Ursula Haverbeck is finally back home!!! The two-year captivity has left clear traces on her face and especially in her eyes… But on November 6th Ursula Haverbeck was finally released, only two days before her 92nd birthday. Then she was put on trial again and sentenced to another year in prison.
On November 6th, the famous German rights activist Ursula Haverbeck was finally released from prison in Bielefeld after serving a two-year sentence just for asking simple scientific questions about the Holocaust. All she asked for were answers, scientific explanations and solid facts from the Central Council of Jews in Germany.
But instead, the lovely 90-year-old grandmother was attacked and kidnapped in her bedroom at three o’clock in the morning by a special police task force and then thrown into a prison for hardcore criminals. Shortly afterwards, a group of Antifa thugs broke into her house and stole cash, valuable items and damaged many of her belongings.
Instead of being able to use her precious time to fight for the rights of the Germans and ALL whites worldwide, she had to spend TWO YEARS in a damp, shabby prison cell, as she wrote in a letter to a comrade.
The only positive thing she could do was to read all the numerous letters sent to her by comrades from all over the world. Especially the noble ”Volkslehrer” [ = Folk teacher (he was a teacher until fired for his political views)] Nikolai Nerling [ “Nerling” pronounced like English “near” plus -ling] has fought very hard for her release and also produced several videos for her.
Nikolai is a true front-line fighter. He was attacked numerous times by the Antifa, had to endure several police raids, his computers and cell phones were repeatedly confiscated, his beloved car was destroyed at night by the Antifa and completely sprayed with paint spray and he was fined heavily for ”Hate-Speech”.
And yet, every day he works with joy and courage for the rights of the German people. A true German hero!
The courageous and honorable ”Volkslehrer” [Folk teacher] Nikolai Nerling [he was once a real teacher, until fired for his views], has fought continuously for the freedom of Ursula Haverbeck and the entire German people.
This Antifa flyer warns locals about this “evil man.” The state-financed Antifa has put up numerous propaganda posters all over Berlin to damage his reputation. It says: ”Attention! Neo-Nazi!”
About Ursula:
Ursula Meta Hedwig Haverbeck-Wetzel, née Wetzel ( November 8, 1928 in Winterscheid/Hessen), is a German revisionist, civil rights activist and Federal Republic of Germany dissident from Vlotho. Her husband was Prof. Dr. Werner Georg Haverbeck, once a member of the Reich leadership of the NSDAP, founder and director of the Reichsbund Volkstum und Heimat, pastor and publicist. She is probably the last remnant of the Third Reich still actively resisting the anti-German tyranny.Because of her statements regarding the Holocaust, Haverbeck was harassed by the crypto-communist Merkel regime and repeatedly given prison sentences. Since the sixth of November 2020 she has been released.
Videos about Ursula Haverbeck:
Due to the Youtube censorship unfortunately not all videos can be shown with English subtitles. We can only use what is available online:
German mainstream media interview by Panorama TV with Ursula Haverbeck. With English subtitles:
Ursula Haverbeck with Nikolai Nerling:
German comrades protest for her freedom. With speeches by famous speakers like Bernhard Schaub and Nikolai Nerling:
Ursula’s 91 birthday: Nikolai Nerling sings her favorite birthday song in front of her prison cell:
Ursula’s 92 birthday: Nikolai Nerling congratulates her in a video:
Update November the 17th 2020: Ursula back again on trial
Ursula Haverbeck in court again
Ursula Haverbeck was just released from her two-year prison sentence — and then was again being dragged into court by the Merkel Communists:
12:09 – Right now the new trial against Ursula Haverbeck in the Berlin District Court is about to begin. Once again the b-s paragraph §130 StGB (“ethnic agitation”) is used against the now 92-year-old lady because of so-called ”incitement of the people”.
The ”Volkslehrer” Nikolai Nerling (wearing a black hat right at the start of the video) is dragged brutally out of the courthouse by the police.
12:24 – While the German government has repeatedly complained about lack of press freedom in China, Eastern Europe and Trump America, the Folk Teacher has been taken into police custody because the police refuses to recognize his press card.
13:04 – Due to her hearing loss, Mrs. Haverbeck now has to wear headphones and has to watch the 15-minute video interview (that the Volkslehrer conducted with her) in a standing position!!!
It is shameful that she is forced to undergo this procedure despite her health problems! The trial begins.
15:08 – While the “Volkslehrer” Nikolai Nerling is excluded from the show trial against dissident Ursula Haverbeck because his press card is not recognized by the police in Berlin, an obese, left-wing criminal photographer with the pseudonym “Kim Winkler” is allowed to take “reports” from inside the courtroom with state acquiescence and especially he/she/it takes photographs of the faces of trial attendees.
Are really all “equal before the law” in Germany?
15:37 – The trial day against Ursula Haverbeck was declared closed. The “Volkslehrer” Nikolai Nerling is to be called as a witness at the request of the defense counsel. Although he is actually on the spot (he has been released from police custody in the meantime), his testimony cannot be scheduled today. So the struggle for rights and justice goes into the next round. On December 4, 2020 it will continue …
Nikolai Nerling’s comment on the 17th of November:
”More than 2.5 years ago I did an interview with Ursula Haverbeck. Today the 92-year-old was put on trial in the Moabit criminal court in Berlin for some of her statements.
Freedom of opinion does not exist in the Federal Republic of Germany. So it serves (((them))) only too well that I was excluded from reporting for flimsy reasons and was banned from the court. This kind of injustice has existed long before Corona!
But see and judge for yourself!”
… Merkel obeys the Talmudic haters.
Since her childhood she was professionally trained and educated to become a fanatical, hardcore communist. During her time as an FDJ [East German communist-youth organization] functionary in the ’80’s,
she eagerly and determinedly did propaganda for marxism.
It is terrible to imagine a 90-year-old lady being thrown into prison just for asking unpleasant questions, but in Merkel’s new Soviet utopia anything inhuman is possible. For Merkel the German goyim are nothing more than objects, and she cannot stand it if they dare not to obey her rules. Who cares if there is another corpse in the basement?
The communist Merkel (née Kazmierczak) enjoys her evenings in the most expensive restaurants with her buds. Of course she doesn’t care about any Corona measures! She is one of the elite! Where is her Covid mask? Where are theirs? Where is the social distancing she preaches to others?
Meanwhile, her red marauders with a badge are roughing up old grandmothers with no mask! How dare you not wearing the mark of the beast? On the ground with you, Nazi Terrorist!
It is not only the so-called ”Nazis” who receive inhuman and draconian treatment. Ordinary citizens,too, are being attacked in the open street by the henchmen of the communist regime, just because they don’t wear a mask when they go for a walk!
Bone-breaking, face-attacking combat dogs are now being used to enforce the mask directive! DÜSSELDORF, OLD TOWN!! on 14 November 2020
This is disarmed Germany today…a slave-and-master terror regime.
Americans, never give up your guns — the ones General Eisenhower took away in 1945 — not Hitler! — from the Germans.
Mr. de Nugent, thank you a lot for spreading the news about this brave old lady! She is a important role model for all of us. And a symbolic figure of our struggle… just like you! 😉
Bilder sagen mehr als tausend Worte (Überschrift des Artikels)
Braunau am Inn, 12. März 1938.
Der Führer passierte am Sonnabend um 15:50 Uhr bei Braunau am Inn die österreichische Grenze
Schauen Sie sich die Gesichter der Menschen in dem folgenden Film an.
Fragen Sie sich was da nicht stimmen kann mit den Propagandalügen, die uns heute aufgetischt werden.
Lassen Sie Ihre Intuition sprechen und beginnen zu verstehen …
– Filmdokument einsehbar über obige Verknüpfung/Verlinkung –
… alle bestochen oder gar erpresst?
Was würden Sie sich fragen, wenn ich Ihnen sage, daß es von solchen Filmaufnahmen aus der Zeit des Dritten Reiches noch T a u s e n d e gibt.
Sie – als Deutsche – dürfen das aber nicht sehen.
Die Archive der Alliierten sind voll – ebenso die Archive der
Fragen Sie sich jetzt: “Warum”?
Denken Sie nach!
Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier folgert:
Herr de Nugent gibt in seinen Artikeln hie wie da eines seiner Musikvideos wieder, wo für den geneigten Betrachter genau derlei Bilder glücklicher Deutscher Menschen zu bestaunen sind – ja, glückliche Europäer im Herzen Europas!
– Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Herr de Nugent gibt in seinen Artikeln hie wie da eines seiner Musikvideos wieder, wo für den geneigten Betrachter genau derlei Bilder glücklicher Deutscher Menschen zu bestaunen sind – ja, glückliche Europäer im Herzen Europas!
Das hier ist mein Lieblingsvideo – welch eine hervorragende Komposition 🙂
Ursula is a heroine! 🙂
– Weiterer Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Anbei wird aus berufenem Munde dargelegt, wie derlei Rauschen des Deutschen Lebensbaumes zustande kommt – ja, jeder einzelne Volksgenosse stellt ein Blatt am Lebensbaume dar, das mit seinesgleichen im Chor einen Volkswillen bildet: Deutschösterreich – Heim ins Reich!
Erste Ballade »Der Blumenkrieg«
»Lüge, wo ist dein Sieg« zehn Balladen von Deutschlands Heldenkampf und Fall
von Gerd Honsik (*10.Oktober 1941 +7.April 2018)
Erste Ballade: Der Blumenkrieg.
Zweimal hat Österreich geweint.
Einmal 1938. Einmal 1945.
Einmal aus Freude. Einmal aus Schmerz.…
I sought out Christian baptism after watching Ursula Haverbeck’s interview on German TV that landed her in prison. Fifty years it took me since realizing at the age of 12 that Judaism is not a religion but instead a system of social and political control and subversion dedicated to advancing evil and the rule of Satan which is now destroying western civilization with the COLD-19 hoax.
Every day I try to live each day as if it could be my last. I’m grateful to Christ for entering my life. For 50 years I didn’t know about Christ’s systematic refutation and condemnation in Book of John. Prior to finding Christ I followed my own personal religion of being a truth-teller at all times, or be silent.
Having Christ’s examples to guide my actions is much much better than merely speaking only truth and hoping everything else will take care of itself.
My thanks go to Ursula Haverbeck and all the other truth-tellers in Germany and everywhere else ruled by the lies of the children of the father of lies.
I genuinely revere Jesus myself, but believe Saul/Paul distorted many of His teachings, emphasizing he was a god, but not the deep teachings of the Master. And Saul rejudaized it.
Anyone who bashes Christ is not welcome here.