New, ominous Antifa symbols; Newt Gingrich definitely NOT a RINO — sees what’s at stake; another comrade recants

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Guess what? Antifa is not just against “fascists” but any and all whites, any and all conservatives, any and all gun owners, and any and all freedoms. Antifa means a communist revolution.


The Gadsden flag Antifa is mocking goes back to the American Revolution:

…..Newt Gingrich: 2020 election is greatest election theft since 1824

On Twitter he just said the election was a total sham and is being stolen.

Gingrich, who was the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the Bill Clinton era, was a highly partisan Republican. In his stance now I see three things:

1) possibly a loyalty to Trump, and gratitude for his results as party leader

2) a REAL fear of violence by the communist Left against all Republicans to crush his party FOR GOOD;

2) a realization that, on the other hand, if Trump is sworn in for a second term, the Republican Party can crush all the leaders of the Demoncrats, the Demoncrat media and Demoncrat Big Tech as the party of Chinese treason and criminal vote fraud, and then rule America for the next 50 years.

Trump looks depressed and dejected lately.


Mandatory Credit: Photo by Chris Kleponis/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (11086163aa) US President Donald J. Trump returns to the White House after spending Thanksgiving weekend at Camp David, in Washington, DC, USA, 29 November 2020. US President Donald J. Trump returns to the White House, Washington, USA – 29 Nov 2020

What Trump needs is muscle.

The Supreme Court justices may yet be physically threatened by the jewish-run marxists and Deep Staters.

But they need to understand that the armed white people of this country can be mighty dangerous to cross, too.




I repeat:

Forget Trump TV or Trump in 2024. We don’t even want a 78-year-old who has proven he cannot stop licking the jews’ boots and in vain.

Antifa and BLM will physically crush all resistance.

All we face now is the FEMA-camp gulag. And being biochipped, sickened and sterilized by the vaccine,. then a cashless society where the regime can turn off your money with a mouseclick.

Biden is the end of the white race.

No to life as a slave.



…..Hervé Ryssen throws in the towel

I guess being threatened verbally with being gang-raped in prison by blacks is pretty effective.

Holocaust revisionists Germar Rudolf of Germany and David Irving of Britain both “admitted” the Holofraud was real to get lesser sentences. 2.5 years for Rudolf and a year for Irving.

Rudolf could have gotten five years, and Irving nine. And always they can threaten to put you in at any time with the blacks.

My onetime assistant from Finland, Henrik Holappa, a heroic, militant national socialist and foe of muslim gang rape in his nordic country, got released from a US prison on the promise to slander me upon demand.

This he did in 2011 after Margi and I had let him stay in our home for eight months while he applied for political asylum, and we even paid $2,000 for his lawyer, Valerie May of Pittsburgh, an asylum specialist.


Then Holappa was induced to even leave our cause totally. Nothing like gang rape to change aman’s political opinions.

He married a Chinese woman and works now for the enemy, for


To his great credit, he called me and apologized for slandering me.  I asked him to recant, but he refused, saying “I cannot.” This is the power of the threat to put you in a cell with n—er rapists. Holappa had told me himself he feared being extradited to Finland and put in a super-max with blacks and muslims.

Now the brilliant French antisemitic writer Hervé Ryssen, a friend of me and Margi both, who penned ten truly magnificent books against the jews, has run up the white flag as well. I just got this email:

My English translation follows:
Chers amis,
Je suis passé mercredi 25 novembre devant la Cour d’Appel de Paris, dans l’ancienne 17ème chambre correctionnelle, sur l’île de la Cité. Il s’agissait essentiellement d’une « demande de mise en liberté » concernant une condamnation à 8 mois de prison ferme, la seule de mes condamnations pour laquelle avait été demandée une « exécution
provisoire ».
Si cette « exécution provisoire » est levée (on le saura le 10 décembre), il ne me restera que 9 mois en tout à effectuer – en fait 7 mois avec les remises de peine, sachant qu’aux deux tiers de la peine, un aménagement sera envisageable (vers février). Je pourrai alors effectuer des TIG (Travaux d’Intérêt Général) par la suite.
En revanche, si cette exécution provisoire est maintenue, j’aurai 17 mois à purger, sachant qu’au moins 3 ou 4 autres procédures sont intentées contre moi et que ma peine sera encore alourdie. Vous l’avez compris, cette journée du 25 novembre était très importante.
Je vous prie de croire que je ne me suis pas comporté en héros. Je n’ai pas honte de le dire : à plusieurs reprises, ma gorge s’est nouée, tant je crains que ma détention s’éternise. Le décès de mon père, survenu le 10 novembre (je n’ai pas pu aller aux obsèques malgré l’autorisation du procureur), m’a évidemment affecté.
Ne vous attendez pas à de grands débats de fond au procès du 2 décembre. Je préfère vous prévenir : je capitule à l’avance sur tout, absolument tout, parce que je sais maintenant qu’ils peuvent m’intenter un procès sur tout et n’importe quoi. Qui plus est, j’ai pris la décision de payer toutes mes amendes qui se sont accumulées depuis dix ans. J’ajoute que j’ai la ferme intention de ne plus jamais évoquer ce sujet en aucune manière, parce que je ne souhaite en aucun cas remettre les pieds en prison une fois sorti d’ici.
Je pourrai ainsi exercer pleinement et entièrement ma liberté d’expression (à méditer). Naturellement, je continuerai à me vouer à la défense des petites gens. Trop de bons Français ont besoin d’espoir et de réconfort. Pour eux, pour vous, je serai toujours là.
Je profite de ce moment pour dire toute ma gratitude à Jean-Marie Le Pen, qui m’a sorti de l’ornière cosmopolite quand j’avais 25 ans. Je n’ai jamais su dire à ma mère à quel point je l’aimais ; je n’ai pas pu remercier mon père pour tout ce qu’il a été.
Je ne veux pas manquer de remercier Jean-Marie Le Pen pour ce qu’il a fait pour l’humanité. Quant aux autres, dissidents réfugiés en Suisse, en Angleterre, en Europe de l’Est, en Turquie, au Japon ou ailleurs, aux directeurs d’hebdomadaire bien français, aux innombrables autres internautes qui nous soutenaient inconditionnellement, je salue votre chaleureuse détermination et vous suggère de nourrir la flamme de l’espérance dans vos cœurs.
En ce qui me concerne, j’y crois ; je crois ; plus que jamais, parce que la folie mondialiste n’amène que le chaos.
Votre dévoué,
Hervé Ryssen


In English:

Dear friends,
I spent Wednesday, November 25 before the Court of Appeals of Paris, in the former 17th correctional chamber, on the Ile de la Cité. It was essentially a “request for release” from a sentence of 8 months in prison, the only one of my sentences for which a “provisional execution” was requested.
If this “provisional execution” is lifted (we will know on December 10), I will only have 9 months left in all to serve – in fact 7 months with the remissions of sentence, knowing that at two-thirds of the sentence, a parole of the sentence will be possible (around February). I will then be able to carry out TIG (Work of General Interest = “community service”) thereafter.
On the other hand, if this provisional execution is maintained, I will have 17 months to serve, knowing that at least 3 or 4 other indictments will be brought against me and that my sentence will be further increased. As you have understood, this day of November 25 was very important.


Please believe that I did not behave like a hero. I am not ashamed to say it: on several occasions my throat was in knots, so much do I fear that my detention will drag on for too long. The death of my father, which occurred on November 10 (I was notallowed to go to his funeral despite the authorization of the prosecutor), obviously affected me.
Don’t expect big, substantive debates at the December 2 trial. I prefer to warn you: I am capitulating in advance on everything, absolutely everything, because I now know that they can prosecute me for anything and everything.
What is more, I have made the decision to pay all my fines that have accumulated over the past ten years. I add that I have the firm intention of never bringing up this [jewish] subject again in any way, because I do not in any way wish to set foot in prison once I get out of here.
I will thus be able to fully and fully exercise my freedom of expression (at least  to meditate…). Of course, I will continue to devote myself to the defense of the little people. Too many good French people need hope and comfort. For them, for you, I will always be there.


Hervé became a leading Gilet jaune (“yellow vest” in Paris)

I take this moment to express my gratitude to Jean-Marie Le Pen, who got me out of the cosmopolitan rut when I was 25 years old. I never knew how to tell my mother how much I loved her; I couldn’t thank my father for all he was.
I do not want to fail to thank Jean-Marie Le Pen once again for what he has done for humanity.

As for the others, dissident refugees in Switzerland, England, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Japan or elsewhere, the directors of a very good French weekly, and the countless other Internet users who have unconditionally supported me, I salute your warm determination and suggest that you feed the flame of hope in your hearts.
As far as I’m concerned, I still believe; I believe more than ever, because this globalist madness only brings us chaos.

Your devoted

Herve Ryssen


…..My comment

You can surrender. Then get f—ed  up the a–.

Main thing for a coward is always to keep existing, even as a slave, on his knees. Literally.


The tsar’s four daughters, shot by marxist jews and cut up like their parents, then the pieces were thrown in acid, then the bones were thrown down a mineshaft.


I know life goes on after death and the karma of a hero is good.

How about you? Do you know the afterlife is real? If not, then start reading my site more – and about the jews and their endless crimes a bit less.

This should be your attitude:



……See also





    • Very true.

      He is in the same boat karmically as is Rudy Giuliani with regard to September 11, which happened right in his city while he was in his last months as the mayor there (to be then replaced, alas, by the vile jew Bloomberg, the ultimate RINO).

      There are so many people in the higher echelons who have done bad things during their climb to power, and sold their soul to the devil and to his hideous people.

      Later, as the goy VIP’s hair turns gray and then white, and their parents die — but also some of their own cousins and friends of their own generation, snatched away these days especially by cancer, and even in their forties, fifties and early sixties, instead of reaching, say, 79, the average age at death for a white male American — THEN you start to think about your own demise, and that if there is a God, you might just be in for a very harsh judgment, when “your time comes,” for some very serious crimes.

      It struck me that Soviet 1950s-60s leader Nikita Khrushchev (whose son Sergei, in Providence, Rhode Island, at Brown University I was to meet and work with in 2003), though a horrible communist implicated in the terrible Holodomor famine in Ukraine and, as a marxist an dmaterlaist, supposedly an atheist, would say things when agitated about God or Jesus, heaven and hell. and he would say that his mother had always been a “believer.”

      Even in some really evil people, and this also means those who go along with evil, there is often still some spark of conscience.

      In the crucifixion of Jesus, which the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, ordered under direct, heavy pressure from the jews and despite his wife’s urgings (“I had a dream –do not harm that righteous man!”), several Romans who had driven the nails in came to admire Jesus. One offered him vinegar on a sponge against His thirst; another, or the same one, Longinus, deliberately stabbed him with a spear in the side to end His suffering, and one (maybe it was all the same soldier) said, when Jesus died:

      “Truly, this man WAS a son of God.”

      God knows our soul, and who is genuinely sorry.

      I for my part will proclaim an amnesty to everyone who repents.

      And this means also to everyone who has slandered me. Even to the wicked Carlos Porter.

      Even to the worst, most luciferian Deep-State pedophile and child-killer.

      BUT they must sincerely repent, cross over to our lines, and risk their lives now as they took lives before, to actively and effectively help us against their former bosses, the Big Jews.

      Anyone can be forgiven if they prove that their remorse is real in the only way possible — by selfless and heroic deeds against the jews.

      On others will come the wrath of God and righteous men, carrying out His will to cleanse the earth without mercy of subhuman filth, and that is millions of traitors, murderers, and vile sex criminals.

      I thank God that my life has allowed me to experience what they are like. With my blue eyes, as the Germans, Finns, Swedes, Danes and Norwegians say, I have been naive, and thought my kindness and generosity could melt any hardened heart.

      But now I have grown to a higher understanding. Tough love means to recognize the incorrigible, and to send the wicked on to their next incarnation, just as one takes out the trash from the house for the garbage truck.

      It is time to take out the trash.

  1. We should not be too harsh on our comrades who are in difficult situations. Not everyone is a born warrior like you, Mr. John der Nugent.

    Physical defeat is preceeded by psychological defeat.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead
    Miyamoto Musashi

    Anger. Control your anger. If you hold anger toward others, they have control over you. Your opponent can dominate and defeat you if you allow him to get you irritated.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    If you wish to control others you must first control yourself
    Miyamoto Musashi

    The important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy’s useful actions but allow his useless actions.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    If you do not control the enemy, the enemy will control you.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    You win battles by knowing the enemy’s timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    Immature strategy is the cause of grief.
    Miyamoto Musashi

    To the jews:
    Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.
    Miyamoto Musashi

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