October 9
Tremulous, you reach out and touch the petals of a flower before you. Have you ever felt like the gifts of your earth, your human, physical life are so extraordinary, so beyond beautiful, so overwhelming that your throat closes in awe?
You may visit that place today, and if you do, count yourself fortunate, and attend to the moment with reverence.
For this is the Truth, the one experience of this reality that will always take you Home. It is not the actual stuff of the world, or its amazing perfection, but rather your ability to be one with it that is the key. It is not an experience that can be forced, as you know, but it can be intended and sought after. Do that today.
Look at your world in the hope of seeing its awe-inspiring aspect, and perhaps you will be rewarded with a moment or two (maybe more) of oneness with Creation. If it happens, allow that union to fll you as completely as you can.
This is rocket fuel, friends, and it will indeed carry you to the moon!
If it doesn’t come, don’t fret. There is an opening for that today, but it may not be your day. It will come, and soon, for days and times when it is possible to see and be one with all-that-is are arriving more and more frequently.
Just try to enjoy the beauty around you and don’t turn from the troubles of your plane with disgust.
It may be tempting in moments, but if you feel yourself turning in that direction, find something in nature to hold to. Keep your head above the water and you will have done well.
Please remember that we see the same beauty and perfection in each of you that you sometimes see in the world around you.
It is an honor and a joy to be with you. Blessings. — E. West
….Italian comrade who may be the reincarnation of Savitri Devi writes
[She had seen this photo.]
We wish you all the best. And I’m so happy that Margi is in full recovery… and that she’s taking pictures of you!
Speaking of laughter …
Here [in Italy] more and more mental sheep are grazing, never looking up …
The current decree: “Now we will have to even have sex with the mask on, apparently!” LOL. This was my partner’s ironic joke!
We are disgusted by this situation, which is getting ever worse. [end]
Thank you, dear comrade!
Well, to look on the bright side…. As for beating this cancer, this horrible throat cancer, I must say that it also has a good PR effect, showing me as a human, caring for his sick mate, and with so many getting cancer these days, the masses can identify with us.
Someone joked the other day that I (with the high forehead and blond hair) “look like an alien.” 😉
No, I am an earthling like you. I feel stress and grief. I cry. I laugh. I need a drink sometimes. I pray (many times a day).
Great book….
(But I seriously doubt that this earth is my original planet. This place is just SO weird, man! 😉 )
I am here to change it, not get used to it! NEVER!
Cathar women being burned alive by the RCC for believing in reincarnation….
She also wrote about a Chester Bennington music video.
The subliminal message? For me it is the man who raises his arm for victory, and the Ku Klux Klan.
He shows the deceptiveness of the poisonous Scorpio, all his wars … and the overthrow of the leaders opposing him.
At one time I would have misunderstood everything in this video … but after noticing those Hebrew letters [at the beginning of this other Bennington video
I guessed the true meaning of the rest of the messages.
“We are desperately looking for our Führer … the internal leader and the external one!”
I replied:
Yes. 🙂
There was a superb book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by Jüri Lina about how Freemasons and jews made Russia into a hell.
Under the Sign of the Scorpion: the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire
The famous “Lesson of the Frog and the Scorpion”
Chester sounds in this song as if he is talking in reality to God.
Well, he is with Him, now.
Actually, we all are, here on earth too, but we do not realize it!
We are experiencing God, and His karmic laws, and His love, yet not realizing it! Maybe this blog too is part of God’s love.
Uscire dalla programmazione forzata, alzare gli occhi al Cielo per comprendere la Verità, i bambini che colpiscono i loro aguzzini, Robert Miles che li protegge!
Bellissimo video.
“Video non disponibile. Questo video include contenuti di SME, che lo ha bloccato nel tuo paese per motivi di copyright.”
I also could not get it to play using hte Tor browser.
Maybe someone else can…..
Get out of forced programming, people. Raise your eyes to Heaven to understand the Truth. Be the children who strike down their captors. Robert Miles wanted to protect them!
A beautiful video.
Prova con questo,non è completo nella parte in cui Robert abbraccia i bambini e guarda al Cielo.
hi john, with this post with the loud linkin park i remembered this gem from motorhead https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvBXy04z-cM it might not be your genre but this was from 2010 and the lyrics/video are still spot on. lemmy was a piece of work too.had quite the ww2 collection and an ehh interesting lifestyle till the very end. hope you enjoy it