Fervent, brilliant half-white supporter urges me on; asks if there is a peaceful resolution

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Mountain sheep; this half-white, half-black supporter asks below if spiritual sheep can become lions for the battles ahead, and if, as I say, Neanderthal blood really is behind jewish behavior.  


Hi John,

I enjoyed reading the letter of your East Asian supporter. It was a very uplifting experience.

East Asian supporter loves Whites; wants us to beat the jews and rule our countries

Reading through it, I had the feeling of listening to the words of a best friend and soulmate. I’m certain he has been a well-natured European in his previous lives and has been a noble knight, perhaps even a king, at least once. Actually, I would like to meet him.

I wish him luck and divine protection, so he can pursue his purpose to save the White Race and leave behind a better world.


I’ve planned on writing a lengthy letter to you, though it turned even longer than intended so I’ve stopped at some point because there are many things to reconsider.

The other day, I was thinking about my own beliefs and future visions. I believe to have found some answers I was looking for when reading a bit about Gautama and the Buddhist teaching of Nirvana.

Some dots connected before me and a realization came to me. I believe that my original feelings were confirmed, though I see them from another angle, and I think it’s a virtuous viewpoint. What I need is time, yet looking at the world, time is running short for all of us. I must get out of [his current location], and do a ton of writing, reading, and thinking.

There is a path before me, but it’s a harsh, stony, and unfamiliar way to walk.

This world has seen too much hatred, war, and bloodshed. Though I claim to be gifted in warfare, I surely have seen enough blood in previous lives, as the sight of blood brings unease to my soul.

Wars are not only tragic. All of us learned how devastating and dysgenic modern warfare is when looking at the last centuries. I start to understand that we must go on a different path.

We must aim to solve this conflict and race problem without any bloodshed, through the guidance of the masses into the light. Being a soldier of righteousness is noble, but I can sense that God wants me to go a different path. Although I admit, it seems impossible to solve this mess peacefully, especially when it comes to our Overlords…

John, I love reading your website. The spiritual reading bits are worth more than gold. And the sheer amount of knowledge you have about history and religion is astonishing. And thank you for mentioning the wonderful books you recommend and have read. I plan on reading them, too. I also love reading about unique insights and your life experiences as a Marine, white nationalist, spiritual guide, father, and everything else. There is much to learn from you.

But I think there are a few misconceptions you are spreading, but you do so unintentionally. You are simply not aware of it so, to quote Jesus, “Your sins are forgiven”. For example, when you talk about humanities’ early history. I would ask you for a favor, to not talk about Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, and early human history.


I know, this seems strange, but trust me on that. Our enemies are horrid in nature, but it’s not the Neanderthal blood that makes them like this. Keep in mind, it was primarily the Jewish Elite that spread a propaganda machine against Neanderthals… And if this Elite says something is bad, like the Neanderthal, the very opposite is true… Not to mention, that Neanderthal blood flows not only through you but through all White people and their descendants. It’s actually something to be proud of.

(Although the theory about a wicked horde forming a tribe known as Habiru, appears to be very true. I have much to read about subjects like this.)



……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites)

Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany

….The Hebrews, as a Jewish author proudly admits, were the “Habiru,” a roaming horde of criminals that terrorized the Middle East



I aim to go the most unexpected path, but what we need is time. There is nothing that will give us more time than White, Nordic Children being born and protecting them from Evil. So you know, what is best to focus on.

I wish health, luck, divine protection, and an extended lifespan for you, Margi, and your loved ones! I will pray for you. I hope that your plans are coming to fruition. I keep praying for you, humanity and the world!

Things are obvious, you are extremely busy, writing a book, caring for Margi, gunning up, installing security, blogging, repairing, working… All of that is incredible impressive and it’s just unbelievable that you’re doing all this at your current age.

My respect!

Now, to seriously have a chance and not be crushed within the first weeks, you need many, many armed people protecting you. And that’s what’s concerning me, you should have, at least, two dozen men protecting you. Men who know how to operate a gun and use it effectively. Since you’re a former Marine and military expert, you obviously know about this. Though I wonder, can you bring that many men, preferably veterans, to Ontonagon?

Overall, things are certainly looking dire, yet apparently, things have to get much, much worse for modern white people to wake up.

For example, I’m in a WhatsApp group with my friends in [European country], we are in total five people, and I’m the only non-white among them. I haven’t written anything there for at least a year, but I can read their entire chat dialog up to this date.

Do they ever talk about race? Are they realizing that their race is facing extinction? Nope, NOTHING, no talk about such things, they only talk about work, study, chess, alcohol, games, girls, going out… Though, to give credit, the Polish friend can think somehow critical and notices a few things, but even he is in denial and is doing nothing. Also, the only blue-eyed among them is very, very intelligent and studies “technical mathematics,” but, as expected, he is the most naive and liberal. There is a white genocide, but this must be most comfortable genocide this Earth has even seen… which makes it peculiarly dangerous.

Our diabolical overlords have put together a master plan and they believe that the vast majority of people are nothing but cattle.

(((They))) are, unfortunately, right. Most people ARE cattle…

As long as people have a roof over the head, food on the table, work and means to entertainment themselves, like watching movies or sports, play computer or surf the internet, most will NOT rebel! Regardless, (((they))) are morally wrong and spiritually corrupted, because sheep are not here to be slaves or to be tortured, sheep are here to be guided and taught, so they become lions.

Though, among the cattle, a lot of the white ones are actually not dumb, but rather under tyranny of the egoic mind, which makes them deny the most fundamental truths… still, they have also become dumber and more cowardly.

To get to the point, the sheep-like mentality applies especially nowadays. Our best, brightest, and bravest have given their lives for pointless struggles…..

*** JdN  General George Patton, IMO, was the best American general in WWII in Europe, and was killed by the jews when he awoke, too late, to the fact Hitler had been right about them.


Or they have not reproduced in high enough numbers. There was time when the USA had, on average, the bravest men of European stock. There was truly a time when the USA were rightfully known as the land of the brave and free. It was the time of the earliest European settlers and of the founding fathers, when average Americans looked like people depicted on statues by Arno Breker.

Robert Redford

These days are long gone by.

As we know, the vast majority of the old American, Celtic-Germanic, bloodlines went extinct or have been diluted. Up to this point, there has been a continual trend of severe dysgenics.

Now, on top of that are feminization, brainwashing, and pornography, obesity, polluting micro-plastics, the sharp drop in testosterone and increase of estrogens, chemicals in air, water and food, etc…

And the devastating thing is that this downwards spiral has not only affected the US, but the entire western world and all of Europe, Oh Lord, have mercy on us!

Though, unlike others, Americans are still armed and have at least some rights of free speech. So it’s they that have the most promising chance for a victorious rebellion, and Americans must rebel, even if we must force them to do so!

John, men like you must, sooner rather than later, encourage Americans to raise up their arms and shoot at the enemy!

In truth, as you say, nobody is truly killed  in war, just their bodies. We are doing our enemies a divine favor, freeing their true selves, their souls, from a misguided physical form, and you call it, correctly, “tough love”.

John, do not forget why you’re doing this. Do not forget your true origins. Do not forget the beauty of your people, and do not forget the wisdom and strength of your people!

Most of all, do not forget that our victory is the will of God!

Deus lo Vult!




….My reply

I thank you and the archangels for your heart, mind,  courage and encouragement to me!

It is a real test of the firmness of my belief in reincarnation and life after death to start this movement. Just yesterday, I saw here in Ontonagon a white, rightwing guy with borderline personality disorder (by his own confession to me on several occasions) whose threats I have related to the sheriff many times, and once again he gave me a dagger look. He literally looks like this, minus the horns. 😉

As I always say, one can grow 30 times faster on a place like earth, because you see here truly appalling behavior and attitudes that make you shudder and recoil from such a mindset.

I said to the sheriff that if a civil war erupts, in the general mayhem, low-lifes will be wanting to go out and “settle some scores.” With people dying left and right, one more shooting death will just be a blip, and in a civil war the cops, sheriffs and deputies will be busy just protecting themselves and their families from various roaming gangs.

All I can say, and I will leave it at this, is that I amazed two locals with my marksmanship a few weekends back……

Now, can we win peacefully?

I would like that, but I doubt it. In a sense, the physical war has already began, with BLM and Antifa already beating, looting, burning and killing.

It would also be poetic, karmic justice for America,  in view of all the wars this country has inflicted on others on their soil, to see the horrors of war on our own. Remember that many Americans who are incarnate today were in the WWI and WWII generations.

Of course, I will offer a peaceful solution, but the huge number of psychopaths out there cannot ever be trusted.

5% of whites are psychopaths, and another 15% are borderline psychopaths. Out of 180 million whites, that is 36 million full or partial WHITE psychopaths in America.

As to the neanderthal issue, yes, almost all whites have a bit of neanderthal blood.

But there is a very good reason why the demonic forces keep using people of heavy neanderthalic descent, creating with them, first, Judaism, then its second offshoot, Judeo-Christianity, and finally the third, the exceptionally brutal Islam — three anti-white religions, all started by neanderthalic semites.

Just as a male dog, any dog, will “hump your leg,” or any eagle grab a living thing and carry it off alive to its nest, quivering in dread, to kill it there,

…the neanderthals have a nature, too. It is obsessed with sex, money, and ganglike tactics against outsiders without any hint of chivalry.

Now, can spiritual sheep become lions?

The German people in WWII proved that this is possible. Most of them were not born warriors. But the Third Reich brought out the inner hero, and for the minority of bad-to-the-bone, despicable cowards and traitors, well, the Gestapo and Feldgendarmerie were waiting for them. 😉

We must congratulate ourselves daily for our courage to incarnate on this planet at this particular time.

This is a time for heroes. A thousand years hence, young people will wonder what it was like to live in such an age of both human garbage and human nobility.  Humans will divide into two camps — those who fight and those who submit, bend the knee, and, exactly as we warn, will be slaughtered with a jewish smirk.

This jew is for real:  https://budapestbeacon.com/lajos-bokros-publicly-denounces-xenophobic-politics-of-orban-government/



We know what our choice will be. Karmically, to fight is to win, and die we shall in any case.

In the end, 90% will die before their natural time, as all the karma of letting the jews get away with murder for 3,000 years clobbers this generation of reincarnated, cowardly do-nothings.

Earthlings have bad karma, and they will see soon how much that sucks.

It is time to start making right choices and to learn from our follies and the sufferings we bring on ourselves by both what we do and fail to do!

As I said in my last life:

God has favored us by actually putting the face of the Devil on these people. How can we overlook features that scream Danger and Evil at us!

United States Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., participates in a news conference about Homeland Security funding in New York, Monday, March 2, 2015. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)


  1. let’s hope more honorary Aryans join us like this man. John, have you watched this- a really good documentary [English with German voiceover] about the Unabomber, who was in some ways on our side

    • Thanks.

      Tragic that he murdered three people, and injured many more, to get attention for his message.

      But this Harvard/MIT graduate Kaczynski was no dummy.

      And he felt that humanity itself would die unless we wake up.

      The vicious reaction of the jew Brockman regarding the Unabomber killing the jew Gelernter, seen near the beginning of the film, speaks volumes –that Kaczynki was onto something and hitting close to home. We are indeed becoming less and less human and more and more the parts of a big, controlled machine.

  2. Regarding the Neanderthal theory, an advantage it has it that it makes comprehensible the apparent racial differences between the Caucasian Jews and the Semitic ones. To wit, the Neanderthal race developed two types: white and brown. Thus, the Causian and Semitic Jews have the underlying, common blood of Neanderthal.

    I believe that what makes the Jew is a combination of blood and culture. Both the blood and the cluture are necessary conditions. Thus a blood-Jew raised in a White family will not be a true Jew. Conversely, a blood-White raised in a Jewish family will not be a true Jew either, nor will White converts be true Jews. Both blood and culture are necessary for the phenomenon of the Jew, with his distinctive mind and spirit.

    Such is my personal theory. It explains the possibility of how the Kazars (Caucasian Jews) could become true Jews, although they were converted in mass in the 8th century. If the Kazars were white Neanderthals the blood condition need to make a Jew would be present.

    • Thanks.

      Andrew Breitbart was a very Aryan boy of pure Irish blood who was adopted young by a jewish couple.

      Raised jewish, he founded the powerful website named for him, or rather after his jew adoptive father.

      His nature remained Aryan and fearless, and so the real bio-jews suddenly had him murdered –a heart attack in his early forties — when he was about to release an explosive documentary on the communist activities of half-jew Barack Obama at Harvard.

  3. “John, Wasn’t Georgetown U. founded by the Jesuits(jews) and now run by the CIA(jews)for the purpose of mind control(MK-ULTRA)?

    • I have no doubt that something like that is possible, but I myself had only good experiences there and only one course by a priest, a Columban father, not a Jesuit, and it was on Plato.

      It was actually at Georgetown that I became an open national socialist, and never suffered any repercussions. GU believed in free speech back then.

      Of course, things go on in secret and dark things are done behind closed doors.

      I would say the most sinister department is the School of Foreign Service there, which gets top ratings, but has a NWO agenda.

      I met the dean of this dept. and got a very bad vibe from him.

      When I was an MK-ULTRA subject, I was a child.

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