Still-hostile Obama smirks that Russia is no superpower

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Recently, Barack Obama sneered that Russia cannot “project power” like the US with its 800 military bases and alliances.

HANGZHOU, CHINA SEPTEMBER 5, 2016: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L) and US President Barack Obama meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit. Alexei Druzhinin/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Photo by Alexei DruzhininTASS via Getty Images)

The Jewnited Snakes is indeed good at bombing weak countries into submission.

However when the enemy fights back and has credible resources (North Korea, North Vietnam, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan) they usually come off worse.

Russia, with a defence budget of around $48 billion and decreasing, has fully active hypersonic missiles, more nuclear warheads than the US, and kit that actually works, including new toys that are in full working order, not overly delicate and insanely overpriced.

The US has a defence budget of around $730 billion and growing, no active hypersonic nukes, less nuclear warheads than Russia, less new toys, and few that actually work, arrive on time, and on budget.

Weak little Russia only has 11 time zones, is a creditor nation (no debts), with currency and gold reserves of around $600 billion.

It feeds its people on home-grown, GM-free food. It pays for healthcare for all and even education, including on the university level.

Compare this to the world’s largest debtor nation, which can do none of the above.

Now the US military-industrial complex (to use President Eisenhower’s extremely negative term) is refitting its Aegis destroyer ships to encircle and threaten a Russia that has never threatened America since communism fell there and the Warsaw Pact then collapsed, three long decades ago.

Summary: the Jewnited Snakes is the instrument of Jewish world domination.

Therefore, it seeks the ability to annihilate a semi-dejudaized Russia in a supposedly “winnable” nuclear war.

The method is a first strike that hits 90% of Russian nukes, then the Aegis destroyers intercept the few Russian missiles that do get airborne.

My concern for years has been that Trump will be pushed by the Pentagon into a war with Russia.

And now, more than ever, clinging to power by his fingernails, Trump needs his generals and admirals to back him if Antifa, BLM and his other enemies start a violent nationwide uprising to put Biden in power.

Will the price for Trump to stay in power be to write a blank check for the military types to “go get them Rooskies”?

Then the Van Rensburg prophecy of WWIII will be fulfilled.

So, as I say, we need Trump to win — but then WE must end the Jewish cancer that is ruining Trump, America and the whole world.



–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia

The card shows the “Old Harry” rocks in Dorset, England 🙂



Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…


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