Anti-white Somali Islamist leader, who called for violence against white Afrikaner people that took her in as a bloody REFUGEE, has her sights now set on France. The Left’s unholy embrace of Islam!

Iram Yusouf - Islamist (pictured far left)
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Background – The following dossier exposes a very dangerous beast Francois encountered some time back on his travels – a female Islamist named Iram Yousuf – who regularly incites violence against whites in her adopted home of South Africa (as if the black Suth Africans need any encouragement!) and now in greater Europe, via social media.

We have been following this extremist’s movements for sometime now – growing increasingly more alarmed – as Yousuf’s anti-white venom has reached a fever pitch of late.

She first travelled from Somalia to South Africa for her studies and is but a stones throw away from landing on our hallowed soil – setting up her current operation in Turkey. She in fact now directs much of her hatred towards Western European nations – France in particular – a destination we fear she will be looking to relocate to in the not so distant future.

Remarkably, Iram is a PhD student (in spite of her deplorable grammar) studying Legal Philosophy. 

What worries me about the bug-eyed cretin is how extreme she is – and in spite of the Marxist rhetoric malarkey – how all roads inevitably lead back to Islam, Islamism and a VERY real global jihad.

That she sees no issue posting photos of her extremist brethren strapped with machine guns on her Twitter feed, while farcically condemning “European Colonialism” and “white violent aggression”, troubles me to no end when I think she might be headed our way next.

This is Yousuf’s cover photo on her Twitter account. This is no doubt an ISIS fighter in Syria.

I have also noticed that Iram regularly alters the spelling of her name online, depending on where she is posting or writing. At times it is “Yusuf”, other times I’ve seen it as “Yusouf”, and of course now as, “Yousuf”. I wonder if this is to avoid detection, possibly avoid being placed on a European terror watch list?

Regardless of her motivation, this woman is a serious threat to the globe’s wellbeing and safety….


article by contributing writer, Francois Marie Arouet

Voltaire – Wikipedia

Somali Islamist headed our way

A little history on the self-described Marxist student leader….

Imagine moving to someone else’s nation, for the sole purpose of destroying it.

That’s precisely what Somali Islamist and Marxist activist, Yousuf Ilhan Iram, did when she and her family gained asylum in South Africa.

While studying as an undergraduate and running for office at Pretoria University (South Africa’s most prestigious school), Yousuf tweeted,

“Break the back of Afrikaner domination . Vote IRAM YOUSUF for#TuksSRC Student Societies. Vote for Radical change.”

She has since deleted the tweet.

As mentioned earlier she also regularly Tweets hatred about France, a nation she presumably has never even set foot in!

Is there any wonder why these people behead ours once they set foot on our soil?

I can imagine she rejoiced hearing the news about the recent beheading of a French school teacher.

Not only has this woman incited racial hatred in her host nation, she’s demanded that the state accommodate her religious demands, and that they support her Marxist student organisation to the tune of 250,000 Rand per year.

But this is more than just about one ungrateful migrant’s infantile Tweet.

This is about a very dangerous relationship that’s developed between the Left and ALL people demanding we overhaul our societies to fit their ‘needs’.

Although “Liberalism” and Islam appear quite different on the surface – diametrically opposed at times – they complement one another quite well. In fact once you recognise why the Left support Islam and Islamic people overwhelmingly support Left leaning political parties, you’ll discover their end games are one and the same: they both seek the complete decimation of Western European culture and heritage.

The Left have embraced radical Islamism due to a shared mutual ideological hatred of Western European civilisation; this in spite of the fact that Islamism preaches religious extremism, misogyny, homophobia and racial hatred-ideals the Left claim they oppose.

In fact they champion any cause that opposes western values & Christianity, facilitates societal division and foments hatred. Basic divide and rule tactics….Whether it’s Ferguson Missouri, Leeds or Pretoria, the Left are the driving force behind societal discord and domestic animus, the mass immigration ravaging us from within, in South Africa-the rape and murder, the bloodshed, the poverty and…the hatred you feel when you look into the eyes of the people they prey upon through deception. The Radical Left for all intents and purposes profiteer from racial division and the ruin of western civilisation. I won’t mince words.

And this woman is a Leftist’s wet dream.

She’s black, Muslim, a woman, and wears a head scarf. What else could you ask for? Gay, I suppose.

So why bother exposing her? and why have never heard of Yusouf?

Because you’re being deceived.

Before they behead us, we must head them off at the pass. 


Additional information compiled for Genocide Watch between 2014-2020 (unedited-as it appears on their record)

Meet Iram Yousuf, the Islamist South African University student and Black Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) member and activist. (pictured second from left)

Yousuf is a contributing writer for Pretoria University’s anti-white “Journal of Decolonising principles”, whatever that means. A Marxist, Islamist, uppity Left wing Indian and a black man walk into a bar…. Spells death!

Iram Yusouf is the latest Islamist and Marxist anti-western radical to embrace the EFF, and in the short time she’s done so, she’s made quite an impact-rising through the ranks-first calling for money to be spent on an Islamic diversity centre in Pretoria, and now for land seizure.

Yusouf/Yousuf told a Sapa interviewer that,

South African “land was taken from my black brothers and we want it back and now. That’s why voting in the EFF on the student and national level-for men like Julius Malema and myself even, is so important.”

Although her words seem inanely stupid, this is the sort of Cultural Marxist hatred that is being taught to our children at our Marxist universities, by Marxist professors hell bent on destroying our homelands. Instead of them being institutionalised or incarcerated for treason, these people are permitted to roam the streets, incite chaos and sow the seeds of societal discord, that quite often lead to violence.

AU, a group of 'brothers who do each other favours': Julius Malema – THE TIMES OF AFRICA
The dangerous Julius Malema

And does this Islamist fool really think Malema is going to have her back? Hasn’t she seen what happens to Somalians ’emigrating to South Africa?

He’s going to have her with a gourd full of sorghum or a glass of shiraz. But then again, maybe Yousuf behead him first when he refuses to convert…

She does in fact promote jihadism on her Twitter account

Although she is as comical as she is repugnant, her words sadly do have gravitas. If they didn’t she would not be being interviewed by Sapa or marching with Bonga or Malema.

Her hatred doesn’t stem from anything that whites have ever done to him or the blacks she represents-just from what he’s been fed at our Marxist universities; the latest vain of Marxist ideological hatred being taught to our most impressionable youth. One that pits blacks against whites, women against men, miscreants like Yousuf against normal folks and incites violence, death and destruction. We need to pay close attention to what this maggot says, as our lives may depend on it. Joe Slovo was once laughed at as well.”

Marxist fiends like Yousuf, a poster girl for 21st century diversity and tolerance and the people that are currently dictating the media narrative surrounding South Africa, are the primary reason why the international community thinks its alright white and other not-black-enough South Africans are being exterminated.

Fiends like these continue to incite violence against innocent non-black people, and trick the international community into thinking it’s alright, without any repercussion.

They continue to wander the streets inciting hatred, recruiting people to spill blood and we do NOTHING.

With Marxist and Islamist women like Yousuf at the helm, expect throats to be split and heads to roll, literally.

Pray for us please..


  1. It’s the selected politicians who pass laws that allow uncontrolled mass invasion by the gimmegrants. Britains Jewish MPs welcome Islam into Britain , yet don’t want open borders for Israel. Not difficult to see who the politicians really serve! Can you see Britain’s politicians allowing a Muslim majority getting their hands on Britains NBC weapons ? WW3 has begun

    • You know, the Jews are capturing Islam too. Half the Muslim countries now recognize IsraHell, esp. the Sunnis.

      Soon Iran and a few Shiite countries will be the only non-compromisers.

      Money talks, and blackmail, and assassination.

      • Islam and Judaism are related though they split many centuries ago. One mob stayed in the desert doing bugger all; the other wormed its way into every countr — doing so well they were expelled from many countries for double dealing.

        Spain is a good example of their actions.

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