Spiritual reading — your heart should forgive and care for your mind; reincarnation; a depressed young woman thanks me for mentoring

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In the excellent, though low-budget 1956 reincarnation movie “I’ve lived before,” two women who had been strangers until now decide to get to the bottom of how a fine young airline pilot, the younger one’s fiancé, could be haunted by “memories” of being shot down by the Germans in WWI, years before he was even born.

The woman on the left, played by Ann Harding, mentally rejects the very idea of reincarnation as being absurd, as does a sympathetic psychiatrist.

But her heart overrules her and she decides to help the other woman, seeing that this good man and his fiancée, played by Leigh Snowden (on the right), desperately need answers:

Is this pilot crazy — which nothing else suggests?

Was he even the older woman’s fiancé in another life before he was killed?

Why, when they had met for the first time, he as the airline pilot, she as a passenger, had their eyes locked on each other in a kind of deep recognition?


The fictional plot here recalls the actual James Leininger/Huston case, involving also a pilot, a real one, who died horribly in combat and experienced PTSD in his next life — a little boy reliving his own drowning 45 years before as his cockpit filled with water.

Little James with his sister from his previous life as US Navy pilot James Huston, who was killed during the Iwo Jima operation in 1945.

James knew her secret sibling nickname, and exact details about the people and things in her family-photo scrapbook.

The movie shows minds coming to gently obey higher motives like compassion and truth — “the better angels of our being” as Edward de Vere/Shakespeare said —  and gradually discarding prejudices and a scoffing attitude about reincarnation. After all, this good man and fine airline pilot was suffering flashbacks — and facing the end of his flying career, or worse.

(More on the film “I’ve lived before” below.)



…..Spiritual reading: be gentle with your mind

November 1

Today we want to speak to you about the mind. Your mind is so important. We want to focus on it today because it is very much a part of your daily existence. So much so that in most cases, you do not even
notice its operation, its effect on your choices, your reactions, your actions.

There has been a lot already said on this subject—you are familiar with the dangers of allowing the mind to dictate your life. You know that fear and separation are the fuel which powers the mind. We don’t need to add to that literature.

Instead, we want you to try to connect your heart and mind. This is an old pracice, and perhaps one you have already encountered. In any case, we want to tell you that this must occur if you are to function fully on your earthly plane.

It is too easy to dismiss the mind, to wish to live outside of it or without it. In fact, we have in the past suggested that you focus on the wisdom of your heart. What we are saying today is in no way contradictory of that, but comprises the next step.

When you feel that you know how to really be in touch with the wisdom of your heart, it is time to integrate the workings of the mind. The first step is
to open your heart to your mind. Sounds a bit odd, but it is a good practice.

The mind is your most fallible aspect.

.It is your mind which fears, which judges, which tries to control. It is your egoic mind which throws up obstacles to YOUR freedom and joy

You must begin to forgive your mind, to be gentle with it, to love it before you can live in peace with it.

So today, try to notice your mind’s activity, and when you see it acting in unworthy ways, open your heart and attempt to feel compassion flowing from your heart into your mind.

See what happens, see how that works for you.

Please be outside today if the weather allows. There will be a great deal of richness and beauty which are much needed in everyone’s life right now.

The moon holds honey for your soul tonight, so get out and have
a deep drink of it if you can.

A quiet night, a bright moon rising over the clouds illuminates the darkness, and a Barred Owl sits motionless in the blue moonlight. slight diffuse glow added to enhance scene. All my own components.

We love you and send blessings. — E. West



…..”I’ve lived before”

The first thing that struck me about this 1956 film had nothing to do with reincarnation.

It was how white America was, and also how dignified, formal and polite people were in the Fifties, back when I was a boy. Men were men, not whiners (most were war veterans), and women were far more feminine.

You can see this superb film here, which does not cram reincarnation down your throat, or preach it, just raise the possibility it might be true and address the objections:

Jock Mahoney (actually Jacques Joseph O’Mahoney) was a handsome French-Irish-American actor with a beautiful baritone voice, and a WWII Marine Corps pilot who started out in Hollywood as a stuntman. Later, he played Tarzan in three movies. (He was a conservative Republican.)

He does a fine job as the airline pilot with the WWI flashback, though he got a few stilted lines from the scriptwriter to say.

(Interestingly, he was the stepfather of actress Sally Field, and the movie “Hooper” with Sally Field, Burt Reynolds and Brian Keith, was based somewhat on his stunt work. I will avoid other topics related to him to avoid distractions.)


Ann Harding played the older woman who had been engaged to the WWI pilot when he was killed.

She was a big movie star in the early 1930s (photo, left) and kept getting roles due to her popularity. (She had just one child, a daughter.)

Sadly, her character was still grieving thirty years later over her lost fiancé.  She had never moved on or married. Initially, she could not bear to even discuss her dead fiancé, which greatly hampered the airline pilot’s desperate reincarnation investigation. (The airline is alarmed by one major flashback incident.)

She is a perfect example of how our own  egoic mind can torture us for years with grief —  or anger, jealousy, or other negative emotions.

As Eckhart Tolle says, take back your mind and begin to enjoy the now!

It  is ridiculous that such a beautiful woman would stay unmarried and die childless over losing her fiancé to war. Tens of millions of women have overcome this tragedy. Others have lost their husbands to hunting mishaps, or to work-related accidents, and yet THEY moved on with their life, finding new happiness.

But the egoic mind is masochistic.It thrives on us suffering!

Leigh Snowden (photo, right), an attractive blonde actress from Memphis, Tennessee with a slight southern accent (who later died, sadly, at just 52 of skin cancer, but at least she had born five nice white children), plays the pilot’s gracious, feminine, supportive, loyal but also quite baffled fiancée.

She wavers between believing the growing reincarnation evidence in the case and also doubting reincarnation can be real.The  psychiatrist treating the airline pilot had instilled this skepticism  in her.

But then Harding’s character breaks the logjam with some direct questions to the pilot, her supposed beloved in another life, that if he answers right, will definitively resolve the matter in the climax. 🙂

For learning about this movie, “I’ve lived before,” I wish to thank a German comrade who continuously sends me highest-quality comments. 🙂

Here was his comment: .https://johndenugent.com/great-james-leininger-reincarnation-video/#comment-623707

He also recommended these two reincarnation-story videos:

▶ “One Step Beyond”: Nightmare. (rare episode)

A Dog’s Purpose (2017) – Bailey Comes Home Scene (10/10) | Movieclips

This is touching, and it IS true that beloved pets can come back to us:

In fact, they can come back as humans, albeit as young souls. Advanced dogs and cats DO evolve upward and start having human lives (with, naturally, much larger brains), Of  course, they are already very  comfortable living with us humans, and like us!

So … better treat your doggy or kittycat right! 😉

It might become a loving and loyal human friend to you the next time… a  person where you too feel an instant connection. 🙂



……Sweet New England donor writes me and digs deep yet again

This Irish-German girl first sent me some of her babysitting money as a high-school lass, which touched me no end.🙂

She now works at a huge, low-wage store chain. $340 is a lot of money — from her or from anyone else.

She decorated the envelope with a sleeping fox. 🙂 SHE’s the fox! 😉

I can’t believe this gal cannot find the right guy… though, yes, I can believe it these days!  🙁

I know three attractive, likable gals here in Ontonagon in their late thirties who have ONE kid each — and are again alone.

“Most guys are jerks,” they say. 🙁

I am at the age when women come to me with their issues for advice or consolation — though they do not “get” my politics.  I am now in the “father figure” stage. 🙂

Would LIKE to not have to be a warlord again … 😉

Anyway, this young woman wrote me a note as follows (edited and with identifiers, natürlich, removed)

The aluminum foil that she sent concealed her cash donation. “Lead  [our USPS postal clerks] not into temptation” ! 😉


Dear John,

Here’s my contribution for the time being.  the world is burning and it couldn’t be a more important time to get further donations.

***  Truer than ever, my friend! and esp. with me paying a European professional writer to enlarge my readership and also free me up for my spiritual pursuits.


I apologize for having gone weirdly quiet again. My depressive moods have come back stronger than ever in this God-awful year of  2020. It’s getting harder and harder to cope as things get worse.

Working for [big-box store] has not made things feel any better, even after switching [away from] positions dealing with paranoid customers and having to wear these DUMB masks. It has made me borderline suicidal and wanting to choke whoever tells me to wear the mask!

***  I sure read you there.  I have had two outrageous experiences this week, both with lefty young store clerks who have really drunk the koolaid in this Biden-leaning college town of Houghton.

In one, as I was talking to Margi (this was at the Seaman Mineral Museum)

every time Isaid something to her about some beautiful stone or metal

….my head being large and my chin prominent, said chin pulled the maks down below the tip of my nose. OMG, OMG, my nostrils were exposed! I could sneeze and everyone might keel over and die of Covid-19!

EIGHT TIMES a busybody female came over and reminded me to pull my mask up!

I finally got testy:”Miss, I cannot talk without the mask slipping! Are you ordering me to be silent? I am also caring for my mate [I was pulling her oxygen tank as I said this], who is recovering from cancer!”

I felt very  clearly that this chick was a leftist and on a power trip. And it is a fact that young lefties view older people who dislike the mask as being selfish old white Republicans who don’t care they are killing everyone. 😉

I said: “I doubt I will ever come back here if I am going to be harrassed every three minutes while I am trying to enjoy the museum we just paid $10 to get into!”

Then she gave me her spiel about it was the governor’s orders.

Ah yes, Gretchen (((Esther))) Whitmer,  here seen NOT doing “social distancing” as she kneels with blacks mourning Saint George of Floyd…

I said:

“Are you aware, miss, in the slightest that the Michigan Supreme Court has overturned the Michigan Emergency Powers Act of 1945, under which the governor is forcing the mask and lockdowns on people, ruling this law is unconstitutional?

And have you heard that the state Attorney General, Dana Nessel, has issued a statement that she will NOT prosecute anyone, because the law is unconstitutional, for not wearing the mask or obeying the lockdown?”

She (dark-brown-eyed, black-haired typical “white” girl of our post-nordic America, btw, where everyone looks and prob. is 1/4 hispanic or filipino) went zombie:



Recently, my wisdom tooth started to bother me also. I won’t have it yanked until December.


I am still very much interested in being of service to you.

In spite of everything being sh—y and life also being on the dysfunctional side of things, I’m glad I found you [in 2010] and decided to write you that first letter.

I have learned a lot from you since then, and […] you have become something of a mentor to me.


I have watched the others with great exasperation, as other “nationalists” devolved  into infighting and incel-like behavior.

*** “incel” = “involuntary celibate”

I think Andrew Anglin invented or popularized this term for young WN men who cannot get decent dates due to young white women being feminists/leftists.

This romantic and sexual deprivation can lead to frustration and even rage, of course. Andrew Anglin then went off the deep end with his call for “White Sharia”  — suggesting the muslim view of women was what we whites needed too…..

Weev article on DS about women expresses understandable rage but offers the totally wrong solution of “white sharia” and domestic violence


I am thinking if I had nevercome across you I probably would have been far worse off.


PS Hope you like my [fox] art on the envelope. 🙂



…..part of my reply

Dear K,

Thank you so much for the huge donation and your kind words, which encouraged me very much.

When we die, or often even during a near-death experience where we come back, we see a kind of life-review video where we  see how our words and deeds affected others.

I am so happy I could help you survive the rough times,and I didn’t even have to die to find that out! 😉 🙂

Soon, I hope to help millions, and your support — today and for the last  ten years —  strengthens my confidence that I am ready, and so are our despairing people.





  1. Incel? I kept reading the term, but never knew what it stood for.

    If a young man doesn’t know how to talk to ladies, they need to obtain more life experiences. Challenge yourself. Do the uncomfortable and embrace rejection until it becomes effortless.

    • Yes.

      Nick Griffin’s new book, Deus Vult, has a superb, 20-page chapter, “Be a Man.” Pure gold.

      It is not as easy to mature as it was when we were young. We had dads at home, or grandfathers, who had been through the Great Depression and/or war, and many other hardships. There was the draft, also. These young guys today lack the fundamentals.

  2. No male should ever call themselves an ‘incel’. That’s like waving a white flag.

    I talk to young ladies every day who cannot find a man. I just talk to them like a friend, and some of them almost throw themselves at me. I’m married and old enough to be their father, and I ask myself “what the hell are wrong with these young boys?”

    Man up and start enjoying life!

    • Same thing here: good-looking women in their thirties (at their sexual peak) flirting with a 66-year-old. Happened to me again last night, that long look a woman gives a man. And she knows I am “a horrible Nazi.” 😉

      A century hence, white schoolkids will visit museums of the Heroic Age of Reconquest (2020-?), and marvel at how bad things were.

      They will also find it incomprehensible that we did not rise up long before all this. “How could they put up with this insanity until their backs were literally to the wall?”

      And maybe our names and faces will be up in that museum.

  3. Come la capisco!In questo periodo sto crollando fisicamente anche io.L’idea che qualcuno mi metti le mani addosso durante le visite mi fa stare male.
    Ho avuto un inizio di influenza,ma non voglio fare stupidi tamponi,sto evitando di avere contatti troppo ravvicinati con le persone;mi lincerebbero altrimenti!Qui la gente corre a fare tamponi senza avere sintomi o se sanno che qualcuno è risultato positivo.
    Per non parlare della cistite,non mi dà tregua;sembrava essere passata e invece…non voglio andare dal ginecologo per lo stesso motivo.
    Proverei una vergogna incredibile e mi sentirei oltraggiata…
    Ho sempre fatto visite di controllo..ma ora non so cosa mi sta succedendo!!
    Devo resistere e trovare la giusta soluzione.
    È un mese ormai che mi tengo tutto dentro.
    Per fortuna qui non sono così drastici con le mascherine,io sono quella che non segue sempre le regole! 🙂
    Non sei mai stato il Signore della Guerra;sei un guerriero che ha imparato a difendersi!In questo maledetto inferno…

  4. Ho sempre visto la parte più bella di te..e continuerò sempre a vederla e a difenderla finché avrò forza.


    Non sono una nullità…ma odio a morte i Giudei,la Chiesa di Paolo,le persone avide e lecchine che lavorano per loro!Odio questo Inferno che hanno creato per noi!

    • Transl:

      I have always seen the most beautiful part of you .. and I will always continue to see and defend it as long as I have strength.


      I am not a nobody … but I hate the Jews, the Church of Paul, the greedy and lecherous people who work for them! I hate this Hell they created for us!

  5. So che mia sorella tendenzialmente è portata a sinistra perché ha sempre tutelato con le sue leggi i lavoratori comunisti e agricoli.Ormai lei è in quella mentalità come mio padre.L’importante è che le leggi girano per la loro unica sopravvivenza.Spero sempre di non cadere nell’Ego,ma è la rabbia che mi spinge a divulgare la Verità e a difendere le persone che sono sempre state dalla sua parte.Non lo faccio per avere premi,consensi,non ho bisogno di questo.Sento il bisogno di sostenerla..qualunque cosa succeda.
    La Regina Egiziana(Andromediana)An-Ra..è stata eletta poco tempo fa perché tutto procedeva troppo lentamente e con tanti problemi.Tanti sono stati sospesi dal loro incarico per questo.
    Dio vuole questo cambiamento,senza scuse! È tenace…risolutivo.
    Questo pianeta non può più aspettare…e io non voglio restare ferma,impantanata.Non voglio miracoli dal cielo ma una vera svolta.
    Sono così stanca e sto coinvolgendo anche mio marito.Anche se lui non vuole essere coinvolto,ma sto spingendo pure lui indirettamente!
    Mi sta aiutando.Siamo stati pure alla manifestazione contro il lockdown.
    Una manifestazione troppo povera di persone.
    Quante persone insensibili e organizzate in cattivo modo.
    Una regione comunista ed egoista fino al midollo!
    Che vergogna.
    Ma non importa…ho fatto il mio dovere e sono felice.

    • Transl:


      I do not fall into the Ego, but it is anger that drives me to spread the Truth and to defend the people who have always been on its side.

      I don’t do it for awards, recognition, I don’t need this. .whatever happens.

      The Egyptian Queen (Andromedian) An-Ra..was elected recently because everything was going too slowly and with so many problems. Many have been suspended from their office for this.

      God wants this change, no excuses! It is tenacious … decisive.
      This planet can no longer wait … and I don’t want to stay still, bogged down.

      I don’t want miracles from heaven but a real turning point.

      I am so tired and I am also involving [], although he does not want to be involved, but I am also pushing him indirectly!

      He’s helping me. We also went to the demonstration against the lockdown.

      A demonstration that was too poor in number of people

      How many insensitive and badly organized people.

      A communist and selfish region to the core! What a shame.

      But it doesn’t matter… I’ve done my duty and I’m happy. 🙂


      Good in every way. We do the right thing, for the right motive, and God sees it. Success! 🙂

  6. Note on further American reincarnation film classics + the renewed American struggle for freedom becomes the starting point of the world revolution:

    Thanks for the film review. It’s really remarkable how respectfully people treated each other back then, there were still social standards. Films from that time also provide good references for learning English.

    Such US film classics are true avant-garde. They will find their largest audience in the near future, when they will be discovered worldwide, even practically devoured, in the course of the coming revolution of consciousness. Didactics has always been considered an art form in the USA, and along with classical textbooks[1] and films[2], such didactic jewels on the subject of reincarnation or wholeness are something extraordinary. There is also a modern film by a Frenchman, whose title, however, has slipped my mind at the moment.

    This American consciousness research avant-garde can also be found in areas of film in which one would rather not suspect it. The cartoon pioneer and “Peantus” inventor Charles M. Schultz was obviously aware that people (and animals!) travel at night or while asleep in out-of-body projections and work quite practically on the solution of upcoming everyday problems [3].

    I would like to mention another American reincarnation classic, the film adaptation of the life of the Englishwoman Jenny Cockell, who experienced breakthroughs from her Irish incarnation since childhood, English language original:

    „Yesterday’s Children – 2000 (Minha vida na outra vida)“,
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgJ3N3RSDnc .

    „Strange But True – Jenny Cockell – Yesterday‘s Children“,

    In the feature film, it is an American woman who travels to Ireland to visit her siblings who are still alive and come from the previous incarnation. There are several interviews with Jenny Cockell (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Cockell ), on Youtube.

    It is for a reason that you, John de Nugent, have chosen the USA in this time phase incarnation: The USA is a hotspot, a center of consciousness research, and the present American revolution, the renewed American struggle for freedom, will become the starting point of the world revolution, according to the German-language news magazine “National Journal” (http://concept-veritas.com/nj/sz/hauptseite.htm ).

    At the right place at the right time! And, it is indeed written in the Seth material by Jane Roberts (I currently do not know where): Life at large lakes is said to be as beneficial as possible for the development of inner abilities. Maybe it has something to do with the coordination points of varying sizes, distributed all over the world, which according to the Seth material are responsible for the physical shaping of reality (energy entry points for the shaping and formation of physical reality or something similar). In some parts of the country, their number and characteristics are said to be particularly high or strong, so that events, for better or worse, should be physically realized there at an accelerated rate. Consequently, the choice of your present place of residence is optimal under several aspects.

    … and in addition this case, which has been discussed in detail on Johndenugent.com for years: „Carl Edon’s Past Life Beyond Chance“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj6me3S-6Nk

    End of the sermon. 🙂

    [1] A German physics professor once said in a lecture: “The American physics books – they are – simply fantastic. The way they introduce the reader to the subject.”

    [2] As an example one of the numerous, still current US educational film classics, from the “Jam Handy Organization: „Spinning Levers – How A Transmission Works (1936)“: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLtS4VUcvQ.

    [3] In “Snoopy Come home” (1972) Snoopy makes his way to his former owner, Lila, who sent him a desperate cry for help („Lila’s Theme“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFMB12MqvjY ). Since they cannot use the train, he and his bird friend Woodstock have to continue on foot and spend the night at a train crossing.

    Then something happens whose respective beginning and end the majority of men do not consciously carry out at present: The out-of-body projection. Snoopy and Woodstock explore the terrain in front of them out of body to find the way to Lila’s village. They then take this knowledge gained in the sleeping state with them into the (physical) waking state.

    Schulz has done a great job here and works with impressive symbolism: the train underpass is a crossroads and a bridge, Woodstock looks up to the full moon and sees the bird migration of the geese, which also touches on holistic aspects of intuition, it is a crossroads between inner and outer reality. Schulz was, however, fully aware that contemporary humanity is still unconsciously making the transition to the inner reality level (and focusing back on the physical frequency of consciousness): Snoopy’s face is drowsy, not consciously projecting at the transition.

    On Youtube, „Snoopy vuelve a casa“, Einstieg ab 45:30, direct jump:


    In German:

    Anmerkung zu weiteren amerikanischen Reinkarnationsfilmklassikern + der erneute amerikanische Freiheitskampf wird zum Ausgangspunkt der Weltrevolution:

    Danke für die Filmbesprechung. Es ist wirklich bemerkenswert, wie respektvoll damals miteinander umgegangen wurde, es gab noch gesellschaftliche Standards. Filme aus dieser Zeit stellen auch gute Referenzen für das Erlernen der englischen Sprache dar.

    Solche US-Filmklassiker sind wahre Avantgarde. Ihr größtes Publikum werden sie in der nahenden Zukunft finden, wenn sie im Zuge der kommenden Bewußtseinsrevolution weltweit entdeckt werden, ja geradezu verschlungen werden. Didaktik wurde in den USA schon immer als eine Kunstform aufgefaßt und neben klassischen Lehrbüchern[1] und Filmen[2] sind solche Didaktik-Juwele zum Thema Reinkarnation bzw. zur Ganzheitlichkeit etwas außergewöhnliches. Es gibt noch einen neuzeitlichen Film von einem Franzosen, dessen Titel mir momentan jedoch entfallen ist.

    Man findet diese amerikanische Bewußtseinsforschungs-Avantgarde auch in Filmbereichen, in denen man sie eher nicht vermuten würde. Der Zeichentrickpionier und „Peantus“-Erfinder Charles M. Schultz war sich ganz offensichtlich bewußt, daß die Menschen (und Tiere!) nachts bzw. während des Schlafzustandes in außerkörperlichen Projektionen unterwegs sind und ganz praktisch an der Lösung anstehender Alltagsprobleme arbeiten.[3]

    Ich würde gerne noch einen weiteren amerikanischen Reinkarnations-Klassiker erwähnen, die sinngemäße Verfilmung des Lebens der Engländerin Jenny Cockell, die seit ihrer Kindheit Durchbrüche aus ihrer Irlandinkarnation erlebte, englischsprachiges Original:

    „Yesterday’s Children – 2000 (Minha vida na outra vida)“,
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgJ3N3RSDnc .

    „Strange But True – Jenny Cockell – Yesterday‘s Children“,

    Im Spielfilm ist es eine Amerikanerin die nach Irland reist, um ihre noch lebenden, aus der vorherigen Inkarnation stammenden Geschwister aufzusuchen. Es gibt mehrere Interviews mit Jenny Cockell (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Cockell ), auf Youtube.

    Es hat seine Gründe, daß Sie, John de Nugent, sich in dieser Zeitphasen-Inkarnation für die USA entschieden haben: Die USA sind ein Hotspot, ein Zentrum der Bewußtseinsforschung, und die jetzige amerikanische Revolution, der erneute amerikanische Freiheitskampf, wird zum Ausgangspunkt der Weltrevolution werden, laut dem deutschsprachigen Nachrichtenmagazin „National Journal“ (http://concept-veritas.com/nj/sz/hauptseite.htm ).

    Zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort! Und, es steht tatsächlich sinngemäß so im Seth-Material von Jane Roberts (weiß gerade nicht an welcher Stelle): Das Leben an großen Seen soll größtmöglich förderlich sein für die Entfaltung der inneren Fähigkeiten. Vielleicht hat es etwas mit den größenmäßig verschieden ausgeprägten, weltweit verteilten Koordinationspunkten zu tun, welche laut dem Seth-Material für die physische Wirklichkeitsgestaltung (Energieeintrittspunkte für die Gestaltung und Ausformung der physischen Wirklichkeit oder so ähnlich) zuständig sein sollen. In manchen Landesteilen soll deren Anzahl und Ausprägung besonders hoch bzw. stark sein, so daß sich Ereignisse, im Guten wie im Schlechten, dort beschleunigt physisch verwirklichen sollen. Demzufolge ist die Wahl ihres jetzigen Wohnortes unter mehreren Aspekten optimal.

    … und ergänzend noch dieser, bereits seit Jahren ausführlich auf Johndenugent.com diskutierte Fall: „Carl Edon’s Past Life Beyond Chance“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj6me3S-6Nk

    Ende der Predigt. 🙂

    [1] Ein deutscher Physikprofessor sagte mal in einer Vorlesung: „Die amerikanischen Physikbücher – sie sind – einfach fantastisch. Die Art und Weise, wie sie den Leser an die Materie heranführen.“

    [2] Als Beispiel einer der zahlreichen, immer noch aktuellen US-Lehrfilmklassiker, von der „Jam Handy Organization“: „Spinning Levers – How A Transmission Works (1936)“: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOLtS4VUcvQ.

    [3] In „Snoopy Come home“ (1972) macht sich Snoopy auf den Weg zu seiner früheren Besitzerin, Lila, auf, die ihm einen verzweifelten Hilferuf zusandte („Lila’s Theme“, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFMB12MqvjY ). Da sie den Zug nicht nutzen können, müssen er und sein Vogelfreund Woodstock zu Fuß weiter und übernachten an einem Zugübergang.

    Dann geschieht etwas, dessen jeweiliger Beginn und Ende die Mehrheit der Menschen gegenwärtig nicht bewußt vollziehen: Die außerkörperliche Projektion. Snoopy und Woodstock erkunden außerkörperlich das vor ihnen liegende Gelände, um den Weg zu Lila‘s Dorf ausfindig zu machen. Dieses im Schlafzustand gewonnene Wissen nehmen sie dann in den (physischen) Wachzustand mit.

    Schulz hat hier großartige Arbeit geleistet und arbeitet mit eindrucksvollem Symbolismus: Die Zugunterführung ist ein Wegekreuzungspunkt und eine Brücke, Woodstock blickt hoch zum Vollmond und sieht den Wanderflug der Gänse, der ebenfalls ganzheitliche Aspekte der Intuition berührt, es ist ein Kreuzungspunkt zwischen der inneren und äußeren Wirklichkeit. Schulz war sich jedoch vollkommen bewußt, daß die gegenwärtige Menschheit den Übergang auf die innere Wirklichkeitsebene (und das Zurückfokussieren auf die physische Bewutßseinsfrequenz) noch unbewußt vollzieht: Snoopys Gesicht ist schlaftrunken, er projiziert beim Übergang nicht wachbewußt.

    Auf Youtube, „Snoopy vuelve a casa“, Einstieg ab 45:30, Direktsprung:

  7. https://youtu.be/mlqB2q7KQxU
    Questo pianeta….
    Salu è Immanuel Sananda,lui dice che è stato chiamato Gesù in maniera sbagliata.Mi sono letta i dieci comandamenti di ATON,hanno tolto alcune parti importanti sul “Dio interiore”… Già,come dovevano prendere potere sennò!Si,la situazione è decisamente peggiorata,speriamo bene!Questi oscuri non mollano la presa….

  8. Comunque alcuni messaggi parlano di astronavi per la 5D,libero arbitrio per restare in 3D…o andare oltre.
    Comunque le canalizzazioni non sono molto chiare,ho la netta sensazione che non combaciano perfettamente con le nuove scoperte storiche e non sono sempre in linea tra loro!
    Ci mettono alla prova continuamente(per vedere se siamo pronti realmente?)
    Già,la verità è solo dentro di Noi.
    La verità la puoi scoprire solo vivendola.
    Sei tu la mia Verità,quello che ho vissuto in questi mesi…senza voci esterne!:)

  9. What a great movie and what a touching donation/letter from that fine woman. God bless her. 🙂

    I jumped to about the 25-minute mark of the movie just to see the actors, but ended up watching it straight through to the grand finale of an end.

    What an outstanding movie with top-notch acting and writing. The powerfully emotional ending did get tears out of me I’ll admit.

    Later I went back and watched the beginning that I had missed. Although fiction, I can almost see something like that occuring in reality. Thanks for the share! 🙂

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