Trump looks genuinely pained, hurt, and betrayed.
“This is not just about my campaign, although it has a lot to do with who’s going to be your next president,” Trump remarked. “If we don’t root out the fraud, the tremendous and horrible fraud that’s taken place in our 2020 election, we don’t have a country anymore,” he said.
Donald John Trump worked like a dog for four years to be a good president, and he was; he held huge rally after rally all over to win; he then did win in a landslide, and then half of his own ungrateful party and the jew-financed Demoncrats stole the victory he EARNED.
It has to be depressing that most Americans will not even see this excellent speech. And JewTube has kept the views stuck at 495,000 so far for three hours!
I know personally what it is like to knock yourself out to win, and to see good people donating and working for you, and to glimpse the hope in the eyes of your supporters and the public .. and then stand there in horror and see vicious thieves steal it.
Most of all, you feel sorry for the people whose hopes were placed in you and look crushed, dejected over a “defeat” in a race that actually you and they had won!
See 9:58 to 19:02 (though it is all of interest) This video, on the underfinanced Bitchute video platform, may take time to buffer up.
Trump said that by using the pandemic as a pretext, Demoncrat governors, secretaries of state, and state judges then drastically changed election procedures in the months and weeks leading up to the election, churning out millions of mail-in ballots and saying signatures were not important — all this in crystal-clear violation of the US Constitution, which says only state legislatures can make such changes.
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections […] shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof [….]
Well, Mr. President, seeing this pandemic hoax, why
1) did you cave in on Covid in March, start calling it a pandemic when it is not, and then
2) abandon the medication hydroxchloroquine for this flu –which is cheap, safe and effective, and makes all lockdowns unnecessary???
Mr. President, I think you need my help. Some things you still don’t get.
And until you get rid of the jews all around you who HATE you, you never will. Someone has to go after these jews hammer and tong. Mr. Trump, you are a good doctor, but your patient is dying of a tumor, the cancer called jewry and you are no oncologist. It is time for a specialist to step in.
“Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney [U.S. Air Force Retired] said in a no-holds-barred interview that he doesn’t believe the courts are likely to come through for President Trump.
Despite massive amounts of evidence of widespread irregularities, many judges appear either unable or unwilling to sort through allegations of rigged voting machines and dozens of affidavits from eyewitnesses to ballot stuffing, denial of Republican poll watchers from observing the process, evidence of more votes cast in hundreds of precincts than were registered to vote, and a host of other irregularities.The general placed the burden squarely on President Trump to use the emergency powers at his disposal and put down what he described as a coup d’état in progress.”
Ora vedranno cosa salterà ancora….
E salterà!
Non lo posso digerire…Che Dio lo fulmini!
Si que Dio lo fulmini.
Non c’è niente di peggio del tradimento.
Gesù: “Se qualcuno dovesse far perdere la fede a uno di questi piccoli in me, sarebbe meglio per quella persona avere una grande macina legata al collo ed essere gettata in mare.”
E non è finita qua….
Sono Rettili.
Dovrebbero cambiare il nome da Chiesa cattolica romana a “Islam”, perché ora incarnano esattamente il significato di questa parola, “sottomissione”.
Trump says he is fighting for the American people, yet why is he not enforcing the law he has the authority to direct into action? Perhaps the military under Trump’s command will not obey him. But two US generals are advising Trump to either declare Martial Law or invoke the Insurrection Act. Apparently these two generals do not know what is hindering Trump from doing what is right and needed to save this country. If Trump were under serious threat from Israel, he would tell these generals the issue. However, if Trump has an extremely condemning personal past history that would destroy his public acceptance, he could refuse to enforce law and order in order to keep his past hidden. Until Trump actually proves his leadership by doing the right actions to retain the Republic, the country is doomed to be under Communist rule. But not before Patriots resist.
I sure read you.
I respond here: