Bombshell re Biden, Obongo, Killary, the supposed killing of Ben Laden, the $150 billion to Iran — and the murder of SEAL Team 6

US president Obama has a meeting in 2011 in the situation Room at the White House. To the president's left are: Vice President Joe Biden; Robert Gates, Defence secretary; admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. To the president's right secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (Photo by Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
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The basic idea is these Demoncrats had the SEALs’ chopper brought down to hide they never got Ben Laden, who was in Iran.

Then Obongo, Biden, Killary and Kerry gave Iran $150 billion as hush money.

Obongo & Creepy Joe got themselves re-elected in 2012 based on an outrageous lie that they “got” the (supposed) author of September 11!

The problem with this “explosive” stuff is Demoncrats do not watch/read any medium that will cover this.

And even if they did, they would go into denial. They hate Trump/love Obongo that much. 😉

I recall when the part-jew and top Defense Dept. official Alan Sabrosky risked his life to reveal the Jewish State (Israel) did 9/11. That too had zero impact. That was ten long years ago….


It is clear to me that my hour has come to enter the picture.

We are finishing up a semi-routine visit today to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Great people as always…and so many blue-eyed, ultra-friendly, face-diaper-wearing Scandinavian- and German-ancestry libtards. 🙁

One, from Nebraska next door actually, bought me a beer at the local Outback Steakhouse, an Aussie-themed restaurant chain.

He told me, joking, that he was “one of the two Democrats in Nebraska”… And then he said two cognitive-dissonance things that floored me, that topped all else:

He was for Biden because:

–he is tired of this “Covid hoax” [sic] and

–“Biden will get tough with China and create more US manufacturing jobs” [double-sic]

WTF? Both ideas are 180 degrees the opposite of reality! If he believes this way, then he should vote for Trump!

And he also said Trump “should have denounced white supremacism at the debate ”

Then he said he carries a gun when he is in the black section of Omaha. 😉

And Biden is ANTI-GUN!

A typical Midwesterner, he hates Trump’s bragging, vanity, ego and, shall we say, “prevarications.”

(So, apparently, does Melania, batting his hands away in public. What caustic insuot do you think he said to her before launching into his Jan. 2017 inaugural address? The man is simply a boor, a cad, though I hate to say it. Can’t he be gracious at such a happy and exciting moment? I am sure Melania has her flaws, but still!



There just has to be a game-changer.  And now. The bold new face on the stage of this world.

One thing is for sure. Truth by itself is utterly meaningless to 90% of humans. In fact, truth just irritates people. 😉

















  1. Sulla strada che porta al Dio unico c’è una stazione senza Dio.
    Il vero monoteismo ha il dovere di rispondere alle legittime esigenze dell’ateismo.
    Un Dio per adulti si manifesta per l’appunto attraverso il vuoto del cielo infantile».
    A mio parere l’ebraismo non ha difficoltà con l’ateismo.
    Un ebreo può essere un ottimo ebreo anche senza riconoscere l’esistenza dell’Eterno.
    AntiSionista…Moni Ovadia.
    Più leggo queste cose e più comprendo che sono dei grandi psicopatici.
    Ci vuole una grande mente per capire questi personaggi.
    Per questo le persone sono totalmente confuse.
    Siamo davvero arrivati alla Frutta!:(

  2. I do not know anything about Savage’s integrity, but the information given in this article corresponds with the new release of information.

    Michael Savage: SEAL Team 6 was assassinated, executed

    “In July, as WND reported, the father of one of the SEALs told Savage in a radio interview he believed the U.S. government sent his son and his colleagues to their deaths.

    After Vice President Joe Biden revealed that SEAL Team 6 carried out the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Strange said the members of his son’s team gave startling indications to their families they were about to meet their demise.”

  3. I watched that moment when Melania suddenly stopped smiling at Trump. Trump had just turned around to say something, but it was not to Melania. He had directed his “special” words to Ivanka, sharing his glorious moment with her, not with Melania. That was an uncaring slap in Melania’s face. Trump has been loving his daughter Ivanka much longer than he has had Melania as his wife. The Trump family does not exactly present itself as a family of faithful moral character.

  4. It has now been proven that Obama’s confederates were engaged in subversion against Trump. If they didn’t call that treason, then they they would themselves be traitors if they don’t denounce the SEAL Team 6 murders as treason.

    Republican senators refuse to back Trump’s ‘treason’ claim against Obama
    Accusing the former president of such a crime was overreach, according to lawmakers who normally back Trump.
    06/23/2020 04:28 PM EDT
    “In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network on Monday, Trump accused Obama of treason but did not provide evidence to back up the allegation. It’s a constant refrain from Trump, whose allies have ramped up their attacks against Obama in recent months — accusing the former president of illegally targeting Trump and his associates during the 2016 campaign and the presidential transition period.”

  5. I forgot to post the link to this:
    Republican senators refuse to back Trump’s ‘treason’ claim against Obama
    Accusing the former president of such a crime was overreach, according to lawmakers who normally back Trump.
    06/23/2020 04:28 PM EDT
    “In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network on Monday, Trump accused Obama of treason but did not provide evidence to back up the allegation. It’s a constant refrain from Trump, whose allies have ramped up their attacks against Obama in recent months — accusing the former president of illegally targeting Trump and his associates during the 2016 campaign and the presidential transition period.”

  6. What if the corrupt politicians and AG Barr do not pursue the treasonous murderers of SEAL Team 6? Will the SEALS just be lapdogs and forgive and forget what has been done to their “brothers in arms”? These men are highly trained to be willing to risk their lives in special operations against alleged enemies of the US. Does that likely include assassinations? I would think that guilty parties will not be safe, no matter how they may be surrounded by their own army of body guards. Americans have yet to see ANY government criminals arrested, jailed, or executed for their crimes, and it’s time we did.

    • Good points. One would think that Navy SEALs would be a bad bunch to enrage.

      But it takes a lot for a military man to kill without orders. They are trained endlessly to obey legitimate authority.

      One reason why the Irish revolt succeeded is that Michael Collins radiated that authority. He became Ireland.

      As an example of faux manliness, an Australian comrade told me that men think it is a sign of manhood to get in fights in bars. (Some of the English and Irish working classes are like this too.) But if Chinese and Muslims pour in and take the place over, committing outrages, even rape and murder — no problem…. mustn’t say anything politically incorrect.

  7. I have known about this information about bin Laden for years, so any new information has to be questioned for facts. I knew nothing about the helicopter being shot down in Afghanistan, so I looked for some detailed information. The info does indicate it was planned to happen.

    By Michael Rivero
    The real Osama Bin Laden …
    died of natural causes, specifically Marfan Syndrome, in December 2001.
    News of Bin Laden’s Death and Funeral 10 days ago
    Islamabad – A prominent official in the Afghan Taliban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, . . . .”
    “Even Fox News reported Bin Laden was dead in 2001 … until it was decided that a live Bin Laden was more useful to the war hawks than a dead one!”

    The unexplained ambush of Navy SEAL Team Six
    By World Tribune on August 8, 2013

    The betrayal of Navy SEAL Team 6
    OCT 1, 2020
    “Bigger scandal than Benghazi?
    A radio commentator on WRKO AM-680 in Boston, Jeffrey T. Kuhner, wrote for Washington times about potentially bigger scandal than Benghazi, Libya, claiming that the administration — along with the top military brass — are desperately trying to cover up what took place on August 6, 2011 when Navy SEALs were on its way to that fateful raid.

    Further, he wrote about the possibility that Taliban were waiting for the Chinook helicopter as it approached its landing site. That means that there was possibility that someone tipped off that the SEALs were coming; the helicopter was attacked from three sides in a coordinated ambush.

    The U.S. military claimed that the helicopter was blown to pieces by a shoulder-fired missile, in which everyone on board was burned beyond recognition. Hence, senior military officials ordered the American bodies cremated without the prior approval of their family members.”

  8. If I seem stuck on this subject, I am. There is already push back to refute the information that incriminates Obama, Biden, and Clinton. If there is conflicting details, they need to be examined. Deaths did happen under the Obama/Biden authority for which they are politically accountable. Biden may get off by now claiming dementia, but not Obama or Clinton. The fire of truth needs to be kept burning at their criminal backs.

    The Execution Of SEAL Team Six
    Penned by Ann Barnhardt
    The Execution of SEAL Team Six (Part 1)
    “On May 5th, I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn’t in that compound. Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. ”

    The Execution of SEAL Team Six (Part 2)
    Posted by Ann Barnhard
    August 6, AD 2011
    “I’ll say what everyone else is thinking but is too scared to say. The Obama regime is almost certainly directly complicit in these deaths. The time, location and most especially, the PASSENGERS in the Chinook were passed to the Taliban. Additionally, you can’t take out a Chinook with small arms fire or even standard RPGs such as the Taliban use. The Taliban needed serious weaponry to take this helo down, and that serious weaponry needed to be in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time, ready to fire.

    Why would the Obama regime kill Americans? I think the question is, why WOULDN’T the Obama regime kill Americans? The Obama regime is composed of Marxist-Leninist psychopaths. A glancing, superficial survey of 20th century history shows one glaring fact above all others: MARXISTS MURDER PEOPLE WITHOUT COMPUNCTION. Marxists also hate Americans, by definition. ”

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