When Newt Gingrich mentions ‘George Soros,’ Fox News hosts go silent, refuse to discuss him

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If you doubted the power of this vile jew Soros, watch this, and remember that GINGRICH WAS THE SPEAKER 1994-98 OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, one of the most powerful men in America.

Wiki: “The Speaker is second in the United States presidential line of succession, after the vice president and ahead of the president pro tempore of the Senate.”

It is a demonstrable fact that George Soros has been attempting to destroy law and order by funding radical left-wing ideologues to run for district attorney offices. St. Louis’ Kimberly Gardner is one such example. The selective prosecution of BLM and Antifa rioters, and lack thereof, is a decision leading to increased crime and violence within the communities, and so far ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGES.

This is a graphic from FOX itself!

The moment quickly went viral on social media, and while many libtard & leftist observers applauded the hosts for cutting off Gingrich’s truthful statements, Fox News viewers and conservative pundits were furious that the network cowed to the arch-leftist and Holycost survivor.

“This is the power of #GeorgeSoros,” tweeted Glenn Beck, the right-wing TV star who, during his Fox News tenure — January 2009 to June 2011 on the Fox News Channel; Beck has authored six New York Times–bestselling books —  often blasted Soros, accompanied by a chalkboard with lines connecting various political entities to the philanthropist.

“This is how the media and now Fox News bows down at his feet. Everything said here is public record. Have you ever seen Fox come to a complete halt like this? Why?”

And so during Thursday’s broadcast of Outnumbered, Faulkner addressed the issue in a standalone segment, seemingly looking to quell the anger that had bubbled up among the network’s conservative base viewership.

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner addressed an awkward on-air conversation that occurred one day prior with Newt Gingrich on Thursday, when several co-hosts of “Outnumbered” said George Soros should not be part of a conversation around the cost of riot damage across the U.S.

“So, we had a little incident on the show yesterday that was not smooth. And while I was leading that segment, we had interruptions, and I sat silently while all of that played out. Also not ideal,” Faulkner explained on “Outnumbered” on Thursday.

“Our guest, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is beloved and needed to be allowed to speak with the openness and respect that this show is all about, was interrupted,” she said.

“Do we debate with fire here? Yes,” Faulkner continued. “But we must also give each other the space to express ourselves. As the only original member of the six-year-old amazing daytime ride known as ‘Outnumbered,’ I especially want to rock ‘n’ roll with every voice and perspective at the table.

“We don’t censor on this show,” she said. “And that’s why we are winning weekdays at noon.”

On Wednesday, Gingrich argued that money provided by the billionaire leftist Soros was helping to fuel riots in multiple U.S. cities throughout the summer following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“Progressive district attorneys are anti-police, pro-criminal, and overwhelmingly elected with George Soros’s money.

And they’re a major cause of the violence we’re seeing because they keep putting the violent criminals back on the street,”

Gingrich said Wednesday.

“I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this,” said co-host Melissa Francis.

“I was going to say you get the last word, Speaker,” Faulkner said.

“He paid for it. I mean, why can’t we discuss the fact that millions of dollars…” Gingrich said before co-host Marie Harf [a fmr advisor to Demoncrat John Kerry as Sec’y of State) injected:

“No, he didn’t. I agree with Melissa. George Soros doesn’t need to be a part of this conversation,” Harf said.

“OK. So it’s verboten!” Gingrich replied [with heavy sarcasm].

Looooooonnnnnng silence………………………….

“OK. We’re going to move on,” Faulkner said.


…… No, we can’t “move on.”

The jews are an advanced, metastatic cancer on every white nation.

It is time to dejew the world.



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