Kenosha — what the jewsmedia don’t want you to see

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Two generations of hard work wiped out — and many of the vandals were white. Did they think this guy was a cop????? What is the justification to destroy the livelihood of a small businessman with a family? Guess he was guilty of whiteness. As George Lincoln Rockwell once prophesied, the day will come when your skin color will be your uniform — in a race war with many white traitors fighting for the blacks and the browns.

1 Comment

  1. Why was Kenosha picked? Is the city government paid off to let these terrorists have free run in the city? It can’t just be that they are democrat communists supporting a coup to overthrow the government. Also Andy Ngo keeps reporting on the criminals arrested in Portland and then released. Most of them are older adults with criminal records. So are both the government officials and the violent rioters getting paid to let this city be destroyed? If this terrorism is not dealt with, where will it keep spreading? If the Insurrection Act can be ordered invoked by Trump, would that actually work out for getting law and order restored? Or would that become the basis for a more controlled police state?

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