A special thank you to my supporters of Irish blood who have stepped up to the plate

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One of my nicest and prettiest supporters, a natural blonde of Irish and German extraction, and single, too, sent me this, arriving yesterday. (She first sent me some babysitting money when a high school girl in Rhode Island ten years ago.)

She once sent me $120 in cash and the Apollo, Pennsylvania postmaster, a blue-eyed liberal, seemingly overtly stole it. The Apollo post office delivered a slit-open envelope with the cash taken out. That is pretty openly thuggish, but that is how it went for me when Obongo was president — eight years of hell on earth.

…in that mailbox — slit open and delivered that way

(It culminated in my multimillionaire father disinheriting me. Poetic justice: My dad was robbed on his death bed at a Vero Beach, Florida rehab center by two blacks. Nobody in the family told me this — I am the black sheep of the family — but a supporter in Vero anonymously sent me the full story. The blacks were repeatedly entering the rooms of the dying old whites and stealing their wallets, purses, etc. over their feeble protests. The rehab owners hushed it all up.)

The day blacks robbed my dying Marine dad, a big country-club Republican who, in front of others, had rejected my “racism”

All these Republicons rejecting racism…..

Umm, Dubya, this was not the “American creed” of Founding Fathers, strict slave owners, and negrophobes George Washington, Ben Franklin (a nordicist to boot), and Thomas Jefferson, or of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, etc., etc., etc.

Some correspondence yesterday, which shows K’s very feisty Irish spirit:

First, I thanked her, writing

JdN: You are such special, beautiful lady. I would be proud of a daughter like K[]. 🙂

K: Thank you, John! Saw your newest blog posts and I especially noticed the Jew-smirk one.

They have very punchable faces, don’t they?

Satanyahu smirks as he gets his Cohenavirus vaccine

JdN: Good Irish reaction 🙂

K: Hahah! Yeah! Funny enough, I always heard from someone in my family that we Irish detest arrogant bastards, and we would spit on him before we would on an axe-murderer. It’s been true for me!

Having grown up in New England, which is chock-full of the Irish, this made me laugh. 😉


I wish to salute also an Irish-American who is a former Rockwell Party stormtrooper and also a former Green Beret, for HIS extraordinary generosity.

I must say and admit that a specific fear has long oppressed me. And that is that the jews will physically modify us Whites so much –via chemtrails, fluoride, female hormones in the food and milk, vaccines, and cellphones (and now with 5G!!!) — that Whites will be incapable of rage and action, unlike our ancestors, who were warlike, feisty and conquering.

My fear was that Whites will just sigh and wimp out when the genocide is upon us, as it is right now.

In fact, while some Americans of keltic ancestry WILL fight, the more germanic Whites (English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch, etc.) are way too much genetically into law-and-order, proper procedure, and hiring lawyers rather than loading their gun.

….and look at German-American DONALD TRUMP RIGHT NOW…. Why, Donald, did you take martial law off the table??? (…if you did…. we shall see.)

Mr. President, you might have gotten compliance from Raffensperger in Georgia, from Kemp and others — if they feared you could someday lock them up or have them shot or hanged!

Trump is now counting on his enemy Pence???  Trump: ‘I Hope Mike Pence Comes Through for Us’ (theepochtimes.com)

See Francois Arouet’s article on how cozy Pence has been to the villainous Joe Biden and Dick Cheney:

FRANÇOIS AROUET: Pence created own “VP club” with Trump enemies BIDEN and CHENEY — men he met and spoke with FREQUENTLY during election campaign on both domestic and foreign policies

I once asked Matt Koehl, who succeeded Rockwell after he was assassinated in an FBI-encouraged plot, when he felt Whites would wake up. He said, with some uncertainty,

“when they realize that THEY are now the ‘oppressed minority.’ We are taught we must defend the poor minorities. Then, it will be us who are the minority.”

I was not satisfied. Koehl had his good points, but he was not deep.

Koehl, a former Marine, is left, Rocky, a former US Navy commander, is in the center.


Needless to say, the jews do not fool around, and they would have a plan in effect for that moment when the Whites do awaken.

In the 1990s they began with the chemtrails.



Then came cell phones.

They also began pushing “obese is normal.” (Body fat secretes estrogen!  This is part of why fat guys often cannot “get it up.” )

I remember when the hit “Roseanne” show began in the 1980s, with the two key actors (Barr and Goodman both part-jews) being way overweight.

And now here we are:

What are you smiling about, girl, my evil “lookism” and “body-shaming”? Girl, this is gross and unhealthy.


Our great role model…..

A fat guy like this won’t fight — because he has low-t –and he cannot fight, either.

He’ll be out of breath and have a heart attack while scrambling (very slowly) around, going up and down stairs, kicking doors in, lugging heavy ammo boxes around, and feeling stress during house-to-house fighting.

Add to this how old many whites are, and, yes, it was a JEW who invented the contraceptive pill, which ended the beautiful white American Baby Boom in way back 1964. In our all-white town of Ontonagon, the average age is now 57. This was really how it was when I was a kid — children everywhere:

So, in summary, the jews have planned for this day when Whites finally awaken, and they have.

And they fully expect us to wimp out, accept the Stealection, and do nothing but whine as the Biden-Harris Administration starts the final genocide via mandatory and sterilizing vaccines, gun confiscation, legal free-speech bans (not just on Facebook and Twitter, but new federal laws on “hate speech”), the implanted cash/vaccination/location biochip, etc.

But this will not happen.

Because a new religion is arising which will make us into what we know we have to again become, not talkers but warriors.

Remember, the jews and muslims are under the same chemtrails, fluoride, 5G, etc. as we are.

But their religion makes them UNITED and FIERCE despite them.

I have now waited long enough, letting Trump wuss out. The smarter Whites will no longer be inspired by this man who failed us in the decisive moment, and appointed to power his and our mortal enemies, all the Barrs, Pences, Boltons, THE THREE SHOCKING SCOTUS TRAITORS, etc.

Ungrateful monsters! “Et tu, Brute?”

I will segué now to a wonderful movie from 1949, “Holiday Affair,” which Margi found for us to watch last night, a semi-comedy and romantic triangle film.

You can see from it 1) how white America was then, and 2) how masculine our men were. (And everyone had served in the war.)

It is a touching, realistic and heart-warming story, starring Robert Mitchum, a North Carolina native and Southerner (like Margi), and the very pretty and shapely Janet Leigh. (Mitchum, btw, blasted the jews’ “Holocaust” as a crock in a Playboy interview.) Notice also how the guy who loses the girl does not whine and mope, or need “therapy.” He “takes it like a man.” And men speak in baritones, not like lilty little pansies. There was no LOW-T back then.

This was a classic Christmas romantic comedy starring Janet Leigh (“Psycho,” Touch of Evil”) as a poor young widow torn between a boring, successful businessman and a romantic ne’er-do-well. Oscar-nominee Robert Mitchum (“Cape Fear,” “Crossfire”) and Wendell Corey (“Rear Window,” “Sorry, Wrong Number”) co-star.

Does this war widow with a son go for the wealthy suitor or the exciting one, whom the boy adores?

Trailer, and you can rent it here for $2.99 by hitting the blue button:

I will begin to wrap this article up with this poem by the great keltic poet Dylan Thomas:

Do not go gentle into that good night

Dylan Thomas – 1914-1953

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.





This light is not setting and not dying, but rising again, my friends.

The folk is ready for a real leader and the truth.

2021 will be like the Great Depression year of 1932.

If it takes terrible poverty and fear, and nothing else will stir us to action, then our tough-love God will give us that efficacious blessing, intense suffering, so that we act.

And the dread of this vaccine is IMO the catalyst for revolution:

Health Care Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine; Hospitals Offering to Pay Staff to Take It (informationliberation.com)


It will take some Irishness to win, and that means fiery red-headed tempers. Not just cerebral germanic plodding. America is the melding of the kelt and the teuton — and THAT is the winning combination!

Warm heart/cold brain!


Redhead: George Washington

Redhead Thomas Jefferson

Redhead Andrew Jackson, who was slashed in the face with a saber as a teenage boy for not shining a British officer’s boots. Hot-tempered Jackson later fought many duels. Duels meant you better not talk shit about someone…..You could die for that.

1 Comment

  1. Wow, what a lady! Some brave and noble national socialist 2.0 just might fall into her arms and find his soulmate. Maybe one of your readers! And from her picture she is quite a beauty with a powerful and radiant soul. Irish and german like me too…wish I had found her when I was seeking lol.

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