Viva Italia for riots against outrageous, fraudulent, impoverishing “Second Wave” Covid lockdown

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An Italian riot police officer walks past a burning trash can in downtown Naples on October 23, 2020. Oct 2020, 13:15 © Carlo Hermann Source: AFP

Naples: violence during anti-curfew demonstrations, police officers and journalists attacked 24

The announcement of a curfew in the Campania region gave rise to sporadic demonstrations in the streets of Naples, which were the scene of violent clashes between hooded individuals and the police.

Campania, a region in southwestern Italy which, as Le Point explains , records 10% of national cases of Covid-19 every day, is the subject of new restrictive measures aimed at stemming a rapid increase in the contaminations curve.

But the curfew introduced on October 23 and the fear of a new confinement have already sparked a wind of anger in the region, resulting in demonstrations having caused several outbursts, as evidenced by videos broadcast on the social networks.

As the Italian daily La Repubblica reports , clashes between demonstrators and the police broke out the same evening the curfew came into effect. The newspaper recounts guerrilla scenes:

“The demonstrators knocked over garbage dumpsters, destroyed barriers and detonated firecrackers. The police responded with tear gas, ”recounts in particular La Repubblica , which reported several sporadic gatherings during the night, with supporting images.

A first video shows, for example, an “assault with a stick on police cars”.

Another video shows hooded individuals armed with iron bars moving about in a smoky atmosphere.

“Groups of violent individuals attacked the police,” said  La Repubblica .

“There were very violent clashes between the demonstrators and the police in various districts of the city”, also testifies the journalist Mirko Calemme, illustrating his account with a video taken in height, showing in particular a group of individuals vandalizing a vehicle police in motion.

“The first night of [curfew] turned into an urban guerrilla war. Our correspondent Paolo Fratter was pursued and attacked with his team, [while they were] there to cover the events, ”reports the Italian television channel Sky tg24.

La Repubblica reports at least six police officers and carabineers were injured. Among those arrested, at least two individuals were already known to the police for drug trafficking, the daily reports.

Campania is one of the Italian regions most affected by the epidemic and is in a particularly difficult position, with a less efficient health system than that of Lombardy, notes AFP. An epidemic that has plunged the whole country into a serious recession. These deep economic difficulties were one of the main reasons for these protests. As AFP reports again, some of the protesters’ signs bore the words:

“If you close us down, you will pay”.



  1. Indovina? È stata una sommossa fascista programmata…
    Ho battuto il pugno sul tavolo!Arghh
    ‘ Tua figlia scrive:”È colpa di qualche sociopatico che per caso chiama Dio con lo stesso nome,qui ha commesso un atto di violenza.In effetti, il mio vicino probabilmente stava soffrendo più di chiunque altro quel giorno. Lo so, sembra così ovvio. Destra? A quanto pare per molti lo è.

    • Transl:

      Guess what? It was a planned fascist riot …

      I hit my fist on the table! Arghh!

      Your daughter writes: “It is some sociopath who accidentally calls God by the same name who committed an act of violence here. In fact, my neighbor was probably suffering more than anyone else that day.”

      I know, it seems so. Right? Apparently, for many it is.


      Ingrid lives in a $600,000 house in a nice, protected, heavily jewish neighborhood.

      What does she need a life of ostracism like mine? 😉

  2. Un uomo davvero coraggioso…compagno di vita di una Donna altrettanto coraggiosa.
    Questa Donna veramente bella è pazza di quest’uomo coraggioso e leale e della sua compagna.
    Ho scelto la mia famiglia perché dovevo dirti quanto ti voglio bene..non li odio come tua figlia,ma sento che appartengo a voi,geneticamente e spiritualmente.
    E questi bambini appartengono a voi…allo stesso modo.

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