I agree with the jews ;-)

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Hell yeah, visiting the Berghof, which is VERY out of the way, shows a fascination with Adolf Hitler (AND HIS MESSAGE).

You can see why I did not accompany Margi in 2015 back down to her native Asheville, NC — a beautiful city

….BUT also a super-liberal burg with a jewess for a mayor, and her parents were liberals too. I was sure they would disinherit her,

as I was disinherited, if they ever found out her true leanings (or MINE!!!!)….


The view today:

True footage from the filming of “Look Who’s Back”:


  1. È brutto mentire, ma come fai a dire a tutti: ”Sapete che in realtà sono una Socialista nazionale?”

    Però cambierebbe l’immagine che hanno di me;in positivo e in negativo,dipende dai punti di vista.

    Secondo me la mia famiglia di politica non ha mai capito nulla; dovevano solo salvaguardare i loro interessi.

    In effetti hanno capito che sono fascista, ma per loro non vuol dire ancora nulla (perché [x] ogni tanto lo dice), ma come possono prendermi sul serio? visto che non hanno mai dato peso alle mie parole in tutta la loro vita!!

    È così strano, tu si, dal primo giorno.

    Mi hai messa alla prova tante volte:

    ”Dimostrami che sei così,che credi in me,perché è come credere in te stessa!”

    “Emergi dal buio che ti circonda”

    “Sii te stessa e combatti”..

    Per questo sono legata a voi, per questo mi sento a casa e
    non terribilmente estranea e fuori luogo.

    • Transl:

      It’s bad to lie, but how can you tell everyone: “Do you know that I’m actually a National Socialist?”

      But it would change the image they have of me; positively and negatively, depends on the point of view.

      In my opinion, my family has never understood anything about politics; they just wanted to safeguard their interests.

      In fact they have understood that I am a fascist, but to them it still means nothing (because [x] sometimes says so), but how can they take me seriously? since they have never given weight to my words in their whole life !!

      It’s so weird that you have done so, and from day one.

      You tested me so many times:

      “Show me that you are like that, that you believe in me, because it’s like believing in yourself!”

      “Come out of the darkness that surrounds you”

      “Be yourself and fight” ..

      For this I am tied to you, for in this I feel spiritually at home and no longer terribly alien and out of place here.

  2. Jewish cohesive ethnocentricity is ABSTRACTLY admirable. If I were Jewish, I would think it concretely admirable. However, it has a bown-side: Individual Jews who are decent citizens get dragged along with this when prominentes of Jewish leadership emit anti-national utterances or political behavior, or simple outright craziness (e.g.: Freud, his epigones and their successors).

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