Great news! 624 jewish groups sign huge NYT ad endorsing “kill-whitey” terrorists at BLM; is an ad for ritual murder next? & important Margi news

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Aug. 28, 2020 full-page ad in the New York Times, “America’s paper of record,” makes it official. 

Be careful what you wish for, girlie. 😉


These khazars represent half of all the jews in America.


….Black Lives Matters — funded by one jew, run by another

Bill O’Reilly, no angel, but still active online, sure got it right with this one.

Bill O’Reilly rightly was fired from Fox for many cases of sexual harassment, but he is again putting out powerful info.

To wit —

— BLM got $33 MILLION from the jew George Soros

— 71 percent of donations go to salaries and consultants

— It is not a tax write-off, but gets funds from a tax-write-off-type foundation, “Thousand Currents,” founded and run by [the jew] Paul Strasburg (

— Its key people are marxists

— Fox News will not cover any of this….

I will also say this for O’Reilly — he had the guts to admit, after plenty of French-bashing (back in the insane “freedom-fries” days in 2003),  that the French had been right all along, and that he and the media [and especially the French-bashing Fox News Channel] were totally wrong about their claim that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear-weapons program — the reason we illegally invaded that sovereign country against international law! If anyone committed “crimes against peace” (the slander used against NS officials in the Nuremberg “War Crimes Trials”) it was Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and their coterie of jews and other psychos such as John Bolton.

O’Reilly also said forthrightly that while some French were indeed arrogant, a thing Americans resent, “we Americans have our swagger too. We walk around the world like we own the place.”

So for that retraction and frank admission I do respect him.

If you are wrong, it is a big shedding of the ego to come out and say it. 🙂 You will feel much better, you will feel like you have grown, and God saw that you did do the right, the noble, the Aryan thing. 🙂


……Personal news

So now they are saying Margi has hemolytic anemia, which can be very dangerous.

I feel like calling bull-sh– on this whole thing…..

As soon as Margi, an open WN and NS, writer for The Barnes Review, public speaker, and supporter of my work, got her modest inheritance, by such a cohencidence she came down with the first symptoms of the horrible disease of throat cancer.

She had never smoked. She never drank. And she was never overweight.

No junk food ever — only organic health foods for her whole adult life, bought at a third more cost, and from a store located 60 miles away. I know — I drive her there. 😉

I could almost ask “What is the point?” of eating healthy with a big 5G tower just down the street. 😉

Ironic, eh? Hormone-free meat and non-GMO veggies —   while they blast our brains.

After watching the superb documentary “Shadow Gate” by Millie Weaver, now in jail on trumped-up charges of “domestic violence” and “burglary” (because she directly exposed the ultra-evil CIA chief under Obongo, John Brennan),

Attractive, brilliant filmmaker exposing Deep State arrested in Ohio

….I became even more suspicious that the Deep State was behind her cancer and then all the post-cancer complications that seem now never-ending.

…..and which are now depleting MY small inheritance as well!!!!

Millie detailed how the Deep State learns everything they can about you so they can predict your behavior by (illegally and unconstitutionally) reading all your emails, going through your credit card purchases, perusing your bank transactions, bugging your house, and listening to your private phone calls.

All wrong, and done every day. Of course, Edward Snowden of the NSA had revealed all this back in 2012.

So they would know, by crunching all the data, that if Margi came down with cancer,

  1. she would first try every natural anti-cancer treatment that was out there, whatever the cost, before she did the dreaded and blatantly TOXIC chemo and radiation, which often 1) do not work and yet do frequently have 2) terrible side effects.
  2. I, as the main target in all these Deep-State machinations, of course, would predictably spend huge amounts of MY time, MY energy and MY money (after hers ran out) helping my mate since 2005 to fight this dreadful, extremely painful cancer.

They were right both times.  She did, and I did, as expected. And it was both reasonable for her and the decent thing for me.

Back in the Sarver, Pennsylvania days 2008-11, when my WN operations were growing daily, we had a 2,500-square-foot house (actually three buildings), with in effect seven usable bedrooms.

This was my office where many videos were shot detailing how the Founding Fathers of our country were all overt white supremacists, especially Benjamin Franklin (also an open nordicist) and Thomas Jefferson.

The Discovery Channel interviewed me in January 2010 for four hours.

(They used only 4 minutes, however, desperate to get me to say something, anything, that would come across “bad” in the editing room. 😉 )



Plus for security we had two medium-sized dogs at home who were known to bite. (And they killed many groundhogs to the delight of local farmers).



So anyway it was impossible for anyone to just come into the house and poison the food, and/or install some cancer-triggering disk, and then come back and remove it later, etc.

So they unleashed the Holappa slanders in 2011. The goal was to kill us as effective agents of change by vicious smears. The goal was to poison my name.

Holappa started out (thanks to me and Margi bringing him to America, then teaching him better English and how to blog, and promoting him constantly on my own blog) as a rising star in American white nationalism.



But when he failed as a leader and was voted out by his own followers in Finland, as one wrote to me in detail….


….Holappa switched sides totally to go on tv and become an antifa.

His book: “I founded a Neo-Nazi Organization”



But in 2018 things were different.

No safe house, always monitored by both humans and dogs.

Margi was living alone down in Asheville, North Carolina, wrapping up her late parents’ estate so she could move 1,200 miles northwest to the snow country and rejoin me here in Ontonagon.

I could not fly down to help her. I would never go anywhere, such as into an airport, or into a passenger jet, if unarmed.

And I was unwilling to drive alone down there, or to take a bus where I could be assaulted, poisoned, or arrested while asleep.

And the one ride possibility I had with an acquaintance kept falling through, and then he insisted on top of it that I also not bring a gun with me.

As I have written:

former top FBI official and whistleblower Ted Gunderson told me the FBI has a kind of cancer-triggering disk.

They invade your house — psychopaths that they are — then tape it to the floorboards underneath your bed, and let it work on you, radiating you, for a few weeks.

Then they come back in and remove it.

And so now you have cancer.

And if age 40-70,


So after a year of expensive natural treatments, Margi’s tumor kept growing — despite treatments that worked for many others.

And so we began the enormously expensive, time-devouring 900-mile round trips to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Meanwhile I was also fixing up Margi’s drab, dingy, leaky-roof and quasi-“handyman special” house.

While blogging ALSO in three languages. 😉

So, as it turns out, we beat the cancer.

Then came four nearly fatal infections, one after another.

And now they too are gone.

But the latest thing is hemolytic anemia.

…..which can be caused by blood cancer.




So we are back on the anti-cancer meds with all the side effects.

I call bull-shit on this whole endless merry-go-round of agonizing maladies.

I suspect the feds are doing this to her via some poison while we are out  of the house.

Or they are shooting a beam at her while she sleeps. Or both. Are they just remotely amping up the wireless to trigger a new cancer?

In Mel Gibson’s outstanding 2010 movie “Edge of Darkness” (a great film against the Deep State, done with no jewish Hollywood help while Gibson was totally in the jews’ doghouse),

the hero


non-chalantly takes a swig of milk from his own refrigerator. But it has been laced with a radioactive substance.

The Geiger counter don’t lie….when passed over the milk bottle….

Great movie — see it!!!


All I know now is this:

We’re gonna die anyway.

But we ain’t gonna spend any more enormous gobs of time and money on the disease du jour from the FBI.


It has been endless pill-cutting and pill-crushing, WHILE OUR RACE DIES.

….plus making a meat cream (grass-fed, hormone-free beef, cooked, then blended, with many supplements added, for Margi’s feeding tube.

5 am, the start of a day that will go until midnight

28 months of devotion to one wonderful person while our whole race sags and gives out. 

We have a race to save.


What will happen to us and to Margi’s medical care when my religion of total war on the jew begins?

She has had a black doctor, a Chinese one, a VERY openly gay one…. In the UP, you cannot be choosy. And the fact is that until now they have all been caring and competent.

What happens, however, when we walk into the hospital after the jewsmedia hate-machine has been smearing me for weeks on end as evil incarnate?

As Hitler reincarnated?

To bring the “Nazi nightmare” to diversity-is-our-strength America? 😉

ALL I know is the jews will never let Margi recover.


….on meds, supplements, doctors, car trips….

Death by a thousand pricks.

Ain’t gonna happen.

I give up waiting for Margi to get better.

She agrees.

And neither of us wants to live under the jewish boot.

Hell, that is not even living; that is existing.

If the hospitals turn Margi away because I am an Evil Nazi, or even the Ultimate Nazi 😉 , or start giving her short shrift and lousy, hostile treatment (like ten minutes instead of half an hour) — in other words, “just go off and die, Nazi” —

— well, her blood will be requited.

Don’t whine, jews, when your karma comes back at’cha.

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.


I hereby proclaim:

My life does not matter, nor Margi’s. We will die anyway. But our race must go on, survive, and then thrive. And we national socialists are the only ones who can save us. At whatever the cost.

Jews, you will rue this:

On a personal note, I ordered from Amazon something unusual: Chiver’s Olde English Marmelade. 😉

Margi baked that low-carb (keto) bread for me.

Having some Chiver’s is a way of saluting my late grandfather from England. He always loved it. What a fine man, and I will never forget him saying to me once in 1968 (at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant in Cranston, Rhode Island):

“John, if nothing is done, in a hundred years the blackies will rule this country.”

Me and Grandpa –fifteen years after he died:

Here is my experience in 1989 with my British grandfather, 15 years after the grandparents’ deaths in 1974. It strengthened me for the divorce hell I was about to undergo, just as I feared, and gave me a sense of a higher and loving power watching over me, but not babying me, in my subsequent career.

The seer, Ann Gehman, the subject of two HBO documentaries, described my grandfather to a “t” and said he was right in the room with me.

It was scary, but in a good way, to realize I was being watched….by a very strict but loving ancestor, whom I had revered during his life, and who had tried to talk to me about race despite my liberal Republican/country club upbringing.

He planted seeds in the boy that sprouted in the man.

Baltimore police have confirmed they’re probing a brutal attack on a white man hit in the head from behind with a brick. The attacker appeared to have accomplices filming and laughing.


…..Recent donations

–2 September 2020 $88 via Amazon gift card from G in Nevada

–1 September 2020 50 euros from M in France


  1. Dear John de Nugent

    What I am writing here still has to be implemented and practiced to a large extent by myself, but nevertheless the findings are correct: Both in your very own avant-garde position (the enlightenment and the commitment to the right of existence of peoples) and for society as a whole, the time has now come when it will no longer be possible to survive without the inner guidance of the personal guardian angel (inner self).

    The intellect alone cannot judge whether a doctor is sincere. It no longer goes without praying for inner guidance, in the sense of a constant protection and guidance prayer, that the inner self (the personal guardian angel) always checks whether a person can be trusted, etc., how best to proceed strategically in health issues, etc. When you are in such a challenging situation as Margi, you can only pray to a limited extent, if at all, since all your strength is needed to cope with the challenge of the moment; praying for inner guidance for Margi’s healing would probably have to be done entirely by you, the strategy in this regard will surely be communicated to you by Margi’s personal guardian angel if you ask him for it.

    In the Seth material of Jane Roberts it was once said that action impulses from the inner self/guardian angel are based on highly complex calculations (calculation and weighing of probabilities etc. etc.), with comprehensive consideration of long-term effects, holistic intuition is therefore based on highly complex analysis processes of the personal guardian angel. There are everyday situations where it is simply necessary to check the guardian angel in parallel. One can instruct the Inner Self in such a way that it gives its “O.K.” or its warnings accordingly, or just give concrete names to find serious people (doctors etc.).

    It is sad, but only those will survive in this time epoch who cultivate the contact with their guardian angel/inner self, who get help from their inner self in critical questions, who specifically request inner information through this violent time.

    Another example: When the infrastructures will have collapsed, neither electricity nor drinking water will be available and one has to go to drinking water sources, how should one know rationally when the right time has come to go, so that one will not encounter gangs etc.? Then one will have to work very closely with one’s guardian angel, for the right timing to get the right impulse for action at the right time.

    End of this my sermon. 🙂

    To the jam photo: Yes, this is pure enjoyment culture: A fine jam bread and a cup of tea or coffee to go with it, that rebuilds the soul 😀 A traditional product from the better times of England, when England or Britain was still a cultural nation.


    in German:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    was ich hier schreibe muß ich zum Großteil selber noch umsetzen und praktizieren, aber dennoch sind die Erkenntnisse zutreffend: Sowohl in Ihrer ureigenen Sperrspitzenposition (der Aufklärung und des Einsatzes für das Existenzrecht der Völker) als auch für die Gesamtgesellschaft ist nun der Zeitpunkt gekommen, an dem es nicht mehr ohne innere Führung des persönlichen Schutzengels (inneres Selbst) gehen wird, möchte man überleben.

    Der Verstand alleine kann nicht alleine beurteilen, ob ein Arzt aufrichtig ist. Es geht nicht mehr ohne Beten um innere Führung, im Sinne eines Dauerschutz- und Dauer-Führungsgebetes, daß das Innere Selbst (der persönliche Schutzengel) stets überprüft, ob einer Person zu vertrauen ist usw., wie strategisch am besten vorgegangen werden sollte bei gesundheitlichen Fragen usw. Wenn man in so einer herausfordernden Situation wie Margi ist, kann man nur bedingt bzw. eigentlich eher gar nicht beten, da alle Kraft gebraucht wird, um mit der Herausforderung des Augenblicks zurechtzukommen; das Beten für innere Führung für Margi‘s Heilung müßten vermutlich Sie zur Gänze übernehmen, die diesbezügliche Strategie wird Ihnen Margi‘s persönlicher Schutzengel sicher mitteilen, wenn Sie ihn darum bitten.

    Im Seth-Material von Jane Roberts stand mal sinngemäß, daß Handlungsimpulse vom inneren Selbst/Schutzengel auf hochkomplexen Berechnungen beruhen (Berechung und Abwägung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten usw. usf.), unter umfassender Berücksichtigung langfristiger Auswirkungen, ganzheitliche Intuition beruht demnach auf hochkomplexen Analyseprozessen des pesönlichen Schutzengels. Es gibt Alltagssituationen, da bedarf es einfach der parallelen Überprüfung des Schutzengels. Man kann das Innere Selbst so instruieren, das es entsprechend sein „O.K.“ bzw. seine Warnhinweise gibt, oder eben konkrete Namen benennt, um seriöse Menschen (Ärzte usw.) zu finden.

    Es ist traurig, aber überleben wird in dieser Zeitepoche nur der, der den Kontakt mit seinem Schutzengel/Innerem Selbst kultiviert, der durch diese heftige Zeit in kritischen Fragen Hilfestellung von seinem Inneren Selbst bekommt, gezielt innere Informationen anfordert.

    Ein weiteres Beispiel: Wenn die Infrastrukturen dann erst mal zusammengebrochen sein werden, weder Strom noch Trinkwasser vorhanden sind und man sich auf den Weg zu Trinkwasserquellen machen muß, wie soll man dann verstandesmäßig wissen, wann der richtige Zeitpunkt gekommen ist, loszugehen, damit man möglichst keinen Banden usw. begegnet? Da wird man dann zwingend ganz eng mit seinem Schutzengel zusammenarbeiten müssen, für das richtige Timing, um zur rechten Zeit den rechten Handlungsimpuls zu bekommen.

    Ende dieser meiner Predigt. 🙂

    Zum Marmeladenfoto: Ja, das ist Genußkultur pur: Ein feines Marmeladenbrot und eine Tasse Tee oder Kaffee dazu, das baut die Seele wieder auf 😀 Eine Traditionsprodukt aus den besseren Zeiten Englands, als England bzw. Britannien noch eine Kulturnation war.

  2. Esseri Senzienti?…ma come si fa a dormire in piedi in questa maniera?

    Leggo i commenti sulla canzone “The Future” di Leonard;nessuno ha capito il suo messaggio!Che vergogna.

    Io non ho mai ascoltato i suoi pezzi perché non mi è mai piaciuto istintivamente, ma ieri mi sono cadute davvero le braccia!

    Tutta questa Gente Irresponsabile!

    Che gira a vuoto senza prendere posizione, perché non “vuole” capire!

    Non dire “Moriremo”!noi abbiamo bisogno di voi!Io per prima.

    Lo sai che mi sto appoggiando a te!e sto chiedendo protezione per te e Margi,con tutte le mie forze!Solo Dio lo sa. Nessuno può mettersi al tuo posto come Socialista Nazionale. Nessuno!

    • Transl:

      Sentient beings? … but how do you sleep standing up like this?

      I read the comments on Leonard Cohen’s song “The Future.” Nobody understood his [sinister jewish] message! What a shame.

      I never listened to his songs because I have never liked him instinctively, but yesterday my arms really dropped in horror! All these irresponsible people!

      People go around in circles without taking any position, because they does not “want” to understand!

      Don’t say “We’re going to die”!

      We need you! Me above all.

      You know I’m leaning on you! And I’m asking for protection for you and Margi, with all my strength!

      Only God knows. Nobody can put themselves in your place as a National Socialist. Nobody!


      My reply:

      I will live on through a short book and watching over my people.

      One thing is certain: I cannot hold back any longer.

      This was my article on Cohen:

  3. Oh…John,poteva salvarsi;Dio le aveva donato una Donna Ariana che avrebbe potuto trascinarlo lontano dalla depressione(lui parla di depressione ma è psicopatia)lontano dalle droghe e dalle anfetamine.Forse lo ha capito solo in punto di Morte.
    Eppure tutti questi personaggi si “autodenunciano”…ma i Gentili continuano a dormire!
    Sono senza parole.

  4. Sei tu che dovrai guidare tutti fisicamente.

    I libri…non so,non hanno mai avuto successo,sono pochi quelli che leggono davvero e interpretano tutto sempre molto male.

    Oggi i Media hanno un grande Potere.

    Sei tu il nostro vero libro.

    Dio è con te.

    • Transl:

      It is you who will have to physically guide everyone.

      The books … I don’t know, they have never been successful, there are few who really read and interpret everything very badly.

      Today the media have great power.

      You are our real book.

      God is with you.


      Thomas Paine wrote a booklet of just 25 pages which won the American Revolution, as General George Washington attested.


    In realtà queste parole sono davvero attuali.

    Ma tu…tu che sei così diverso,il Sole in questo Universo.

    Sinceramente…con tutto il mio Cuore.

    Sei ad un passo dal “possibile”.

    Le tue Azioni..Dio sa che non tutti possono cambiare purtroppo.

    Ma sa già che tu sei cambiato.

    Questo pensiero l’ho custodito per tanto tempo.

    Volevo comprendere questo strano pensiero.

    Cosa vuole Dio da te?

    Hai fatto dei sacrifici enormi..impossibili per un comune essere umano, in tutte le tue Vite.

    La Gente non conosce i tuoi sacrifici..e non credo sia interessata veramente a questo!!

    Ma sta mettendo alla prova anche me.

    Allora è vero…osserva le mie preoccupazioni tutti i giorni.

    I miei pensieri tutti i giorni.

    Questo legame..

    Sa cosa potrei provare se ti succedesse qualcosa, ed io non ho il controllo assoluto di queste Reazioni perché nascono da Dentro, profondamente.

    Non posso controllare me stessa, sono solo “percezioni” sottili.

    Nulla che io possa toccare o spiegare.

    John, Cosa vuole davvero Dio da te?

    Cosa cerca, invece, da questa CIECA umanità?

    • Transl:

      In fact, these words are very current.

      But you… you who are so different, the Sun in this Universe.

      Sincerely… with all my Heart.

      You are one step away from “possible”.

      Your Actions… God knows that not everyone can change unfortunately.

      But he already knows that you have changed.

      I have kept this thought for a long time.

      I wanted to understand this strange thought.

      What does God want from you?

      You have made enormous sacrifices… impossible for an ordinary human being, in all of your Lives.

      People don’t know your sacrifices .. and I don’t think they’re really interested in this !!

      But it’s testing me too.

      So it’s true… watch my worries every day.

      My thoughts every day.

      This bond ..

      You know what I might feel if something happens to you, and I am not in absolute control of these Reactions because they arise from Within, deeply.

      I cannot control myself, they are only subtle “perceptions”.

      Nothing that I can touch or explain.

      John, what does God really want from you?

      What are you looking for, instead, from this BLIND humanity?


      My response:

      (Image from Amedeo’s video)

      If one of the most famous men in world history sheds every bit of his egoic mind, keeping only his love and skill, then average people, who never did any famous things, or achieved any great heights, can also become free of their own toxic mind and evolve to a higher life. How much pleasure that would give me! Like seeing a son or daughter win a prize or do something brave, honest and mature!

      My status in world history means I can yet be a wonderful role model to billions of humans and for centuries.

      If I can admit that I alone made the decisions which transformed the invasion of Russia from liberation of our Aryan brothers from communism to conquest of land for the Germans, this great act of humility can inspire others to have a soul that is light, happy, and free of all ego.

      Beyond that, the other species using this planet and this solar system are outraged that we surface earthlings might cause yet another devastating, idiotic nuclear war, which will also harm them, innocent victims.

      They want me to succeed.

      Sometimes I feel angels visiting me, but at others I feel it was Nordics using this earth, deep, deep down.

      The incident with this clip-on reading light felt like that, that a person who had cloaked himself (made himself invisible) was standing right there in the room. I felt no fear. But what I did feel was “they are showing that they are counting on me.”

      There is no way this device could have activated itself.

      Beyond that, I feel compassion because the suffering will be unimaginable when people by the billions realize they are being enslaved and then exterminated.

      I feel sorrow because they will hate themselves for ignoring the truth until it was too late.
      When they could have acted from love, not fear, and become heroes, proud of themselves too!

      I feel sorrow for all those knowing they have condemned their own children to a horrible death at the hands of the jews.

      How can they face the look in the eyes of their children: “Papa, why did you not do something? We incarnated to be your children and be protected by you!!”

      Finally, through inspiring and leading others, my own soul wants this, to evolve and grow to a higher level of love and skill. This earth is indeed a wonderful place, where we can grow thirty times faster than on the orderly planets.

      Btw, I really liked this also by Amedeo Minghi:

      Why do I do this?

      Because of people like you! 🙂

      Tu, tu che se diversa, almeno tu nell’universo

      You and eleven others who have dug deep to support me with their hearts of shining gold 🙂

  6. Oh..John.
    Sei tutta la mia Vita.
    E spero non me la portino via.
    So che ti aiuteranno sempre proprio perché sei straordinario e forse oggi lo fanno anche per me 🙂 Per non farmi piangere di nuovo.
    Io abbraccio con tutto il cuore anche Margi..deve guarire!

    • Transl:

      You’re all my life.
      And I hope they don’t take her away from me.
      I know that they will always help you just because you are extraordinary and maybe today they do it for me too 🙂 To not make me cry again.
      I embrace Margi with all my heart too .. she must heal!

  7. I can’t understand Italian, I’m only familiar with Church Latin. The Italian language is like a beautiful song though. I love reading her posts.

    • Me too. 🙂

      You can copy and paste it into, selecting Italian and then English. 🙂

      The only problem with Italy, as Hitler said many times in Table Talk (and Léon Degrelle, who also knew Mussolini, said the same thing), is that Mussolini never had the absolute power which he needed. The Army was controlled by the king, a nasty little twerp, and the officers were all parasitical aristocrats and Freemasons.

      The true Fascists fought very well, especially in the Italian Legion and on the Eastern Front. Those Fascists were the reincarnated Romans, REAL Italians, men of the old style that created an empire that lasted a thousand years.

  8. Isn’t Rasputin remembered because he was so hard to kill? I think being hard to kill is something that makes a moral demand to memory. Anyhow, if a person is hard to kill it is remembered, at least in White society.

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