Could the Deep State be blowing up energy plants?

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Screenshot of the Sanford, Florida gas-line fire.

The info below ask if the (((Deep State))) is trying to create chaos by damaging the US energy infrastructure just before the election.

The French would call this la politique du pire, “the politics of making things worse.”

On the eve of the French Revolution of 1789, the jews deliberately caused a famine.

Meanwhile, their puppets in the newspapers, the paid pamphleteers and the paid, professional, rumor-mongers began agitating with hate and lies against the king.

They even invented the infamous and vicious lie that Queen Marie Antoinette had suggested the peasants should eat cake if they had no bread.

This rumor, which the jews spread all around, was a total slander — she never said this heartless remark — but the famine they triggered was real, and stomachs were growling.

THEN this hook-nosed character, Stanislas Maillard, surfaced…

…..and organized the “storming of the Bastille,” an important armory and prison.

Meanwhile the royal army regiment right down the block stayed quiet as a little mouse.  No troops budged from their bunks! Their commander had been paid off! So the mob rioted and the troops did nothing. Sound familiar??????

When the troops inside the Bastille armory surrendered, the jew-agitated mob then cut their heads off — and paraded them on pikes!

Do not underestimate the savagery of a jew-inflamed mob.

See my vital article on how the jews make revolutions, step-by-step,and it always involved vicious lies, bribes, economic sabotage, and then troops that “strangely” do nothing during the big uprising, the decisive moment:

A comrade wrote me:

Internal warfare continues to expand, and Trump’s talking about his enemies won’t stop it. Fires are increasing, and now Antifa/BLM [or someone else controlled by  the j-team, such as IMO the FBI or CIA] may be doing gas-line explosions.

All federal agencies know who the terrorists are, but only enable them by doing nothing to stop them. The Cavalry isn’t coming to rescue enemy encircled Americans. The DHS, FBI, DOJ, and US Military are not Americans’ defenders.

Is this really true? More information is yet to come:


Residents near the one that blew up in Oklahoma said they heard an explosion, and then later there was a fireball. A gas pipeline is not going to explode without a simultaneous fireball, so what had to have happened is a bomb blew a crater in a road that had the pipeline going under it, the blast prevented flames at first, and then the massive amount of escaping gas then lit. `12 inch pipeline. The initial gas ignition was visible on GOES.

This is underway, and two more just blew up in other states. I am tracking this down now.

Gas line rupture sparks massive fire in Sanford

These videos are of the gas-line explosions that seem to have occurred about the same time.

As yet, no evidence has been given that this was sabotage by Antifa.

However, at this time it is easily assumed that all destruction is being done by Communist revolutionaries. Disruption, destruction. and killing is the Communist overthrow way to achieve power and control of a fearful, beaten society.

Also here is a video about an explosion and fire at a nuclear power plant in Florida that just recently happened. I don’t think this was even in the news. The Marxist/Communist militants are deeply entrenched in the US now, and they are many. Their war is on. They are without mercy, and should be dealt with as such.

Gas Line Explosion In Piedmont

Sep 16, 2020

Gas pipeline explosion creates giant bright ball of flame near roadway in Oklahoma (VIDEOS)
17 Sep, 2020 06:10

Huge explosion at Natural Gas Main in Fort Smith, Arkansas
•Sep 17, 2020

Massive Gas Main Fire in Fort Smith
•Sep 16, 2020

Huge fire breaks out at a power plant in Sanford, Florida
•Sep 10, 2020

Huge #Fire erupts at nuclear power plant in #Sanford, #Florida.
•Sep 9, 2020

mp’s talking about his enemies won’t stop it. Fires are increasing, and now Antifa/BLM are doing gas line explosions. All federal agencies know who the terrorists are, but only enable them by doing nothing to stop them. The Cavalry isn’t coming to rescue enemy encircled Americans. The DHS, FBI, DOJ, US Military are not Americans’ defenders.

Is this really true? More information is yet to come:


Residents near the one that blew up in Oklahoma said they heard an explosion, and then later there was a fireball. A gas pipeline is not going to explode without a simultaneous fireball, so what had to have happened is a bomb blew a crater in a road that had the pipeline going under it, the blast prevented flames at first, and then the massive amount of escaping gas then lit. `12 inch pipeline. The initial gas ignition was visible on GOES.

This is underway, two more just blew up in other states. I am tracking this down now.

Gas line rupture sparks massive fire in Sanford


    Ho notato qualcosa che non andava in questa vicenda.
    Soprattutto perché questi due vivevano con un sussidio statale! LOL
    Ma si potevano permettere orologi d’oro,vacanze lussuose ecc..
    Poi ho tradotto la vicenda:”La razza Bianca uccide quella Nera”
    Un caso Floyd anche qui.
    Ora manca solo la statua a questo ragazzo,che per carità,poteva anche essere una brava persona,però non va bene per motivi di Odio razziale e insurrezioni da parte dei Migranti!!!!

  2. Uffa…perdonami gli Errori.
    Il numero 18 mi ha portata a Lilith.
    Leggi la storia di questo fumetto 😉
    Poi ho trovato un libro un po’ strano intitolato:”Lilith e la stirpe di Caino”.
    È così,Caino(come figlio di Lilith e Adamo)ha fatto un bel guaio!
    Una storia maledetta.
    È sopravvissuta solo quella dei Gemelli Adamo ed Eva,con il figlio Seth
    La simbologia Sethiana è presente oggi(come Moloch e Baal)con tutta la discendenza araba e giudaica.
    Ma Seth dovrebbe nascondere anche l’identità di Siegfried.
    Che casino terribile.
    Sto cercando di “sopravvivere” a tutti questi numeri che continuo a leggere.
    Leggi le coordinate di Beirut 😉
    Credo di vedere il numero 18 e non vorrei sbagliarmi.

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