Spiritual reading — acknowledge feelings but control emotions; choosing to incarnate into this hell

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September 25

This is a very good time to discard all forms of sentimentality. It may seem a small and inconsequential thing to suggest, and yet it will be of value to you if you can find the places where you have allowed emotional waves to carry you far away from your grounding, your center.

To feel is to be human.

It is an extraordinary gift, and it is one that comes along with, perhaps in compensation for, all the challenges of form. All beings feel, but there is a particular quality to feeling as it is experienced vibrationally in form [this material dimension, which is a frequency] that is quite special and spectacular.

Many humans fear the intensity of it and avoid it; it is life-altering and thus does terrible mischief to the best-laid plans of the mind.

*** In the final speech at the 1934 Nuremberg rally, Hitler both radiated himself and evoked in others the most powerful feelings. Our species is emotional; emotions are the fuel we need to take action.


(Other species are cold and logical. The series “Star Trek,” a typical limited hang-out by Hollywood, goes into this — with many episodes dealing with Vulcan-human friction.)


On the other hand, your emotional capacity makes you vulnerable to drama. And drama, both the manipulation inherent in it, and the stories that are ever built around the emotions (for it works that way most often, and not the reverse, as you tend to think), are extremely distracting and do not in any way expand or enhance your ability to feel.

Most people make no distinction between emotion and feeling, and perhaps there is a semantic line in play that is less than meaningful, but there is indeed a real and important difference between those things that you can simply feel and allow to move through you, pure and utterly of themselves, whether they be what you might term ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ comfortable or the opposite; and those things which take you from your connection to the divine and drop you into greater illusion.

*** Emotion — Latin for “moving outward”

Eckhart Tolle goes into this, that a feeling can pass, but an emotion physically affects your body.  The heartbeat may soar, the skin flush, the palms sweat, the muscles coil, and the fists ball.

Ex-move-re in Latin — a feeling that comes out through your whole body. If you just suppress it, it can make you sick.


When you layer ideas, thought-forms, over the feelings, you confuse yourself and you distort the truth.

This is extremely tempting to do. “I feel ______.” Ok. The next thing most of you are accustomed to do is to move to the next clause: “because_______.”

Makes sense, right? My finger hurts/ because it is in the fire. Since I don’t like the pain, I can locate the cause and I can stop the thing I don’t like. Or, I feel happy/because I am in the company of someone I love. Since I like feeling happy I can attempt to send as much time as possible with people I love.

Up to a point, this is a useful way to function in your world. Cause and effect, right? You learn at an early age how to manipulate your environment to create the effects you like best.

But (and you knew there was a ‘but’ coming 😉 ) the problem that arises at a certain point is that it is easy to become so proficient at identifying and manipulating the ‘causes’ that create the circumstances in your life that you barely have time to bring true awareness to the moment-to-moment experience of your life.




What does this moment feel like? You are so quick to take its measure and respond to it, invite more, and change things to alter the feeling.

And we can tell you that simply by staying with what is before and within you, in terms of feeling, leaving aside the ideas and the desire to control them, will bring you into realms of knowing and expansion that will surprise and delight many of you.

Transformation and clarity come from doing nothing more than feeling what you feel without complicating, analyzing or necessarily acting on it. It is one of the most empowering things you can do. Be with what is.

*** It is not coffee that makes me happy, but sniffing it so deeply — with no other thought in my whole sleepy noggin 😉

I do allow this one thought: Thank you, farmers, for growing these fragrant, energizing berries (not beans) under your blazing hot, sweaty sun for us! It is hard work, we know!  So gracias, amigos!



As always, the problem arises when something becomes both habitual and unconscious,  [and not a choice to grow by thinking a certain sensible thought, or feeling a certain useful feeling.]

So not only are we encouraging you to look at the drama and sentimentality (which are really nothing more than feeling which has been interred in ideas, beliefs, and stories, and as such, distorted and twisted) with which you may at times meet feeling that graces your life, but also to greet that pure feeling (for it always arrives this way) without judgment or fear.

Anything that takes you from the straightforward experience of what is being given to you in any moment—whether it be the desire to control the future based on the present and the past, or the desire to dodge that experience through making it into stories—robs you of your right to live deeply, authentically and fully in the extraordinary form you now inhabit.

You can always try it and see what happens. Our advice is only so good as you find it in real practice!

We send you much love—always. — E. West



….Positive cover stories

A staunch comrade told me his parents used some excuse to avoid helping the Rockwell national socialists. I replied:

This is what Jesus called “the secret person of the heart.” This is lying to yourself.

Catherine Austin Fitts, a very interesting ex-Wall Street heavy who woke up to the JWO,

…called these b-s excuses to do nothing “positive cover stories.” We certainly cannot ever admit, can we, that we might just be acting like a selfish, stupid coward!?

As Fitts (Norman-Irish name) emphasized in explaining the positive cover story, the story may have been cooked up by your enemy for you so that you can justify doing nothing…and, in fact, you may not entirely believe it yourself, not really, not deep-down.

But you kinda wanna believe it, sort-a.

You take a slug of whisky or smoke some pot, or watch teevee, or jerk off to porn, and then you can sort-a sleep at night, poorly but you do finally drop off.

But your Eternal Soul, the real you, knows that you are derelict in your sacred duty to yourself, to your God and Creator, to the sacredness of the Truth, to your race, and to your suffering people.

You have quietly added yet another toxic deed or failure to act to the moral miasma that makes this world into a hell for all.

*** Hey, Colonel Charles Lindbergh, Jr!

You were a Medal of Honor winner, and handsome, and charismatic, and respected, and beloved.


In Henry Ford you had an antisemitic backer with 188 billion dollars in his pocket, a household word himself, and a hatred for the jews … And a Life magazine poll two weeks before Pearl Harbor said 81% of Americans were against us entering the war.

But it took you forever to even barely touch on the JQ.

And you never ran for president.

You let Roosevelt smash Germany, the hope of mankind.


I will show this again: a WWII GI mourns until the day he dies for killing, close-up, a young German soldier. On the deepest inner level, this man KNEW it was all terribly wrong:


……I am asked if I wish to publish an atrocious story about jews abusing white kids

Hi, comrade.

Yes, anything about torturing white kids is very upsetting to me — for reasons moral, racial and also personal — but I have published ultra-horrible details on my website before.

No one dares read Unshackled, though it is on my site.

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan

It hit me like a thunderclap how her life and mine had many parallel details. And she hinted there strongly that her main rapist was a jew with a German accent, Henry Kissinger, and later stated it openly.

Of course, this same exact Kissinger was tied into my own family, and visited our house several times. I have often run this photo — Kissinger photographing the daughter of the mayor of Providence (who died of a heroin overdose at 37), and my father.

One reason I deserve the fullest support from serious white nationalists (and I am happy to report that views of my site have soared recently)….

…is that my hatred for jewry is so visceral, total, absolute, and also personal.


How do I feel about jews? Just call me the The Iceman. My whole face changes, because I smell sewage.


I have seen and experienced things, like Kathleen Sullivan, which have hardened me, a “sun” person, to be more “lightning.” They made me emotionally incapable of compromise, of giving up, or surrender, which would be utter madness to me.

I KNOW from my own agonizing, nightmarish experiences what these top jews are really like, absolute human devils, whenever they get the absolute power over us which they crave with every fiber of their being.

The angels having decided, doubtless in wisdom, to not let me access most of these memories because it would be re-traumatizing and thus re-encumbering to my mission, I have just a few dreadful feelings left, dark inner clouds which only the most severe abuse can explain.

One is seeing anyone dragged by their legs across a floor. Somehow this awakens great dread in me, and a physical convulsion.

The other is a sick feeling that I could summarize this way:

“I cannot believe this is actually happening before me to real human beings. I wish this were a dream I could wake up from. If only I had the power to stop this sickening evil.”

I thank God that he understands my fundamentally kind nature, and concurred with my decision before this life, before I reincarnated, to undergo things which have:

1) beneficially hardened me (Savitri Devi hinted in The Lightning and the Sun that I was too kind, too much “sun,” that is, too much warmth and light, and not enough “lightning,” meaning to be a warlord of supreme hardness),


2) it taught me how terrible PTSD is, and it is just rampant in our society. For to win, we cannot be basket cases: fragile, shattered, weeping inside perpetually, and unwell.

We must be healed, whole and strong.

I did it — I healed, I found my bearings again — so this signifies that we all can. For I too am just a man.

Thence the need for a credible, authentic, Aryan faith community…for a group of loving, caring comrades, for a religion which we can truly believe in.

It will be a faith which (to cite Nietzsche) does not betray this earth or despise this material world, but focuses on taking our earth back, eliminating the Talmudist power, eradicating our own inner jew, and thus letting our planet rejoin the civilized races in the galaxy which now view us with horror and disgust.

The toxic Van Allen Belt was imposed long ago by advanced races in order to keep us here, to quarantine us, so earthlings could not spread their barbaric behavior and deranged, egoic religions to the rest of this solar system.

Alex Jones was right. This IS a “Prison Planet,” it is already one now, and not something that Hillary or Biden would impose in the future. It has been a prison planet, a confinement world, for many millennia, and will stay this way until we learn.

Get a grip on your minds, earth people. Don’t make the jews your excuse. They are nothing — a plug-ugly 1/4 of 1% of the human population!

And learn we shall, the hard way. We must bite the bullet and go through the wolf age, unfazed by every horror, buttressed by a deep inner peace as we battle infinite evil.

In the end, we will learn to learn, not lurch blindly from one catastrophe to another.

The demonic Winston Churchill put it well about human history until now, and he SURE should know:

“History is just one damn thing after another.”

In the end, you just gotta laugh. 😉

Better to laugh and fight than sit around and cry.

How disgraceful our current lot is, when national socialism


generations ago

–under the severest tests (the Great Depression and World War Two)

–that major nations

ancient nations with deep-set bad habits

–can change,

radically change, and

–even the most average humans

….can awaken to their own inner nobility, be happy,

….achieve splendid inner growth and thus have an A-plus incarnation!

Average people rising to their full abilities! 

The terrified French, in defeat, were just astounded at how the New Germans were actually really friendly, chivalrous and nice!      “Abandoned population — you can trust the German soldier!”

— and YOU can earn a Well-Done, a Two-Thumbs-Up, from your guardian angels, who are ex-humans themselves — and here with all their skill to truly help us!

We did this, white sisters and brothers.

We were fantastic, comrades!



  1. https://www.madeinpompei.it/2020/01/20/da-cacciatore-a-stella-ecco-il-mito-di-orione-descritto-nel-mosaico-rinvenuto-a-pompei/
    Questo non lo avevo notato…
    Orione,chi può essere mai?
    Il Dio cieco,il Dio caduto che cammina sulle acque,il Dio con i suoi due fedeli cani,è proprio Odino.
    La storia del cacciatore…o come Viandante.Il cacciatore salva Biancaneve,tradotto il cacciatore salva anche la razza Bianca.
    Ma il messaggio di Leonardo suona sempre come una profezia:
    “Atlantide rinascerà”
    Stanno uscendo fuori tanti affreschi a Pompei 🙂
    E io mi diverto.

  2. Tutto si collega e niente si spezza.
    Bè ormai sembra che da Odino in poi le cose sembrano aver funzionato..
    Tu ti sei sempre dimostrato valoroso..
    E probabilmente anche io.
    È sempre una sorpresa e una gioia.
    Sei tu la mia luce.
    Ma c’è una lezione…
    Imparare ad amare come Dio Padre-Madre ci ama;sentire anche le sue sofferenze,quello che prova con tutta questa distanza,le dure prove che ci sottopone nel tempo e il suo immenso sacrificio.
    Ma puoi sentirlo senza quel velo,solo senza l’Ego.
    “Io chiedo a te cos’è l’amore e tu lo chiedi a me”..
    Tra padre e figlia,tra madre e figlio.
    Non so se sbaglio ma comincio ad intuire questa verità.

  3. Lucrezia Borgia: Femme fatale del Rinascinemto.
    Suo padre Rodrigo Borgia è un papa, Alessandro VI. Suo fratello è Cesare, il duca Valentino. Con entrambi avrà rapporti incestuosi, si piegherà alla loro volontà accettando matrimoni e assistendo ad azioni delittuose contro i suoi mariti, quando non più utili ad alleanze e strategie politiche.
    Credi che le Donne ebree possano salvarsi da questi maniaci?
    Stavo osservando tutti i ritratti dei pittori del Rinascimento.
    Lucrezia mi sembra davvero triste,a parte bella…puoi davvero comprendere il suo tragico destino.
    “Sottomessa dagli Ebrei”.

  4. https://pin.it/7N1g9bG
    Dopo la morte di Alessandro VI, ebbe inizio la decadenza della famiglia e molti dei suoi membri tornarono in Spagna. Gli scandali del papato ai tempi di Alessandro VI e dei suoi successori fecero maturare il malcontento e il desiderio di riforma negli ambienti più conservatori dell’Europa del nord, sfocianti di lì a poco nelle tesi luterane.
    Del ramo spagnolo dei Borgia furono i cardinali Juan Borgia e Pedro Luis Borgia.
    In seguito un pronipote di Alessandro VI, Francesco Borgia (1510-1572), divenne Generale dei Gesuiti e fu poi proclamato santo.
    Il ramo italiano dei Borgia si estinse nel 1740 con la morte dell’ultimo discendente maschio, Don Luis Ignacio Borgia.
    PS:”Questo è il ramo del papa attuale…vero?Un Borgia con il nome Francesco.
    I famosi personaggi che circondavano il papa.
    John…cosa succederà alla Chiesa dopo millenni di Crimini e menzogne?

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