Spiritual reading — get fired up!

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September 27

If you can let your passion rise to the surface today, it will serve you well. In order to get through the craziness and the fear and the insubstantial character of “reality,” it will probably be necessary to corral all of your inner fire and to use it.

When you have this energy at your disposal, you will be able to move yourself
swiftly. Anything less will likely be effort wasted. The atmosphere can be thick and sludgy. Getting through it is almost impossible; passion and certitude will help a lot.

Our suggestion for today is that you take it on in a “no-holds-barred’ manner. Set your sights where you want them to be. Rev yourself up to get there, and then let it loose. Don’t doubt; don’t over-analyze. In fact, save the analysis for another day altogether.

Today, do not favor the mind! Go from your gut, let it lead, and let the intensity of your desire to accomplish or achieve or learn be the clearer of the path.

Don’t be afraid of your passions. It is true that sometimes they lead you astray, but if you know your goals and use the feelings (not the stories) to propel you (rather than define the way) you will be fine today.

Be decent to others (send out a warning if you are barreling in someone’s direction) but don’t allow any mistaken identification with others or their karma to slow or stop you. If someone is in your way, they will either jump aside in time, or they (for their own reasons) need to be knocked down. If that happens,
help them up, dust them off, apologize and be back on your way. 🙂

Once again, we may be a little too vague or metaphorical. More directly: it is imperative that you not let anyone else and their issues stop you. Today is a day for reaching well-conceived and beneficial goals.

Always be kind, but try not to sacrifice that which you know on the altar of niceness or propriety.

It could be a very happy, heady day. It could be a little bumpy. But if you follow our advice, you will find that you have done some very good things by day’s end.

Do not be faint of heart. If the fire in your belly is kindled from love, all will be well.

We love you and send you courage, determination and many blessings. — E. West



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