Like sheeple to the slaughter — reincarnated “Greatest Generation” jew-lovers and German-killers get their Cohenavirus vaccine

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What a sheep. Prob. watches the BBC, loved pedo tv star Jimmy Savile, and votes Tory or Labour. His grandpa prob. bombed Dresden.

You trust media and government swine who, you KNOW, have lied to you for literally your entire life about EVERYTHING, and you have scoffed at and shunned all truthers as “conspiracy nuts.”

So, hey, mate, enjoy your side-effects!

Karma (unredeemed sins carrying over to your next life) sure is a “mo-fo”…

This German nurse and mother was burned alive in Dresden. Her granddaughter is one of my readers.

“Life is so unfair!” IS IT?




….Australia abandons COVID-19 vaccine due to false HIV positives:

A comrade who calls himself “God’s Chosen Pokemon” (LOL!) wrote me:

Notice that no technical details are given on how this could have happened. It was supposedly a locally-produced vaccine, but was probably a DNA-modifiying mRNA vaccine like the ones produced by Pfizer and Moderna.

And, were these really FALSE positives, or did this vaccine actually give people HIV? I recall reading an article on the Daily Stormer site which said that these mRNA vaccines actually increase the risk of one contracting HIV because they wreck the immune system.

Here’s an article which provides some technical details on Australia’s CSL-produced vaccine:

“According to a statement to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) earlier today, CSL said participants in the phase 1 trial received “false positive” results to HIV tests. They were not infected with HIV, nor did the vaccine contain the entire HIV virus.

Rather, the vaccine’s signature “molecular clamp” technology was formulated with parts of an HIV protein. When injected, these prompted the production of antibodies that were picked up in a range of HIV tests. In other words, if the vaccine had been widely rolled out, this could lead many people to think they had HIV when they didn’t.”

So, they were using an HIV protein in the vaccine – nice!

What else is in these vaccines that they aren’t they telling us about? .

Never mind that – get your vaccines, goyim!


…..A planet full of people in perpetual denial in every single area of their lives — not just about politics, race, immigration, diversity and the jews

Yes. White Californian libtards are the worst. They move to Oregon, Washington and Arizona and KEEP ON voting Demonrat! They have learned NOTHING! Been robbed, beaten, raped, and had their cars vandalized or stolen, and their home burglarized by turd-worlders, but it all just bounced right off them.

But ex-Massachusetts lefties are right up there as well, moving just over the border into 90% white, low-tax, low-crime NH and then voting Democrap, turning once 100%-conservative New Hampshire into the hellhole that Mass-hole-achusetts has become!

It is literally deranged.

The brilliance of the German genius Eckhart Tolle (who studied at Cambridge and UC London) is to have identified and defined the egoic mind.

This is your own mind out of control, and deliberately tyrannizing over you, sadistically making you suffer, and causing you to harm yourself and ruin your own life — and, worse, those of your loved ones, friends and entire country!

The enemy is inside us.

Earth is where souls incarnate who dislike the truth!

“Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies” — huge Fleetwood Mac hit

The jew only pours more gasoline/petrol on the fire that already is burning!

Did the Jews start the Trojan War in 1200 BC? The great poet Homer said it was all GREEK madness, hubris and pointless destruction!

And the Ancient Greeks were the most brilliant of all the Aryans!  

Ego-crazed Greeks viciously rape captured, defenseless, innocent white Trojan women right in the temple of the goddess Athena and not one single jew was around:

Trojan Women and Aryan madness

I can solve the basic problem.

You can donate so I can.

Especially important blogs




……Trump resurgent

I am looking closely now at how 17 states are petitioning the SCOTUS to overturn the crooked election.

It was “won” by fraud perpetrated by an overt Red-Chinese agent, Beijing Biden.

He also refuses to deny that he will pack said Supreme Court with his Demoncrap cronies — a major threat to the Constitution and to this institution’s huge power and prestige.

I am therefore increasingly of the opinion that SCOTUS will go for Trump, and DJT will remain president, thus postponing the final white disaster.

Also, even RINOs and Never-Trumpers, unless they are high-level Deep Staters, and thus active pedophiles and totally hopeless – Romney-Cheney-McCain types – these lower-rank RINOs, such as state legislators, are terrified of a new reality….

….that the Demonrats will use BLM, Antifa and even new anti-gun and anti-hate speech laws to financially, legally and even physically crush them and their Republican Party if the Dems get in on January 20th.

These Never-Trumpers are also realizing that Trump might just win this after all, and then he just might punish all the Republican traitors, maybe with indictments and prison.

If he declares martial law, all these red counties, IMO, which backed him in the 2016 election over Killary, will back him again — including with firepower.

“Boogaloo boys,” pro-Trumpers —  not feds!

NOT feds, white citizens

Finally, the lower-level RINOs see a Trumpian GOP correctly as the new majority party, making huge inroads with the white working class, but also with blacks, Hispanics, whitish Cubans, East Indian professionals, etc.

Trump could actually lead to a new Golden Age of the GOP. And that is in the RINOs’ base self-interest.

So the Never-Trumpers might just „put a sock in it,“ stop bashing Trump, especially if he is triumphant and understandably vengeful — looking to settle scores — and then these opportunistic GOPers will start going along for basic, bread-and-butter, and utterly selfish reasons.

The rats will run right back up the ropes and re-board a Republican ship if it is full of goodies FOR THEM.


But the problem remains that Trump may make a deal with the military, which in return will demand he “get tougher” on Russia and Iran.

And neither Russia nor Iran will take our shit.

Read this!!!!!

Russia Calls Israel ‘the Problem’ in the Middle East, Defends Iran and Its Allies




Two groups, two violent, ruthless gangs, vie for power in Russia.

One, the group that uses Putin, who are more-or-less good guys, but no angels, consists of 90% Slavs, Russian nationalists, all former KGB, and also 10% jews who want to make money, have beautiful Russian wives, etc., and have no desire to genocide the Russian goose laying golden eggs…

The other is 90% oligarchic, billionaire jews and 10% real Russians, sell-outs to jewry and agents of Jewmerica.

They fight, push, and push back, like two crime families, Mafia, contesting the same neighborhood. An all-out war would be risky for both sides.

But if Putin were to grovel to the jews and America, the KGB crowd would get rid of Putin.

Note the body language below of Russia’s ambassador to Israel toward Satanyahu, looking away from this piece of human feces.

Also note that the top Russians often do not have wide, mongol-tatar faces and cheekbones; they look like Germans, Swedes and other white Europeans.

The time is coming for Western and Eastern Aryans to unite against the jew and the internal jew within us, the egoic mind in us all.

THEN ony can we stop the takeover of the whole world by the alliance of the jews with the mongoloid superpower that is Red China!

The Red Chinese use the jews to destroy the Whites, and the jews use the Chinese to destroy the Whites — their common enemy!

…which is rising by “borrowing” key principles from German national socialism on race, economics and politics!

They are creating a Chinese Reich! 


……China is quasi-NS under Xi Xinping!

When a second world war was forced upon Germany by Delano Rosenfeld, the Reich proceeded to smash 1939-41 every enemy that had stymied the old Germany in WWI!

It finally took the gigantic militaries of three superpowers three more years of extreme, all-out effort — the UK, US and USSR — to beat just ONE nation, National Socialist Germany!

And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?

OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on 

–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),

— the leader principle,

— the folk community and

— nationally planned, free-market economics

to become a superpower itself!



Zero race mixing with any lower races!

pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!

The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!


What can you do — right now?

Read everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!



Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all  stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW that white people are stifled, oppressed, humiliated and attacked!


…..Recent donations

…..Recent donations

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 23 Oct.  2020:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.

…..Recent donations

Thanks go today especially to donors of Amazon gift cards, which enable us to buy supplements which have helped Margi both beat and also prevent a recurrence of her one-time Stage III throat cancer. This happy development, in turn, frees ME up for my vital work.

–11 December 2020 100 Euros and note from M in France


–10 December 2020 $25 by check and letter from K in California



–9 December 2020 $150 in cash and a note from P in Florida (sent to Margi’s address)

–7 December 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–4 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–30 November 2020 45 euros from S in Germany

–27 November 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France

–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia


Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…



–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France


–3 November 2020 $100 in cash from a fmr Marine officer, P, in Florida


–1 November 2020 $340 in cash and a letter from K in New England

–23 Oct 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from L in Kentucky

–18 October 2020 US$88  via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

–17 October 2020 50 Australian dollars,  letter and extensive photocopies from a serious book on Atlantis and other destroyed civilizations from J

–14 October 2020 50 euros [ = 50 US dollars] and a beautiful card and letter from M in France.


  1. Not only the vaccine but the bioengineered virus itself may cause HIV.
    There may be parts of HIV sequences engineered into the genome of the virus.
    One can’t believe everything one reads but that one of the virus being a kind of ‘frankenstein’ with patches of several plagues’ genome is very plausible because this vieus is a bioengineered weapon.
    In this case with low initial lethality and who knows what soft kill in the long run.
    If the virus doesn’t ‘get’ you, the vaccine will.
    Devishly clever ploy.

  2. And of course the vaccine itself may contain genetic material but i think this has to be inside another virus that functions as delivery means as carrier and cell invader.

  3. And so, we might be confronted with a kind of binary weapon where both the free virus and the vaccines acting complementarily are needed to achieve the exact desired results.

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