ENGLISH On not trashing our brother

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============Importance of understanding about NEANDERJEWS

A comrade out west wrote me:
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I finally took time to read about the neanderthals on your site (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/neanderthals-and-semites-2/).

Very interesting, and it puts the whole Cain/Abel, 6th-day man/8th-day man stories from the Old Testament in perspective.The early and medieval rabbis (Moses Maimonides comes to mind) certainly show these neanderthal traits when the topic of non- jews is approached in the Talmud [JdN: i.e., fanatic tribal unity and savagery toward outsiders].

This also makes me wonder about Saul.

[JdN: Saul of Tarsus was the Sanhedrin agent who announced suddenly that Jesus had appeared to him and then became the top apostle, elbowing aside the men who had actually known and aided Jesus during His lifetime].

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Well, I think that this neanderthal issue is a serious bug-zapper on the Jews. It shows them as a pre-human species of violent, hating, obsessive, clannish, woman-beating hyper-racists.

It is the ultimate antisemitism, and it is the Jews Gooch, Bradley and Paabo whose findings lead to this conclusion.


A sincere comrade expressed some frustration I have not launched my book or movement yet. He added:

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My intent is to help out when I can, because I think now or soon is the perfect time to act. I think we are facing Weimar Republic conditions again. [ = poverty, depression, blatant Jewish and homosexual power, open sexual degeneracy and the rise of the militant, totalitarian left]

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I replied:

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Hitler was never facing what we face today, “full spectrum dominance” by the enemy. They control the military, the police, the media, the economy, many Christian churches such as the pedophile-subverted Vatican II-Catholic church and the Christian Zionists. And via chemtrails, fluoridated water and HAARP they control the whole environment, and the water we dirnk and the air we breathe.

However, they do not DARE to restrict guns or the Internet. That is a very, very big “however.” Every poll shows radical rage at the System.

Hitler at least had a 99% white population, not one that was 40% non-white and at least ten percent degenerate white trash called “whiggers.” The 1933 Germans were a disciplined people.

On the other hand, he did face a white population that was 20% violent communist, full of class hatred, well organized — and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) was supported by Stalin, whose Soviet Union was next door to East Prussia.

Hitler had to pull off a miracle too in the situation he faced. Of course, he took money from capitalists, but there is zero evidence that any donations from Wall Street affected one single decision or policy.

Some Jews supported Hitler as a way to scare Jew to emigrate to Palestine. Wall Street and City of London WASPs believed Hitler would stop communism. Both were right. But they joined forces together against Hitler in 1939 once they realized their relatively small donations had bought them no influence with him whatsoever. Then they moved heaven and earth to destroy him, and to defame him to this day. Saying he was a Jew or in their pocket is part of the Big Lie.

He was a kind, decent, brave and loyal man.
“The first photo in the original Hoffmann folder on little Rosa Nienau,” writes Don [a David Irving contact], “is addressed to Rosa’s mother, Frau K. Nienau, Doctor’s widow, of Munich, Laimer Strasse 31, ground floor”. The photo was taken in 1933 and has Hitler’s favorite flower, the Edelweiss, attached to it. It has a hand dedication by Hitler which reads: Der lieben und braven Rosa Nienau, Adolf Hitler, München, den 16/ Juni 1933 (To my darling and good Rosa Nienau, Munich, June 16, 1933. Adolf Hitler).
Hitler personally glued “Edelweiss,” that is, white heather, to two of the photos, and the flora are still adhering to the pictures in the frames that Don has acquired. They have the original Heinrich Hoffmann imprints on the back.
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Rosa was killed at age 17 in Munich in 1944, very likely in an Allied mass bombing raid, because no cause of death is recorded. For four years 1934-1938, after Hitler was told by a busybody that she was one-quarter Jewish, Hitler continued to receive her and her mother at Berchtesgaden.
I am basically not doing my blog FOR LACK OF DONATIONS, but I will put this up anyway as a quick copy-and-paste. No one ever gets away with defaming Hitler to me. Faults and all, and he had plenty, and for all his odd and eccentric ways as a typical genius-type, he was our brother.
================AFGHAN WAR LOST
And Barack Insane Obongo is no Alexander the Great. In fact, he never served in uniform.

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