Vengeance for jew-murdered Pat Tillman!

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Football star leaves NFL to become an Army Ranger, fights in Iraq and Afghanistan, is murdered by the US Army

His notebook diary was burned. His combat uniform and gear were destroyed. What more proof is needed that it was deliberately a murder? There is lots more.
Pat Tillman was a handsome, Irish-American professional football player who walked away from a $3.6 million contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the U.S. Army after the 9-11 terror attacks.
He was assigned to an elite U.S. Army ranger unit and participated in the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. In early 2004, he deployed to Afghanistan and was killed by, ahem, “friendly fire.”
Three Army doctors in Afghanistan who examined Tillman’s body found he had been murdered since he died from three rifle bullet holes to the forehead, which was inconsistent with the claim an American machine gun (with larger bullets) got him from 80 yards away, which also made the close group of three bullet holes impossible.

…..Clinical psychopathy in political leaders

Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, ( …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years in federal prison in New Jersey for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.


Chelsea Clinton wearing an inverted, satanic cross


FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.

1999 —- 2000


The Pentagon — its cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1941.


Inside the pentagram (a five-pointed star) a pentagon fits, a five-sided object

The sign of Baphomet (Satan)



  1. It is quite possible that Israeli IDF soldiers have been inserted into combat units and are in US uniforms. They will have high motivation to kill US troops with no restraint that US troops would likely have. I can’t even imagine that US Marines would kill each other since they are definitely mind programmed to be loyal to each other. Regular US army probably not so much. However, it is proven that in Iraq, Israel was killing US troops to fuel the fire of war. Tillman murdered by Jews in US uniform is very believable.

    Israeli Snipers Killing
    US Troops In Iraq
    Source: Joanna Francis and CNN
    Richard Wilson’s hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.

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