Was Andrew Anglin Julius Streicher?

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A comrade was outraged over Andrew Anglin bashing the late Eddie Van Halen, a top rock guitarist who just died of throat cancer at 65, for having had long hair.

Eddie Van Halen is Finally Dead!

(Wiki: “In 2012, [Van Halen] was voted number one in a Guitar World magazine reader’s poll for “The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time”….. Van Halen charted 13 number-one hits in the history of BillboardMainstream Rock chart.”  Btw, he was also half-Indonesian.)

I replied:

I have to agree with Anglin, 100%, that modern rock is demasculinizing men. I started hearing out-and-out fairy and almost falsetto voices in the early 1980s which made my skin crawl…although the Beach Boys had outré girly voices, too — which my dad noticed and commented on in 1965 already.

I am certainly familiar with this 1983 Eddie Van Halen song, “Jump”, which “jumped” to number 1 on the US Billboard Hot 100.

It is certainly ahistorical for Anglin to say long hair = homosexual.

Edward I, “Longshanks,” a fierce and hyper-masculine ruler of England, was famous for his violent invasion of Scotland CUM defeat, capture and execution of William Wallace — and for his courageous expulsion of the jews from England. Note the hair.

He also –SUPPOSEDLY — threw his son’s apparently gay lover literally out the window….

Every single description of Nordic aliens for decades by UFO whistleblowers (some of whom the Deep State has murdered) shows them with long hair, and also huge muscles. We humans would not be alive if they left off their monitoring of this earth, as impatient and disgusted as they get with our stubborn lack of progress.

The Staffordshire, England woman who had a close-up encounter, she and her sons, with Nordics on 21 October 1954 describes them as long-haired (as well as handsome and compassionate).

Nordic aliens have no obligation or means to save cowards

Btw, the Spartans and early Romans also had long hair — not exactly (to use Anglin’s word) “f—ts.” 😉


I prefer short hair, however, like the later Romans — and the 20th-century Germans.

Women should adorn themselves, but as for men, the Prussian-German-NS view was “Mehr Sein als Schein” — “To be, not to seem.”



A final observation: Now, all traditional white cultures taught “speak no ill of the dead.” If you slander an innocent dead man, you can literally incur his wrath from the other side. Bad idea. In Germany, it is illegal (and considered deeply unfair) to slander a dead person, called “Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener.”

More and more, this graphic starts to make some sense,

….especially if you know that — reluctantly, in view of his many great merits, his courage and loyalty — I had Streicher removed from all his posts in 1940 after various scandals, and he was basically under house arrest by us until 1945.

(Then the Jewmericans arrested him for the non-crime of being against jewry….. He stood up heroically for our cause, and was horribly murdered — slow-hanged– after the Nuremberg war-crimes farce.)

Gifted, witty, creative and courageous as he is, our Andrew  will say just about anything to get more viewers.

My goal is to instill in our best people a passionate, burning love of the truth.

AND restore both marriage and also honor to our white women, not bash them. ARYAN WOMEN CAN BE NOBLE AND WONDERFUL, especially when detoxified from judaized notions and raised in national-socialist values. During the Third Reich, they remained fiercely loyal to us and to me, and highly courageous, right to the very end.

Example: Aviatrix and important Luftwaffe test pilot Hanna Reitsch


Hanna Reitsch (29 March 1912 – 24 August 1979) was a German aviator and test pilot.


During the Nazi era, she worked enthusiastically and extensively for the Nazis and was awarded many Nazi-honours.

She and [Countess] Melitta von Stauffenberg [photos] flight-tested many of the regime’s new aircraft.

*** Countess Melitta von Stauffenberg (who was related by marriage, not by blood or attitude to the anti-Hitler officer who tried to kill the Führer).

She was shot down and killed by an American fighter plane in 1945. Notably, this beautiful woman was half-jewish via her father, who, however, was ultra-pro-German, a WWI combat veteran, and a convert to Christianity.


[Back now to Hanna Reitsch]

She set more than 40 flight altitude records and women’s endurance records in gliding and unpowered flight, before and after World War II.


Another sign that John Kennedy discreetly admired us….

….was his meeting at the WH in 1961 with “Nazi aviator” Hanna…( I cannot tell in this picture which woman was Reitsch.)

***JFK also did not shun

—  the very pro-Hitler and antisemitic Duke of Windsor

— the very pro-Hitler and antisemitic Charles Lindbergh, Jr.

— and he gave huge power at NASA to “Nazi rocket scientist” and honorary SS officer Wernher von Braun

Von Braun to the left of the white dot. (My daughter Ingrid played with his grand-niece Amrei von Braun while attending the German School in Potomac, Maryland.) 


She ended her life at 67 with a cyanide capsule I gave her in the bunker. She could not stand to live another day in the hell the jews, and white cowards and traitors, have created.


Courage, skill, loyalty and beauty — what an Aryan. Not one white man of this generation out of 100 has her radiant qualities. Andrew, call me a “white knight” all you want; I am proud of it. 🙂

I hope the long-haired guy on the right did not just hear Andrew Anglin call him “gay.” 😉


Especially important blogs



  1. The article below in the Guardian symbolizes everything wrong in our current Jew World. I only skimmed the article because I didn’t want to pollute my mind by absorbing such vile propaganda. Written by an Asian female-to-male transgender named “Sam T. Levin”, about a male-to-female transgender named “Emily Gorcenski” who “hunts Nazis” in Germany. Scroll down and look at the photo of this disgusting tattooed creature that calls itself “Emily Gorcenski” and try not to vomit. These are the type of vile human turds and useful idiots used by the Jews to break down the Gentile family structure and all decent, moral behavior:


    • Is Columnist Sam Levin actually Emily Gorcenski? That photo of him at the article header sure looks a lot like the execrable Gorcenski creature, as in comparison in adjacent photograph of ‘her’. A remarkable resemblance…(or maybe related).

      Either way, I completely agree with your accurate and honest assessment.

  2. Hope all is well with you and Margi.:-) The lady in the UFO clip is actually proof for me, as she is so believable.

    I saw myself a blue sphere descend from the sky once, and it made me a believer.

    • Many here have seen these relatively small spheres (over Lake Superior or some Wisconsin lakes nearby) which seem to be some sort of remote-controlled drones.

      Sometimes they split into three and then re-unite!

      Margi is doing better and better every day — thanks, brother! 🙂

      • In Northern Ontario I had seen a 5 light “UFO” (it is unidentifiable so theorize what it is) at night all Winter and Spring. Four lights on the outside and one in the centre. Now in Calgary I have seen it by the Moon. The lights are an artificial yellow while stars give off a white light. I’ am reminded of a mothership from a sci-fi story.

  3. My father used to call long-haired males “sweetheart”.

    It’s counter-productive to a man’s vocational life to have a womanly hair flow. It also is useful as a handle in a fight.

    • Long hair gives you extra senses similar to whiskers on a cat. If an opponent pulling your hair bothers you I will quote The 13th Warrior: “Grow stronger”.

      In old Aryan culture long hair was a privilege of warriors. Especially the Cossacks who are the original Rus, hence Norsk. Old Celtic culture when you were considered a man you were allowed to wear your hair long with a braid, before that your hair was kept short.

      Short hair is a Med thing imported from the Romans via the fedoratti. Northern European heritage long hair is a distinction of the warrior and a man.

  4. You seem to be developing a hatred for Anglin? Maybe this is the same reason Duke and Black turned on you? Or, did you turn on them?

    • No, it is you who “seem to be developing” something. Duke and Black are narcissist psychopaths who are hated by half the people who have had dealings with them. I have personally known both men since 1989.

      I have run many articles by Anglin and said good things about him, including in this article, but maybe English is not your native language. 😉

      Peeved, frustrated incels are not welcome here to stir up trouble. Does that fit you, comrade?

      • I read your site as well as Anglin’s and maybe i was out of order criticizing you but I felt it was constructive criticism. You criticize Anglin about his views on women, but is he really all that far off? I wrote one comment and you said I come across as a peeved , frustrated incel. Well I am about 9 years your senior and I am married and have great grandchildren, so that blows that theory. P.S. I am not peeved or mad at you.

        • Okay, comrade. I retract my comment and apologize.

          The defending of Duke and Black suggested to me wrongly that you were an enemy. They have been slandering me for 11 years. I was going out of my way to be friendly to both when Black deleted my thread on Stormfront, the biggest by one person in SF history.

          On women, yes, Anglin says some things that sadly are accurate, especially nowadays. 🙁

          But white men today are a POS too! We all grow up in a degenerate, hate-filled jew-world without true love or honor. While one set of jews hatched feminism, the other set cranked out porn and Playboy, and the viewing of our women as mere mobile vaginas.

          We both know, comrade, that the jew is the cancer killing us all off.

          As I have written, in my experience white women can be wonderful. I saw it over and over with my own eyes among Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Traditional Catholics. They preach 1) real manhood and a loving patriarchy 2) to which the most self-respecting, smart and good woman can willingly defer. 🙂

          • Well said, Sir. I agree with most but not all of Anglin’s views on women of today.

            But I often wonder, with all the women out there, why Andrew, who is in his mid -thirties, cannot find himself a decent wife or companion?

            Anyway, nice chatting with you, and cheers!

          • I guess to keep this brilliant, witty and highly creative man humble, God did not give him movie-star looks or height.

            Also, as you know, women seek security.

            I thank the gods I am blessed with a woman even more NS and unafraid of battle than I am. 🙂

            Margi around 1997 on West German TV (screenshot) while picketing the international headquarters of the vindictive and wealthy cult of Scientology in Clearwater, Florida with ex-Scientologist Arnie Lerma. She is half-German, half-Scottish, like a certain president of the United States. 😉



  5. Andrew Anglin doesn’t publish intimate details about his lovers, so that automatically means he has none? Sounds like baiting.

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