How I view the jew

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Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell (real ancestral name: Hoch), specialists in goy sexual abuse



A writer, comrade and donor thought my blog comparing jews to a housefly who eats dogsh– seemed too kind. 😉 He wrote:

I disagree that the Jew is a fly that innocently lands on waste-stuff to consume it. In my opinion there is nothing innocent about the Jew.

Isn’t that what Hitler thought? I think Hitler was inspired by the realization that the Jew was a satanic animal. To Hitler the Jew was not one of us. To Hitler the Jew was not a fellow human. To Hitler the Jew was something radically different from us. In a word, to Hitler the Jew was a devil from hell. I think this realization of the demonic nature of the Jew is what inspired Hitler, along with his devotion to the German nation.

Like Hitler I personally believe that the Jew is a satanic animal and is unlike us in this respect.


I replied:

Brother, be assured that I could not agree more with you.

The committed jew is a psychopath, and therefore, by universal medical diagnosis, he is literally untreatable and incorrigible.

You can see the psychopathy in brain scans, in fact. The blue dyes reveal that compassion centers in a normal brain (on the left) are dead in them, and pleasure centers in the brain are activated by this: causing and witnessing human suffering.

This is why jews love to torture gentile prisoners for hours and days on end. As Big Brother says in 1984 to a shocked Winston Smith, “the purpose of torture IS torture.” In the end, he tells Smith he will let starved rats eat his face off.

Martin Luther, once he woke up and smelled the coffee, which came from actually reading the Talmud in Hebrew (which he had learned –from a rabbi! — in order to to translate the Old Testament into German) wrote in 1544:

“Christian, know this: you have no more lethal enemy than a jew who is committed to judaism.”

Thank God not all jews are committed to it, however.

The nicest gal I ever dated was jewish….

But racially she had genuine blond hair and blue eyes, she did not attend the synagogue, and she pursued me, a very Gentile and rightwing goy.

(She also stood to inherit $2 million on her mother’s death, which she did not neglect to tell me. 😉 I met her mother, saw her place, and believed it.)

It was very hard breaking it off with her, but I did so.It was not hard because of the money. I had broken already with my own father, a self-made multimillionaire, and he disinherited me.

It was hard because she was truly a very, very nice woman as well as intelligent, caring, educated, well-traveled, and attractive.

I broke it off entirely over this, that she was jewish, and I just knew it could not possibly work out long-term.

It was the smartest thing to do, and also the gentlemanly and chivalrous thing. I hate cads who use women and break their hearts.

Well, she was really distraught. 🙁

But, as the Germans rightly say, “better a painful end than no end of pain.” So I bit the bullet.

To make my teaching explicit:

Committed Jews incarnate here from hell worlds to seek more prey. They ARE demons in human form.

And those jews to whom this does not apply leave judaism, a process which has also gone on for 3,000 years. I salute every ex-jew who had the courage and integrity to publicly, openly, turn his back on his rich, powerful, well-networked people.

Millions of other jews who are disillusioned by the mindset and practices of the committed jews just keep their mouths shut, marry a gentile girl or guy, eat pork, stop going to synagogue, but otherwise avoid “rocking the boat.”

But that is not enough. That will not help them in the hour of our righteous wrath.

They must publicly renounce judaism, and work day and night for us if they want to live after the innumerable, horrendous crimes perpetrated by their demonic race.

I trust this makes my views clearer. 🙂

And the SPLC does view me correctly. Heidi Beirich said once:

“John de Nugent is SO extreme.”

Yes, I am — the most antisemitic man on this planet.

To summarize:

Jews came here from another galaxy, as their Rabbi Michael Laitman openly says, to conquer, enslave [and, he avoids saying], exterminate all goy slaves who rebel or have no use. They work for another species, which needed some humans so as to “get” the other humans.

Jews, both sephardim and ashkenazim, have a heavy admixture of primitive neanderthal genes. They are the ultimate violent cavemen, clannish, brutal, stubborn and women-despising.

Later, they became a roaming horde of Near Eastern criminals (pimps, whores, mercenaries, hitmen, archers-for-hire and fences) called habiru, later the Hebrews.

Personally, it was my own hellish time in the MK-ULTRA program that hardened me like a sharpened diamond against these child-raping, child-torturing, child-blood-draining, child-murdering jews, for whom the word “evil” falls laughably short.

My feeling toward the jews is like my feeling toward the fly that lands on and eats dog-sh–t.


Some life forms are utterly useless.

This video below, which got 56,000 views, says it all. Every word in it was carefully chosen so as to reflect both my implacable views and my dharmic goals (the reasons why I have reincarnated at this time and in this country, America, which since the Federal Reserve’s establishment in 1913 has become the very bastion of a savage jewish power):

My April 20, 2015 video on the pedophile Leo Frank and modern VIP child molesters

Committed, Talmudic jews are psychopathic murderers.

And there is only one solution for psychopathic murderers.

In fact, the RICOH Act is perfect for them all, a law used against both the actual gangsters and all their ancillary “team.”

Every member of a crime family goes down, even the cooks, drivers, doctors, lawyers, and gardeners.

You all benefited, and you all said nothing, even if you personally did not “pull the trigger.”

As for the other jews, whose conscience is disgusted with what their people does, they must heed what Christ said:

Repent, and sin no more.

Well,  enjoy your laugh now, jews. It’s all big talk to you. You won’t chuckle later.

As both blacks and whites have muttered to me since 1978:

It’s gonna take another Hitler.



But a better one.



As Colonel Jessup asked in “A Few Good Men”,

“Are we crystal?” 🙂






    • Oh yes. He was hounded and had to flee from country after country, and either the stress killed him or the jews poisoned him in the end.

      I would rather have hoisted a beer glass any day with the heroic Bobby Fischer than with your average white, excuse-making, miserly, do-nothing coward!

  1. Shortly ago I read that another satanic race is the bohemians.
    Brings to my mind the evil “Bohemian Grove”
    Anyone who can inform more about this?

  2. Great vid John. Extreme is what is required now. I agree a hunt is certainly called for and deserved and we are more than capable when most or even some of us decide this is a duty and organize without centralization of command.

    An alternative that might be more digestible to most would be to gather “the jew” and lackeys etc in a literal hermetic quarantine after sterilization so this generation is the last this world has to suffer. No killing, no gore, no jew, no noahide. We will be free to mass deport and insure a huge White majority. The democrat level folks will be thunderstruck and as deer in headlights so won’t pose any issue. Common Law will quickly become our total body of law.

    On another aspect of “the jews” perfidy and fear of being outed I was just banned from Russia Insider for posting the hard truth of the jew. I am at least as extreme as you as I have studied the jew too.

    R.I. was a bastion of free speech but it seems the jew has control of the narrative there as well. Charles has fallen to judaic pressure or reels at the hard truth. Censorship is a crime we should not allow to go unpunished. No hard reality of what we must engage in to Liberate us and hand our children a safe and peaceful world is wanted there any longer. Seems these are yet to be internalized,

    “Wishing no harm to enemies is wishing harm to ourselves and our children” J.I.

    “The only solution for bad and violent people are good people that are more skilled in violence” Japanese Samuri Code Bushido

    “A people cannot know Love unless they are willing to kill those who destroy it.” J.I.

    “When you believe lies you become your enemies ally.” J.I.

    I see the 110th building. Do you?

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