Pray for me today as I fight for YOU

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This grave inscription in Klosterneuburg, Austria, which a dear comrade posted on VK, is 100% true.

“Death is the gate to life,” to a temporary heaven, a world you go to FOR A WHILE, a dimension freed by God’s decree from these jews, pedophiles, cowards, misers and fools. These hateful, stinking turds are not there. They come from hell worlds and at death they return to them.

Their brains are radically different. And, by definition, psychopaths are incurable and even completely untreatable. There is no therapy or medication that can change them in the slightest. They are human devils.

Stole $3.8 million from his own congregants


Photo of Bill Gates at Harvard



FBI agent Peter Struk, who lied about “Russian collusion”


Great world leaders 😉


Fear not to die, dear friends, but fear the disgust of God if you live — on your knees — as a disgraceful, yellow pansy, surrendering your guns and taking the sterilizing vaccine.

God believes in free will, giving you now the choice of glorious struggle or craven surrender, knowing full well that your jew and black enemies WILL come and grind you to powder.



Why must we be ready to fight and die now?

Because for many lifetimes, for many wasted incarnations, as the jewish plan for world enslavement visibly progressed, we saw it all but did nothing about both these jews and the worst enemy of all, the rotten, selfish, scheming jew who is inside ourselves.

We ignored the great warners of mankind.

So don’t whine. Accept your duty, like an Aryan man, or an Aryan woman, to fight with, yes, your back now to the wall. The wall, which the jews built over generations of hard work in subversion, is standing there all solid because of you.

If you FIGHT, not blubber, then you can reincarnate into a cleansed and glorious new earth, one which you will have deserved by your heroic self-sacrifice.

There is no excuse now to do nothing.

The monsters are beating now on your door.

If an alcoholic stops going to AA meetings (like my cousin Holly, whom I had almost physically dragged there) and “falls off the wagon,” did AA fail that person?

No, the alkie made their choice.

Free will, and “you reap what you sow” are the laws of God.

If a woman with a palpable lump in her breast ignores it, did her doctor kill her? Was it the cigarettes?

Who then forced her to smoke them?

No, she killed herself.

I once asked myself: “What, merciful God in heaven, am I doing wrong?” I was living in the jew motel from hell, the Boathouse in Natrona, Pennsylvania, with black whores, white female junkies who slept with their black drug dealers, and hearing bar fights on the ground floor as I tried to sleep….

And God answered me:

Nothing, my son. They are failing to respond…. so far.

But it is never too late to change, my friend, and redeem your sorry life. God loves you, and so do I. Choose life and love over existence, tears and despair.



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1 Comment

  1. Es gibt eine andere schöne Dialogzeile. Meister Yoda hebt den Raumjäger mit der Macht aus dem Sumpf, Luke kann es nicht fassen und meint:

    “Das glaube ich einfach nicht.”

    Und Yoda antwortet: “Darum versagst du.”

    Ich betrachte mich als Agonstiker und bin lange aus der korrupten Anti-deutschen Amtskirche ausgetreten. Als Christ habe ich mich nie gefühlt und werde ich auch nie.
    Aber heute bete ich für den Schutz für John de Nugent, für den Sieg der großen gemeinsamen Sache.
    Wir verlieren bislang weil zu viele gute Menschen den Glauben und die Hoffung aufgegeben haben, diese defätistische Haltung ist in der OMF-brD weit verbreitet.

    “Dort treffe ich dann meinen Vater

    Dort treffe ich dann meine Mutter, meine Schwestern und meine Brüder.

    Dort treffe ich dann alljene Menschen meiner Ahnenreihe, von Beginn an.

    Sie rufen bereits nach mir.

    Sie bitten mich meinen Platz unter ihnen einzunehmen.

    Hinter den Toren von Walhalla, wo die tapferen Männer für alle Ewigkeit …


    Sieg Heil

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