Nigel Farage (Brexit winner) gives dynamite, stem-winder little speech for Trump in Arizona; spiritual reading; prudence and vigilance as violent civil war approaches

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Live-wire British leader Nigel Farage, who got Britain OUT of the Soviet European Union, calls Trump “the most resilient and bravest man I have EVER met” at Arizona rally. 🙂

Except for Farage’s pro-Israel garbage at the end (which will, however, help TRUMP get a huge turnout of Christian Evangelical voters… 🙁 🙁 ) ; this is magnificent. (Trump knows well that all his fawning over IsraHell has not moved the needle at all for him with American jews. He has said, rather bluntly, about his Mideast “peace deals”and “moving the US embassy to Jerusalem” (and I quote): “I did it for the Evangelicals”…..)

How true what Farage said!

Trump IS brave!

Now I just gotta say this:

All you radically Trump-hating WNs, who called Trump a “jew,” “a puppet” and “a pedophile”….

….when it was DJT — no saint, certainly — who has done all this:

–he staved off the catastrophic end of the First and Second Amendments for four more years (and tell me: without guns and free speech, what exactly is left??????)

My distant relative Ted Nugent actually found his balls on the biggest taboo of all — the jew. 

–Trump has opened as big as a Mack truck the Overton Window on China, Islam, the fake-news controlled media and the Deep State

And he has built up a huge military which, to be charitable, COULD be used to tell China what the red lines are.

(I now see China as quietly allied with the jews.)

Now, all you Trump-haters out there (and know that I have criticized the man constantly myself without hating him, because comprendre, c’est pardonner)

Would you really like Creepy, Crooked, Sleazy Joe Biden NOW…..

…after seeing the Antifa/BLM/Kamala Harris program to lock down, bankrupt, disarm and muzzle forever this country, creating a Soviet United States of chipped, force-vaccinated, sterilized, childless and zombyized slaves, a high-tech, total-surveillance regime which could never be overthrown by any kind of tiny heroics on our part FOREVER?

Farage has not met me, of course. 😉 I go much further into Tabooland than Trump ever can and will.

This is a murky time for me, because I definitely do not want to hurt Trump at the last minute, and I could.

For I know — and the jews know — that Trump IS the reincarnated antisemite Patton.

Becoming a huge germanophile after the war, Patton came back as a German-American.

His ex-wife Ivana even told the press that the Donald kept a book of Hitler speeches on his night table!

onald Trump’s speech to Republican Jews was filled with anti-Semitic stereotypes

Donald Trump’s 2016 speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition.

21:43 “THAT’S WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO GIVE ME MONEY, but that’s okay, you [Jews] want to control your own politicians.”


“Stupidly, you want to give money.  [But] you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.”

Trump and the Mein Kampf  bedtime reading

[photos added by me, JdN]

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler’s speeches near his bed.

Ivana and Donald Trump, married 1977-92


“Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist,” Marie Brenner wrote.

Hitler was one of history’s most prolific orators, building a genocidal Nazi regime with speeches that bewitched audiences.

“He learned how to become a charismatic speaker, and people, for whatever reason, became enamored with him,” Professor Bruce Loebs, who has taught a class called the Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill for the past 46 years at Idaho State University, told Business Insider earlier this year.

“People were most willing to follow him, because he seemed to have the right answers in a time of enormous economic upheaval.”


When Brenner asked Trump about how he came to possess Hitler’s speeches, “Trump hesitated” and then said, “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” Brenner reportedly replied.

Trump then recalled, “Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of ˜Mein Kampf,’ and he’s a Jew.” Brenner added that Davis did acknowledge that he gave Trump a book about Hitler. “But it was ˜My New Order,’ Hitler’s speeches, not ˜Mein Kampf,’” Davis reportedly said. “I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”

After Trump and Brenner changed topics, Trump returned to the subject and reportedly said, “If, I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband’s cousin, John Walter “clicks his heels and says, ˜Heil Hitler,” when visiting Trump’s office.

And the jews know that Vladimir Putin used MY radically antisemitic website and boldly anti-jewish article to warn Trump on 9/11/16 that the jews could assassinate him!


Nor do I want to be accused of making Trump lose the election, and then facing the murderous wrath of outraged Trump supporters if the ineffable Biden did win due to me.

I am ready, but first we do need Trump to win.

I am watching like an eagle all that goes on.

At part of Bond Falls yesterday, in Watersmeet in the UP of Michigan, thinking: Let the post-election chaos begin, with both sides, Demoncrats/media and Trumpers, claiming victory, and no one blaming the jew — or Trump for avoiding the central jewish problem 

Ever heard of the Ford Motor Company, people?

As the charismatic Belgian fascist and Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle said of the career of Adolf Hitler, whom he knew extremely well, Hitler was “born [politically] at Versailles.” That horrid,  treacherous “peace treaty” (treacherous because President Wilson had promised Germany in his “Sixteen Points” a “peace  without victors” and “self-determination for all peoples”) made the Germans into  starving, disarmed slaves of the Wall Street/City of London jews for eternity.


Before the Versailles Treaty of 1919, Hitler was nothing and nobody except a decorated, exemplary soldier with some really big ideas in his head. 😉

After 1919, his moment had come.

And in 1929 came on top of Versailles the Great Depression and the rise of the terrifying Communist Party of Germany.

These forced the eyes of the most beer-groggy German wide open.

Then only, filled with gnawing hunger for food and fear of the bolsheviks, could “Germany Awaken.”

“Our LAST hope” (the jew slander campaigns losing their power over hungry, desperate men — and mothers with starving children)

Timing is truly everything.

…if coupled with the readiness to act when the timing is right.

Pray for me.

And donate so my website stays up and readership keeps growing.

Margi and I translated Degrelle’s brilliant and fascinating memoirs for The Barnes Review.



Degrelle MRL JdN-Huffstickler-ch1-TBR-2005-no5-4-9


It is this book.


I created this:


Especially important blogs





….Spiritual reading

October 29

From the very depths of your being, many of you are longing for a litle respite, a bit of lighthearted sweetness, a taste of nectar. We see, and you know, that circumstances aren’t always going to provide that for you, much though you want and yes, need it.

So what to do? The grind will simply grind you down in time. And yet the challenges must be met. And met with the best you have to offer.

There is no real way to avoid that. Nor would most of you want to, for it is the way of life, the path upon which you flower and fruit.

But still do you see that bower along the way, where you might rest and refresh yourself…

…stop putting out fires and simply tend to yourself with love and kindness for a bit? It must be just up around this bend. Or that?

If you fnd yourself in need of replenishment and are not seeing it come to meet you, then we want to suggest something silly. Stop everything. Forget the “important” stuff.

We know…it is soooooo important. It just can’t be stopped. Maybe tomorrow. Or next week there will be a moment or two.

Do you see who is putting that refuge you seek out of reach? You are being driven both by outer events and demands, and by your ego’s need to be someone.

Maybe someone good, someone responsible, someone lovable.

But the key here is that you have convinced yourself that YOU are important. And of course you are (which is precisely why that time of tending yourself is worth finding!).

But that leads us to ask: who are you? Are you mother, worker, husband, helper, teacher, student?

Or are you God?

Is it imperative that your house be clean, or that your soul be joyful?

Ok, that one is too easy. Is it necessary that you get to work on time, or is it necessary that you get to work (whatever it might be) with your heart wide open? We know…both may be required in a world where you pay your bills and feed your children.

But do you see how simple it is to prioritize the one over the other? And when you do that day in and day out, it becomes unconscious and you send vast amounts of energy responding to demands that you accept without much question.

Or you question and ultimately feel defeated by.

So we ask you now to consider if there are three things that require your time and energy which you can postpone or cancel or just forget for the moment so that you can send some time with your own sacred self.

I love my Whitelandia — thank you, God!

Because you know—in your heart—that that is where your purpose lies, where your truth resides, where your replenishment is to be found. If you are not striding along your daily path with exuberance, then stop striding and do something that gives you joy.

Maybe just today. Maybe every day this week? Does it seem possible? Maybe just for fve minutes?

We are not telling you anything you don’t already know, but rather reminding you and giving you ‘permission’ to do what you really want to do.

The problem is that when you start running on a hamster wheel,your attention gets focused on running fast enough and staying at the top. And most of that wheel is self-created. But you can’t see that so easily when you are trying hard not to fall of.

And if you think that we are suggesting that you have yet another thing to do (to stop doing and rest) then forget it! Because there is so much love and support for you all around, just waiting for you to open to it and receive it.

Yes, it requires a change of pace, it requires that you choose to stop and let the love flow in.

But you don’t have to do anything. To the contrary. Stop trying to be in charge of everything around you and within you.

Stop being so competent. Let the universe hold you. Let the current rock you. Let your lungs fill with sweetness with each breath.

This is all about allowing, about being willing instead of just “willing.”

This is about being One with all instead of being All for one.

If you are one of the lucky few who is feeling utterly aligned and fulflled and joyous these days, then we might suggest that you bask in it and let it radiate. Nothing for you to do either, but to recognize how deeply fortunate you are to have stumbled into such happiness.

And let your gratitude redouble your joy.

Why not?

And that is the question we leave you all with today: indeed, why not?

Why not taste that nectar today?

Why not this moment?

We are delighting in this moment, and we want you to join us! — E. West


An Italian comrade and mother who may be the literal reincarnation of Savitri Devi put out a beautiful comment:



Fear not — just get mentally ready. 🙂

Ab chao ordo, eh, jews?

“From chaos comes order”….

Indeed, but not the one you want. 😉

And all races want Adolf Hitler back — to stop these damn jews once and for all.


Make America White Again, he says.



The American Reich is coming — where highly spiritual whites ethically rule everyone; every race lives under their own vine and fig tree; and the jewish crime family is locked up for our safety on a reservation and electronically monitored EVERY SECOND, with no communication with the outside world.!

At Lac Vieux Desert Medical Center, Watersmeet, Michigan 

“I am wearing this [frigging] mask under protest and duress” to get Margi medical care. BUT NOT MUCH LONGER! The Michigan Supreme Court and the Attorney General have both already ruled the mask requirement is illegal, but it is still being enforced by the jewess governor Gretchen Esther Whitmer — and obeyed by the sheeple! “Democracy” is NOT freedom! It is squabble-among-yourslves, and Obey your jew!



  1. Sono con te.
    E con Dio.
    Ho fatto questo giuramento prima di reincarnarmi.
    Tutte le volte.
    E manterrò questo giuramento.
    Sono qui per questo.

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