For all you US vets who ever were stationed in ze Fatherland

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….Just for fun for all you US vets who ever were stationed in the Fatherland

Ain’t never been better duty than Germany….

If you are a real man, German chicks go for exactly that. They want a solid guy they can count on. Every woman I ever had a long-term relationship with was part-German: an Austrian; a German-American from Michigan with hair like spun gold, and I do mean gold all over  😉  ;

…a Frenchwoman of Alsace (germanic) origin; and Margi Huffstickler since 2005 (original ancestral name “Hochstetter”).

That determined square jaw is the give-away. 😉 A German will never give up, whine, and go to pieces. They have too much pride and heritage.

In 2007

It is important to me that a woman be feminine (kind, tender, love to cook for her man, adore children, and spiff the household up) but not ditsy, not an airhead.. and that to be your soul mate, she must understand, as my Marine dad (veteran of two wars and a self-made millionaire) said: “Life is not a f—ing game.” Germans get that. There is a time to play, and a time to get stuff done.  🙂 Some people work to live; Germans live to work. 😉


LOL.  Chile’s military in South America is TOTALLY in love with Germany:


…..Prussia’s Glory” march and Anti-Soviet invasion footage:


….Funny and touching: GI Elvis, stationed in Deutschland, sings a sweet, traditional German folksong to the kinder


…..Who really was this John de Nugent?

Margi took this shot in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.




Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” 😉 My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look like The Average Man myself — like a working-class man.

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same DEEP-blue eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-too-long paragraphs, and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. 😉
Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it. 🙁
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache-guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle

Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty, since age 5 on, that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH (a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE) of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.
Oh, Shit! Here we go again! 😉


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue.


Video Player

Here is some humor — but the serious point is this: The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — who are a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people, and the Spartans (if not “Klingons”) of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(

The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies.  Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders……

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency, two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!

God, guns, guts and glory!

And this time, Jews,

it will be the world that hates you!




  1. Elvis actually looked like a decent young man in this film. A rarity in the life he lived.

    Germany has been an occupied country since the end of the war. So all American vets since then have been, and still are, an occupying army. My understanding is that Germany still has not been allowed to institute its own Constitution. A country not free since being led by Hitler’s government.

    The movie “A Foreign Affair” filmed not long after the war is an informative depiction of the Germany of the time, even if it likely was a Hollywood Jewish one. A historical fact not made clear in the movie is that the President of the US had ordered that no American military members could marry a German female. However, a support allotment could be given for a baby sired by a soldier. This was probably because of the starvation effect that US had allowed by not letting Germans have the massive amounts of aid that had been privately storehoused for them to survive with.

    A place to start for a more factual history:

    No doubt, JdN, you have yourself written much about the extreme injustice Germany has experienced.

    • Yes, to the point it all sickens me and I can hardly write another word about it.

      Margaret and I did six voices for the documentary film “Hellstorm.”

      America has quite a karma. Only a full apology, nation to nation, can extirpate it. One might add “reparations” for the murder of 16 million Germans and stupendous economic damage in and after WWII, not to even mention WWI.

      I fear the day of this nation’s karma is approaching.

      • The Communists and Jews within are destroying what most Americans believe has been a God-blessed, wonderful country. It is sad that Vets from WW2 did not tell what they knew about, and personally experienced during the war. War reality that is not known cannot be grieved.

        So most Americans remain proud, while deceived.

        I have come to believe that Americans should pledge allegiance to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not the flag — which really is a symbol of injustice, not honor.

        I had an uncle that refused to be drafted into WW2 due to his religious beliefs. He was sent to a federal prison as a felon although I do not know when he was released. He was not liked for this in his community, but he did stand on what he believed in, which is not usually easy to do.

        His father, my grandfather, was born of Germans having immigrated to America in the 1800s — solid Christians and industrious.

        I am including a link to the information and photos about the Rhine Meadows prison fields which others may not know about, although you do.

        GERMAN HOLOCAUST GERMAN GENOCIDE: 9-15 Million Germans Killed 1945 – 1953 Post WW2 “The Morgenthau Plan” EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS “A Forgotten Genocide” – True Democracy Party
        JANUARY 5, 2014 BY ADMIN

        • God bless your uncle!

          How wicked to force German-Americans to kill Germans!

          That would be like forcing American jews to “prove their loyalty” by bombing Israel.

          In WWII, the “out” was to join the Marines — and fight only the Japanese, as did my dad.

          His grandparents, who raised him, hated FDR and wanted no part of a war on Germany.

          Same was true of my maternal grandmother. “That man in the White Houae” was what they called FDR.

          And “never use that man’s name in my house!”

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