Spiritual reading — fear will kill both love and action; NDE of a rock climber

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September 12

Dear ones, stop fighting yourselves!

Stop struggling against the inevitable. Stop clinging to that which
is sinking.

You, who are wiser and more conscious than many, are still holding tight to the outmoded notions of what is necessary to live, to enjoy, to relish your time in form.

You look around and you see others who have no idea what is going on stockpiling against a disaster that will surely sweep away all that they have acquired.

And you know that this is an unwise strategy.

Yet, it is so hard for you, even with all of your insight, to let go and devote yourselves to matters of the heart. Well, you say:

— We need to eat.

— We need to feed our children.

— We need to live in this world.

And, of course, you are correct. You do need to live on earth right now (unless you are planning a respite), and you need to give consideration to those who depend upon you, no matter their age.

But there is no end to the abundance on your planet. This may sound odd, given the mess it is currently facing, the mess which arises from nothing more or less than human greed.

But you see, the greed comes from fear. And the fear can only be countered by love. There is nothing else which can stop it.

Reason is helpless in the face of fear. Kindness does little to slow it. More fear can hold it in check briefly, but in the end, more fear only creates more fear, and then it grows exponentially as a result.

So unless you find a way to end the fear which is rampant now, there frankly isn’t much hope.

But you know how to reach into your own heart. You know how to touch the place where love and the divine exist within you.

We are not saying that you should pick up a begging bowl and begin wandering. We are not saying that you should leave those who rely upon you in the lurch. We are not saying that there are no material considerations which require your attention.

We are saying that unless you—as the crest of the wave—are able to live more and more from a place of love, the greed and the fear are likely to triumph this time around.

We do not want to sound like the voice of doom, nor are we particularly pessimistic. But it is time, beloved ones, for you to make the shift.

It is time to end the half measures, the experimentation, the dabbling.

We have said it before, and will, without doubt, say it again—you are  needed. Your love is needed in the world. In the atmosphere. The vibrations are growing stronger in both directions—there is more love and there is more fear.

You can feel this, we know. It is hard to miss. There is so much support for a shift into a higher vibration. You would be amazed if you could see or feel it all. There is a giant wave of love — many of them, in fact — washing over your planet.

The power of it would take your breath away, could you see it all. And so many inhabitants of the earth are struggling hard to keep their feet on the ground. We say, stop struggling. Let yourself become one with the love that is already flooding your planet.

It may feel unsafe in moments; it may feel odd. But if you are in a heart
space, we promise that you are as safe as you have ever been. Do not fear that which arises from love.

Please. Make no more fear. Add no more fear to the air around you. Instead, suffuse it with love. If you do, you will begin to find yourself joined with so much more. Remember that fear is about limits; love is
about the infinite.

More on this later. That is enough for today. We are part of one of those waves, and our love for all of you is constantly flowing. Please receive it and pass some on. All our blessings. — E. West



…..Canadian rock climber dies after disastrous decisions — what happened next

“It was beauty and love [….] and more real to me than anything I had experienced before in my life.”

Btw, the last name of Pete, the speaker, who is very articulate and intelligent, is “Panagore,” which is a Cornish name, and we have many Panagores or Penegors here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

The Cornish people are from Cornwall in southwestern England, also home to the legendary King Arthur, who probably was a real king, plus Lady Guinevere and the knight, Sir Lancelot.

This is all Cornish and keltic folklore, and goes back to when the Germanic Anglo-Saxons invaded Kelto-Roman Britain.

The Cornish were the first copper miners here, and they also brought to the UP the “pastie,” a delicious, substantial meat pie.

Watch now and hear how a pinpoint of light rushed at Peter Panagore, and said “I am taking you now.” It struck me how the tunnel of  light (a classic NDE feature) which he then went through was “both infinitely wide but narrow, tight around me.”

Human words just are lacking for the experience.

He then felt himself to be an “orb of consciousness,” and exclaimed, with a strange kind of inner relief, “Now this is who I really am, not that body I had.”

He then felt all the pain he had ever inflicted, intentionally or not, on others………. but a voice assured him as it happened: “I love you.”

Experiences like this prove my point that if you are a mostly decent person, on the other side you will get both some pain — whatever you did to others! — and some TLC and reassurance.

This book, by a former atheist and engineer, John Burke…. tells how bad-to-the-bone people, in stark contrast, do NOT get a nice reception. (Think Churchill, FDR or Stalin.)

One NDE which he relates involved a dude who was a real lowlife. Well, there was no tunnel of light and no angel. Two scrungy guys and a woman were waiting for the guy, said “follow us,” and took him to a kind of maximum-security prison full of rapes, beatings and stabbings.

Yet one pinpoint of light remained visible the whole time he was in there. When he was appalled enough at his own anti-values that had put him in by his own terrible choices with the other scumbags, the point of light got bigger and bigger, and pulled him away into an embrace of indescribable love.

THEN he experienced also the heavenlike reception center which so many see.

So hell is real, but temporary. When you accept YOU put yourself in there, AND SAY “MEA CULPA” (Latin for “my fault”), then you can leave, and learn about fearlessness, duty and love.

Beauty, love, connection and unity — our national socialism of 1933-45 was actually an imperfect imitation on this flawed world of the glorious but temporary afterlife that all decent people experience when they “die.”

Truly, it is as Lamartine said.


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