Robert Kennedy Jr speaks despite ban in Berlin against Covid pandemic; huge protests in Berlin and London

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It is obvious the surviving Kennedys are terrified of the jews, who have murdered so many of them. Robert Kennedy, Jr. should especially loathe them for killing his own father — using his jewish press secretary Mankiewicz to steer him straight at his FBI killer!

WK.0103.Getty.08 — Boris Yaro (born 1938), Robert F. Kennedy Shooting (close-up), Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles 1968. American. Gelatin silver. Photograph. On display at the Getty Center in 2007.



..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

…..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel, dumping radioactivity everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic 

I confront the US ARMY and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup

……Thousands of Covid-deniers protest in Berlin and London

Berlin, Germany (CNN) Berlin police ordered a halt to a demonstration Saturday protesting against the German government’s Covid-19 regulations, citing the crowd’s failure to abide by social distancing guidelines.

Thousands of people took to the streets of the capital, including a large contingent of far-right groups and members identifying with the US-based right-wing conspiracy movement QAnon. And in London, a large crowd of protesters took to the streets, calling for the end of what they called “COVID hoax” measures.
Few of the demonstrators wore masks or followed social distancing guidelines as they waved flags and marched towards the Brandenburg Gate for a final rally, where about 20,000 people from Germany and other European countries were expected to gather.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Berlin to demonstrate against the German government's coronavirus response.

Some held up placards showing German lawmakers with the word “guilty” underneath, while others waved imperialist flags usually associated with far-right group “Reichsbuerger” [ = “Reich Citizens”] or displayed tributes to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
“Mr Trump, please don’t forget the German patriots,” read one banner.
Just hours into the demonstration, Berlin police tweeted that they were dispersing the marchers.

“Unfortunately, we have no other option: We approached the leader of the demonstration and informed him that his meeting would be dissolved by the police,” police said on Twitter.
“All previous measures have not led to compliance with the requirements,” police added, pointing to “non-compliance with the distance regulations according to the Infection Protection Act, despite constant requests by the meeting management & our colleagues.”
About 3,000 police officers were deployed to monitor the march after concerns about whether social distancing rules would be followed. “We are getting a lot of support from other states and the federal police. Please maintain distance and stay safe,” the police tweeted.

Earlier this week, Berlin’s state government announced that it would prohibit the demonstration from taking place, following fears over potential violations of the government’s coronavirus regulations.
But the ban was lifted on Friday following an urgent ruling by the Berlin Administrative Court on Friday.
“The assembly against the coronavirus policy of the federal and state governments planned for August 29, 2020 by the initiative Lateral Thinking 711 can take place after an urgent ruling,” the court said in a statement.
“The organizers must comply with conditions,” the statement added.
Chancellor Angela Merkel initially responded to the coronavirus with swift and strict lockdown measures and widespread testing, and it appeared to have worked, with Germany’s death toll remaining low.
But after a recent rise in infections as measures were eased, tougher restrictions were introduced on Friday, including new travel regulations.
Merkel warned that the coronavirus pandemic was “likely to get more difficult in the coming months,” cautioning that society “is never going to be the same” until a successful vaccine is developed.

Anti-mask protesters are seen at the Unite for Freedom protest in Trafalgar Square on August 29.


Protesters listen to speeches in Trafalgar Square during an anti-mask demo.

Protests in London

Meanwhile on Saturday, a large crowd of protesters gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square to demonstrate against the UK’s government’s coronavirus measures, with video and still photos of the event indicating the attendance was in the thousands.
Photos circulating on social media showed protesters holding up banners with slogans including “COVID hoax,” “no mandatory vaccines,” and “no lockdowns” as they climbed the landmark Nelson’s Column challenging the current social distancing rules.
The “Unite for Freedom” protest called for an end to mandatory measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing and track and trace systems, described by the organizers as a “violation of people’s rights and freedoms.”
Several protesters also held up signs for QAnon. One man was photographed unfurling the flag of the British Union of Fascists, an anti-Semitic group formed in the early 1930s.
The UK continues to see a rise in coronavirus infection rates, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock telling British media Saturday that further nationwide restrictions cannot be ruled out.
Britain reported 1,108 new cases on Saturday bringing the total number of cases across the country to 332,752. A total of 41,498 people have reportedly died from coronavirus in the UK.


    • Well, Abraham Lincoln spoke in the Gettyburg Address of democracy as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

      We can agree with two-thirds of that…. The government should be run by members of the people, not some ruling, elite families (like the Kennedys, LOL). It should be for the benefit of the people, that is, the nation.

      But we also understand that it cannot be by the people, because the masses don’t know anything, and don’t care either, until it is already too late.

      That is how it is now, at least. Most never read one book a year. 80% of American eight-graders have no mastery of any core school subject.

      Winston Churchill said it best:

      But all this can change. People can evolve. The masses not only can, but they must evolve from the mental cattle the jews have made of them, and become Aryans. The fact is, most today are mere humanimals, their heads stuffed with lies, and heading for the truck to the slaughterhouse.

    • The context is that the anti-Covid demonstrators were being slandered as “Nazis” (the ultimate insult in Germany, and a crime under German law), so he was actually sticking up for them.

  1. Purtroppo mi parte sempre l’Embolo,tutte le volte.
    Io sono stanca..è sempre colpa dei Nazisti,Regime totalitario ecc…e ora abbiamo di nuovo i Nazisti al Potere contro la Democrazia!
    Avrebbe fatto meglio a tenere la bocca chiusa!
    Ora i Giudei rideranno fino al mal di pancia!!

    • Unfortunately, the Embolus always leaves me, every time.

      I am tired .. it is always the fault of the Nazis, the totalitarian regime etc … and now we have “the Nazis in Power” against “Democracy” again!

      Well, perfect …

      He would have done better to keep his mouth shut!

      Now the Jews will laugh till their stomachs ache !!

      Disappointed ..


      Yes, indeed, but 1) blue-eyed people tend to be nsive, and 2);the jews murdered his father, his uncle John, and his nephew John Kennedy Jr.

      As the French say, “comprendrw, c’est pardonner.”

      To understand is to forgive.

      “Capire è perdonnare.”

      And Robert Kennedy Junior HAS risked his life to fight vaccines that cause autism.

      We National Socialists thank God for the supreme courage we have, that we make no compromise at all with Absolute Evil.

    • Unfortunately, the Embolus always leaves me, every time.

      I am tired .. it is always the fault of the Nazis, the totalitarian regime etc … and now we have “the Nazis in Power” against “Democracy” again!

      Well, perfect …

      He would have done better to keep his mouth shut!

      Now the Jews will laugh till their stomachs ache !!

      Disappointed ..


      Yes, indeed, but 1) blue-eyed people tend to be nsive, and 2);the jews murdered his own father, his uncle John, President of the United States, and his beloved nephew, John Kennedy Jr.

      As the French say, “comprendre, c’est pardonner.”

      To understand is to forgive.

      “Capire è perdonnare

      And Robert Kennedy Junior HAS risked his life to fight vaccines that cause autism.

      We National Socialists thank God for the supreme courage we have, that we make no compromise at all with Absolute Evil.

  2. Io so che un uomo, capace di dare al nostro problema una soluzione finale deve apparire. Ho cercato un simile uomo, e tuttavia non ho potuto scoprirlo in nessun luogo. Ed è per questo che ho costretto me stesso a fare il lavoro preparatorio e più urgente, perchè io so che io non sono quell’Unico. E so anche cosa mi manca per poter essere l’Uno. Ma l’altro Uno, rimane ancora distante, e nessuno viene avanti, e non vi
    è più tempo da perdere. “.
    (Sapevo che eri consapevole di questo,eri e sei qualcosa di straordinario per l’umanità intera.)
    Sento che devo proteggerti da tutte le accuse,da tutto questo fango che scorre ancora oggi.
    Per questo mi arrabbio 🙂
    Non sono riuscita a farlo con il nome Savitri..eppure era tutto scritto su carta!
    Il Mondo non deve prendersela con i Nazisti;i Giudei non sono mai stati Nazisti,mi correggo,Socialisti Nazionali.
    Sono due forze avversarie da “Sempre”.

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