Is Georgia’s newest Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, actually “one of us”? It appears so!!

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This is a story my senior contributing writer, François d’Arouet, has been researching for a few days now.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republican candidate for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, came to our attention due to how much press she has been receiving of late.

Our enemies appear deeply concerned by her candidacy due to the widespread support she has received from grass-roots Republicans (who are the exact opposite of the RINO “elite”), the fact she might provide a formidable balance to the Far Left agitators in the House, and, most of all, her truly red-pilled positions on the (((Chosen Ones))).

Many of you will in fact probably have seen her name in the news attached to stories attacking QAnon, her support of the QAnon’s work, and the support she’s garnered from President Trump.

Then there’s the fact that the 46-year-old Christian libertarian from rural Georgia is but three months away from representing Georgia due to the fact that the Democratic candidate has today bowed out the race.

Most important of all it appears, as François posits in the following story, that future Congresswoman Greene appears to be one of us!

John de Nugent

I first learned of Mrs Greene’s congressional campaign via a Donald Trump newsletter some months back.

Greene holds up campaign signs in support of her and Donald Trump.

Greene, who has been attacked relentlessly by the MSM for being a supporter of QAnon, has some far more dangerous views than her belief that there are pedos operating throughout the Deep State and Hollywood.

The real reason the media, ADL, SPLC and others in her own party have tried their damndest to derail her candidacy for months — claiming she was Islamophobic because she posted a photo of herself with a gun pointing at Rahida Talib and Ilhan Omar — is whom else she’s had her sights set on in the past via social media.

Besides, does anyone for a solitary second believe the ADL gives a hoot about QAnon and Muslims?

Then there’s the relentless attacks she has suffered at the hands of her own party’s brass.

Tia Mitchell of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution chronicled the failed coup.

“Establishment Republicans are lining up to support Marjorie Taylor Greene’s rival after a news report detailed racist and xenophobic remarks she has said over the years.

The Politico article included quotes from Greene, a candidate in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, gathered from videos posted on social media between 2016 and 2019.

Several elected officials told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution they were already planning to support Greene’s GOP rival, neurosurgeon John Cowan, in the August runoff.

But the article, they say, convinces them that Greene is unfit to serve.

“There is absolutely no place in America for those comments; they are terrible, and they are frequent,” said U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson, R-West Point. “And that is a real shame. I don’t think that she can be very effective as a legislator in Washington, and I just don’t think that there is a place in Congress for her.”

A spokesman for Cowan said Wednesday, “The endorsements are coming in like a tsunami.” Among them was U.S. House Republican Whip Steve Scalise.”

“Every Republican, every Christian Conservative is going to be called a racist and a bigot by the Fake News Media, as have Steve Scalise and Liz Cheney,” Greene posted on Twitter. “I’m sorry my future colleagues are unable to stand up to the pressure and fight back.”

Georgia Congressional Candidate Brandishes Weapon, Warns Antifa To Stay Out Of Her State |

“I’m sick-and-tired of watching establishment Republicans play defense while the Fake News Media cheers on Antifa terrorists, BLM rioters, and the ‘woke’ cancel- culture, as they burn our cities, loot our businesses, vandalize our memorials, and divide our nation.”

So what does Ms Greene stand for? Why was the establishment Left and Right, and in particular the Georgia Jewish establishment, so keen to see her lose?

Firstly, the future congresswoman believes and has stated openly her belief that the Democrats are genuinely going to try shred the US Constitution and do away with the Second Amendment (the American right to bear arms), so much so that her primary campaign ad features her support of the Second Amendment and the following photo.

We all know what Jews think of that old pesky Second Amendment.

Facebook deleted GOP candidate's gun photo with AOC - Business Insider

Left-wing propagandists at Slate opined,

“The right-wing House candidate—and presumed future Congresswoman—in Georgia known for her previous support of QAnon on Thursday posted a photo of herself with a rifle and a threatening message directed at the progressive women of color known as the “Squad.”

In the photo, which was posted on Facebook, Marjorie Taylor Greene holds an assault-style rifle next to black-and-white photos of Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “Squad’s worst nightmare,” a banner at the bottom of the image proclaims.”

“We need strong conservative Christians to go on the offense against these socialists who want to rip our country apart,” her post’s caption read.
By Friday, Facebook removed the photo (see featured photo above), stating that it violated the social network’s policies.
Then there’s evidence that Greene, through her Tweets and Facebook posts, believes (or outright knows) that

“It’s men like George Soros who are behind the demise of the U.S.”


JdN: Oy, she is attacking a survivah of de Holycost!


She says that there’s an enemy working from within, along with a global network of Marxists, to undermine American sovereignty, the rule of law and gun rights.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican House candidate in Georgia who supports QAnon by the Forward

Then there’s Greene’s belief that the Coronavirus has been weaponised politically at best, or is an outright hoax at worst.

CNN reported how “Greene asserted in a tweet on Tuesday that “children should not wear masks,” something apparently in sharp contrast with the recommendation of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health professionals.

Okay, so nothing that dangerous thus far but here is where Greene’s opinions start to get interesting.

Greene also has a major problem with the official 9/11 narrative. In fact, she has said on the record that she doesn’t believe that the Pentagon was even hit on the day, and that she has “trouble believing much of anything she has been told.”

Prior to running for office Greene was videotaped standing by the side of the road claiming 911 was an “inside job.”

Oh boy….

For a Congresswoman to not only believe that we’ve been lied to, but speak openly about our own government’s involvement in the attack is pretty rare indeed.


*** 9/11 solved in 2 minutes


But it gets better….

As recent as late 2018 the Congresswoman shared a little video via her social media account featuring one Barbara Spectre – a video that claiming that it is the Jews behind the demise of Western civilisation, and that a network of “Zionist supremacists” were conspiring to flood Europe with migrants in order to replace indigenous white populations.

The 2018 video, which was discovered by left-wing propagandists at “Media Matters for America,” and which Greene shared on Facebook, exposes the “Great Replacement,” the theory that Jews are the ones orchestrating the mass migration of Third-World immigrants, via wars the Deep State caused, to push them into Western Europe in order to kill off the indigenous white population.

*** JdN LOL


The video asserts that those supporting the refugees (Zionists) are exploiting hardship created by Jewish wars and using “immigrant pawns” to perpetrate the “biggest genocide in human history.”

Although this theory is hardly news to us, please remember that this woman is soon to be a Georgia Congresswoman. Her Democrat opponent in fact just quit due to how far behind he was in the pills, meaning one of us will soon be sitting in DC alongside the aforementioned “Squad.”


Pedophilia-promoting influencer Rothschild, denigrating Greene, eulogises her FAILED opponent

In the aforementioned video, which Ms. Greene shared, she goes on to say that:

“An evil and wholly unholy alliance of Marxists, Leftists, capitalists and Zionist supremacists has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation, with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our own homelands.”

Again, this woman is soon to be walking the halls of the US Capitol!

Greene wrote on Facebook that “This is what the UN wants all over the world.”

Although I know little about Ms Greene, thus far I have to say I like what I see. We need more people like Rand Paul, Thomas Massey, even anti-Zionist but pro-American old-school Democrat Dennis Kucinich in Washington if we are really going to take this country back.


I thank the writer for this good news!

John de Nugent

The anger is out there! But Trump, and this valiant and cute Marjorie Greene gal, are not enough. Besides, she looks a bit naive to me, and what will happen when the big jew hammer drops?

It is time for people to actually change so it does not take a disaster every time that is almost too late to fix to wake our folk up!

It was predicted clearly in 1965, when closet-jew Lyndon Johnson rammed through his pro-immigration law, that it would someday make Whites a minority in their own country! That day is here!

For God’s sake, Henry Ford, a beloved billionaire, a household word, and a prestigious car maker,

driving out the 20,000,000th Model T, the first affordable car

… was saying all this 100 years ago!

The problem is not the jews.

Do we blame a fly that lands on some dog-sh–?

Why didn’t we clean up that dogsh– that the fly loves?

Before that fly flew up our nose or into our beer? 😉

The jew is the fly and the dogsh– is our own white crap that he lands on!




It is time to change the human race, the greatest, most essential project in our history! Either we all die, or we change, yes, change and deep-down-inside!





  1. I disagree that the Jew is a fly that innocently lands on waste-stuff to consume it. In my opinion there is nothing innocent about the Jew.

    Isn’t that what Hitler thought? I think Hitler was inspired by the realization that the Jew was a satanic animal. To Hitler the Jew was not one of us. To Hitler the Jew was not a fellow human. To Hitler the Jew was something radically different from us. In a word, to Hitler the Jew was a devil from hell. I think this realization of the demonic nature of the Jew is what inspired Hitler, along with his devotion to the German nation.

    Like Hitler I personally believe that the Jew is a satanic animal and is unlike us in this respect.

    • Brother, be assured that I could not agree more with you.

      The committed jew is a psychopath, and therefore, by universal medical diagnosis, he is literally untreatable and incorrigible.

      You can see the psychopathy in brain scans, in fact. The dyes reveal that compassion centers in a normal brain are dead in them, and pleasure centers in the brain are activated by this: causing and witnessing human suffering. This is why jews love to torture gentile prisoners for hours and days on end.

      As Big Brother says in 1984 to a shocked Winston Smith, “the purpose of torture IS torture.”

      Martin Luther, once he woke up and smelled the coffee, which came from actually reading the Talmud in Hebrew (which he had learned –from a rabbi! — in order to to translate the Old Testament into German) wrote in 1544:

      “Christian, know this: you have no more lethal enemy than a jew who is committed to judaism.”

      Thank God not all jews are, however.

      The nicest gal I ever dated was jewish.

      But racially she had genuine blond hair and blue eyes, she did not attend the synagogue, and she pursued me, a very Gentile and rightwing goy.

      She also stood to inherit $2 million on her mother’s death, which she did not neglect to tell me. 😉

      I met her mother, saw her place, and believed it.

      It was very hard breaking it off with her, but I did, not for the money, but because she was truly a very, very nice woman as well as attractive.

      I broke it off entirely because she was jewish, and I knew it could not possibly work out long-term.

      It was the best thing to do, and the gentlemanly and chivalrous thing, too.

      She was really distraught. 🙁

      But, as the Germans rightly say, “better a painful end than no end of pain.” So I bit the bullet.

      To make my teaching explicit:

      Committed Jews incarnate here from hell worlds to seek more prey. They ARE demons in human form.

      And those jews to whom this does not apply leave judaism, a process which has also gone on for 3,000 years. I salute every ex-jew who had the courage and integrity to publicly, openly, turn his back on his rich, powerful, well-networked people. Millions of other jews who are disillusioned by the mindset and practices of the committed jews just keep their mouths shut, marry a gentile girl or guy, and avoid rocking the boat. But that is not enough. That will not help them in the hour of our righteous wrath.

      They must publicly renounce judaism, and work day and night for us if they want to live after the innumerable, horrendous crimes perpetrated by their demonic race.

      I trust this makes my views clearer. 🙂 And the SPLC views me correctly. Heidi Beirich said once:

      “John de Nugent is “SO extreme.”

      Yes, I am — the most antisemitic man on this planet.

      My time in MK-ULTRA hardened me infinitely toward the child-raping, child-torturing, child-blood-draining, child-murdering jews, for whom the word “evil” is laughably inadequate.

      My feeling toward the jews is like my feeling toward the fly that lands on and eats dog-sh–t.

      SWAT. Some life forms are utterly useless.

      This video, which got 56,000 views, says it all. Every word in it was carefully chosen to reflect my views and dharmic goal (the reason why I have reincarnated at this time and in this country, the very bastion of jewish power):

      April 20, 2015 video on the pedophile Leo Frank and modern VIP child molesters:

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