Leading exorcist says many leftists act literally possessed: full of rage, “rights,” “do as thou wilt,” and the claim “we have already won”

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Millions have seen the movie “The Exorcist.” What made this film especially scary, in my opinion, is that for a de facto agnostic country like modern America (as in the REO Speedwagon song “Losing My Religion”), the director, writer, and actors made the “unbelievable” — demonic possession — very believable.

It revealed to the world a whole new universe, one that is primordial, dark, and hostile, of which little is known to most secular people. The trailer gives us a glimpse by stating, “somewhere between science and superstition, there is another world, a world of darkness”. Just remember this film was the first of its kind, and therefore people were not used to watching such dark, in-your-face movies about the Evil One.

It’s one of those movies that captured the minds of people (on a global scale) just at the right time — when the Left was going nuts against the conservative, anticommunist Republican Richard Nixon, not unlike the take-down of Donald  Trump today.

And the US was abandoning its ally, South Vietnam, to the nightmare of communism, after America had spent 57,000 mostly white lives to stop it.

Why? Because the jewsmedia had turned against the US military. (Dr. Wm. Pierce felt the jews wanted the whole US military to be at the ready to defend Israel, not fight communism — which one of theirs, the jew Karl Marx, had invented to destroy the goy elites.)

Also, the jew Henry Kissinger had persuaded Nixon to cozy up to Red China as an anti-Soviet move, setting the state for atheistic, mass-murdering Red China to become an economic and now also military and espionage superpower. It has done this at our economy’s expense and become a mortal threat to the entire white race as long as it stays subtly allied with the jews.

That is why this film’s timing in 1973, as communism rose and rose, was a masterpiece.

I have several personal connections to the theme of demonic possession.

After (and what a shock it was to see this photo online) 🙁 🙁 🙁

But the change began long before now, when her academic advisor at the University of New Hampshire was one Andrew Rosenberg.  (I had no custody of her or major influence on her —  except for one brief summer — after her mother and I separated and divorced in 1989-90.)

Three, I myself underwent the horrors of the full, luciferian MK-ULTRA experience at its very worst, called the Manchurian Candidates program.

The IMO jewish Karl Menninger, MD, a key official of MK-ULTRA. I met him while working as a lobby clerk at the historic Colonial Inn in Concord, Massachusetts around 1995, and my eyes froze when I saw his credit card.

Paul H. Hoch, another top MK-ULTRA jew

Bernard L. Diamond, yet another Habiru in MK-ULTRA who tortured white children to create mind-controlled zombies

Sidney Gottlieb, a key player and another Hebrew

The 2016 Bourne movie openly admits the program was (IS) real, but called it “Treadstone,” and even gives the villain a very jewish name, Hirsch. (“But the goyim will never bestir themselves, eh, Abe?”) 

Recently in Turkey an ancient synagogue was unearthed containing a special Talmud with golden and blood-red pages showing the All-Seeing Eye, an owl, Baphomet, and other standard satanic  images.

“Spirit-cooking” jewish “artist” Marina Abramovich with Jacob Rothschild before a painting by Umberto Marabese entitled “Satan convoking his demons”


Excellent book, taken from actual writings and private letters to show that Karl Marx literally believed in and worshiped Lucifer.

Four, Margi had a boyfriend for years in the 1970s who was a very skilled, gifted white artistic painter named Terry. Then around 1994 he got involved with a Jewess, she got him into big jew-owned art galleries, told him “what would REALLY sell,” and his art turned into depictions of race-mixing and forlorn, lost-looking, naked white women…..and now he is “prospering.”

“Coronation of Concupiscence” 

“Cryptography of singular vision,” which is about as pretentious a title as you can get for a porn painting of a plain-old orgy, with natürlich non-white men (Asians, blacks and Latinos) “doing” the white women. Everyone seems like a junkie, not enjoying it, and has their eyes downcast.

Down, down, down….notice the stars above Clinton

FILE – AUGUST 24: Donald Trump has called for the investigation of the Clinton Foundation, further intensifying scrutiny on the institution. LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 1: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaks during a press conference announcing a partnership between The Clinton Climate Initiative and Large Cities Climate Leadership Group as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa (L) and British Prime Minister Tony Blair look on August 1, 2006 in Los Angeles, California. The partnership aims to fight climate change through the reduction of pollutants which contribute to global warming. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images)

Baphomet, downward….

A pentagon fits perfectly inside a downward pentagram.

Gee, just like this building, started on September 11, 1941

Facade of a Mormon temple;  Joseph Smith (and his father) were both con artists and extremely pro-jewish

Smith looked very Aryan, and seduced many married women, but looked nordic only from the front.

His profile and death mask show a semite…..


Father Chad Ripperger, a leading Catholic exorcist and author of numerous books on possession, demonic oppression, and deliverance prayers, says the American left appears to be cooperating with demons.

### We’ve Seen Demonic Influence All Year

Then, in October, we learned and reported that Black Lives Matters regularly call on evil spirits to give them power and knowledge.

### Democrats and Media Look Possessed

Now, Fr. Chad Ripperger confirms that even the mainstream media mimic a demonic possession or oppression. In a recent episode of the US Grace Force podcast, Fr. Ripperger said:

“you know when they [people]… get caught in something or when their shame is revealed about the sin that they’ve committed, they sometimes become very vociferous and very angry about it and try and push the envelope even more.

Asked how the devil is operating in the United States right now, Fr. Ripperger said:

I think he’s using people quite a bit. I think that’s the principle difficulty—that we have people who are, for lack of a better way of putting it, that **they’re basically in league with him [the devil]**, they actually believe the same things that he does. **They want the same goals.**

Further, the exorcist tells us Democrats and the media are behaving precisely like demons who are losing their grip on the possessed by claiming rights they do not have:

Once they’ve started to lose control on the inside, the other thing that’s very common is claiming that they’re already victorious or that they’ve already won when they really haven’t yet.



It hasn’t been proven to actually be the case. Or that they actually have rights or that there are certain things that they have that other people can’t take away from them, etc. So it’s very similar to a lot of the things that we’re actually seeing.

In short, the election hasn’t been decided, and the demons (and their human allies) are trying to demoralize patriots by claiming the battle is over. Again, from Fr. Ripperger’s interview on US Grace Force:

But I think that demoralization is precisely what you see when demons are attacking people.

### Keep Focus On God

Now the good news. Exorcists like Fr. Ripperger defeat the devil all the time. And the solution is simple:

One of the things that we have to do with people who are possessed is **constantly get their focus back on God**. Don’t let the demons drag your focus into the stuff that you’re suffering and the things that you’re dealing with. Keep your focus because [when you lose focus on God], that’s when things start going downhill. That shift in the focus is what the demons are always trying to get us to do and to be demoralized.

There’s our recipe for prevailing in this election:

1. Remember that we are fighting a spiritual battle, not a human conflict.
2. Demons claim victory and rights when they have no such things.
3. Do NOT get demoralized, for despair is the devil’s most potent weapon.
4. Keep the focus on God.



…..This is the only solution – His literal return to decree the Great Spiritual Reset, where despairing Whites with dead and rotting souls turn back into what they really are, noble, brave, selfless ARYANS


  1. https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2020/11/15/news/radio_maria_il_coronavirus_e_un_complotto_sotto_l_impulso_di_satana_-274486827/
    Io non riesco a fidarmi di loro…
    Non hanno mai denunciato i Gesuiti,non hanno mai chiesto di riportare alla luce i vangeli apocrifi;Solo un papa ha cercato di rivoluzionare la Chiesa ed è stato avvelenato.Non hanno rispetto per le Donne,violentano le suore e poi gettano i loro nati.Sono state ritrovate numerose ossa di questi neonati!
    Oggi non dimostrano nessun coraggio,anzi i bambini li deridono durante il catechismo;Perché tutti sono diventati parte di questo grande teatro.Dov’è il vostro coraggio ora?che fanno?Hanno creato la nuova acquasantiera digitale per la febbre e con il solo gel da utilizzare!Addio Acquasanta…
    Sono pochi quei sacerdoti che camminano scalzi tra la gente come faceva San Francesco,o quelli che lottano contro tutto come faceva Padre Pio,torturato dal Diavolo in persona durante la notte.
    I bambini non amano i vigliacchi…
    Chi sta denunciando papa Imbroglio?I suoi cambiamenti repentini,le sue frasi scioccanti?Te lo dico io;lo temono tutti perché rischiano di diventare poveri e senza posizioni di potere.E’ solo questione di potere.
    Non hanno mai amato Gesù.
    (JHS)è il Sole di Amon che ha inflitto le sue Menzogne all’umanità;la vera faccia del Dio Unico dei Giudei,di Mosè e del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
    I miei figli non vogliono andare al catechismo perché hanno già capito che li stanno solo prendendo in giro…
    Scuole chiuse,Chiese con persone numerate e con la mascherina,Catechismo sospeso di nuovo per il nuovo provvedimento regionale.
    Perdonami ma non trovo “ispirazione” in loro,faccio davvero fatica.

    • Transl:

      I can’t trust them …

      They never denounced the Jesuits, they never asked for the apocryphal gospels to be brought to light; only one pope tried to revolutionize the Church and he was poisoned; they have no respect for women, they rape the nuns and then throw their fetuses away. Numerous bones of these babies have been found!

      Today the priests show no more courage. Indeed, the children mock them during catechism classes, because everyone has become part of this great put-on theater. Where is theirr courage now? What are they doing? They have created the new digital font for fever and with only a gel to use! Goodbye, “holy water.”

      There are so few priests who walk barefoot among the people like St. Francis did, or those who fight against everything like Padre Pio did, tortured by the Devil himself during the night.

      Children do not like cowards …

      Who is denouncing Pope Imbroglio? His sudden changes to doctrine and his shocking phrases? I tell you; everyone is afraid of him because they risk becoming poor and without positions of power. It is only a question of keeping their power.

      They never loved Jesus.

      (JHS) is the Sun of Amun who inflicted his Lies on humanity; the true face of the One God of the Jews, of Moses and of the New World Order.

      My children do not want to go to catechism classes because they have already understood that the priests are just making fun of them …

      Closed schools, churches with only numbered people with masks being admitted, catechism suspended again due to the new regional provision.

      Forgive me, but I do not find “inspiration” in them. I really struggle.


      Yes, and it all began when “Saint” Paul infiltrated the Church, made himself an “apostle,” and rejudaized the message of Jesus. Now the inside of the apple consists only of maggots.

      It is time for the true faith!

  2. https://pin.it/4YOwTC7
    Riporta qui questo antico messaggio,la croce celtica del Sole,il messaggio Divino espresso dall’indice che si rifà alla Saggezza di Odino e all’Ordine dei Giovanniti.Non voglio vedere più questi impostori.
    È davvero una tortura.

  3. https://mensajesfedgalacticayashtarcommand.blogspot.com/2018/08/john-smallman-jesus-you-all-have-egos.html?spref=pi&m=1
    Si,John..le canalizzazioni che ascolto sono vere,tutti si sono riuniti insieme sotto lo stesso canale.Trump vincerà ma per dare spazio ad altre persone…e il nome “Giovanni” è molto accreditato.Trump è solo una persona di facciata.Sono sicura ormai che John John Kennedy è vivo,ma chi rappresenterà l’Europa?Siamo scoperti,in preda all’isteria…

    • Alcune canalizzazioni fanno appello alla mentalità femminile e alla bellissima idea che la pace e l’amore conquisteranno tutto.

      Ma la mia esperienza di vita mi ha mostrato che gli psicopatici sono, esattamente come dicono gli psichiatri criminali, incurabili.

      Amore, sì, ma il vero amore qui deve significare “amore duro”. Alcune persone hanno bisogno che la loro incarnazione attuale sia terminata con qualsiasi mezzo richiesto.

  4. Quello che non mi piace delle canalizzazioni è quando tirano fuori la “bufala dei nazisti”.
    Parlano di Deep State,di Rettiliani,di Satana ma non spiegano chi li rappresenta in realtà.
    Di fatti ieri ho messo in dubbio una canalizzazione in cui si parlava di nazisti alleati con i rettiliani nella seconda guerra mondiale.Ormai ho capito che è la stessa tattica dei Rettili umani quaggiù.Caspita,dite che i veri Nazisti sono sempre stati i Giudei!
    Come si deve svegliare il popolo così?Andate al Sodo,state girando intorno al problema(come fa anche Trump).
    Li hanno denunciati tutti nel corso dei Secoli..rendete onore a questi uomini coraggiosi!
    Credo di aver perso tante cose durante il corso dei Secoli ma non la mia indole ribelle!Non riesco a tacere.Non ce la faccio proprio!

    • Transl:

      What I don’t like about channeling is when they bring up the “Nazi” hoaxes.

      They talk about the Deep State, the Reptilians, Satan –fine — but they don’t explain who the people are who actually represent them.

      In fact, yesterday I questioned a channelling that talked about Nazis allied with the Reptilians in World War II. By now I understand that it is the same tactic of the human Reptiles down here.

      Wow, you say the real Nazis have always been the Jews! 😉

      How are the people to wake up after hearing [b.s.] like this?

      The [antisemites bravely] have denounced them for centuries .. do honor to these brave [NS] men!

      I think I have lost many things over the centuries but not my rebellious nature! 😉 I just can’t keep silent.


      Neither can I. 😉

      And your rebelliousness is obedience to the truth, to love, to light and beauty.

  5. Infatti io sono per “l’amore duro”.Alcune canalizzazioni sono di natura politica;ecco perché a volte le ascolto,sento dire:”Continuate a ribellarvi”,”chi non si sveglia tornerà indietro di tanti anni” ,altre invece sono più soft..e le ascolto meno.Siamo tutti sulla stessa barca,ma io mi sento in dovere di “difendere” quello che so per certo.
    E di attaccare quando tentano di fare il doppio Gioco.
    Difendono Trump ma non i NazionalSocialisti!eh…no!
    Ma la mia donazione?Mi sto preoccupando questa volta 🙁

  6. https://photos.app.goo.gl/4Z7cEAhJzPs1rQZX6
    Quando ho salvato queste foto,la swastica si è trovata per caso proprio vicino 🙂 🙂
    È un segno.
    Era il 1999;stavo cercando di capire se la zona dove è caduto l’elicottero e questo numero potessero indicarmi qualcosa.La data è la zona sono molto singolari…
    Poi ho pensato,se conosci il tuo nemico allora devi anticipare le sue mosse!:)
    Gesù:”Conosci il tuo nemico come te stesso”..
    Penso sia sua.

  7. https://youtu.be/KOG7rpfq29k
    Chissà perché questa disciplina mi attira così tanto!
    Sarà il ghiaccio…
    Ti permette davvero di volare e di tirar fuori tantissima Energia 🙂
    Ha scelto proprio un bellissimo pezzo italiano e lei è un vero talento.
    Quello che trovo strano è l’energia che hanno queste ragazze così raffinate… bè yin-yang 😉
    Non ci sono dubbi.

  8. https://pin.it/4GAi75j
    Finalmente l’ho trovato.
    Fammi pensare…
    È l’Arcangelo che più si accosta a Wotan per questioni di leadership.
    Gesù,San Giovanni,San Nicola e San Michele..tutti con il dito in sù.
    Già,ci sono tutti questi nomi nella mia Vita e nella mia famiglia.
    A volte mi chiedo come hanno fatto!
    È di una perfezione incredibile.
    Perdonami la velocità dei post 🙂
    Ma dovevo dirtelo.

  9. Dopo mesi di scrittura sul mio stato,dopo questa prova “evidente” di presa in giro mediatica,posso affermare che non siamo invasi solo da demoni ma anche da zombie.
    Forse il primo creatore ha ragione…non si è svegliato realmente nessuno!”Se io veicolo alcune menzogne durante le canalizzazioni” e nessuno si ribella,nessuno mi contraddice(tranne la sottoscritta)e dite sempre le stesse parole,allora qualcosa davvero non ha funzionato!Eppure gli Antifa si comportano come demoni,i nazionalisti tentano solo di difendersi…possibile che ancora non capite da che parte stare? Si,John..siamo messi costantemente alla prova!Questo lo avevo intuito..
    Per questo mi sentivo “perseguitata” nella realtà;il cambio delle voci nelle persone,i doni che ho ricevuto;quando ho spedito la mia donazione stava avvenendo un battibecco tra i due gestori della posta(io non metto mai il mittente)percio’il signore che ha sempre provveduto a spedirmi le lettere mi ha difesa in una maniera incredibile!Sento la presenza degli Angeli ed è una cosa bellissima.Ti possono salvare in qualsiasi momento..con ogni mezzo a disposizione,non solo fisicamente.
    L’intuizione è un’arma potente..avere fiducia nella propria intuizione vuol dire avere fiducia in se stessi.
    “Una vita senza ricerca(della verità) non merita di essere vissuta”..
    Quante cose ho imparato da te;ogni cosa si è riempita di “significato”.
    Questo è il vero miracolo della Vita.

    • Transl:

      After months of writing about my state, after this “clear” proof of media teasing, I can say that we are not only invaded by demons but also by zombies.
      Maybe the first creator is right… nobody really woke up! “If I carry some lies during the channeling” and nobody rebels, nobody contradicts me (except myself) and you always say the same words, then something really didn’t work Yet the Antifa behave like demons, the nationalists only try to defend themselves … is it possible that you still don’t understand which side to take? Yes, John … we are constantly put to the test! I had guessed this …
      For this I felt “persecuted” in reality; the change of voices in people, the gifts I received; when I sent my donation there was a quarrel between the two mail managers (I never put the sender) so gentleman who always sent me the letters defended me in an incredible way! I feel the presence of the Angels and it is a beautiful thing. They can save you at any time .. with any means available, not only physically.
      Intuition is a powerful weapon .. having confidence in your intuition means having confidence in yourself.
      “A life without a search (for truth) does not deserve to be lived” ..
      How many things have I learned from you, everything is filled with “meaning”.
      This is the true miracle of Life.

  10. https://www.lastampa.it/la-zampa/cani/2020/11/17/news/cina-nello-yunnan-vietato-portare-a-passeggio-in-cani-all-aperto-multe-e-uccisione-dell-animale-per-chi-trasgredisce-1.39551010/amp/
    Si rivelano come “Ebrei orientali”…
    Per me l’amore duro non è solo strangolare un serpente nei sogni ma anche nella realtà.
    Non solo per tutti i bambini innocenti…ma anche per gli animali.
    Devo respirare profondamente per non “cadere” nella rabbia.
    Non so se percepisco più amore o rabbia.Rabbia con amore 🙂
    Si,nessuno mi ha davvero sentito “tuonare”..se posso usare questo termine!Ma ora so che cosa vuol dire provare la rabbia del Fuhrer e la sua passione!Furore e Fuoco.
    Questo vuol dire essere presi per “pazzi”..ma non importa.
    Posso capirti perfettamente…
    No,non riesco ad essere per niente femminile 🙂 🙂

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