This huge male tiger felt a bond to this little white girl …..
October 10
There is nothing standing in your way at this moment. Oh, many excuses and reasons to be stuck, but nothing real. Your eternal, magnificent, rilliant, bright and beautiful being is right here.
And there is nothing to keep it from being your constant experience of yourself. Or others as well.
Are you not beginning to see how everything is turned around?
Everything in the worldly sense is and always has been upside down and backwards.
That which always looked solid and reliable is but a chimera.
And that which was nothing more than a second thought, a vague presence, is now demanding to be heard and seen as it is—the very core of reality.
This awakening is being felt on many levels.
So many assumptions made about who to be, what matters, how to act, what to do, how to care for self and others. All these are currently being de-constructed. It can be frightening, but the ultimate goal is liberation and we see that some of you are growing more free by the day.
At this time, the invitation is extended to all of you to allow that aspect of yourself which you have kept within, shared only with those nearest and dearest, to become who you really are. The energies around this are soft. There is no demand placed upon you to rise to the occasion, no striving asked for something big here and now.
Instead, we bring you an assurance and we beckon you. Your deepest and sweetest and more beautiful self is wanted and welcomed. The many layers of shielding and protection that you have put in place and carried on your backs all these years, you can put them down now.
You don’t have to be someone.
You are.
And you are perfect. And you are wanted.
And you are loved.
And it is as simple as that. — E. West
Flamingos head out to sea
….demonic jew wants to “do” white libtard who was a negro’s rape victim
This was a “comment” I deleted on this blog:
This POS is consciously evil.
Harvey Weinstein don’t know, John. Old Kijera looks very doable to me.
He invents email names that are usually a threat, such as “”
An SPLC scumbag? Maybe, but how does he know my conversations in the basement? He or his is using my smartphone as a listening device. This is NSA/MI6 or Mossad.
(To avoid violating US law, the American NSA allows the British MI6/GCHQ in Britain to spy on Americans — and the Brit MI5 allows the American NSA to spy on Brits. That devious way, it is not “domestic spying on our own citizens.” They just let an “ally” do it, then give them a full, albeit illegal report. A true British or American patriot would be OUTRAGED at a foreign intelligince service spying on their fellow countrymen! But they all work for the very same jew, Rothschild.)
General Communications Headquarters, one of a zillion cold-looking steel Big-Brother buildings put up after 1945, after Germany was destroyed, in and around London
The only reason I am alive, comrades, is that the jews cannot imagine my ever pulling it off — Hitler, reincarnated as an American Marine, sweeps America with a new white-rousing, jew-demonizing religion.
….”Hah-hah-hah, Nugent as Hitler. He doesn’t have a pot to p—in. His own movement rejects him.”
…just as they laughed at me in 1920.
Hoisting a blood-red flag with a pagan symbol, and calling my party a “socialist workers” party, was seen as madness by Establishment conservatives.
In the beginning, I was not draped in success, power and magnificence.
Later, the masses loved me, reciprocating my intense love for them.
In the book Corporal Hitler in the Great War 1914-18, two of Hitler’s old comrades in arms from the Bavarian Infantry Reserve Regiment ask each other in 1922 as I was making huge headlines:
“Can this be our Hitler? The corporal Hitler we knew?”
How can a skinny ex-corporal, high-school dropout, and illegal-alien Austrian citizen — they thought — ever take over a major country like Germany whose media and economy (((we Jews))) largely control?
Hitler seemed an unlikely hero. But he had intestinal fortitude, and something special inside….. an inner FIRE.
But the jews laughed off and underestimated the threat, blinded by their own egoic minds.
No one is more stuck up than a committed jew. They are beyond arrogant.
“Lutheran” Jeff Bezos
I have blogged on how some Italians, Armenians and others look jewish…. BUT only a jew has that incredible smirk!
Pierre Mendès-France, French prime minister in the 1950s
Dustin Hoffman, sexual predator
Jared Kushner
Eisenhower’s puppet-master, financier Bernard Baruch
NBC “Today Show” host 1997-2017 and sexual predator Matt Lauer
Satan’s prideful children….
You’d better believe I’m coming
You’d better believe what I say
You’d better hold on to your promises
Because you bet you’ll get what you deserve.
Dolores O’Riordan and the Cranberries
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