The way forward: Strongly support Trump for now, but then …..

White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, right, listens as President Donald Trump, left, announces a revamped North American free trade deal, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, Oct. 1, 2018. The new deal, reached just before a midnight deadline imposed by the U.S., will be called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. It replaces the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which President Donald Trump had called a job-killing disaster. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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If the FedZog machine does not allow secession of white areas, then the only alternative — which the enemy will force on us — is civil war.

The Roman Republic had civil wars for 57 years until Augustus ended the bloody chaos of the Republic and established, once and of all, the Empire.

Augustus  ended the democratic chaos

In a civil war forced on us, I think the patriots/whites/right can win … once they get off the ground. I think this may be the only way in the end in the West, and I also don’t think the Jews/Left can do well in any real conflict.

The biggest problem is getting out of the starting gate.

But once we are out … it’s Game Over for them pretty quickly. The biggest problem is high-level WHITE traitors in the US miitary working for the jews, often closet pedophiles and satanists.

They might pretend to be fine patriots, come over to our side, and we would love to welcome them with their forces and experience, but they would betray us at the most critical moment.

But man for man … the white males cannot be stopped. Never.

This video shows a retired Boer general in South Africa recently urging Whites to finally, finally take up arms, using the occasion of a meeting at Senekal to protest a shocking murder of a white farmer by blacks.

But any completely popular uprising by amateurs is usually often crushed.

The Irish tried that many times and were savagely repressed.

The Hitler putsch of November 1923 — ditto.

In the American Revolution, the big advantage was legitimacy. Distinguished and wealthy men, big names like Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Hancock and George Washington, who legitimately represented all thirteen colonies (not some drunken rabble), voted in a very legal manner for independence.

However, as my essay proves, the key was somehow for General Washington to win a few battles early on so as to entice foreign help, motivated by either the idealism or the self-interest of another regime.

Going back before the outbreak of the Revolution, it was the English immigrant Thomas Paine who wrote the key pamphlets that fired up the Revolutionaries.

Then along came Baron von Steuben from Germany, who taught discipline, hygiene and use of the rifle and bayonet.

Also the Marquis of Lafayette came from France, an idealist.

And he persuaded the French king to support the Americans. Why? So that Britain would not take over all of North America, then rule the entire world and some day conquer France. For this same reason, Holland and Spain also started supporting the fledgling United States, a fact which few realize.

Most successful revolutions do involve foreigners who hate government X for their own reasons. Suddenly, you have money, advisors, foreign troops and ships.

The French navy shellacked the British fleet off Yorktown,Virginia, so the surrounded British troops on land under Cornwallis had to surrender.

Hey, patriotards — WE WON BECAUSE OF FRANCE.

With serious foreign help coming in, rebel morale went way up, and our forces started winning battle after battle.

The old regime, in desperation, then resorted to terror and atrocities against its own people, and this pushes, in the end, even many loyalists, the neutral and the undecided into the revolutionary camp.

Britain, as its fortunes waned, committed in despair the ghastly error of paying Indians to scalp White Americans. After that, no one could think of Britain any longer as the Mother Country; it was hated.

In a forthcoming revolution, I would see Russia playing the same vital supportive role as France in 1775-83.

WHITE Russia needs a non-aggressive and friendly WHITE United States as an ally against China.

China, under both the old Maoist communism and under the new Xi Jinping semi-communism has become the enemy of all white nations, including Russia.

China is a HUGE threat to Russia. It has ten times the Russian population, a far, far larger economy, a huge military, and it lacks exactly what Russia has: land, oil, hydroelectric, other natural resources, and vast stretches of farmland.

Russia needs American Whites who are pro-Russian to win.

What White America needs to do now is help Trump win, then make it clear that the jews he has served in vain have to go, and that WHITES have rights too (in their own country!).

We are now facing Boomsday without radical change.

What is “Boomsday”?

When the 70 million aging white Baby Boomers die out — by 2030 — in ten years — and the remaining Whites are then just 20% of America.

Actual photo


Failing this, white-conservative support for Trump must end, and the Whites are his only firm base.

A new leader must then arise.

No more of this:


And the racial and sexual minorities must be offered a new deal — they can stay in white-ruled separate homelands, while most of North America becomes pure-white again.



“At the end of its tether” the American Revolution succeeds!

I will be writing more on this.



Especially important blogs


….Two letters:

One (from a Texas man):

G[] W[]<[]>
Sat, 24 Oct at 5:35 pm
Dear Mr. de Nugent,
My name is G[] W[], and I came across your blog in researching Brian Rose running for the office of Mayor in London, UK. Every word you post is all too true and I intend to not only frequent your blog but quote from it and share the memes and quote from famous people of our past.
I won’t say more beyond thank you and I hope I can support you someone in the future. Certain people have made life very difficult for those like me.
G[] W[]
Austin, TX
My reply:
Thank you, comrade. The jews are making life into hell for us all, and proceeding with their global genocide plan. Only a militant new Aryan religion can change the whites back into warriors.
Two (from a white woman in England):
—– Forwarded message —–
From: C[] P[] <[]>
To: John de Nugent <>
Sent: Friday, 23 October 2020, 11:44:32 am GMT-4
Subject: Any room in USA for Patriots?
Hello, Mr. de Nugent,
I am from England. I am English.
Here, we are scared. We are frightened of the Tory ‘government’ for which we voted because it is trying to poison us with forced vaccinations from Big Pharma. At the point of a gun. Yes, really. And in just a few weeks time.
We would like to flee …to America —  as the whole world can, but we cannot. The whole world can claim to be “refugees.”
They can claim asylum there but we poor English, among the best of migrants to America, cannot.
My people are educated, conservative and right-wing but are not really as nationalist perhaps as they should be.
Would you have any advice as to how we could flee to America even though we know that they are in nearly as bad a way as we are here?
Yours sincerely,
C[] P[]
My reply:
Wonderful to hear from the land of my ancestors!
Actually, I expect a civil war is possible here this very next month…..
You could come here as tourists and then fight alongside us. At least you would have guns.
Our karma as the Allies for destroying Germany and helping the communists and jews win WWII is now upon us.
We will have no choice but to fight to the death…theirs.


  1. Canada is a different place than the United States. I think a merger with Canada is a terrible idea for Americans. We Americans would lose our heritage. We would no longer be the free country of our tradition, if we merged with Canada. And our Constitutional rights would no longer have a history.

    Canadians are good people. But we are Americans, and we are different from Canadians.

  2. John, are you volunteering your dried up little queer pecker to help repopulate white North America?

    Better get a move on…you Nazi pussies only have 10 years before the Browns get all the white women.

    • Just for the record, do you want “Browns” to breed out the white race?

      Be careful, because we keep records. Are you advocating white genocide, scumbag?

      Btw, bringing in foreign populations to gradually genocide a people via the cradle is part of the United Nations definition of genocide.

      In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

      Killing members of the group;
      Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
      Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
      Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
      Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

      So I repeat my question, keyboard commando:

      Do you want “Browns” to breed out the white race?

      And, btw, I am not a keyboard commando.

  3. E un’altra cosa:”Non è vero che non sono serviti i baci e gli abbracci, può dire tutto di te(che sei “razzista”)ma non che sei stato un cattivo padre e che hai pensato solo alla sua carriera(come nel mio caso).Valgono più mille abbracci e baci e bellissimi ricordi che una laurea;che in alcuni casi può portarti fuori strada e magari solo quando è troppo tardi capisci che hai rinunciato stupidamente alla persona che ti ha amato con tutto se stesso.
    Lo sai quanto pesa questa cosa?e secondo me pesa anche sulle successive reincarnazioni…
    Io non ho un ricordo di affetto del genere con i miei genitori adottivi,zero…
    Eppure questo amore conta nelle reincarnazioni,so che vale più di mille parole! So che questo amore ci aiuta a superare tante difficoltà nel bagaglio della propria memoria.

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