Will Trump yet attack Iran?

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A comrade and Trump skeptic wrote me:


In addition to letting the convicted spy Jonathan Pollard’s parole expire without extending it, Trump may have authorized a massive attack on Iran as another parting gift to his Israeli handlers.

Joel Skousen said the following in his latest World Affairs Brief:

“But Trump has given the go-ahead, I believe, for an attack on Iran. His head has been filled with false propaganda about Iran from both the Deep State and Israel, and has sent two aircraft carrier task forces to Iranian waters as well as a cruise missile submarine and multiple flyovers by B-52 bombers indicates intent of military intervention…

If the attack on Iran doesn’t happen before Trump leaves the White House, it will surely be done by President Biden. But Iran is not Iraq. It has a much more formidable military with sophisticated weapons and lots of of them. I don’t think Iran can prevail in a war with the US, but it can do a lot of damage to the US and its puppet Arab allies. There are no good guys in the Middle East. Turkey is another wild card that the US cannot trust.

I don’t think Russia will join in the fight, not wanting to show its military tactics and advances in hardware until the big war, but both Russia and China will be lending support to Iran to give the US a bloody nose.”

Here’s an article on Trump’s possible authorization of a military attack on Iran:


I was puzzled by what the new Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, was referring to when he recently praised VP Mike Pence in a speech for helping him with “some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted,” since no such operations were currently being conducted. However, I failed to consider that Miller was probably referring to military operations in the NEAR FUTURE, not current or past ones. The pro-Trump shill website linked below (see the first video clip) claims that Miller was referring to the QAnon disinformation bullshit that Trump is secretly planning to “take down the Deep State.” However, I believe it’s much more likely that Miller’s comment referred to military plans for a massive attack on Iran in the closing days of Trump’s presidency, as a parting gift to his handlers in Israel:

What Did He Just Say? Acting DOD Secretary Thanks VP Pence For “Most Complex Military Operation In History”

If this attack on Iran involves troops on the ground, as Miller’s comment seems to suggest, and not just air and cruise missile attacks, it will turn into another Vietnam for the United States. Leave it to Trump, who I believe is actually borderline retarded, to do something so stupid.


My reply:

Thank you for this information. I read especially carefully the article by the definite jew Michael Klare in The Nation.

An attack on Iran….

Well, it would make a twisted kind of sense for Trump….

It would make him a “war president” (as Teddy Roosevelt admitted he always wanted to be, but never got to be, and he was big on the US entering the insane WWI).

It would ingratiate him with the jews to some extent, perhaps allowing him an unprosecuted post-presidency and some kind of political career as populist, anti-Biden/Harris bloviator.

It would solidify his support among some of the military in case he is tempted to try martial law after all. Iran is seen — correctly — as the main reason the US occupation and colonization of Iraq utterly failed. (Of course, Iran HAD to undermine this project, or face a huge US-controlled Arab enemy on its western border as well as on its eastern in Afghanistan. Imagine the US with both Mexico and Canada having huge numbers of Chinese troops and military bases.)


Btw, Mike Adams quotes attorney Lin Wood as tweeting that Jeffrey Epstein is alive, extrapolating from that that Trump has preserved him to get him (and maybe Ghislaine Maxwell?) to testify against the Deep State Demoncraps.

But I cannot possibly stop my plans for this pie-in-the-sky. The Deep State fully grasps what a threat Epstein could be to them and a boon to Trump, and will certainly seek to find counter-measures.

And, worst of all, TRump attacking Iran might unleash a chain of events that woulod end up fulfilling the horrible Van Rensburg prophecy, which clearly points to Trump:

a scowling,





with hair like a wig

who succeeds a black boy.

Horror bombs go off and most of the world dies.

So Boers should NOT seek to flee to America, Australia, Russia or Europe. For they will be devastated.

My impression of Patton was that he was very egotistical and obtuse. His ego could not and would not let him concede, at least not to me, that he had been instrumental asa US Army general in a massive jewish and communist victory.

This is why this planet, for all its beauty, is a kind of hell — it is full, especially at the top, of narcissists and huge egos, people for whom the truth is an annoying inconvenience and capable of incredible, catastrophic folly once they get going with their schemes, and then plow ahead when thing go sour entirely so as to not lose face. 

Not good.




  1. I am also somewhat Trump-skeptic yet i don’t think the man is personally evil. More probably manipulated by distorted information channels, traitors in his entourage, under some kind of menaces and blackmails, etc.
    He is in a uniquely important position at a truly critical time and if he chooses to dance to the tunes of globalists he will become a traitor to mankind.
    If he chooses to break free (or try to break free and survive) from and defeat globalists/satanists, i think, they will get very alarmed and whip up into service their other “power tools” china and probably russia also.
    That would be war and van rensburg as well as irlmaier would see from the grave their seeances fulfilled. The last one, irlmaier specifically sees a surprise russian invasion to europe at a time wholly unexpected since all would be claiming “shalom” (peace) then.

  2. By the way, irlmaier’s use of the term “shalom” as a deceptive sight of things makes me think that perhaps he was jew-wise.

  3. In order for Trump to pull off an attack on Iran, there must first be a provocation. Iran is not going to provide any such provocation, because they know that’s exactly what the Israelis want in the closing days of Trump’s presidency. So, any provocation will be provided by Israel and blamed on Iran. Here is one such provocation that apparently failed. If this limpet mine, attached to an oil tanker ship by conveniently unspecified special forces divers, had exploded, it would of course have been blamed on Iran, and could have provided a suitable pretext for a U.S. attack on Iran:


    However, I don’t think such a relatively minor attack would have generated the necessary U.S. public outrage for Trump to justify an attack on Iran – doing so would have made him look like a bully and warmonger. In order to generate such U.S. public outrage, a 9/11-style Israeli false flag attack on U.S. soil will be needed, and I think it may be coming before 1/20/2021.

    As you have pointed out, Christian Zionist VP Mike Pence is friendly with the (in my opinion) crypto-Jew and former VP Dick Cheney, one of the prime perpetrators of the 9/11/2001 false flag terror attacks. Pence and Cheney have apparently had several meetings at which unspecified topics were discussed. Hmmm – wonder what they were discussing?

    Also, Trump is best friends with the prime 9/11 perpetrator and cover-up artist Rudy Giuliani, mayor of NYC on 9/11/2001, who ensured that the WTC crime scene evidence of demolition explosives was quickly hauled away to landfills and Chinese smelters. As a lawyer, Giuliani knew the importance of preserving crime scene evidence, yet he ensured that 9/11 crime scene evidence was all quickly hauled away and destroyed. Giuliani is also Trump’s personal lawyer. Trump and Giuliani have undoubtedly discussed 9/11 privately many times, and to believe that Trump doesn’t know Israel was behind 9/11 is ludicrous.

    Trump, like G.W. Bush, is not very smart, and owes his entire real estate and political career to the Zionist mafia in NYC and Israel, and was friends for years with Mossad agents and pedophile blackmail artists Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. It’s therefore almost certain that Israel has incriminating pedophile blackmail on Trump, thus ensuring that Trump does whatever Israel wants.

    Purim is the Jewish celebration of their fictitious victory over Persia (Iran) in ancient times, and is celebrated as a day of victory over all Amalek (goyim). Over the centuries, Jews have planned some of their most heinous atrocities against Gentiles for the Purim date. According to the Chabad Lubavitch website, “Purim begins Thursday night, February 25 and continues through Friday, February 26, 2021 (February 27-28 in Jerusalem)”:


    So, watch out for a major 9/11-style Israeli false flag attack on U.S. soil before 1/20/2021, thus enabling Trump to declare martial law, postpone Biden’s inauguration, and launch a massive attack on Iran, which may be postponed until the Purim date, to enable further build-up of military forces and possibly even a military draft, and to satisfy the occult Purim symbolism of the Jewish rabbi black magicians. Since the supposed purpose of an attack on Iran would be to knock out their nuclear facilities, the Israeli false-flag attack on the U.S. may be nuclear, whether an actual nuclear device or a “dirty bomb.” In my opinion, this type of nuclear false-flag would be the only way for Israel to generate sufficient U.S. public outrage to justify a massive attack on Iran. Watch for it.

    Another possibility is that a bioweapon may be released on U.S. soil, which would fit in nicely with the fake COVID-19 hysteria, and this could also be blamed on Iran. However, since there is no evidence that Iran has such biowarfare capabilities, this would be a harder sell, in my opinion. So, watch out for an Israeli false-flag 9/11-style nuclear attack on U.S. soil before 1/20/2021, to be blamed on Iran.

    • Interesting.

      The US invaded Iraq under Dubya on Purim, as many then noted.

      As for 9 /11, as I have blogged, skyscraper builder Trump, right on Sept.11, 2001, immediately expressed surprise and suspicion about how the WTC could have crumbled as it did.


      Knowing and discussing something quietly with a friend does not mean being involved in something or condoning it.

      Yes, Giuliani did the Jews’ bidding in 9/11, at least after the fact. Who knows what their pressure and threats were like?

      We see that Trump’s three appointees on SCOTUS, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett, all caved. And remember, as judges on the Supreme Court, they must loathe the idea of the court being packed by Biden-Harris, yet they voted not to help Trump. Were they evil or just “leaned on real hard”?

  4. Trump knows he is targetted for removal by Communists that want complete control of the US. That Communists have been accepted into Congress as legal members is actually treasonous for they do not uphold the Constitution even though they swear to do so. For all these years, no removals have been made by fraud Congressional investigations. We have had an illegal, traitorous government, for decades. It seems that D.C. is being set up for violence by the mayor to oust Trump supporters before taking down Trump himself. Even at this web site there is no 1776 apparent. Is Trump preparing to run and hide, hoping to be gotten safely out of the country?

    President Trump Georgia Rally To Support Special Election, Loeffler and Perdue – 9:00pm ET Livestream
    Posted on January 4, 2021 by Sundance
    “Republican control of the senate is at stake, and Donald Trump is campaigning, yet again, to hold-back the extremist elements of the left-wing communists. ”

    • Trump’s complaining about election theft is not preparing for battle. Communists are not intimidated by critical talking. They just go about killing the opposition as they are mass murderers. Didn’t Mike Adams declare that Patriots are able and ready to go into battle against this Communist overthrow? They are likely going to be taunted to fight in D.C. by the enemy disguised as MAGA supporters and snipers. Trump apparently does not plan to be around to lead, or even to die in defending the Republic. It also has been indicated that Ivanka is going to be active politically whether Daddy is replaced in the White House, or not. She must not be fearful of the coup Communists.

  5. Think about what Americans did to German and Japanese civilians and women and children after the surrender. Looks like the fowls are coming home.

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