FRANCE UNDER ATTACK: 3 dead (1 woman B-E-H-E-A-D-E-D) in attack at French basilica; country on high alert – we are entering Stage Three of the inevitable Islamic conquest of Europe (with commentary)

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commentary by François Arouet. 

How our media would rather be covering that Black lives matter instead of this… Just whites were killed, it seems…….

Inevitable tragedy strikes for our unarmed civilians, yet again — this time again while praying in a House of God……and radical muslims also slaughter peaceful Buddhists and Hindus at their places of worship, too!

What monstrous disrespect for the Creator of all men whom they claim to worship!

As we reported last week, stage two of four has been accomplished throughout Europe, and the Islamists – with the assistance of the radical Left still under the thumb of our eternal BOLSHEVIK enemy – are well on their way to facilitating the completion of stages three and four across the West.

In fact several Northern European states are already in stage three.

Based on what is transpiring in France – the fact there have been THREE Islamist attacks over the past few months – means, France is in NOW in stage three.

Make no mistake, our government, the establishment media, violent and terroristic Anti-fascist organisations, the Left wing media and Deep State organizations that intentionally disrupt genuine nationalist efforts to keep our society safe – have our blood on their hands.

As do our leaders who CONTINUE to do nothing….

The only Western leaders that do, President Trump and Vladimir Putin, are relentlessly maligned by our media – for obvious reasons.

They pose a threat to the New World Order – a demonic cabal of bloodthirsty overseers – that NEED our constant state of civil unrest on a global scale – whether its via Black Lives Matter on US soil or Islamist terror in Europe, across the Mid East and the Indian subcontinent. Notice how cabalist allies, China, has no issues with Islam?

Macron calls Paris beheading 'Islamist terrorist attack' - BBC News
Oh, so now you want to act?

This should be an enormous story in the West right now but isn’t.


It might influence the electorate to re-elect a STRONG leader and not a minority-pandering and Establishment crook like Beijing Biden.

Please see our most IMPORTANT interview with top terrorist and intelligence expert I have re-pasted below ths Reuters story on today’s Islamist attack in France. In case you missed it, it is a genuine MUST read. 

Stay safe everyone and keep fighting the good fight!


PARIS (AP) — An attacker armed with a knife killed three people inside a church Thursday in the Mediterranean city of Nice, prompting the government to raise its security alert status to the highest level and double the number of soldiers deployed in the country.

French President Emmanuel Macron said he would immediately increase the number of soldiers deployed to protect schools and religious sites from around 3,000 currently to 7,000. French churches have been ferociously attacked by extremists in recent years, and Thursday’s killings come ahead of the Roman Catholic All Saints’ holiday.

“He cried ‘Allah Akbar!’ over and over, even after he was injured,” said Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, who said a woman and a man died inside the church, while a second woman fled to a nearby bar but was mortally wounded. “The meaning of his gesture left no doubt.”

The assailant in Nice was wounded by police and hospitalized after the killings at the Notre Dame Basilica, less than a kilometer (half-mile) from the site in 2016 where another attacker plowed a truck into a Bastille Day crowd, killing dozens of people.

Shots punctuated the air and witnesses screamed as police stationed at the grandiose doors to the church appeared to fire at the attacker inside, according to videos obtained by The Associated Press. Hours later, AP reporters at the scene saw emergency vehicles and police tape lining the wide Notre Dame Avenue leading toward the plaza in front of the basilica. For a time after the attack, sounds of explosions could be heard as sappers exploded suspicious objects.

France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office opened an investigation into the attack, the third one since a trial opened in September for people linked to the 2015 attacks at Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket by gunmen who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group and al-Qaida. The trial is nearing its end, with a verdict planned for Nov. 13, the fifth anniversary of another series of deadly Islamic State attacks in Paris.

Thursday’s attacker was believed to be acting alone and police are not searching for other assailants, said two police officials, who were not authorized to be publicly named. “With the attack against (teacher) Samuel Paty, it was freedom of speech that was targeted. With this attack in Nice, it is freedom of religion,” Prime Minister Jean Castex told lawmakers Thursday.

Earlier, the lower house of parliament suspended a debate on France’s new virus restrictions and held a moment of silence for the victims. Castex rushed from the hall to a crisis center overseeing the aftermath of the Nice attack and later returned to announce the alert level increase. French President Emmanuel Macron, who has defended Charlie Hebdo’s right to publish the caricatures, arrived in Nice later in the day.

Muslims have held protests in several countries and called for a boycott of French goods in response to France’s stance on caricatures of Islam’s most revered prophet, whose birthday was marked in several countries Thursday. Soon before Thursday’s attack, supporters of religious political party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam protested in Pakistan against Macron.

In Avignon on Thursday morning, an armed man was shot to death by police after he refused to drop his weapon and a flash-ball shot failed to stop him, one police official said. And a Saudi state-run news agency said a man stabbed a guard at the French consulate in Jiddah, wounding the guard before he was arrested.

Islamic State extremists had issued a video on Wednesday renewing calls for attacks against France. Many groups and nations, however, issued their condolences Thursday, standing firmly with France. The French Council of the Muslim Faith condemned the Nice attack and called on French Muslims to refrain from festivities this week marking the birth of Muhammad “as a sign of mourning and in solidarity with the victims and their loved ones.”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the attack in Nice. “We stand in solidarity with the people of France against terror and violence,” the statement said. Relations between Turkey and France hit a new low after Turkey’s president on Saturday accused Macron of Islamophobia over the caricatures and questioned his mental health, prompting Paris to recall its ambassador to Turkey for consultations.

The attack in Nice came less than two weeks after another assailant beheaded a French middle school teacher who showed the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad for a class on free speech. Those caricatures were published by Charlie Hebdo and cited by the men who gunned down the newspaper’s editorial meeting in 2015.

In September, a man who had sought asylum in France attacked bystanders outside Charlie Hebdo’s former offices with a butcher knife.

French Roman Catholic sites have been ferociously and repeatedly targeted by extremists in recent years, including the killing of the Rev. Jacques Hamel, who had his throat slit while celebrating Mass in his Normandy church by Islamic militants

The killer, Abdel Hamish

and a plot to bomb Paris’ Notre Dame cathedral. Those attacks were claimed by the Islamic State group, which also is believed to have recruited a man now on trial who plotted unsuccessfully to attack a church on the outskirts of Paris.

Nice’s 19th-century basilica Notre Dame de l’Assomption is the largest church in the city, but smaller and newer than the cathedral 1 mile (2 kilometers) away. The basilica’s twin neogothic towers, standing 70 yards (65 meters) high, are a landmark feature in the heart of the city.

Associated Press writers Angela Charlton and Thomas Adamson in Paris and Zeynep Bilginsoy in Istanbul contributed to this report.



Interview with a top terror experts – questions emboldened, answers in plain text

So what makes you an expert? Please tell us about what you’ve gotten right so far. I ask as I  know what you predicted and sadly JUST how right you were!

I specifically warned of a terrorist attack occurring in a crowded venue in Manchester more than 2 years before it actually happened.

I predicted it on Red Ice Radio when I was interviewed alongside a well respected nationalist and former Member of Parliament.

I was told by some pretty strong sources monitoring European Jihadi activity, that Islamists were planning an attack on Manchester – a city I had in fact already predicted would be targeted a year before I received the intel. I discussed how I expected the attack would be perpetrated at the Trafford Centre during the busy Christmas holidays or at a concert or sporting event earlier in the year at a large venue within the city limits. I listed the numerous reasons I personally felt Manchester would be targeted – poor armed response capabilities, road layout and congestion, number of terror cells in the city, population density and demographics, impact an attack on Britain’s second most well known city would bring, the fact that hitting Birmingham made little sense etc – as well as what the authorities could do to protect citizens from the attack.

Brother of suicide bomber who killed 22 at Ariana Grande concert jailed for at least 55 years | CBC News

You mentioned you were initially alerted by someone who fought ISIS in Syria? Alongside the Kurds if I recall correctly. Am I correct in saying that?

Yes, a good friend of mine did in fact fight alongside the Kurds and take ISIS head on, however in this instance he wasn’t the one to give me the specific  intel you reference.

It was in fact a fellow, who was yes a good friend of mine back n 2015, who used to do security detail for Tory minister George Osborne that told me he had a horrible feeling that his home city of Manchester would be targeted as well.

We then discussed what could take place where I used my understanding of terrorism to point to areas of the city that would be vulnerable. This was during a casual conversation we had over a few beers and a carvery (pub lunch) in the north of England in back in late 2015. Although he was more muscle than mind he contributed a great deal to the discussion, in fact I’d say his words got my mind’s gears a goin’.

He had received his intel from inside the British government. I since received mine from my contacts in the US and farther to the East.

So is it fair to say that our governments knew in advance?

Yes of course they knew this could happen and did nothing, and therefore THEY, the establishment media and the Left pushing for us to let more of these beasts into Britain have the BLOOD of those kids on their hands.

I even advised that the Manchester police demand local security agencies beef up their individual security schemes as well as start profiling, implement stop and frisk measures outside major events due to the fact that it was clear their city was next, for reasons I then listed. The Easterners and Americans I receive intel from – men that monitor global terror for a living – were quite clear that Manchester was a prime target. It is all on record in my numerous interviews.

Children among 22 killed by suicide bomb at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester | The Times

Did you reach out to law enforcement directly?

Yes, I reached out to law enforcement. I actually spoke to anti-Terror cops in Westminster back in 2015, demanding they use profiling techniques instead of performing random traffic stops in high risk areas. I recall one female cop telling me that I wasn’t in America and they could do no such thing as profiling was illegal. She thought the whole thing was amusing, called American cops “cowboys”, even poked fun at my accent in her sarcastic response.”

Why did the authorities do nothing?

The state needs this sort of thing to happen! They need us to live in constant fear, for there to be civil unrest. I am not claiming like some of the deviant buffoons on the Alt Right inevitably will, that this was a false flag, just that our governments need societal disaccord in order to clamp down on our lives. The government knew this was going to happen and let it.

Think 9/11 and the dastardly alliance between Israel, the Saudis, the US government and radical Islamists groups on the ground. That’s what we have here in Britain, only I envision the meetings are being held between Hope Not Hate operatives and paedo Islamists in the back of some shitty Kebab shop in Bristol versus some Washington office.

What about the Left? Are they too complicit?

Yes, of course. I blame antifascist organisations like Antifa and Hope Not Hate who harm our efforts by attacking us every chance they get. By attacking good people trying to safeguard the interests of the public these filthy traitors are in fact empowering the Islamists.

Thankfully (in the instance of the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester) the scum didn’t attack a place where decent, conservative-minded Brits were in attendance.

France's Left Is Finally Fighting Islamophobia

Perhaps this will be a lesson to people that choose to support policies that put us all at risk. The sort of idiots that attend these concerts.

Scary stuff. Why do you oppose both Zionism and Islamism? Idiots like Tommy Robinson would say the Zionists are our friends.

Yeah, I bet he would! He is after all paid by Israeli lobbyists. People often ask me why I oppose both Zionism and Islamism.

To that I typically respond; because both Zionism and Islamism’s hatred and weltanschauung are cut from the same cloth and equally dangerous to our spiritual and cultural wellbeing.

Zionist extremists are now the mainstream in Israel – Middle East Monitor

In fact both despise our Christian and Western culture with equal levels of loathing.

Ask an Israeli what he thinks of Christians, and watch his eyes fill with rage. Ask a Muslim, extremist and moderate, and prepare yourself for a fight.

Some nationalists perhaps might not like hearing this, but BOTH groups, if they’re being frank, DESPISE us, and it’s high time we recognise that as a people.

In fact an Israeli study I conducted revealed that Israelis have less respect for Christians, and gratitude for Christian Zionist efforts, than they do their Muslim cousins.

Based on the spate of beheadings of Syrian Christians, attacks on our journalist and disdain for the rule of law imposed by pro-peace and pro-Christian leaders like Assad, Muslims have about as much love for Christians as the Israelis.

Students for Justice in Palestine Linked to Terrorist Affiliate

Still, many so-called nationalists, looking to distance themselves from the Zionist hatemongers controlling the anti-Islamist movement, disingenuously feign support for the Palestinian effort. This is in spite of the fact that Palestinians are either supported by, used by, or are themselves Islamic extremists. As much as I do feel sorry for the kids, it ends there.

Ben Shapiro Is A Zionist

So you are not pro-Palestinian?

No, they are Muslim and have nothing to do with us or our national concerns, or concerns as European people.

Islam is a genuine threat, whether it’s the Islam practiced by the Palestinians or Pakistanis. Islam is Islam is Islam.

An inside look at a terrorist organization's summer camp for kids - Business Insider

What about Judaism? It is just as barbaric in its teaching, no? They are in fact the people that brought these beasts here, aren’t they?

Although there’s validity to the belief that it is the predominantly Ashkenazi Marxists (historic fact) that brought these fiends into our lands to weaken us, the fact is at this point in time, we are well beyond pointing fingers and discussing how Muslims in fact arrived.

One can go back to our own misguided colonial policies, how we dealt with the Ottoman Empire & the successful Islamic invasions of the Iberian peninsula – even the Crusades and find reasons why we’re in the mess we are-the fact is we are in a right mess and literally losing our lands.

This is why true patriots fight Islamism with as much fervour and gusto as we combat the scourge that is Zionism. They are two sides of a Semitic coin, born in the same sandbox and of the same innate hatred.

From their shared aversion to dogs and pork, to the manner in which they cull their livestock and circumcise their children, the commonalities run as deep as the ocean, and differences, as shallow as a summer puddle.

Any please don’t kid yourself into believing we are bound by Judeo-Christian values, a term coined by Zionist supremacists looking to co-opt Christian supporters for their global tribal ambitions.

Although Zionist infiltrators are less likely to behead you for wearing lipstick, they’re just as dangerous. Immigration lawyers, the human rights organisations they run and almost every last group pushing for mass immigration and peddling cultural Marxism and political correctness into Europe and the US is in fact run by…..

Still, Islam poses an equally dangerous threat and that’s what we’re going to tackle in this article.

They are also the reason some parts of northern Europe are entering stage 3 (read on to see which stage your nation’s in) and Britain is not far behind-especially since bloody Sadiq Khan took control of our nation’s capital.

So where is this going?

I’ll keep it simple. European governments are doing next to nothing to protect us from  Islamist terror attacks. Islam will have a majority in Western Europe inside 50 years. Refugees, the converted, immigrants, weak willed liberals, the easily duped, proselytized blacks and ALL of their offspring will give these fiends the majority inside fifty years. Just look at a former Buddhist nation like Indonesia, Christian Turkey and Albania as well as parts of India to see where this is going unless we wake up and STOP these people in their tracks. I’d suggest you read my dossier on the Muslims and my piece on the four stages of the conquest of Europe if you want to see not just where we are going, but where we are RIGHT now.



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  1. As an innocent patriotic woman, I was horrified to read what is going on under our noses. I don’t want to die because of the evil actions of the Establishment and the media.

    Why should I have to live in fear in a supposedly peaceful country?

    Reading your article on Islam made me stop and think that there might be an invasion of our culture underway, and that we may have good reason to be afraid.

    Superb writing and research — thank you for bringing this information to our attention.

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