Spiritual reading — no illusions about people; believe in your own power

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With my two dogs in western Pennsylvania in 2009

August 13

Think of the energy today like that of a clear mountain stream. Clean and transparent and crystalline. It reflects light even as the light passes through it.

Most importantly, this energy never stops moving, and as it moves, it carries away with it all impurities it encounters. If you allow yourself to be bathed in this energy today, if you let yourself be cleansed by it, there will be significant lighten-ing which can follow quickly and without delay.

Today you will likely want to let go of idealization. Is there anyone or anything or any belief which you worship? Is there an entity, be it human or other, which you imbue with more than it truly has? Is there a talisman that you think you are unable to live and thrive without?

*** Hitler was a hero, not a god

I should know. 😉

A god would have beaten these three.

The British Empire is gone, the US is facing collapse, and the Soviet Union is no more. It is time for a new national socialism to heal the world.


Most of you have something along these lines in your lives. Today you may be able to see right through it to the truth beneath. And if you can, you will know that you have taken a construct and made it much more.

The problem with such situations is this: when you create and attach to idealized forms you are living and being supported by an illusion. It may be an illusion of your own making, even at times your own conscious making. But it is none-the-less illusion.

And this brings us to our second point of interest for the day. Once you are ready to let go of any idealized beings or systems of support, once you are ready to stand on your own, you will likely find that it is easy to walk forward, to move without impediment toward your Self and your goals.

This, we want to tell you, is the moment to do that.

For this reason it is extraordinarily important that you are like that stream, clear and flowing. This is the moment to move. This is the moment to act upon that which you have always known. This is the moment to manifest. Time for preparing is at a close. Time for being is at hand.

This is not to say that all time is up or that process ceases. However, your full presence is now requested and required. Drop the garbage today and stand up. Drop the old ways that have lingered and embrace that which makes your heart sing. Today. Please.

Enough! You know what to do, and you will all do everything that you are able. We never doubt your sincerity or your love or the incredible valor of your work. We love you and hope to see you whole and in joy, as you truly are.

In this endeavor as in all your work, we send you all of our blessings. — E. West



…..Down-to-earth spiritual help

This is a very rough planet,which this saying amply expresses, and I salute your courage to incarnate here.

A comrade wrote about yesterday’s blog:

I liked what you said about the detached ego. I will try to remember that before I overreact. Very useful advice.

I replied:

So glad you liked it.

This is practical spirituality…. about having a better marriage, keeping your job, getting along with our kids, and staying healthy and useful.

This being a very challenging planet, which we knew all about before incarnating here, we cannot expect constant happiness. Happiness, as defined by Eckhart Tolle, is when “things” are going good… in terms of money, love and health.

He quotes with approval the Buddha, the blue-eyed Aryan prince Gautama, who put it this way:

There IS one thing we all can have, the one guaranteed achievable goal: inner peace.

I shudder to think how many godless white people will be idiotically committing suicide out of mind-bending inner misery, both as the system collapses and among the survivors of a nuclear war which, if the Van Rensburg prophecy comes to pass, Trump will trigger while appeasing his war-mongering top military brass.

In “The Road,” Charlize Theron’s character [SPOILER ALERT] cannot take it any longer. She abandons her husband and child, and goes off to end it all.

Just as in 1932, when Germany saw a wave of suicide, some people will be killing themselves pointlessly, corpses seen left-and-right, while others will fight gloriously in the hour of testing.

Why kill yourself when there are so many guilty, wicked evildoers to take out?

So making our sheared-off, evil mind obey and serve us is not fluff.

It is life and death, it is serenity beating unlimited mental misery. It is honor, pride and duty, not collapse and surrender.

It is victory over our own evil selves, our own inner jew, and then crushing victory by the Aryan over that other jew, the external jew.

What is the jew? The egoic mind incarnate: vain, selfish, lying, stealing, and cruelly betraying others.

A jew, George Burns, even cheekily played God.


Everything we do to others, via the karmic boomerag, we do to ourself.

And this is why the external jew is doomed. And we are God’s warriors to take him down, after exterminating his ally inside us, the internal jew.




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