The Folk is ready for “the truth, the whole truth — and nothing but the truth”

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A comrade wrote me today  (

John, things I have researched for 50 years I am seeing on your website.

Love you, John. You are my brother in truth.

I replied:

Thanks! The great and mysterious Aryan Jesus (of “the District of the Gentiles”, “Halil ha Goyim”) said it best:

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

The truth is reality; and we cannot possibly begin to beat the jews, who are V-E-R-Y real, unless we are even more real than they are.

I am passionate for learning, defending and spreading THE TRUTH! About us and about them!

No truth, no growth, and if we stay the same, it means only more defeat!

Humanity must embrace, as I have done 1979-2021, and start to LOVE the TRUTH!




….To my videographer

I wrote today to my very skilled videographer from the 2011-14 period:


Great you will be doing videos again for me, []!
We have done some truly great videos 2011-14, but the Folk was just not ready or mentally able to respond.
I just blogged the other day on how absolutely zombielike the Apollo people were at that Army Corps of Engineers meeting. You sure saw it too (and also lowlife M., who embezzled $4200 from me.)
But now we have had the blatant “Stealection” (by the forces behind Biden), proving the “Deep State” is very real, and clearly controls both parties — and so our “democracy,” a truly noble idea, is a hollow sham in reality.

… Add now the practical bread-and-butter crisis of poverty, misery and outrage among the many Awakened who are small businesspeople.

Add too the millions of parents with kids who were sent home for this delusion of distance learning, another sick joke.
Now we all feel the true tyranny and fangs behind this merciless Covid lockdown. (I sure see suffering and depression here in Ontonagon.)


We see the huge rejection (50%!) of the Warp Speed vaccine, including by nurses. There is now an anger, [], and a fear of a hopeless “Agenda 21” slave future, a coming dystopia, of a “Hunger Games” world, a DREAD that you and I certainly did not see in 2011-14.

We were just way, way ahead of our time, but we stuck to the course.

NOW, though, brother [], the iron is hot — and so now we must strike, and hammer the sword.

I will be in touch soon.

The 6th is the big day for Trump. Afterward comes the 7th through 20th — before Beijing Biden takes over, and then our guns and free speech disappear forever.
Probably they will pull another mass-shooting off by a “white supremacist male gun owner.” Then the most leftist of all US senators (as has been documented), the real president, married to a jew lawyer, Kamala Harris, will show her teeth to the hated “cracker.” This bitch will make Killary look like a saint.

The fear of her, and not of senile old Joe, who is “out of it,” is forcing our folk to wake up and finally give us a serious new listen.


*** ‘This is a true expression of what we face, the leftist & minority hatred of all whites, who must be disarmed and then physically destroyed


As a Black woman living in a country where over 70 million people decided that reelecting a fascist white supremacist was a good idea, I have a request:

Stop telling me to reach out to Trump voters.

It had barely been 24 hours before the white liberal intelligentsia decided that those of us who had the goddamn sense not to vote for a megalomaniacal man-child whose idea of protecting and serving this country included encouraging its citizens to drink bleach to thwart coronavirus had the responsibility of reaching out to the people who lacked that goddamn sense.

[Yes, they absolutely believe this, that Trump advocated people drink bleach, and no belief, however absurd, is beyond them if it stokes their hate and egoic feeling as an intellectully inferior race of high MORAL superiority.]


If Trump is gone, then tragically he has failed. He listened to the very end to Daddy’s Girl, to his jewish daughter Ivanka. And the folk, that still has bills to pay and feels a fear in their hearts which no more Trump hoopla can help, will want to go forward.

We need a man who will talk about race and talk about the jews. We need not only a border wall — but, far more effective, to arrest, try and execute for treason all WHITE businesmen who knowingly hire the illegals over Americans!

America is a white nation that is being exterminated!

We don’t want any 7 billion people to come here “for a better life”! Get a better life, brownies, by fixing your own shithole countries! We don’t want your Third World crap HERE!

If Trump wusses out, we simply cannot stick with the fat old guy.

We cannot go on with the false hopes, with the guy who played footsy with the jews, whose hatred he never could overcome —  a doomed, undoable and impossible task from Day One.

We cannot stay loyal to the guy who lost his nerve, and never crushed America’s “domestic enemies,” thus violating his presidential oath of office — a man known in the end for mostly tons of hot air and his very silly hair. 😉

Trump has non-stop appointed traitors to high office, then is amazed these traitors lie to him and show him zero loyalty.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump (L) and Vice President-elect Mike Pence (R) greet retired Marine General James Mattis in Bedminster, New Jersey, U.S., November 19, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar/File Photo

And cowardice just engenders more cowardice. How can his three (excellent) SCOTUS appointees be brave when HE is not? All three caved in after Trump did a hundred times. You must lead by example, Mr. Trump, not hot air, then backing down!

If Trump deflates like an old balloon on the night of January 6th, and the big Washington DC march that day through empty streets achieves nothing (and nobody lives in downtown DC anyway  — it’s just office buildings with low-T libtards in them, and the MSM will hardly cover this march anyway if the Trumpistas are unarmed and peaceful)….

… THEN a real leader is needed, and people will pour into a new cause that gives their lives hope, meaning and the path to victory.


…..Worried supporter

A supporter wrote me on Skype:
John, I don’t want you to die; I don’t want you to march into a certain kamikaze mission! As you must know, I’m really not about some false sense of glory and honor. What I want now, is to finally WIN. To turn this, forgive me, sh*t world and hell planet into something better and join the better worlds out there, though if the feds, Deep State, Mossad or other forces of evil are coming for you, then – as you know – death is the only option, not surrender!

(Btw, since Skype is part of “Big Tech” and I’m on your contact list, the forces of evil surely noted my name too, yet I really don’t mind.)

In truth, John, you win no matter what happens! Your Soul lived honorably, embraced the truth and learned immensely in just a single incarnation. I know this, that whatever awaits you will be GOOD and BEAUTIFUL!

But as things stand right now you must stay with us on this realm and world for longer, because mankind needs a strong leader, a man like you, thus I pray for you to survive and reach a very, very old age!


My response:

It is only fair and just if I fail and die since I cannot do anything without mass support.

There are both those who fail to lead, and those who fail to follow, even facing a clear and present danger.

History is full of missed turning points when the masses just sat on their hands. Look at the whites in South Africa 1994!  They knew it would be unimaginably bad — not only black rule, but black COMMUNIST rule! —  and still no one picked up his rifle.

In May 1928 I got 2.6 percent of the vote after eight straight years of hard work and literally risking my life. Everyone knew who I was, “that megalomanic nut who always rants about the jews.” 😉

I will of course be very busy the next few days.





Chinese, Blacks and Jews agree —

  1. Chinese

…..Arrogant Chinese graffiti against Whites

A supporter sent me this:


I am sending attached a photo that my son just took at Stony Brook University ( library of a desk that has the following text written on it with black pen:



“We Asians take over

world next

make whiteboy


Someone made a fitting comment with an arrow to the left thereof: “Racist.”

As you may know, 90% of the students at Stony Brook University, about 30 miles east of Manhattan, are Asians.


Naturally, as the famous Charles B. Wang Center, located at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in Stony Brook, New York, is dedicated to understanding Asian and American cultures and the interactions of these cultures with other world cultures.


Blood-red and yellow, meaning gold, have been the national colors of China for many centuries, long before communism.


I guess racial hatred towards Whites is universal. It must be jealousy and envy based on inferiority. Non-Whites have their monotonous jet-black hair and brownish-black eyes – and regardless of any IQ test results, none of them could produce a baby like ours.

The library — outer wall with cubicle desks


the specific desk













3. Jews

Look at those eyes in this Lander. He is not joking around. He wants you to die — slowly and in agony.






This is you, goy, the antilope, being devoured alive.


Time to stop mourning, stop commiserating — and take it to the enemy.

White boy learns his mom died of heroin. Heart-wrenching…. God, I hate to hear a little kid really cry his guts out. Why do we even need this kind of scene? How much more suffering are we supposed to tolerate???


There is only one solution, a new, American version of this. Loving, but totally radical. My brothers, it is time to take out the trash.


….I have an anecdote about the power of the swastika

Some time in, I guess, December of 1978, the NSWPP (where I was a weekend duty officer with a .45 pistol) sent stormtroopers down to a demonstation on the Mall in Washington DC to denounce the proposed Martin Luther King holiday, which was to “honor” a closet communist, an adulterer, a rapist, a whoremonger, a prostitute-beater, and a repeat plagiarizer. (And, nota bene, it was the faux conservative Ronald Reagan who signed this disgraceful holiday  into law in 1983.)

The Klan had called the rally, but the right decision was taken to send our stormtroopers to support them.

The usual blacks and reds were out there, too, and many cops, with Park Police on horseback, etc.

Actually there were no incidents, partly due to the cops but also, because when we piled out of our van, both our Klan brothers and the Reds let out a gasp.

That brown shirt, the black, steel-toed, paratrooper boots, the motorcyle helmets, and most of all, that blood-red armband with the black swastika. Whooaaaaa. 😉

It did not hurt either that the year before, the 1978 tv miniseries “Holocaust” had gotten huge hype, and in fact had introduced the word “Holocaust” to the sheeple as shorthand for “the mass murder of the Jews under Hitler”.

People were just stunned to see “real nazis.” 😉  I saw even the Klansmen with their coneheads drop their jaw. 😉

So, fine, let the jews and reds believe the Holocaust happened. What IS true about that Big Lie is this: We national socialists are sometimes quiet folks who enjoy a golden sunset; sometimes we’ll have fun and get crazy; but there are also times when we are provoked, and then we are the kind of people you really should not mess with….. And this time we might just finish what we started. You try to genocide our race, jews, then don’t whine when that boomerangs right back on you.

300,000 white Americans died in Europe 1941-45 to save you ungrateful jews from your just desserts. Since you have spit in our white faces since then for 75 years straight, you know what? We want that blood back.

I was here in 2004, Omaha Beach 


I bared my head to honor our men in the US Cemetery…Notice “all” the Stars of David….one. This was THEIR war on Hitler — using us.

Furthermore, NS is not some idea, some theory, some proposal. We took a real country that was flat on its back — and in six years of explosive growth it became a gigantic superpower.

And its people were happy.

You show me anybody that’s happy in America — anybody except the jews.

Especially important blogs



This is what YOU can do. Be proud of yourself now by following and supporting as I risk everything for you.

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