Blacks commit 75% of London’s murders in spite of massive “socialist” safety net, NO poverty & being just 10% of population. Hammer the libtards with this!

Knives confiscated in London
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Scotland Yard – Britain’s top police body – recently reported (through first quarter 2020)

that “almost three quarters of under 25-year-olds killed in London homicides last year were from the Afro-Caribbean community”.

Deputy Commissioner Sir Stephen House described the murder of young black men and boys in the capital city and other urban areas as “completely disproportionate”.

Yes, if you opened any newspaper, or turned on the telly in London in 2019 – and were confronted with a crime scene – it was inevitable you’d see a black arm or leg protruding from a body bag or from some sort of covering used to conceal the identities of victims before their being transported to the morgue.

What Sir House fails to mention is the race of the perp!

They weren’t cops, as BLM thugs terrorising Britain as well would love for us all to think, as our boys in blue, unlike Americans, don’t have access to guns.

Nor were the people who are knifing and shooting black men in record numbers any kind of marauding “institutionally racist” whites, or their chai-wallah, white-pandering Indian servants.

(In Britain the Left see the large Hindu minority as traitors as well, because they refuse to be anti-white.)

In fact the government minister who is toughest on illegal immigration is Tory leader Priti Patel.

Boris and Patel in trouble for daring to criticise the human rights lawyers and barristers facilitating illegal immigration into Britain.

Kinda pretty, eh? 

Nor were the perps of these knifings Muslim Pakistanis –  a group I am certainly NO fan of either.
But let’s be honest here – although Pakistanis are disproportionately represented in petty financial and sex crime (such as the infamous “grooming”  of white girls), they commit only a tad more street murder than other Brits.
UK: Guardian Newspaper Accused Of Publishing Racist Cartoon Depicting Priti Patel As A 'Bull'
Woman most hated by British Leftists – Tory Minister and Boris Johnson’s, Secretary of State, Priti Patel. She at times can make Trump look genteel and uses the race card to beat back Leftists like a battering ram. She isn’t perfect, as many of you will know, but the best we have right now.
Although the report FAILED to mention the race of the perps, we ALL know which group they belonged to.
Is UK drill music really behind London's wave of violent crime? | Music | The Guardian
Our brothas

So how bad is our brotha problem?

I can tell you from numerous personal experiences that unless you’re dealing with a black in London, you really have no need to worry.

First let me give you a little anecdotal evidence of how bad it FEELS to live in their midst.

I was walking late one evening with a loved one (of a vulnerable age) in a pretty dodgy area of the city when I noticed a very dark skinned individual walking towards me. He was so dark in fact all I could see was the whites of his eyes! I immediately thought about crossing to the other side of the street but as it would have been too obvious, and I do have my pride, I decided to take my chances.

When I was within a few yards of the man I realised he was a South Indian or perhaps Sri Lankan (there were in fact South Indian churches in the area) and I immediately felt a great sense of relief!

He must have noticed I was looking at him as he smiled as our gazes met. I smiled back and that was that.

This sort of experience should resonate with other people if they are genuinely honest with themselves.

Blacks are dangerous. It is healthy and normal to fear them.

London saw 149 homicides in 2019, compared to 133 the previous year and less than 100 when the city was under a Tory government (the current prime minister, Boris Johnson, having run London well when he was Mayor) – this despite a 72 per cent drop in murder nationally.

Yes, while the entire, horrifically overpopulated nation’s murder and violent crime rates were trending downward towards levels even small town America would be ecstatic with, London and the British inner-city were setting their sights on equalling Chicago.

In fact, London for the first time in more than 100 years. had more murders per capita than New York City!

Knife crime, burglary and robbery all soar in London under Sadiq Khan, damning figures show
London’s Britain-hating Marxist (Islamist) mayor who ended “stop and search” policies because they were raycis’

Although I am sure NY commie mayor Bill di Blasio will put an end to Sadiq’s success sooner than a Coyote can throw a Mexican child across the US border, this was a real shocker for most Brits.

Sir Stephen of Scotland Yard went on to tell members of the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee earlier this year that:

“Of the 149 homicide victims in 2019, 54 of them were under 25 and of those 54, 39 were from the Afro-Caribbean community, which is 72 per cent, which is a completely disproportionate figure if you look at the population of London.”

So in London, 10% of the population is literally perpetrating 3/4 of the murder.

And again, dear American, Canadian, Australian and Kiwi (New Zealand) readers, there is NO poverty here.

None whatsoever.

That cannot serve as an excuse!

Cinemas accused of racism after banning gang film blamed for outbreaks of violence at 16 venues
London black gang.  Although handguns are illegal in Britain, the brothas gots loads of ’em.

Sir Stephen also revealed that “the homicide statistics show some 80 per cent of people included on the London force’s gangs matrix are Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic [often called BAME by the British bureaucracy and media]).”

Although this includes other non-whites, this is an Establishment trick to make us think this is impacting the poor “people of colour”, when in fact it is impacting, or should I say being perpetrated by, people of only ONE colour.

The controversial database, which the Left claim is raycis’ …

….includes suspected gang members and those seen as at risk of becoming involved in gang violence.

Sir Stephen even let the black cat out of the bag by concluding, when pressed, that, “The gang situation in London is a disproportionate issue in itself. From theses figures it seems to me quite clear that the tragic murder of young, black, virtually all male, youths under 25 is also disproportionate.”

Not “BAME”….black.

Petition · Suspend and investigate Sadiq Khan for impeding the activity of the Metropolitan Police ·

–Lax US gun laws
–or the ultra-raycis “Orange Man” in the White House
Trump hugs rapper Kanye West
…is behind the black propensity towards violence…. You just tell them about what’s happening in Britain.
I guess we Brits now need to ban all kitchen knives…. Mustn’t EVER blame the poor, disadvantaged, starving blacks.  😉


[end of article]


Commencing JdN thoughts and comments


…..Like this unique article? 

I now have several paid writers to give a new, Euro-British and younger perspective, and to free me up to work on the new religious community. And with the new writers, that are covering art, culture, science and sport, views have shot up.


You can support them, and my work. Yes, you. 😉
“Me so poor. No can send five dollars, sarge.”


from John

…Honor Roll

At this time, I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:

–the late, great publisher Willis Carto


–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area

–a German sheet-metal worker, F, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada

–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent  ), G, from Washington State

–a male psychiatric nurse from the Detroit area, T

–An Egyptian webmaster who did hundreds of hours of work gratis

–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta

–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now from her job with a drugstore

–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B

–a Finnish engineer, T

–a Swiss-German, M

–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F

–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M

–a German in Berlin, S

–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization

–A Frenchman, M

–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M

–A North Carolina truck driver, J

–A Floridian, T

–An Australian, T

–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W

–A Dutchman, F

–An Australian and UFO connaisseur, P

–A German woman

–An Australian, D

–a Massachusetts dentist, J

–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J

–a key Barnes Review person

–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open national socialist from New York City

–A call center operator and voracious reader

–a former Marine Corps aviator, P

–an aircraft mechanic, M

–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce

and the late, great Hans Schmidt

In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes

THANK YOU for digging deep!





    • “Patel” in India is like Jones, Smith or Johnson in the white, English-speaking countries.

      You have to prove this assertion, comrade. 🙂

      “Extraordinary claims requite extraordinary proof.”

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