Popular Christian ANTI-BLM activist and pro-Trump Vlogger STABBED in stomach by Antifa and BLM terrorists. Update on the stabbing of Proud Boys and Latinos for Trump leader, Enrique Tarrio.

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by JdN contributing writer

Yesterday we told you how the media had all but covered up the stabbing of Enrique Tarrio and his female companion, Beverly Beatty.
We also wrote that, although Biden was on his way to “victory” — via the conspicuously fraudulent activities of his Party – the Left wing mob were STILL out in full effect committing violence. Antifa and Blacks Loot & Murder (BLM) menaced citizens on the streets of our nation’s capital from sundown until sunset.
In fact, Washington DC, arguably our nation’s most important city, was literally shut down on the MOST important night we’ve had in this country in four years.
Downtown shops were all boarded up, hotels were on lockdown and cops almost nowhere to be seen.
Antifa and BLM were setting fire to cars, smashing in store windows and torching buildings while “protesting” the election.
There was little resistance to the violence as the pro-BLM DC cops were presumably told to “stand down” by the city’s Democrat police chief.
This however did not deter some peace keepers who bravely arrived on the scene to try and maintain law and order during the chaos.
One such organisation was the Proud Boys, who were there just to monitor the situation peacefully.
We reported that sometime after 2am, Enrique Tarrio, the organization’s Cuban American leader, was stabbed during an altercation not too far from the White House. Tarrio was stabbed in the back after a well-known Christian vlogger, Beverly Beatty – the gal he was dining with – was stabbed in her stomach and back. Beatty said she was stabbed three times, causing one of her lungs to partially collapse and damage to her liver.
Yes, you’ve read that right.
The poor gal almost lost her life for daring to protest BLM and support our president. Both Beatty and Tarrio were “guilty” of daring to sit at a local bar near the White House to watch the election results wearing Trump buttons. That was their crime.
Suspects in the stabbings were said to be wearing all black and consisted of two Black males and a Black female, though little other details have been released.
Tarrio was initially set upon by a group of BLM supporters after he attempted to defend his female companion who had just been stabbed.
Police claimed that the identity of the suspects in the stabbings have not been released, though Beatty alleged that she and Tarrio had been stabbed by ‘Antifa’ and BLM members.
Beatty gained internet notoriety over the summer for protesting Black Lives Matter when she spilled paint on a mural outside of Trump Tower in New York City. She was arrested on camera and went viral among conservative social media users for her brave activism. Later, Beatty “defaced” another Black Lives Matter mural.
Tarrio who serves as the director of Latinos for Trump in Florida became the chairman of the Proud Boys in 2018, joining the group after attending the Unite the Right Rally in Virginia in 2017 that gained national attention at the time.
So how did the legacy media cover the terrorist attack?
Instead of condemning the actions of the Antifa thugs who attacked the unarmed Tarrio and Beatty, the media cited the Southern Poverty Law Center’s designation of the Proud Boys as a hate group in an attempt to blame them for the altercation. (The infamous SPLC itself is a genuine hate group and terrorist organization.)
The fact that Terrio was minding his own business, is in fact an Afro-Cuban, was unarmed, and the actual victim of attempted murder was not even mentioned in any of the three reports I saw.
And make no mistake, the SPLC’s designation of non-violent patriots as “far right” and as “hate groups” is being done intentionally so that anyone who dares speak out against Bolshevism is fair game..
Video of the incident shared on social media shows a chaotic scene, ending with Beatty walking away while grabbing her back, yelling that she was stabbed.
Please see here for the video.
End article.


  1. Thanks for this article.

    How gutter-despicable to stab a woman in the back. That is, as they say (crudely) “lower than whale sh–.”

    Now the world sees what communism is like, and right on the streets of the capital of the United States.

    In Germany we used to say the communist motto was:

    Will you not my brother be,
    I will split your skull in three.

    And under President Kamala these monsters who stab a woman in the back will be unleashed to rampage everywhere.

  2. Wherever Bevelyn Beatty has gone, she has gone in love and service. She is Black with a merciful heart for those who are even “the least” is society. Risk has always been at the door as she pursues her Christian calling.

    Through The Night
    Bevelyn Beatty Jul 28 2018

    “I can sense what Job went through. As the enemy has been throwing darts, torpedoes, and massive bombs on my life, I know better than to blame God for it. I have not and will not curse His name. I stand by the Father. It’s not easy by a long shot, but through this journey, my faith is growing so much. I’m reaping so many blessings in the spirit. Prayers I prayed a long time ago, prayers I’ve even forgotten are being answered. However, in the physical realm, it seems as if I’m a total failure.

    If I did not know God, if I did not know that all things work for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose, I would have believed this lie. But for the grace of God, what I’ve been through would get anyone to lose their mind and renounce their faith. I wanted to give up on the mission and tried to throw in the towel so many times. Never in my mind though, did I want to turn off my faith and turn my eyes away from Jesus. I cried and cried and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance and peace on many nights. He gave that to me, and it has been what has kept me this far.”

    • Thank you.

      As I have written, a late backer of mine, Jamie Anderson, of Mt. Airy, NC, (where, btw, actor Andy Griffith was from), told me there was such a drugs & crime epidemic in western NC with the Blacks that major business leaders got together to pow-wow about solutions (besides more cops, judges and jails).

      In the end, they decided to generously fund black Baptist churches, and sure enough, the crime rate dropped.

      There is a lot of good in Christianity, though it needs a drastic overhaul to cease completely to be pro-jewish and ignore the evidence for reincarnation.

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