Horrific murder of white child by RACIST anti-white South Carolina Black couple not deemed a hate crime. Say her name, you monstrous beasts! It’s VICTORIA ROSE SMITH

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Article by an American patriot, edited by Francois Arouet
When a child is murdered you have to stop and wonder who could commit such a horrific crime.
When the perpetrator is black and the child is white and the foster/adoptive mother is VICIOUSLY (and publicly so) anti-white, one has to presume race played a MAJOR role in the crime.
For those of you who have not heard of the murder of young Victoria Rose Smith, the Blaze wrote, “A woman who criticized ‘white privilege’ on social media was charged with the child- abuse murder of her 3-year-old foster child, who was white. In Simpsonville, South Carolina Police allege a black woman, Ariel Robinson, and her husband, Jerry Robinson, inflicted a ‘series of blunt-force injuries’ on their adopted child, Victoria Rose Smith. She was pronounced dead at a local hospital.”
The adoptive parents were subsequently charged with “homicide by child abuse”, meaning that she was not killed in a crime of passion or because of an accident caused by parental neglect, but because of systematic chronic abuse that ultimately led to the young lass tragically losing her life.
Victoria Rose Smith was basically beaten to death.
Let’s look at the parents….
One look at this pair would convince anyone they were far from being ideal adoptive parents, especially as the matriarch or black “kween” tweeted on social media her views on ‘white privilege’ and ‘black lives matter’, only to then adopt white children she so obviously hated.
In fact, the monstrous woman – best known for winning a pathetic Food Network show competition, “Worst Cooks in America” in August 2020 and due to the fact that she had three white children – was so obsessed with race, and non-existent “white privilege” that it became all she talked, tweeted and posted about.
So how did she end up with three white kids?
Here are a few examples of her hatred.
1. TMZ found footage of one of Ariel Robinson’s standup routines where she “jokes” about punching her children (almost all of whom are white) in the throat and locking them up in cages. Robinson also frequently referred to 3-year-old Smith as a nuisance in social media posts, which frequently featured pictures of her children.
2. January 6’s pro-Trump protests at the Capitol elicited a strong reaction from Ariel Robinson. She reposted a slew of tweets from Democrat celebrities that ranted about white privilege and praised BLM, even writing some political posts of her own on her @arifunnycomedy Twitter and Instagram pages.
3. “HA! So what They did yesterday at the Capitol was amazing??? Good riddance cult leader and cult members. The American people have spoken, and we will overpower and out vote your racist, bigoted, divisive selves every time. #TrumpConceded (Barely),”  Robinson wrote on Jan. 7
4. Other choice remarks include, “In 2021, we don’t debate racists. We block them and keep having an amazing day!!” and, “The Capitol was attacked by angry mobs, terrorists, and thugs in full rioting effect, and it was not because of black or brown people, but by people who condemned rioting less than a year old. POC were sitting at home yesterday watching the irony like…”
5. Robinson went on to repost screenshot of her angry tweets to Instagram, and even authored a longer post in which she pontificated, “Oh yeah, if you still don’t know or don’t think white privilege is a real thing, this, what is happening at the Capitol, is what we call in the education field a real world example.”
Only a week after Robinson’s last anti-white Tweet the young Smith was found dead in Simpsonville, South Carolina.
Can you imagine if I even questioned the legitimacy of Black Lives Matter with black kids in the house?
They’d disappear faster than a box of ballots cast in favor of Trump being driven down Martin Luther King Boulevard.
The adoption agency that claims they “did a thorough check on the couple” must not have, as all three kids are now wards of the state and one – a precious little angel – is dead.  For fear of upsetting the deranged hate-driven Left and being called racist, the agency did nothing and now has blood on their hands.
Yes, the poor wee mite died because of them!
I wonder how well the State and Food Network execs vetted Robinson before empowering this “kween” – before they turned her into a celeb and put three white kids into her care?
We all know the answer to that.
Are there white parents that molest and kill their kids? Yes, certainly.
There are monsters in all races but in this instance this family were vocally anti-white at the same time as they were adopting white children. Yet, the State ignored this fact and a child died because of it.

It’s like a white fella Tweeting how much he hates Mexican border jumpers and their kids on a daily basis, and then being allowed to adopt kids he finds at the base of the border wall – and then one of those kids ending up beaten to death in his care.
Can you imagine the uproar?
There would be NATIONAL headlines as there would be in this case, if the roles were reversed.
As Canon Hinnant’s murder was buried as fast as his poor body, this story has been, as well.
We, though, simply can not allow that.
This brings me to the second part of the reason I decided to write this article.
My despondence with black America….
I often ask myself what we are to do with our black problem? – which under Biden is going to get FAR worse….
There have been many theories and opinions posted on the “challenges” facing Black people, in particular a 2016 essay entitled, ‘Challenges for Black People’ by Walter E. Williams, a prominent conservative economist who expressed skeptical views of government efforts to aid African Americans.
The following is an excerpt from Professor Williams’ essay, detailing the real “challenges” facing Blacks that attempt to explain the reasons for the prevalence of Black crime in the US.
“Among the Nation’s most dangerous cities are Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Memphis, Milwaukee, Birmingham, Newark, Cleveland and Philadelphia. These once- thriving cities are in steep decline. What these cities have in common is that they have large Black populations. Also, they have been run by Democrats for nearly a half-century, with Blacks having significant political power. Other characteristics these cities share are poorly performing and unsafe schools, poor-quality city services and declining populations.”
Each year, more than 7,000 blacks are murdered. That’s a number greater than white and Hispanic murder victims combined- and black males make up but 6% of the population!
Yes, 6% of the nation’s people commit over 60% of the nation’s murders.
Blacks of all ages are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined – and, as we all know, mostly by their own.
In Chicago alone, so far this year, over 2,000 people have been shot, leaving over 320 dead – most of whom, of course, are black. If it weren’t for the valiant white and Asian doctors  – that number would be three to four times higher.
It’s a similar tale of mayhem in other predominantly black cities.
Although all of you are well aware that blacks have a predisposition to violent crime, when one looks at the actual statistics, it really is quite shocking.
Heather MacDonald’s most recent book, “The War on Cops,” points out some devastating and sobering statistics.
She writes, “Blacks were charged with 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of all murders, and 45 percent of all assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, while constituting roughly 15 percent of the population in those counties. From 2005 to 2014, 40 percent of cop-killers were black. Given the racially lopsided nature of gun violence, a 26 percent rate of black victimization by the police is not evidence of bias.”
Yet, all we hear about his how cops target blacks when this can’t be farther from the truth.
According to the FBI, the police kill about 400 people a year; blacks are but one-third of that number. That’s a tiny number considering how prevalent crime is in black America, yet vast swaths of the nation are convinced that blacks are under attack from police.
If this myth weren’t so dangerous, I’d laugh at just how ludicrous it is.
So, what if anything can be done?
To address this problem and most others, black people should ignore the liberal agenda. If the authorities will not/are not allowed to do their job of creating a safe environment then black people tired of living in fear should take the initiative.
One example comes to mind. In 1988, at the request of residents, black Muslims began to patrol Mayfair Mansions, a drug-infested, gang-ridden, unsafe Washington, D.C. housing project.
The gangs and drug lords left. The Nation of Islam sentinels were not deterred by the wishes of politicians and the American Civil Liberties Union who called them “anti-Semitic”, a “hate group” and “extremists”. They didn’t feel obliged to give kid glove treatment to criminals or pander to the likes of the ADL and ACLU.
Sure they blamed “whitey” and “systemic racism” for the drug and violence problem in their community to their followers, but the cities were cleaned up and the scum were pushed into the gutter.
Black residents of crime-infested neighborhoods should set up patrols, armed if necessary, to challenge thugs, gangs, drug dealers and other miscreants and make black neighborhoods safe and as respectable (as possible). No one should have to live in daily fear for his life and safety.
And although I truly hope for my country’s sake that blacks will do better in the decades to come, I have little expectation they will. These people simply can not thrive in a society that rewards merit and hard work.
To be honest, at this juncture I’d prefer they just allow us to live apart from these horrific people so we can get on with our lives as far away as possible from them.
Let the kangz and kweenz kill each other in their own regions. I’m done with them.
End article.

……My comment (JdN)

The real issue is not even race. It is the psychopaths who exist in all races (5% among the whites and more among the other races) who naturally join with the jews, a whole race of psychopaths, to destroy all of us.
Handsome white man Ted Bundy raped and killed over thirty pretty white women, even having sex with their corpses.
He faked being injured and walking on crutches to get the sympathy of nursing students, got them into his car — and then hit them with a ball-peen hammer.
So the goal is NOT merely “white rule” — not when so many whites today are judaized, degenerate scum!!!!
The goal is an enlightened white supremacy:
1) large, contiguous, pure-white areas of North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and
2) white-ruled areas for
a) other races to live in their own ethnic purity, or
b) racially mixed sections

We will not expel anyone of any race who cooperates fully with us for

1) white victory and

2) for a firm, just new social order — under white rule — for all men and women of every race.

This has been my firm position since 2014.
White separatism? No! Why should we give up any of our lands?
But as my black friend Jim said to me in 2014:

“I don’t want any black rule. I don’t trust most black people!

I like white people….

but what I have seen in my lifetime is this — the downfall of the white race.”

I did this powerful, short video in Jim’s house, after four liberal white landlords threw us “racists” on the street.

Especially important blogs




A comrade on VK Messenger wrote me:

Thank You for the friending and work that you have tireless done for us. I am indebted on a level that I cannot accurately describe in any language !

JdN: Wow, thanks! 😊


  1. We have the same “White privilege” crap spouted by gimmegrants and lefturds in the UK. So, where and what is my “White privilege”? Let a black tell me, JdN. Today I received an email from the electoral commission in Britain stating they would remove the words” Defending British values, culture, history” from our Party registration. The email was sent by a Michaela Opuko.

    So where’s my white privilege ? Or freedom of speech? The slaves are taking over via the emancipation act.

  2. I just realized something – the unidentified man sitting to Joe Biden’s left in this old video from 2015 is Alejandro Mayorkas, the Cuban-born Jew lawyer who is now Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security. Note how pleased the Jew Mayorkas is by puppet Biden’s anti-white remarks:




      • One day I hope I can contribute. Your doing super-human work on donations, its amazing. I know all this IT stuff is nothing but a pain in the ass. You say no one looked at your videos, actually that short sentence was poetic in itself. Just goes to show you how true creativity isn’t appreciated. You need to search for it as you grow as a man, and you slowly discover people you admire. But god-damnit-man you should do one video per day and stick it in every blog post.

        I watched you video with brian ruhe and renegadetribune, a lot of dots fell into place.


  3. I don’t give a fat rats ass how anyone tries to justify this! It’s a HATE crime against a small, defenseless white child by two openly racist and destructive black ape swine! I hope they rot in prison!

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