A good life and a better death

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A comrade wrote me that the FBI was now slandering and ridiculing this Warner fellow, whom they connect to and blame for the Nashville bombing, for his belief that 5G towers and frequencies are dangerous .. and also that alien life may exist in the universe.

As we all “KNOW,” cuz Uncle Sam with the big jewish honker told us so,

………this here little earth is the one and only inhabited planet in the entire universe, though said universe contains billions of GALAXIES, each containing millions of planets…

And it seems now that 1% of all planets, like earth, can sustain life, as even NASA admits…. Goldilocks planets, being neither too warm nor too cold, but just right.

So there are literally billions of inhabitable planets, but they are all dead as a door nail.

Allllriiiiight…. 😉

I had two webmasters quit on me because I could not swallow this twaddle.

My teachings — among them not just 5G and aliens, but much more than these — of course make ME even more susceptible to being labeled a “dangerous nut.”

This is why the belief of all true Aryans in both honor and in a good life after a HEROIC death is so important.

I am republishing my 2016 article on the tragic fate of Lord Northcliffe, who was once the owner of the London Times and also the innovative founder of the huge Daily Mail newspaper in Britain, which is still rightwing and very popular today.

The Mail had a good story on the police siding with Muslim pedophiles and rapists, but never asked WHO br0ught these muslims INTO Britain!


When Lord Northcilffe ran the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of his own employeees (like Holappa) and the jews, his secret masters, “got to” his personal doctor, AND to his lawyer, AND to one single judge — and, the next thing you know, suddenly the man was declared “insane.”

This major press baron, owner of the august Times, because he exposed jewry, was hauled away to an insane asylum, where he “died” within 30 days!

With me, however, you will never read “He was taken peacefully into custody without incident.”

This is an actual mzuzle flash. 

Just think, you wretched traitors, “this could be my forehead.” Shot at 20 feet, rapid fire, in the rain, hence the wavy paper target.



Oh no — there will be a BIG incident, and maybe dead cops, which they do not want. Or a sniper takes me out from a block away, brave man that he is, or a bomb blows up when I open the front door.

Anyone, let me be clear, who surrenders to ZOG is a despicable fool and an idiotic coward.

Why would you want to get raped in a federal prison in the ass by n—ers,



and have to suck their black d–k on your knees at shiv-point while other n–ers film it — for the later delight of a jew, maybe even of George Soros?

(Just slightly off-topic: the jews loved degrading Marilyn Monroe, and, several years back, some secret video recording sold for $2 million of her sucking off some Hollywood jew on her knees for 15 minutes. The khazar sadistically had the whole thing filmed so he could enjoy over and over his degrading, as a “royal-race” jew, of a top shiksa.)

It is infinitely better to go boldly into the next world — and I am 66 anyway.

Just go through the tunnel of light,

….leave this horrible jew-ridden planet (chock full of fools, misers, slanderers, traitors and cowards, and I am talking about white nationalists) behind you, see your life-review video, learn and grow from it.

Then spend good time on the other side in a beautiful setting, discussing higher thing with your guardian angels and your most advanced deceased loved ones.

And then only you may return to the battle, whether here or elsewhere.

I was flabbergasted in the 1980s when every single member of the white revolutionary Order surrendered, despite having massive, heavy weaponry with them.

Guess what? They all got the max from federal judges! 😉

NO  WAY! The feds threw the book at a white supremacist????



And the Order guys ALL gave each other up, with the sole exception of Richard Scutari, an Italian-American of the old school, btw, who got 200 years! Henrik Holappa did a fine book on Scutari, then, sadly, after slandering me in order to stay free, he openyl joined the jew enemy. https://www.amazon.com/Unbroken-Warrior-Richard-Scutari/dp/0692816194

Why not just be a man and, when your time comes to check out, die bravely and defiantly like Leonidas????

Or like Davy Crockett at the Alamo, for that matter???

We’re all going to die anyway!!!

God gives us gradually more and more reminders, in the form of wrinkles on our face, and more and more gray and white hairs sprout, all to remind us gently to start wrapping things up, and to remember to achieve something related to your calling before you go.

Once you really grasp the details of reincarnation, you know that your goal is a good life and then a good death.


When Donald Trump called Haiti and other countries “sh–h–le countries,” he was right — but guess what?

This whole earth is a sh–h-le PLANET, and only the extension of national socialism to everywhere can save it.

The honest truth is that I would not miss more than 1% of the people I know.

Most are forgettable people with wasted incarnations. They came here to learn — and failed.

They have the exact same gigantic character flaws as they had back in high school, decades ago.

They suffered and others suffered from them, without learning a thing.

But those others, those golden 1%ers — they are wonderful. 🙂

Everything I do, and that I will do, with January 6th approaching, and Trump acting defeated, I do it so gladly …. for them, the real fighters who love our race. 🙂


Death comes to every man. Face it and man up.



…..The panicked Jews had press baron Lord Northcliffe declared insane, confined, and killed

And note that for eleven years now GOVERNMENT AGENTS Don Black of Stormfront, and David Duke, have spread that I am “insane.”

November 2008, Memphis, Tennessee (l-to-r) Agent Henrik Holappa; myself; Paul Fromm of Canada; agent David Duke; Russian lawyer mistress of Duke; Danish comrade; James Edwards of the Political Cesspool radio show; Derek Black (who, appalled, publicly abandoned white nationalism in a letter to the SPLC); and his father, agent Don Black, whose wife Chloe works for the Jew sugar billionaire Fanjul family. https://johndenugent.com/english/why-i-retaliate-stormfronter-don-blacks-income-source-jewish-fanjul-sugar-billionaires-has-repeated-domestic-violence-and-drunkenness-scandals/


In Donald Black’s March 2009 attack on me, coordinated down to the day with the Homeland Security raid that arrested my assistant Henrik Holappa and put him in solitary for 87 days on a fictitious “visa overstay,” Black stated on a major Stormfront thread that I urgently needed to see a psychiatrist.

Then he deleted my thread on SF with 264,000 views.


Now you now why I fight back so viciously and constantly against them and all their allies, and also why I stay armed at every second of day and night.

The accusation of insanity is the prelude to the SWAT team and death by bullet, or, in prison, by poisoned food, by withheld meds, or by some injection. (Ask WN Edgar Steele — but of course only by séance — since he is already dead.)

Railroaded into prison on a murder conspiracy charge on the testimony of a convicted, violent felon.

Steele Family


Driven from prison to prison to prison to prison and no mail was forwarded (called “diesel therapy”) in order to torture him psychologically; then he was denied meds here at Victorville in California for his heart condition until he died.



If a WN, they NEVER put you in a prison near your family.

Ask Shaun Walker, onetime chairman of hte National Alliance. Living in California, he got five years for a bar fight with a Mexican with no injuries, and was sent to a fed prison in Minnesota, two thousand miles away. I AM THE ONE WHO GOT WALKER OUT AFTER TWO YEARS.

And I repeat to “law enforcement” (and I got a scowl the other day from one, who recognized me),

If you come for me, an expert with the .45 pistol and the head shot, there will be a lethal gun battle, exactly as with Robert Mathews, who went down firing and even fired at the feds from inside his bathtub until they burned him alive by setting his cabin on fire with red hot tear gas grenade canisters.

I will go on to my next life, dying like a white man, and you will suffer the horrific karma of a traitor to your race and folk.


Robert Mathews — when provinding endless info on how the jews are f—ing us and big talk is not enough http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Robert_Jay_Mathews



I actually heard Mathews’s most famous speech — in Chicago in 1983 — right before he went underground. https://johndenugent.com/english/tom-metzger-on-david-duke-robert-mathews-electrifying-speech/




Just think — by dying as a man, Mathews missed out on allthese great things: 9/11, gay marriage, fisting classes in public schools, chemtrails, mandatory vaccines, the autism epidemic, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Mark Zuckerberg!

Gee, if Mathews had only been reasonable and surrendered, today he could be a bitter 67-year-old prisoner in a federal supermax full of negroes, crack dealers, pedophiles and serial killers!

He missed out on Killary….


….and Pete Butt-judge…. 😉


…..Jewish Terror: The Story of Lord Northcliffe


by Kevin Alfred Strom




American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 10, 2004
listen to the broadcast (mp3) Lord Northcliffe (pictured) was a victim of the Zionist establishment whose story deserves to be told, though it was covered up for decades. The lessons for us as a people in his story are deep and profound.


THE PRESS MAGNATE Alfred Harmsworth, later Britain’s Lord Northcliffe, once said: “News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress; the rest is just advertising.” Despite the fact that he was one of the most powerful men in what was then the British Empire, Northcliffe would eventually pay for that attitude with his life.

Northcliffe’s fall ” from being one of the most powerful men in the world to being imprisoned as insane, after which he quickly died ” took only a few days. The trigger was his challenge to the Jewish power structure.

Northcliffe, who lived from 1865 to 1922, stood up to the political establishment of his time, damning Lord Kitchener during World War I when he was considered a “war hero ” and thereby engendering the hatred of millions and driving the circulation of his flagship paper down by some 80 per cent.

He emerged victorious, just as he had in earlier decades when his business acumen and editorial skill had made him the outright owner of the two of the most widely read newspapers in Britain (and many other periodicals) and the majority proprietor of the then-leading newspaper in the world, The Times of London.

Lord Northcliffe was possibly the earliest example of the modern press baron.

Northcliffe was a man who was a bit of a jingoistic “nationalist.” He took regrettably anti-German and anti-Boer positions, for example, and it is said that he would do almost anything to increase the circulation of the newspapers that he owned.

Douglas Reed, in his interesting book The Controversy of Zion, writes

“He was sometimes right and sometimes wrong in the causes he launched or espoused, but he was independent and unpurchasable. He somewhat resembled Mr. Randolph Hearst and Colonel Robert McCormick in America, which is to say that he would do many things to increase the circulation of his newspapers, but only within the limits of national interest; he would not peddle blasphemy, obscenity, libel or sedition. He could not be cowed and was a force in the land.”

Northcliffe, the son of an English barrister, was born Alfred Harmsworth near Dublin (Ireland being then part of the UK) on the 15th of July 1865. With his brother Harold (later Lord Rothermere) he started the magazine Answers to Correspondents in 1888, which rapidly became a success with its question-and-answer format, selling over a million copies a week.

He then founded a children’s newspaper, Comic Cuts, a woman’s magazine, Forget-Me-Nots, purchased the bankrupt Evening News and made it a success by modernizing it, and founded the revolutionary Daily Mail, which pioneered low-cost production, lavish use of illustrations, the smaller tabloid paper size, terse, fact-filled writing, sports and women’s sections, serial novels, and banner headlines.

By the time of the Boer War, the paper sold a million copies a day. Harmsworth took what he considered a patriotic position, stating that the Mail stood for “the power, the supremacy and the greatness of the British Empire.”

The part-Jewish publisher Joseph Pulitzer was so impressed with Harmsworth’s talents that he hired him to edit the first edition of his brand new New York World on the first day of the twentieth century, which he did — using the tabloid (meaning compressed) size which he had pioneered and named, and which later become the dominant format for British newspapers.

One failure of Northcliffe was his launching of the first daily newspaper for women, the Daily Mirror, which did, however, eventually become a success when he made it into a picture newspaper for both sexes.

He took his losses and accepted his defeat with philosophy and humor, saying “Disaster may often be changed to triumph by alteration in tactics. The faculty of knowing when you are beaten is much more valuable than the faculty of thinking you are not beaten when you are.

I had for many years a theory that a daily newspaper for women was in urgent request, and I started one. The belief cost me 100,000 pounds. I found out that I was beaten. Women don’t want a daily paper of their own. It was another instance of the failures made by a mere man in diagnosing women’s needs. Some people say that a woman never really knows what she wants. It is certain she knew what she didn’t want. She didn’t want the Daily Mirror.”

It was in 1905, the same year that he purchased The Times and the Sunday Observer, that his achievements were recognized by his being made Lord Northcliffe at 40, the youngest-ever peer of the realm.

The First World War was a tragedy of bloodletting, destruction, and death for millions of the best young men of our European race on every side of the conflict — a tragedy from which we have still not yet recovered.

Its origins are lost in obscure and shifting alliances, commercial jealousy, and the cynical ˜balance of power’ policy favored by the British Empire at the expense of pan-European interests. Its end was a farrago of madness in which avarice, revenge, crackpot ˜liberal’ nuttiness, and Zionism dominated. It is this last item — Zionism — with which we of today and Lord Northcliffe back then was  concerned.

According to a defector from the Jewish power structure of the time, Benjamin Freedman, Britain was on the verge of losing that war in 1917, when the Zionist Jews made a proposal to the British government.

Britain could yet win this war, the Zionists argued, if America could be brought into the conflict on Britain’s side. With their already-substantial control of the American press, and with their tight circle of ˜advisors’ around President Wilson (who was beholden to them because of indiscreet letters in their possession which he had written to a woman not his wife), the Zionists made a good case that they could deliver what they promised.

But there was a price to be paid. The British Empire was at that time administering the small Middle Eastern territory of Palestine, populated mainly by Palestinian Arabs and Christians and with only a small minority of Jews. The Zionist Jews coveted that territory, which later became Israel when their land-grab came to fruition…. and their price for bringing American soldiers to die in Flanders fields was a declaration from Britain that the Empire favored the establishment of a Jewish state there.

The price was paid. Lord Milner and Foreign Minister Balfour drafted the Balfour Declaration ….

….and the puppeteers pulled the strings on crackpot Wilson. So America went off to war to “make the world safe for democracy’ and it would be  “the war to end all war,” proving that many Americans had had their brains turned to mush long before the advent of television.

The scholar Revilo Oliver has stated that Milner’s interest in supporting the Zionists, apart from the immediate objective of winning the war, was in removing as many Jews as possible from Britain.

And giving them their own country thousands of miles away from England seemed as good a way of doing that as any.

Similar motives animated Balfour, as I stated on this program last year:

“Balfour’s naïveté [is] in this case, a stand-in and symbol of White

naïveté in general. The Jews wanted a policy statement from the then-dominant world power, the British Empire, and they got it and used it to the hilt, not hesitating to kill Britons when it suited them, as in the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel,

….and while other Jews were, especially after World War II, doing everything in their power to undermine the status of the White nations, including that of their benefactor, Great Britain.

The Zionist entity has outlasted the British Empire which gave it birth, though Little Britain is still of some assistance in some projects, like the murder of Iraqis, currently being undertaken by the self-styled masters of the world.

What’s really interesting about Balfour, who gave the Jews their foothold in Palestine, was that he didn’t particularly like Jews — and that he was a racialist.

Like Adolf Hitler later, Balfour was enamoured of the idea of the Jews leaving Europe to found their own state elsewhere.

Both men negotiated with Zionist Jews to effect that end. Hitler offered them Madagascar in 1938.

In 1903, while he was Prime Minister, Balfour offered them Uganda.

In debates on the Alien Act of 1905, Balfour sought to cut off Jewish immigration into Britain.

Balfour openly admitted in 1914 (to leading Zionist Chaim Weizmann, no less) that he shared the extreme anti-Jewish sentiments of Cosima Wagner.

Balfour [even] spoke against Jewish immigration in the House of Commons.”

After the war, Lord Northcliffe became alarmed by Zionist ambitions and Jewish power.

In 1920, he publicized the book that has been banned and furiously denounced by the Jews perhaps more than any other, the famous Protocols of Zion, which purports to be notes taken at a meeting of Jews sometime during the nineteenth century, detailing a plan for world domination through intrigues, deception, and terror.

I have already published my criticism of the Protocols elsewhere, but suffice it to say here that, although the book is unlikely to be what it claims to be, “an actual record of an actual meeting,” and though it clearly was created by a polemicist with a religious bias (witness its barbs directed at Darwin and Nietzsche, for example), its insights into the Jewish mentality and Jewish techniques are insightful. And its tracing (before 1905!) of many of the paths that would be taken by the Jewish establishment in the last century are amazing.

Northcliffe probably saw the Protocols much as I see them, and decided they deserved to be seen and investigated by the British people.

Accordingly, he saw to it that significant parts of them were published in the most prestigious newspaper in the country, The Times, of which he was the principal owner, under the title ˜The Jewish Peril, a Disturbing Pamphlet, Call for Enquiry.’

He did not declare the Protocols to be true, but rather called for a full investigation to discover whether or not they were true.

He stated that “an impartial investigation of these would-be documents and of their history is most desirable. Are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?”

In 1922, Northcliffe asked the editor of The Times, Wickham Steed, to travel to Palestine to investigate the real nature of the Zionist project there, feeling sure that Steed, once he saw how a tiny and foreign Jewish minority was determined to use every foul means to dispossess the Palestinians, would make a 180 degree turn and stop supporting Chaim Weizmann and the other Zionists as he had theretofore.

In this Northcliffe miscalculated badly, for the Zionist hold on Steed (the exact nature of which deserves further investigation) was so strong that Steed openly refused to act upon any of the requests of the man who was the majority owner of the paper and who was therefore his employer!

Wickham Steed, lackey of jewry, and his putative boss, the naive Lord Northcliffe

Steed would not go to Palestine; Steed would not publish an article critical of Balfour’s attitude toward Zionism when asked to do so; and, when Northcliffe himself went to Palestine, Steed would not even publish Northcliffe’s own dispatches from that troubled land.

Who was protecting Steed? Who and what was motivating Steed? These questions became even more important later that year.

Douglas Reed wrote:


Then in 1922 Lord Northcliffe visited Palestine, accompanied by a journalist, Mr. J.M.N. Jeffries (whose subsequent book, Palestine: The Reality, remains the classic work of reference for that period).

This was a combination of a different sort from that formed by the editors of The Times and Manchester Guardian, who wrote their leading articles about Palestine in England and in consultation with the Zionist chieftain, Dr. Weizmann.

Lord Northcliffe, on the spot, reached the same conclusion as all other impartial investigators, and wrote,

“In my opinion we, without sufficient thought, guaranteed Palestine as a home for the Jews despite the fact that 700,000 Arab Moslems live there and own it!

The Jews seemed to be under the impression that all England was devoted to the one cause of Zionism, enthusiastic for it, in fact; and I told them that this was not so, and to be careful that they do not tire out our people by secret importation of arms to fight 700,000 Arabs.

There will be trouble in Palestine . . . people dare not tell the Jews the truth here. They have had some from me.”

The articles by Jeffries and Northcliffe didn’t get published in The Times, but they did see the light of day in Northcliffe’s other papers, greatly alarming the Zionists, who needed the acquiescence of the British people for their land-grab to succeed.

Things started happening very fast for Lord Northcliffe soon thereafter.

On February 26th, 1922, he returned from Palestine. On March 2d, he strongly criticized Steed at an editorial conference, expecting to precipitate his resignation.

To Northcliffe’s amazement, Steed did not resign but decided to consult an attorney “to secure a lawyer’s opinion on the degree of provocation necessary to constitute unlawful dismissal.”

Then, Steed says, he consulted Northcliffe’s own legal advisor (lawyer), who supposedly stated that Lord Northcliffe was “abnormal”, “incapable of business” and, judging from his appearance, “unlikely to live long” and who therefore advised the editor “to continue in his post.”

On March 31st, Steed went to see Northcliffe in France and upon returning started spreading the story — even telling a director of the paper — that Northcliffe was “going mad.”

Douglas Reed himself worked with Northcliffe a few weeks later, and reports he saw nothing at all indicating illness, madness, or abnormality of any kind.

Reed also states that a very sane and sober Northcliffe informed him that someone was trying to kill him.

Reed tells us:


The suggestion of madness thus was put out by an editor whom Lord Northcliffe desired to remove and the impressions of others therefore are obviously relevant.

On May 3, 1922 Lord Northcliffe attended a farewell luncheon in London for a retiring editor of one of his papers and “was in fine form”.

On May 11, 1922 he made “an excellent and effective speech” to the Empire Press Union and “most people who had thought him abnormal’ believed they were mistaken”.

A few days later, Lord Northcliffe telegraphed instructions to the Managing Director of The Times to arrange for the editor’s resignation.

This Managing Director saw nothing “abnormal” in such an instruction and was not “in the least anxious about Northcliffe’s health”.

Another director, who then saw him, “considered him to have quite as good a life risk as his own”: he “noticed nothing unusual in Northcliffe’s manner or appearance” (May 24, 1922).

On June 11th, Steed met Northcliffe again in France and Northcliffe bluntly told him that he, Northcliffe, would now assume editorship of The Times.

The next day, Steed, Northcliffe, and the entire entourage were aboard a train bound for Evian-les-Bains in France.

Unknown to Northcliffe, a doctor (whose name has not been revealed to this day) was secreted aboard the train by Steed, and somehow Northcliffe was manipulated into his custody.

When the train arrived in Switzerland another unnamed physician (described years later only as “a brilliant French nerve specialist”) was summoned and declared Northcliffe “insane.”

Immediately, Steed telegraphed the ‘news’ to London and ordered The Times to disregard and not to publish any communications from its primary owner.

On June 13th, Steed returned to London. On June 18th, Northcliffe was back in London, too, but in custody and totally removed from all control of or communication with his far-flung enterprises.

Even his telephone lines were cut.

Police were posted at the offices of The Times to prevent his entering, should he reach them. He never did.

On that same day, with Northcliffe out of circulation and his powerful voice of protest silenced, the League of Nations voted to reconfirm the ˜British Mandate’ in Palestine, which had mutated into a ‘mandate’ to install the Zionists in power there by violence and fraud.

On August 14th, 1922 Lord Northcliffe died, supposedly the cause of death being “ulcerative endocarditis.” None of the story of his alleged insanity or confinement was known to the public at the time. It was concealed for thirty years, eventually coming out in the Official History of The Times and, in greater detail in Reed’s The Controversy of Zion.

When Northcliffe died, he left in his will three month’s salary to each of his 6,000 employees, a total of 533,000 pounds — a huge sum in today’s inflated currency.

The story of Northcliffe’s challenge to the Zionists deserves more study, as does the continuation of that challenge by Northcliffe’s brother Harold, Lord Rothermere. Rothermere eventually came to the conclusion that Jewish power needed to be defeated for the good of Europe, and that Britain’s best interest lay in support of the other European nations which had begun the fight.

Lord Rothermere wrote in the Daily Mail for the 10th of July, 1933:


I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful detractors of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.

The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime, there were twenty times as many Jewish Government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine. Three German Ministers only had direct relations with the Press, but in each case the official responsible for conveying news and interpreting policy to the public was a Jew.

Rothermere died, some say of a broken heart, shortly after the second great Jew-instigated fratricidal European bloodbath began in 1939.

The life and death of Lord Northcliffe have left us many lessons.

Chief among those lessons is this: The enemy with whom we deal has no honor and no concept whatsoever of a fair fight, whether in a shooting war or in the war of ideas.

Dealing with them as we would deal with an opponent of our own race, observing the conventions of civility and fairness and an honorable contest — and then expecting the same from them, will be fatal every time.

What we can expect from them is a stab in the back; poisoning; paid betrayers; lies, lies, and more lies in every direction one turns, lies so thick that they multiply faster than one can respond to them; and destruction of a million innocent lives if it gets them one inch closer to their inhuman goals.


…….This is why we need Virtus, the new Aryan heroic religion


This is where you can stop reading now, you 99%ers. 😉

Your support is heroic sacrifice — and profoundly appreciated, especially during this crucial stage in our people’s struggle…


One aspect of the immense power of the Aryan swastika is its vibrant motion.

Click here to see it literally turning — a wheel rolling forward!



……Honor Roll

At this Yuletide, I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:

–the late, great publisher Willis Carto


–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area

–a now deceased German sheet-metal worker, Fritz Stallmach, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (https://stkingston.simplertimes.com/book-of-memories/2710432/stallmach-fritz/obituary.php)

–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent 😉 ), G, from Washington State

–a male psychiatric nurse (r), T

–An Egyptian webmaster, Clark, who did hundreds of hours of work gratis

–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta

–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now from her job with a drugstore

–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B

–a Finnish engineer, T

–a Swiss-German, M

–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F

–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M

–a German in Berlin, S

–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization


–A Frenchman, M

–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M

–A North Carolina truck driver, Jamie Anderson, now deceased from cancer in his mid-forties 🙁

–A Floridian, T

–An Australian, J

–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W

–A Dutchman, F

–An Australian and UFO connaisseur, P

–A German woman

–An Australian, D

–a Massachusetts dentist, J

–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J

–a key Barnes Review person

–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open national socialist from New York City

–a former Marine Corps aviator, P

–an aircraft mechanic, M

–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the National Alliance,

….and the late, great Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” a Battle of the Bulge veteran, later a successful immigrant businessman in California, and newsletter publisher. In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes of the Flemish Waffen-SS division, who knew Léon Degrelle as a boy and a young Rexist himself.

He sent me precious, original Rexist and Third Reich literature for the Belgians.

I wish to also thank a lawyer from Baltimore, G.

I send my gratitude to the well-known attorney S from Atlanta, Georgia, who helped me in 1990 when a vicious, racist black motorcycle cop tried to set me up (to the anger and incomprehension of a white cop in a squad car). This white-hating negro was later imprisoned for demanding oral-sex favors of white female motorists! 🙁


THANK YOU and your beautiful hearts for digging deep!

You have understood — I am fighting a war for you!



free (paid by deep-pocket jews) and worthless — the miscegenating, nude-dating TV show “Adam Seeks Eve”


A German on VK posted this on 10 August 2019: “Mister John de Nugent, I hereby award you the Knight’s Cross for your fight against Satan.” 🙂

Every day some well-known people pay for Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks on this website to prevent you reading what is published.

This operation involves worldwide planting of botnet viruses, so that unwitting computer users receive signals ordering their machines to dispatch dozens, hundreds, or thousands of emails to this website. The objective is to overwhelm the server, and sink the publication.

Several of these attack waves happen each day. When the well-known people are the subject of a new publication, the attackers launch even more of their torpedoes than usual.

Defending against these attacks, and keeping the website news and its archive safe for you to use, is costly. You are invited to donate in order to preserve what has so far cost you nothing. 🙂

In the near future, national socialism will be reborn in a new form for our multiracial situation.

As we fight for a new hope, it is important to realize that we national socialists do not represent a pie-in-the-sky theory, a proposal, but a successful reality.

WE took a real nation — a shattered country, the Weimar Germany of 1932 — which was bankrupt in the Jew-triggered “Great Depression” in every way that was imaginable — financially, morally, militarily, culturally, psychologically and politically — with millions literally facing starvation and actually contemplating suicide.

“Our last hope — Hitler”


And while America remained racked by the Great Depression under Franklin Rosenfeld, part-Jewish via both his father and mother (she was the daughter of Warren Delano, a descendant of sephardic jews and an opium dealer), under Adolf Hitler Germany began eliminating the Jewish middle man, and turning around instantly, becoming a free, prosperous Great Power again in just five years!

It was Franklin Delano Rosenfeld who by executive order high-handedly had the Great Seal of the United States redesigned in 1935 so a Star of David appeared over the American eagle. Hard to get more blatant than that 😉 And so as Jesus said: “Let those who have eyes, SEE!”


The “old” Great Seal had a very random pattern of thirteen stars, symbolizing the thirteen rebellious colonies that fought for their freedom.

the first sketch in 1782s, approved by Congress






1882 commemorative coin


Back of the old one-dollar bill under the Republican presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

By Rosenfeld’s executive order, the Great Seal was openly Judaized, and the sinister Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball, seen here, with the Latin mottos “Our plan has succeeded” and “New World Order” was switched by FDR to the left side.

Back to national socialism and its prowess:

When a second world war was forced upon Germany by Delano Rosenfeld, the Reich proceeded to smash 1939-41 every enemy that had stymied the old Germany in WWI!

It finally took the gigantic militaries of three superpowers three more years of extreme, all-out effort — the UK, US and USSR — to beat just ONE nation, National Socialist Germany!

And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?

OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on 

–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),

— the leader principle,

— the folk community and

— nationally planned, free-market economics

to become a superpower itself!

…to become a superpower itself!

China has quietly but openly jettisoned most of its old marxism and has adopted the NS model of society and government that was elucidated by NS legal philosopher Carl Schmitt (The article below from the prestigious Atlantic Magazine is, of course, negatively slanted.) 

Carl Schmitt (r) with the great German novelist and “Blue-Max”/”Medal-of-Honor (“Pour-le-Mérite”) winner Ernst Jünger (l), who wrote up his WWI experiences in his In Storms of Steel




Zero race mixing with any lower races!

pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!

The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!

China legalizes re-education camp for Muslims, bans Halal slaughter! Like Kosher, Halal has no place on our shores

BUT Chinese national socialism is heavily influenced by the jews, atheism, materialism and marxism, and is ANTI-WHITE.

Chinese people assault crying white Uighur boy. Their ancestors were the once pure-white, keltic Tokharians.  A heart-piercing  incident….



What can you do — right now?

Read up on everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!



Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all  stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW that white people are stifled, oppressed, humiliated and attacked!


Please right-click on this audio to play the music in a new tab while you visit this page.



John de Nugent
POB 171
Ontonagon MI 49953-1550

VK.com: John de Nugent Aufdeutsch

Facebook was deleted; Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me thrice for un-p.c. posts


Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/johndenugentESA

GAB (alt-right alternative to Twitter): https://gab.ai/johndenugent



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA

Need secrecy? Then start a Hushmail.com

or safe_mail.net account and then send me @yahoo.com

your new secret email address.




This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items — cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them.


If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com, or at thejohndenugent@gmail.com, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype!


PayPal: write me for details. We still get it, but just via friends.


This is my dear “M. Huffstickler,” about to sing an Irish art song during the intermission of a speech which I gave in East Lansing, Michigan







winter (Marine EGA “ eagle, globe & anchor “ in the window)



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn.



checks to “John de Nugent”

cash inside a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL!aluminum-foilus-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-250-euros-germany-aluminum

Amazon gift card

Send an Amazon gift card Number by email to john_denugent@yahoo.com

First, go to Amazon.com (not Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.fr or any other Amazon site)

Then click on “Gift Card” on the top of the page, followed by a click on “Email” at the “Ways to Send” menu. Finally, choose a card and amount. That’s it!


19 Sept, 2019: The PayPal address for Margi of mhuffstickler@outlook.com is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years — of course,  with no explanation. If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

I and Margi since 2005



–Vanilla gift card

From a fellow fmr Marine, this ”Vanilla” Gift Card for $50: “John, Happy Christmas and Bright, Prosperous and Healthy 2017! — P[]”

“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?








…..Recent donations

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 23 Oct.  2020:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


…..Recent donations

–27 December 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from a former Green Beret

–23 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–22 December 2020 $1,000 loan from S in Florida

–17 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–15 December 2020, from a long-term and generous Australian donor:  50 Australian dollars; a letter about the US 2020 election; a beautiful Christmas card with a springer spaniel; and a photocopy from a book about Quetzalcoatl — the mysterious, benevolent, blond, bearded white man who founded Ancient Mexico (I will blog next on this gift.)


Qzetzalcoatl may have initially worn a space suit and helmet for breathing in our atmosphere, and for practical reasons had no beard. Later, it seems he adapted to our air, tossed the suit and helmet, and grew his beard out, a hirsute feature of adult white males  which astonished the beardless Amerindians. 

Interesting how Quetzalcoatl just up and left one day.

Sometimes one gets soooo tired of peoples’ slow progress. In Conversations with God, the Creator says to author Neil Donald Walsch, to his shock, that he has already had HUNDREDS of lives…


Most people never get a grip on their own mind, and thus barely inch forward a few inches in each incarnation like a lazy snail. 😉

“Are earthlings a good use of my time?”

Thanks go today especially to donors of Amazon gift cards, which enable us to buy supplements which have helped Margi both beat and also prevent a recurrence of her one-time Stage III throat cancer. This happy development, in turn, frees ME up for my vital work.

–11 December 2020 100 Euros and note from M in France


–10 December 2020 $25 by check and letter from K in California


–9 December 2020 $150 in cash and a note from P in Florida (sent to Margi’s address)

–7 December 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–4 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–30 November 2020 45 euros from S in Germany

–27 November 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia



Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…



–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France


–3 November 2020 $100 in cash from a fmr Marine officer, P, in Florida


–1 November 2020 $340 in cash and a letter from K in New England

–23 Oct 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from L in Kentucky

–18 October 2020 US$88  via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

–17 October 2020 50 Australian dollars,  letter and extensive photocopies from a serious book on Atlantis and other destroyed civilizations from J

–14 October 2020 50 euros [ = 50 US dollars] and a beautiful card and letter from M in France.

–10 October 2020 110 euros ( same in US dollars) from C in Germany

–3 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

My thank-you note:

Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card! I so enjoyed seeing my two recent visitors from the faraway Southland, but thinking also: “Soon, I will not be able to walk down the street or go into a bar and grill, unless I have bodyguards.” These are my final weeks of “freedom,” brother J. Then comes only the iron call of duty.

I am deeply grateful that you have stuck by me all this time. The supplements your gift cards (and those of another comrade) have bought have also saved Margi’s life. Even the Mayo told her in July of last year that with all of their wizardry she had only a 20% chance. So pat yourself on the back, dear brother.

— John de Nugent

— 1 October 2020 50 euros [worth $US50 also], a beautiful card and a thoughtful letter from M in France

— 30 September 2020 five beautiful leather-bound antique volumes with gilt edge of essays in German from B, a jewish-born WN activist (including at the dangerous confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia) and a generous donor for over a decade; needless to say, big postage was paid for these heavy books in the old Fraktur font….

–21 September 2020 50 euros [ =  US$50] and letter from M in France

–18 September 2020 $100 in cash and a card from P in Florida,  a fmr Marine Corps and Navy officer and donor for 11 years

–18 September 2020 $88 via Amazon gift card from a former US Army Green Beret in Illinois

–9 September 2020 $200 via PP from T in Australia

–28 August 2020 101 euros from C in Germany

–19 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–15 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–2 August 2020 50 Australian dollars and a note from J in southern Australia



To John and Margi:

Sorry, it has been a little while since my last correspondence and contribution.

Thinking of you both during your time at the Mayo [Clinic for Margi’s cancer]. I could only imagine the stresses you’ve both been under.

We are witnessing history right now and it’s not necessarily a good thing.

Now is the time, more than ever, for positive endeavour, not least spiritually.



Southern Australia

PS Hang in there. Keep up the good fight. People ARE realising!

–1 August 2020 50 euros and a letter from M in France

–17 July 2020 $70 in cash and a note from B in New Jersey

–14 July 2020 129 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–11 July 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from F in Arizona

–11 July 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–10 July 2020 50 euros and an incisive note from M in France


–10 July 2020 320 euros, a heartfelt note and photos from E in Italy

–9 July 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from K in Oregon

–8 July 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from  J in Nevada

–6 July 2020 expensive supplements for Margi from J in Cicero, Illinois


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