Touching, “awww” story — until you read the fine print

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With all the runway lights kaputt at the airport, Alaskan villagers turned out at 11 pm with their cars to shine their headlights onto the runway so a sick little girl could be medevac’ed.

Just one fly in this heart-warming ointment:


Department of Transportation spokesperson Sam Dapcevich said on Sunday that crews have been out to the airport multiple times this year repairing lights that had been vandalized and run over during winter maintenance and were out there as recently as last week to fix a wiring problem.

‘They will be returning soon to repair the damaged lights and make sure the system is operational,’ he said in a text message, adding: ‘We’re glad the community was able to safely guide the medevac flight in.’

‘Vandalism on Alaska’s small airports does occur every year,’ spokeswoman Shannon K. McCarthy said in an email to the New York Times on Sunday.

‘And the state has been working to educate all Alaskans as to the importance of protecting the infrastructure, particularly the role it plays in emergencies, such medical flights. 

‘We respond to any reports of damaged runway lights and repair them as quickly as we can.’


Eleven states prohibited sales of alcohol to American Indians and I imagine the Inuit (Eskimos) were in the same boat legally.

Of course, now all that is “discriminatory”…. “racist” and suggests (OMG) racial differences.

Fact is that Northeastern Asians get drunk twice as fast as whites because our stomachs as Whites have already destroyed half the alcohol right there before it ever gets to our blood stream. East Asians get twice the wallop!

I have seen some of my Japanese clients (engineers, architects, IT people and medical doctors) turn red as a beet from booze, which embarrasses them in front of white colleagues.

Every Saturday night the Tokyo subway platforms are yucky with vomit.

A onetime employee of mine who had lived in Anchorage, Alaska told me that every spring, when the gigantic mounds of snow created by the snow plows in the parking lots of the big shopping centers finally do melt, one sees frozen Eskimo corpses starting to emerge.

The  Eskimos get so drunk they just wander into the snow, lie down, and freeze to death.

What would be truly humane is to recognize that the races ARE different.

These Amerindians, playing the victim card, are all upset about “racist” t-shirts.

But any honest expert on the Indians will tell you the reservations DO suffer from a HUGE alcohol problem. But liberals don’t want to hear inconvenient truths.

Nor do any of us. 😉

Among contemporary Native Americans and Alaska Natives, 11.7% of all deaths are related to alcohol.[2][3] By comparison, about 5.9% of global deaths are attributable to alcohol consumption.[4] Because of negative stereotypes and biases based on race and social class, generalizations and myths abound around the topic of American Indian alcohol abuse.[5]

A survey of death certificates from 2006 to 2010 showed that deaths among Native Americans due to alcohol are about four times as common as in the general U.S. population and are often due to traffic collisions and liver disease with homicidesuicide, and falls also contributing.[6]

 A recent analysis found that alcoholic liver disease is a major leading cause of death for Native Americans.4 Alcohol use is also a major cause of preventable birth defects and developmental disabilities in Native Americans, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting that the rate of fetal alcohol syndrome among some tribes is more than eight times the national average.5 


A constructive racialism is recognizing that all races are somewhat different, and our laws and policies must be tailored to each group’s needs and nature!






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