problem] among themselves. It is not our mission to settle the Jewish question in other peoples’ countries! 

But if one does not settle it everywhere and at the same time, then the jews will get all the countries they control to declare war on the one country that has escaped their grip!

Therefore, national socialism must spread to every country to be safe in ANY country!

Live and learn. 🙂

Start your religion, John. 🙂



  1. C’è una cosa che volevo fare.”Chiederti scusa” per il link sui Cani.
    Non ho nulla contro i Cani..anzi.
    Ero probabilmente davvero tesa per la mia situazione,Ormai sono decisa ad affrontare ciò che non mi fa stare bene e dare un’altra immagine di me non solo a mio padre,ma a tutti in realtà.
    Io non sono succube del mio talento,del mio lavoro,dei soldi e neanche di mio marito.
    Perche’ lo so che lo pensano.
    E mi dispiace.
    Ogni decisione è comune come dovrebbe essere.
    L’Ego ti porta a lamentarti e a non risolvere nulla 🙂
    Se l’Ego ti blocca tu affronta il problema,ORA.
    Non so come si evolverà la situazione ma penso che molta Gente andrà in crisi per le mie parole.
    Il primo è stato mio padre.
    Quello che ho imparato da te?
    Riuscire a captare i pensieri,le paure,i desideri di una persona e ciò che può renderlo felice o meno.
    Essere sinceri con sé stessi,senza l’ombra del proprio Egoismo,donarsi senza avere nulla in cambio.
    Spero davvero che tu non ti sia offeso per le mie parole…
    Scusami 🙁

  2. https://pin.it/13M7BuW
    Guarda i simboli…e i suoi occhi.
    Stella a 8punte,la spada (simbolo maschile)e il giglio.
    Eh,si.. è stata una vera guerra a questi simboli e a tutti i profeti(Daniele,Isaia,Elia,Gioele)..
    È morto un bambino di quattro anni con questo ultimo nome,sparito nel nulla;sua madre invece è stata trovata sfigurata vicino al palo elettrico.
    Omicidio rituale.
    Anche [] lo ha capito subito.

    • Mi sono reso conto da tempo che il più irritante di tutti i crimini degli ebrei è danneggiare i bambini.

      Il caso Mary Phagan, dove una bellissima ragazza di 13 anni è stata violentata e strangolata, è stata l’unica volta in cui gli americani si sono ribellati e hanno linciato un ebreo.

      Per tutto il Medioevo fu la scoperta del cadavere di un bambino, dissanguato e pieno di coltellate; che ha innescato i pogrom.

      E ora abbiamo milioni di bambini innocenti con autismo, un omicidio vivente, una tortura permanente per il bambino e per i genitori.

      Ringrazio Dio che la scelta ora sia così chiara: coraggio e felicità, o vigliaccheria e schiavitù.

  3. Dio sia sempre con te..
    Perché in te ripone tutta la fiducia.
    Sei tu che illumini questo mondo,pieno zeppo di uomini ciechi,muti e sordi.
    Sei la nostra Benedizione.

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