GENOCIDE WATCH: Remembering 13-year-old Alyssa Botha and other innocents exterminated in South Africa. Never forget!

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by François Arouet

Voltaire – Wikipedia

Although the following horrific murders occurred some time ago, very few of you will have heard ANYTHING about them.

This is due to no fault of your own of course and entirely to the mainstream media’s total silence.  A media that I feel is complicit in these heinous crimes.

The innocent men, women and children that lost their lives in this story need to be remembered and I feel that if we don’t honor them here on , no one will….

I’m a man, father and son, and although I feel great pain when anyone is senselessly murdered, it is especially torturous when I see defenceless women and children – in this case, ladies that remind me of my mother, sister and daughter – murdered in the most brutal of manners.

When I learned of young Alyssa Botha’s murder I was truly shaken to my core.

13-year-old Alyssa was shot point blank for no other reason than racist hatred and jealousy. Yes, Alyssa, along with her father and sister – who survived the ordeal – were ambushed and shot outside their family home for no other reason than their being white. The murderers also later admitted to murdering another white South African who lived but a few hundred yards from where this attack took place. Again, for no other reason than the victim being white.

Before I republish the article originally posted on a well known South African website, “Genocide Watch,” I’d like to address why I believe this is happening.

George Schwartz alias Soros meets with the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa

The Left make their livelihoods from societal discord. It’s their bread and butter. Without it, they have nothing.

These people thrive on our misfortune and are a bigger menace than the blacks running wild because of them. They fill black men – their weapons – already rife with rage and savagery, with the notion that their hatred and blood lust, is somehow our doing. They empower the brutes that perpetrated the Walkerfield farm murders (I will be revisiting this shocking story that hardly anyone in the West knows about next week) and the beasts that murdered poor women, children and men in the following story.

The Left inspire their rage, not only justifying it when it’s exhibited, but blaming us for it.

As mad as that sounds, this is what’s happening across the western world.

So how do we combat the violence?

It’s quite simple. By fighting the evil behind the madness.

Liberals, representing these savages in the courts, the media and government, are what stands between societal civility and savagery. If good men were able to implement laws that protected society, and their hands were not tied by liberals and their representatives in destructive human- rights organisations, the courts, the media, and in government, we would be able to deal with the issues we face, and ultimately, be a whole lot safer.

Liberals stand between South Africa’s non-black population and safety, as they stand between the West & our ability to combat Islamism, migrant criminality, and leftist moral degeneracy. They prevent us from being men and they indoctrinate us into feeling shame of who and what we are!

Can you imagine being ashamed of being an American, Brit or South African? That’s how we are taught to feel.

Statistically, black males commit a disproportionate amount of crime, yet we are prohibited from saying so. Relying on statistical evidence when formulating an opinion has become all but illegal. People must however have the right to think about their security, especially when they’re vulnerable, and should never be told by people that typically live far from the black populations, they enable that they can’t.

That’s why we need to direct our focus on the enablers facilitating the savagery. Once liberals and their Marxist leaders are toppled, mark my words, EVERYTHING will fall into place.

I killed them because they were white"... - Censorbugbear Reports | Facebook

I would also like to add something that one of our most important allies in South Africa sent me some time back.

The men that perpetrated many of the following murders might not have been simply “random criminals”.

Well-known South African activist and writer Dan Roodt believes that they were part of an ANC operation that targets whites.

The same ANC that bombed innocents in the 70’s and 80’s, were now subcontracting criminals to terrorize white families.

It isn’t so far fetched when you think back to the terror campaigns of the Mandela years.

Father's dreams shattered by murder
They’re proud – you can see and feel it.

Please note that Praag and Genocide watch are run by Afrikaners, whose native tongue is Afrikaans, not English.

Stay safe everyone.


Dan Roodt writes,

PRAAG reported on its Afrikaans website about a secret ANC youth militia being trained at South African military bases and deployed in black squatter camps.

This afternoon it came to my attention that the murder last week of 13-year old Alyssa Botha was committed by a member of the secret militia, known as the “Task Desk”.


from Genocide Watch

South Africa Marxist Slaughter House For Innocent Minorities

Please Pray For All Of Us!


I want to ask you to take one minute of your time, right now where you are, to close your eyes and pray.

Please pray for us in South Africa, pray that God will shorten this time for us, and that it will all be over soon.

Since the fall of our government, there has been a wave of murders of white South Africans.

Why would we expect anything less, for the black people have threatened for a while now that they would do exactly what they are doing now! This beautiful country, that once had dreams of being a “Rainbow Nation”, has all crashed into a heap of lies, murders and corruption.

The worst of all is that the white people in South Africa have to pay the price at any cost. The price is steep. It costs them their lives, their families’ lives and their children. This situation is all becoming unbearable for us. Please, we need prayers. We need people that can start to take a stand for what is going on in this new so-called democratic South Africa. The true story is not getting out there; please help us to spread the word.

Never stop praying. Thank You

This is what is happening in South Africa right now:


Attack on Family: Alyssa Botha (13), her Father Anton (51) and older sister Megan (17) was ambushed outside their home in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg.

The attackers were waiting for them as soon as they arrived at their home, and the girls started off loading their bags, the perpetrators started shooting on them. The mom screams as she sees what is happening.

Mrs Botha, who was watching through the window as her family was being shot at, was screaming in terror. Alyssa was shot in the abdomen, her sister shot in both her legs and their father in the abdomen. Alyssa was in critical condition, and although paramedics were trying to save her, their two-hour effort was unsuccessful.

The Residents of Muldersdrift are understandably upset as they say that they feel they are under siege these days. There have been so many attacks, shootings and thefts in the last few months, and it feels like they are living in a war zone.

Nicky Schimansky, the Botha’s neighbour was first on the scene as soon as she heard Mrs Botha’ distressed screaming on the radio.

”It means they were there waiting.”

They could see that the mother was alone in the house but they ignored her and went for Botha and the two girls. Who shoots a child? What kind of a threat did the children possess?” a shocked Schimansky asked.”

This is what is happening in South Africa right now:

Teacher (41) Killed in Her Home Day After Her Birthday:

A day after a school teacher, Annemarie Birk (41) from Ermelo celebrated her 41st birthday her throat was slit in her home.

Annamarie had just closed the gate for her husband who went to work at about 7:15 am when her murderer(s), who were hiding on the property, attacked her.

There seemed to be signs of a fierce struggle, where she was finally  stabbed five times in the stomach and her throat was slit.

She managed to phone her husband after the murders left her for dead but he could only hear her gurgle on the phone.

He rushed back home to find his wife dead in a pool of blood.

Nothing appeared to be stolen, which leads us to believe that it was just another senseless hate crime.


66-Year-Old Man Killed With His Own Shovel: A 66-year-old man and his wife were attacked on their small-holdings in Brits the past week. The couple was attacked inside their home.

The man tried to fight them off to protect his wife. She managed to lock herself in the bathroom. Afterwards she said that the men attacked her husband like a pack of dogs.

They dragged him to the sitting room, where they bashed him to death with his own shovel. They got away with weapons in a safe.


Women Shot Dead For a Handbag: Daleen Henning (51) was shot dead the past week in front of their business in Boksburg, Johannesburg. The black boys tried to grab her handbag, but she resisted them.

They then shot her two times in the upper body. Grabbed her bag and ran to the nearest informal settlement across the street where they disappeared between the homes.

Dalleen died in the street where she was shot for the contents of her handbag, which apparently had nothing valuable in it, but was found empty. In most countries –where genocide is not in play  — the robbers would have grabbed the bag, perhaps beaten the woman a little, and run off. In South Africa the white must die, no matter what.


Why Would We Be Surprised In Anyway?

Why would we be surprised anyway? The killings of our white people have been motivated since 1994 already, and it is even worse now with people like Julius Malema.

A Fan page dedicated to the previous ANCYL leader does not make any secret of the black people’s intent to kill white South Africans.

I quote from a comment “You f–ing white pigs. Malema is our leader. He will kill Zuma within the next 6 weeks,” Thato Mbateti wrote on the Facebook fan page, which had more than 12,000 supporters.

The alleged Malema supporter then went on to graphically call for the “taking back” of “stolen” land and the murder of Whites in South Africa.

“3000 farmers dead since ’94 … we lost more than that … we r far from being even … So kill da Boer, kill da farmer,” Thato Mbateti Mbateti wrote.

White People in South Africa in Danger

The ANC Government of South Africa is not interested in protecting white people.

This country has become a slaughterhouse, where white people’s blood is colouring the ground red.

The blood of innocent white South Africans are on the hands of this Government.

1 Comment

  1. Isn’t this exactly what Obama instituted with his own civilian army?
    In South Africa the Communist government mandate of blacks killing whites has become legalized. That is what white Americans are now facing as blacks are becoming not allowed to be accused of crimes.

    Obama’s personal army: him vs. you and me?
    By Wes Vernon
    February 24, 2011
    “As far back as the 2008 presidential campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama let slip a vision for his own personal civilian army. Not to protect you and me from enemies of this country, which is his number one constitutional responsibility.

    No, what he seems to have had in mind — demonstrated again just in the last few days — is a special force to push back against what he perceives as his own personal political enemies (i.e., anyone who disagrees with his agenda).”

    There have been many horrendous attacks committed by blacks against whites through the years. Many vile attackers have yet to be punished, none executed for their crimes. As in the Christian/Newsom torture deaths and the Witchita massacre. Vigilante courage needs to be made honorable and necessary (as with Leo Frank), because it is a just action against unstoppable evil.

    The Wichita Massacre –
    A Shameless Media Coverup
    American Dissident Voices Broadcast
    “The Jewish minority in the United States has a virtual monopoly control over our mass media, and all decisions that they make are decisions which place Jewish interests first. That is the key to understanding why CourtTV didn’t cover this trial; that is the key to understanding why White people aren’t allowed to have any institutions or preferences for themselves, that is they key to understanding why outrages like the Wichita Massacre aren’t considered hate crimes — even when they involve Blacks targeting only Whites seven times in a row, even when they involve gross sexual degradation and murder of Whites by Blacks, and even when racial references are made by the attackers — while at the same time Whites who post an innocent sticker saying that Whites are an endangered species are charged with hate crimes. Understanding the facts and the consequences of Jewish media control are the keys to understanding what has happened to our country.”

    10 Years Later: The Brutal Murders of Channon
    Christian and Christopher Newsom
    “On January 7, 2007, the young white couple—Channon was 21, her boyfriend Chris was 23—was abducted, beaten, raped, tortured, and murdered. Chris eventually shot to death before being set on fire, and Channon left to die with a plastic bag over her head in a trash can. The perpetrators were all black.
    If you have not heard their story, it’s because the racial nature of that black-on-white crime was uncomfortable for the national media a decade ago. Even now, it’s uncomfortable, as the delayed and reluctant coverage of the Chicago tortures showed.”

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